WOW!.... my favourites didn't fail me tonite!!...they were goooo-oOOd!.... But i'm sceptical as to why Candice withdraw at this stage of the game?!'s like freaky shit you!....tat spot could have been given to Nana or Shirin rite?!..... there's soooo many others who are after this but you juz had to withdraw at the last minute?!.... alamak!!!.... really irritating!!!....
The ups! - Leandra..though it is a boring song, the performance ain't tat boring, girl!.. still love your voice, your style and tat funny way you smile! Taufik.. will support you all the way, boy!... love the different way you've sang the song.. beautiful..made my hair stand. in a good way, of coz!!... Jassea.. still had tat powerful voice in tact!.... tat's juz the way she is and i love it!... the only thing i DON'T like is the hair-style!...does the hair-stylist know what he/she is doing?!...halloo!!...she's oredi a long-faced girl..u make her hair "stand" like tat, lagi "long-faced"!... even she subtly asked Ken if it's "da' HAIR"!
The impressive! - Olinda.. i went "WOWWEE!!"... best performance of the nite i must say... and her fabulous transformation by showing a bit of her cleavage and using more shapely suit.. nice.. Sylvester.. bery, bery different...really did "connect" with the audience... but i hope it's not juz for a nite!... Jerry.. i'm impressed really, juz bcoz he really did manage to lose that constipated voice of his!... but he still isn't the best, of course!...
The laffs! - David.. sang "Truly" by Lionel Richie...and he truly made me laff!!.... he's soooo ah-beng...and the way he answered the question by Ken, reminded me sooo much of Ms CB!... ahhahahaa... but in a less irritating way, of course!!.... he's still quite good, or at least, better than before!!....
The disappointments! - Beverly.. ain't tat impressive afterall!!... she were, maybe too confident pulling tat song off...but the going up and down, were really a downfall!! Christopher.. errrr..wat was tat u're singing?...definitely couldn't pull it made me shudder when i heard ya; made me think tat you forgot your lyrics or something!!... Daphne.. is your eyes getting smaller or something??... couldn't see them at all!...but really, girl, no confidence in your performance.. u can't pull off a "dance" song..u went breathless everytime you start to "shake"!... Maia.. nearly forgot who i've forgotten in this list of idols.. but yeah..ur performance was forgettable..not sure why the judges seemed to like it though.. not a dynamic performance and you definitely can't pull it off coz i went *yawn! yawn!*...
The bottomline! - though my favourites did well, but it beats watching American Idol.. not sure if you guys notice it but when i watch AI, i really felt impressed.. they all inject a different feel to the song and most of the time, i prefer their version than the original..but with SI, errrrr... no feel at all.... no hap that kind of "longing, idolising, hair-standing" feeling which I get for Clay or Fantasia!... how eh??...
The Judges! - wat a disappointing set of judges!...really... today it was all clearer.. Dick.. though is the best amg the judges, he does make disappointing comments at times like tonite, he said something abt Taufik not having that "rock" quality in the wat's tat for??... u guys kept saying to bring out their own personality and originality..and when someone does it, you dun like it, you say something like tat!... Florence.. is juz another tape recorder for Dick Lee...if you didn't catch wat he said earlier, juz wait for her comments, it's the SAME!'s like "I agree with Dick" (btw, tat sentence always put a smile to my face coz it juz sound vulgar!..hahha) abt 80% of the time!!... dun u have a brain of your own, under that big pile of hair?!... Douglas.. is he there to juz "criticise"?...tat's what he's been doing!!... nothing good comes out of his mouth and it's NOT constructive at all!!... no matter how good tat person is, there's always a negative edge in the sentence and tat sunglasses ain't helping!!... your sincerity lies in your eyes, D!.. Ken.. i dunno mann...still dun like tat smile/smirk?..tat uncharacteristic comments.. i think he's in conflict with one time, he'll give negative cmnts esp if the rest of the judges give good cmnts and at another, he'll be soooo sweet and nice if the cmnts given byt the rest are bad... hah! on second tot, maybe he's an attention grabber!!... blegh!
Bottom 3 - my picks.. Christopher, Jerry and Daphne but I think it'd be Beverly, Maia and Daphne.. ooooh...this is a very lengthy entry indeed!...but i juz had to write it to update Izy who's there in Dubai..hahhaha..yeah! yeah! excuses...but juz had to say it lah!...
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Had a meeting with a HR personnel and i think this person has been hit by the "I dunno" syndrome! hello!!...u're supposed to know most of the stuff!!...even if it's NOT your unit doing the job, i think you, as a HR personnel should be knowledgeable in all policies, systems, procedures that's happening within the dept, rite?!....
And then, to top it off, our Ms Jubo, butts in like nobody's business!... errrrr... who asked for your opinions??...... and there's no need to do that lil dance you did when tat ring tone was on!.... ain't cute at all!!... ooooh!...and then there's talk abt duplication of work and all...hahahaha... jubo and the gang should really feel threaten coz they're a duplication of wat our HR is doing!... so my advise - suck up to the "big boss" big time, coz you've got abt 2wks only to get your butt on that second layer of the ladder!.. if not.... i truly pray that i'll get to say "sayonara" to ya!...
And pls eh.....dun cover for your staff.... a conversation after lunch....
EL to Jubo*: where's Taik*?
Jubo: I think she's not back yet... she may be buying some stuff. She told me she's buying somethings...
Like hello!!....ppl are oredi starting to work oredi!'s 20mins past lunchtime!..if you do tat once in a while, tat's fine lor...but if you always do it and ppl oredi start noticing it, it's annoying!! And it doesn't help if the supervisor is in cahoots or covering for you!.....blardy arses!
*names have been replaced with names that they are affectionately called within ourselves...
I've got this big, red patch of rashes on my neck!...aaaaah!!...juz noticed it this morning!....i tot it was juz a red patch!...but when i decide to remove my necklace and touch it!'s rashes!!....darn!!!...... once i touch it, it'll itch for a while! DAMN! DAMN! DAMN!....wat do i do?!'s ugly and itchy!!
Had a meeting with a HR personnel and i think this person has been hit by the "I dunno" syndrome! hello!!...u're supposed to know most of the stuff!!...even if it's NOT your unit doing the job, i think you, as a HR personnel should be knowledgeable in all policies, systems, procedures that's happening within the dept, rite?!....
And then, to top it off, our Ms Jubo, butts in like nobody's business!... errrrr... who asked for your opinions??...... and there's no need to do that lil dance you did when tat ring tone was on!.... ain't cute at all!!... ooooh!...and then there's talk abt duplication of work and all...hahahaha... jubo and the gang should really feel threaten coz they're a duplication of wat our HR is doing!... so my advise - suck up to the "big boss" big time, coz you've got abt 2wks only to get your butt on that second layer of the ladder!.. if not.... i truly pray that i'll get to say "sayonara" to ya!...
And pls eh.....dun cover for your staff.... a conversation after lunch....
EL to Jubo*: where's Taik*?
Jubo: I think she's not back yet... she may be buying some stuff. She told me she's buying somethings...
Like hello!!....ppl are oredi starting to work oredi!'s 20mins past lunchtime!..if you do tat once in a while, tat's fine lor...but if you always do it and ppl oredi start noticing it, it's annoying!! And it doesn't help if the supervisor is in cahoots or covering for you!.....blardy arses!
*names have been replaced with names that they are affectionately called within ourselves...
I've got this big, red patch of rashes on my neck!...aaaaah!!...juz noticed it this morning!....i tot it was juz a red patch!...but when i decide to remove my necklace and touch it!'s rashes!!....darn!!!...... once i touch it, it'll itch for a while! DAMN! DAMN! DAMN!....wat do i do?!'s ugly and itchy!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
YES!!...The second season of America's Next Top Model aired last nite with a whole load of bitchy girls and being abt a few of them who are not really pretty!....let me see.....
1. jenascia looked like she juz had a face lift or at least an brow lift before the show coz she looked damn "shocked" everytime!.... or maybe her eyes' too big?....
2. mercedes - wat kind of a name is tat?!.....errrrr.... she ain't pretty and that name!.....damn!!
3. shandi, the geek....she looked sooooo damn awful on the runway!.... but sooooo damn kick-ass gorgeous in her photo-shoot!...... but i juz dun see how she got in if she don't have da' confidence in the first place!.... and plsssss take away da' glasses!!...need new ones babe!....
4. bethany is juz boobs, no brains, and a BLONDE!....
5. camille, the reigning Miss this and that!.... she should have just joined another pageant or something!....she's got this nose up soooo high, any higher, she should shove it up Tyra's ass!... to keep it in check...
6. yoanna looked sooooo skeletal with that protruding cheekbones of hers but she looked sooooo friggin pretty on her photoshoot!....
7. april is one freakin, ungrateful bitch!.... she could have woken jenascia up and took a cab down together!.... it'll only take 15 mins for her to get ready as if you girls bathe in the first place!...hah!.... woke up at 0510 and be ready by 0600?... 12 roomful of girls, with how many no. of bathrooms??....errrrrr.....
8. xiomara who??...... she stands out for her unique name but who again??........ *if you know wat i mean!*
9. anna, the mommy...not sure why she entered in the first place!.....what does she think this whole thing is? a pageant for the mommies?!..... alamak!...this is a modeling contract for goodness sake!.... of course you may need to get naked!...
10. heather the a-bit-on-the-wider-side-with-a-tad-too-small-for-her-size-boobs; typical american high-school girl...wat more can I say?...
11. catie looked like a hollywood actress whom I can't remember her name...but yeah.. tat's it - a forgettable face!...
12. sara, my favourite, exotic-looking face.....pretty on-off make-up.... lovely...
so there u have it, the rundown of the top 12 in the running of America's next top model.... oooops!... top 11 since Anna's out!... happy watching even if you know the results, watch it for it's bitchin'.....
YES!!...The second season of America's Next Top Model aired last nite with a whole load of bitchy girls and being abt a few of them who are not really pretty!....let me see.....
1. jenascia looked like she juz had a face lift or at least an brow lift before the show coz she looked damn "shocked" everytime!.... or maybe her eyes' too big?....
2. mercedes - wat kind of a name is tat?!.....errrrr.... she ain't pretty and that name!.....damn!!
3. shandi, the geek....she looked sooooo damn awful on the runway!.... but sooooo damn kick-ass gorgeous in her photo-shoot!...... but i juz dun see how she got in if she don't have da' confidence in the first place!.... and plsssss take away da' glasses!!...need new ones babe!....
4. bethany is juz boobs, no brains, and a BLONDE!....
5. camille, the reigning Miss this and that!.... she should have just joined another pageant or something!....she's got this nose up soooo high, any higher, she should shove it up Tyra's ass!... to keep it in check...
6. yoanna looked sooooo skeletal with that protruding cheekbones of hers but she looked sooooo friggin pretty on her photoshoot!....
7. april is one freakin, ungrateful bitch!.... she could have woken jenascia up and took a cab down together!.... it'll only take 15 mins for her to get ready as if you girls bathe in the first place!...hah!.... woke up at 0510 and be ready by 0600?... 12 roomful of girls, with how many no. of bathrooms??....errrrrr.....
8. xiomara who??...... she stands out for her unique name but who again??........ *if you know wat i mean!*
9. anna, the mommy...not sure why she entered in the first place!.....what does she think this whole thing is? a pageant for the mommies?!..... alamak!...this is a modeling contract for goodness sake!.... of course you may need to get naked!...
10. heather the a-bit-on-the-wider-side-with-a-tad-too-small-for-her-size-boobs; typical american high-school girl...wat more can I say?...
11. catie looked like a hollywood actress whom I can't remember her name...but yeah.. tat's it - a forgettable face!...
12. sara, my favourite, exotic-looking face.....pretty on-off make-up.... lovely...
so there u have it, the rundown of the top 12 in the running of America's next top model.... oooops!... top 11 since Anna's out!... happy watching even if you know the results, watch it for it's bitchin'.....
Monday, September 27, 2004
Haaaaa....Izy's leaving on a jetplane to Emirates tonite!.....and i'll be alone in the office again..with no one to email to and yak..... *sob!sob!*....
How I wish I am also going off on a holiday somewhere....stay out under the sun, enjoy the beach, relax with a romantic novel on hand and enjoy a romantic candle-lit dinner, under the stars, with dearie..... aaaah...... Maldives....
While talking with Yani, times at Australia just suddenly flooded my mind....remember Yana, our 5wks stunt there??...... the carefree, independent days in my family, no dearie. no frenz... juz the "Aussie girls" (as I like to call ourselves), a bunch of others and 2 great lecturers who made life there bearable and FUN!
Looking back, I cannot imagine me, waking up early in the morning to cook lunch for both me and Yana, preparing breakfast and coming back, having to cook dinner!..... those were the matter how tiring and emotionally-drained (missing our bfs), we learnt to be independant and be strong.... loving it! .... every moment of it (or *NOT* coz there was this time when Yana, suddenly decided to get "bored" of me and completely ignored me for a while..)..oh well!....
I'm now thinking of having Fried Fish Tom Yum soup from Parkway Banquet!....gosh!!'s such a cold and wet day.....
Haaaaa....Izy's leaving on a jetplane to Emirates tonite!.....and i'll be alone in the office again..with no one to email to and yak..... *sob!sob!*....
How I wish I am also going off on a holiday somewhere....stay out under the sun, enjoy the beach, relax with a romantic novel on hand and enjoy a romantic candle-lit dinner, under the stars, with dearie..... aaaah...... Maldives....
While talking with Yani, times at Australia just suddenly flooded my mind....remember Yana, our 5wks stunt there??...... the carefree, independent days in my family, no dearie. no frenz... juz the "Aussie girls" (as I like to call ourselves), a bunch of others and 2 great lecturers who made life there bearable and FUN!
Looking back, I cannot imagine me, waking up early in the morning to cook lunch for both me and Yana, preparing breakfast and coming back, having to cook dinner!..... those were the matter how tiring and emotionally-drained (missing our bfs), we learnt to be independant and be strong.... loving it! .... every moment of it (or *NOT* coz there was this time when Yana, suddenly decided to get "bored" of me and completely ignored me for a while..)..oh well!....
I'm now thinking of having Fried Fish Tom Yum soup from Parkway Banquet!....gosh!!'s such a cold and wet day.....
has juz past and gone in a wink! time really flies when you're having fun aye?!....had such a freakin great weekend with dearie on's been such a while since we ever got round doing the things we did when we first started out....aaaaaah.....the wonders of dating and being in love..... love you, darling....
Weeeee!!! last..the news that i'm waiting for....will most likely be announced soooon *i hope* tat we'll be on a 5D work wk!! yippeeee!!..... after tat "clash" during our last departmental meeting, at last, the boss have decided to implement it and is "working somethin out".... juz received this goood news abt 5mins, will cross fingers and hope that the news will out sooooon!..
has juz past and gone in a wink! time really flies when you're having fun aye?!....had such a freakin great weekend with dearie on's been such a while since we ever got round doing the things we did when we first started out....aaaaaah.....the wonders of dating and being in love..... love you, darling....
Weeeee!!! last..the news that i'm waiting for....will most likely be announced soooon *i hope* tat we'll be on a 5D work wk!! yippeeee!!..... after tat "clash" during our last departmental meeting, at last, the boss have decided to implement it and is "working somethin out".... juz received this goood news abt 5mins, will cross fingers and hope that the news will out sooooon!..
Thursday, September 23, 2004
LOVE QUOTE more than three words mumbled before bedtime. Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day.
Aaaaah......the guys shld read this book!....
Awwwww..........lovely!!..... A-Xin, as's to you and DaBastard! ;D .
The finale was yesterday and boy was badly disappointed when Chip and Kim won it!...I dunno why but they were such villains yesterday!...i feel like giving Chip a smack in his bald head for doing wateva he did!!.... I know it is a game and played well - no doubt! But hell i exist thru my emotions and what he did is intolerable!!......and Kim... urrrrgh!...u're soooo fulll of eviiiil tots..i'm sure Chip wouldn't think of doing those things if you're not invoking those tots into him!
But the best team of all would be the BOWLING MOMS!!....You're soooo good though the other is whiny!....but you're soooo good!!...put up such a fight till the end!....sooooo proud of you foine ladies!... ;)
Aaaaah......the guys shld read this book!....
With the power vested in me, I now pronounce DaBitch and DaBastard, husband and wife.... you may fly kisses to the bride....
Awwwww..........lovely!!..... A-Xin, as's to you and DaBastard! ;D .
The finale was yesterday and boy was badly disappointed when Chip and Kim won it!...I dunno why but they were such villains yesterday!...i feel like giving Chip a smack in his bald head for doing wateva he did!!.... I know it is a game and played well - no doubt! But hell i exist thru my emotions and what he did is intolerable!!......and Kim... urrrrgh!...u're soooo fulll of eviiiil tots..i'm sure Chip wouldn't think of doing those things if you're not invoking those tots into him!
But the best team of all would be the BOWLING MOMS!!....You're soooo good though the other is whiny!....but you're soooo good!!...put up such a fight till the end!....sooooo proud of you foine ladies!... ;)
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
I'm reading Nicholas Sparks' The Wedding....aaaaah...such a beautiful story!!....i'm only at it's fourth chapter but hell it's sooooo beatifully written that it makes me went "awwwww"....... all the way, by the way...
i think i shld collect all the movie titles too!!...i've not watched A Walk to Remember and The Notebook...will buy it's DVD later!.... ;)
Another baby is born!!.....Murni's lil' girl was delivered last nite safely via C-section as well!...haiz...she and her "twin" sis (RosmAman) had the same problem!!!..... hahahhaa... not sure if I can go today..but will try, k Noorlin??.... hehhehee.... but can't wait to see tis baby girl!...confirm bery-bery big one!!..... ;)
I'm reading Nicholas Sparks' The Wedding....aaaaah...such a beautiful story!!....i'm only at it's fourth chapter but hell it's sooooo beatifully written that it makes me went "awwwww"....... all the way, by the way...
i think i shld collect all the movie titles too!!...i've not watched A Walk to Remember and The Notebook...will buy it's DVD later!.... ;)
Another baby is born!!.....Murni's lil' girl was delivered last nite safely via C-section as well!...haiz...she and her "twin" sis (RosmAman) had the same problem!!!..... hahahhaa... not sure if I can go today..but will try, k Noorlin??.... hehhehee.... but can't wait to see tis baby girl!...confirm bery-bery big one!!..... ;)
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Oh YIPPEE!!....20 more mins to go.....oh!!...the trainer is oh-so-whiny!! that shrieky, shrilly, high-pitched voice of hers she goes " now you go here lah..." "after this you can go makan oredi".....blah...blah...blah.....
Thank god for eMessenger, my two friends - Izy and A-Xin kept me entertained!.....though Izy went missing half the day!....wonder where she went?...but anyways, we've got a few "uncles" here who are extremely corny!...corny to the max; to the point of irritation!!.....i can't be bothered no more!....tml's another day....half day at that....woooopeee!!....can't wait for this to end!....
going back now...till tml i shall come.....
Oh YIPPEE!!....20 more mins to go.....oh!!...the trainer is oh-so-whiny!! that shrieky, shrilly, high-pitched voice of hers she goes " now you go here lah..." "after this you can go makan oredi".....blah...blah...blah.....
Thank god for eMessenger, my two friends - Izy and A-Xin kept me entertained!.....though Izy went missing half the day!....wonder where she went?...but anyways, we've got a few "uncles" here who are extremely corny!...corny to the max; to the point of irritation!!.....i can't be bothered no more!....tml's another day....half day at that....woooopeee!!....can't wait for this to end!....
going back now...till tml i shall come.....
Lunch was P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C!......i had teochew porridge ONLY!!...soooo very sad!!..... all the food was gone by the time we went for lunch coz it was raining and the canteen didn't expect a lot of ppl coming in!!.....aaaarrrgghh!!.....luckily, met dearie's auntie who was kind enuff to give me chendol though i don't eat chendol but i ate it anyway coz i need more sugar today to withstand this cold, cold room and the ever nonsensical Ms Cibai Brains!....
Waiting to get out of here so that i can go meet the girls and have nice dinner!'s freezing!!.......
Lunch was P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C!......i had teochew porridge ONLY!!...soooo very sad!!..... all the food was gone by the time we went for lunch coz it was raining and the canteen didn't expect a lot of ppl coming in!!.....aaaarrrgghh!!.....luckily, met dearie's auntie who was kind enuff to give me chendol though i don't eat chendol but i ate it anyway coz i need more sugar today to withstand this cold, cold room and the ever nonsensical Ms Cibai Brains!....
Waiting to get out of here so that i can go meet the girls and have nice dinner!'s freezing!!.......
Monday, September 20, 2004
Both Fahma and Weileen celebrated their birthday this's Leen's bday today and so we thought we might as well celebrated Fahma's bday together since it's only 2 days away!.... And so, we held a surprise bday "party" for them!.....and so, the pictures show....
May you be blessed with happiness and prosperity and may good luck come your way everyday...
Both Fahma and Weileen celebrated their birthday this's Leen's bday today and so we thought we might as well celebrated Fahma's bday together since it's only 2 days away!.... And so, we held a surprise bday "party" for them!.....and so, the pictures show....
May you be blessed with happiness and prosperity and may good luck come your way everyday...
aaaah!!......such a beautiful decor for a beautiful couple! the decor, love the food, love the dresses!..... BUT then hor, dun like the program!!....alamak!!.... it's bad enuff that i have to sit away from my other colleagues (or you may call them my kakis), I have to sit next to someone who juz can't stop talking abt oneself!..... so, i have to entertain this person's relentless chatter and be stuck dining with other ppl that i dun know!!.... and the program dun help with 2 very boring, "by the script" emcees....... errrrrr...... but the experience help for me to plan my wedding properly lah.... ;)
Whatever it is, still manage to take a few pictures...
aaaah!!......such a beautiful decor for a beautiful couple! the decor, love the food, love the dresses!..... BUT then hor, dun like the program!!....alamak!!.... it's bad enuff that i have to sit away from my other colleagues (or you may call them my kakis), I have to sit next to someone who juz can't stop talking abt oneself!..... so, i have to entertain this person's relentless chatter and be stuck dining with other ppl that i dun know!!.... and the program dun help with 2 very boring, "by the script" emcees....... errrrrr...... but the experience help for me to plan my wedding properly lah.... ;)
Whatever it is, still manage to take a few pictures...
Friday, September 17, 2004
I can't say I'm impressed with the goings of Survivor today...though i MUST say, that I'll be glued to the TV as long as John Kenney, the cutest guy of all (the model) stays!...... AAAAAHHH!!....he's so0ooooo DARN gooood-lookin' that i almost completely forgot how eeekily gay-lookin he was on pictures! And then, the guys had to take the young guy out soooo early?.... haven't these guys watched Survivor before?... it's all TEAM work in the beginning! look at the no. of young ones vs old ones in the guys tribe?!.....ain't u guys cocky and confident?!!.....I think the girls are going to kick some butts!.... DEFINITO!
I think I've said this before in my previous entry a few months ago.... but i have to say it again! - OOOWWWWW!!!...... today's facial session is sooooo painful!.... she literally dug into my skin and pinched all over my face!!..... *ouch! ouch! ouch!*... and now, i'm paying for it!....i've got red dots all over my face and i'm going to a wedding like in less than 2 days!....booo-hoo!!.... i hope it'll go away tml!!...plsssss....plssss....go away....
I can't say I'm impressed with the goings of Survivor today...though i MUST say, that I'll be glued to the TV as long as John Kenney, the cutest guy of all (the model) stays!...... AAAAAHHH!!....he's so0ooooo DARN gooood-lookin' that i almost completely forgot how eeekily gay-lookin he was on pictures! And then, the guys had to take the young guy out soooo early?.... haven't these guys watched Survivor before?... it's all TEAM work in the beginning! look at the no. of young ones vs old ones in the guys tribe?!.....ain't u guys cocky and confident?!!.....I think the girls are going to kick some butts!.... DEFINITO!
I think I've said this before in my previous entry a few months ago.... but i have to say it again! - OOOWWWWW!!!...... today's facial session is sooooo painful!.... she literally dug into my skin and pinched all over my face!!..... *ouch! ouch! ouch!*... and now, i'm paying for it!....i've got red dots all over my face and i'm going to a wedding like in less than 2 days!....booo-hoo!!.... i hope it'll go away tml!!...plsssss....plssss....go away....

The results are in and we've got the top 12 contestant (instead of the former 10 that I first heard!).....blegh....u know...i don't think they should make Beverly go's obvious that Singapore don't think "much" of her!...2 wks straight?!....errrrm..... she's not much of a favourite though i must say - she has powerful lungs...but she ain't nice when she's excited!!
And the nation voted for Sylvester.....aaaaah...Sylvester...i didn't see his performance but hmmm...from the looks of it, the judges seemed to think he's a good choice...blah...blah... but why is it that i feel that Taufik had done a better job but the judges still isn't impressed?.....yeah Ken - ...Sylvester's "special" because he can't smile! (?? like you!) but he ain't got the charm like Taufik does!!......soooooo very DUUUUH!.... u don't even freakin know that you actually contradicted yourself last week when you said that the song worked for his voice...when all the time, you've been asking the contestants to "choose the right song".....
Whatever it is, this lot seemed "promising" enuff! least my favourite 3 whom I've supported since day 1, is IN!!....yippee!!!.......Now, I wonder who they'll bring in for guest judges now...
If you're ever thinking of watching this because you think it's pretty slapstick, think and dearie were bored half of the time!brrrr....brrrr....there were pretty funny moments in the show but it's pretty zzzzzzzzzz *yawn!* all the way's NOT wat you'd expect from a Ben Stiller movie!...
WHY oh WHY, do we always watch the wrong movies?!!......i think i'll leave it to you guys to recommend me one before we ever go to watch anymore movies!!.....brrrr....brrr!!....dearie wanna watch White Chicks.....once it's out, and anyone has watched it, pls let me know if it's worth the $$!!......
The results are in and we've got the top 12 contestant (instead of the former 10 that I first heard!).....blegh....u know...i don't think they should make Beverly go's obvious that Singapore don't think "much" of her!...2 wks straight?!....errrrm..... she's not much of a favourite though i must say - she has powerful lungs...but she ain't nice when she's excited!!
And the nation voted for Sylvester.....aaaaah...Sylvester...i didn't see his performance but hmmm...from the looks of it, the judges seemed to think he's a good choice...blah...blah... but why is it that i feel that Taufik had done a better job but the judges still isn't impressed?.....yeah Ken - ...Sylvester's "special" because he can't smile! (?? like you!) but he ain't got the charm like Taufik does!!......soooooo very DUUUUH!.... u don't even freakin know that you actually contradicted yourself last week when you said that the song worked for his voice...when all the time, you've been asking the contestants to "choose the right song".....
Whatever it is, this lot seemed "promising" enuff! least my favourite 3 whom I've supported since day 1, is IN!!....yippee!!!.......Now, I wonder who they'll bring in for guest judges now...
If you're ever thinking of watching this because you think it's pretty slapstick, think and dearie were bored half of the time!brrrr....brrrr....there were pretty funny moments in the show but it's pretty zzzzzzzzzz *yawn!* all the way's NOT wat you'd expect from a Ben Stiller movie!...
WHY oh WHY, do we always watch the wrong movies?!!......i think i'll leave it to you guys to recommend me one before we ever go to watch anymore movies!!.....brrrr....brrr!!....dearie wanna watch White Chicks.....once it's out, and anyone has watched it, pls let me know if it's worth the $$!!......
Thursday, September 16, 2004
AaaaaH! last!...Baby Syaza got to sleep on the proper bed and Aman got to sleep on the bed with his wife!....all thanks to us!...hahahhahaa.... we decided to buy a playpen for lil Syaza!... got the info from Mama Rosma and got what she had always wanted!! yippee!!.... ;)

It's actually pretty kewl - a bed and a rocker if you want to lull the baby into sleep!....gooooodie!...i'd be buying this for my kid later!'s sooo much more practical than buying a baby cot!....

Niways, baby Syaza is sooooo cute!...she def looked different from the first time we met her!.....BOY!...can a baby "change" a bit in juz 5 days!...
It's getting a bit worrying. Listened to the radio and was informed abt how there were 5 deaths at the MRT rail-track within 2 months!.....errrrmm...that's a bit crazy isn't it??..was talking to dad earlier and he was soooo sure it's suicide... hmmmm...really, meh??..... if it's really suicide, don't you think that slitting your wrists and bleeding to death, is sooo much more better. Coz at least all your body parts are intact and you won't look that hideous on your funeral!.... Imagine the anguish your family have to go through, looking at your mashed face and body should you choose to commit suicide the "ugly" way..... oh well!!...i juz hope the relevant authorities will look into this matter and solve the "mystery" of these "fallen cases"....
AaaaaH! last!...Baby Syaza got to sleep on the proper bed and Aman got to sleep on the bed with his wife!....all thanks to us!...hahahhahaa.... we decided to buy a playpen for lil Syaza!... got the info from Mama Rosma and got what she had always wanted!! yippee!!.... ;)
It's actually pretty kewl - a bed and a rocker if you want to lull the baby into sleep!....gooooodie!...i'd be buying this for my kid later!'s sooo much more practical than buying a baby cot!....
Niways, baby Syaza is sooooo cute!...she def looked different from the first time we met her!.....BOY!...can a baby "change" a bit in juz 5 days!...
It's getting a bit worrying. Listened to the radio and was informed abt how there were 5 deaths at the MRT rail-track within 2 months!.....errrrmm...that's a bit crazy isn't it??..was talking to dad earlier and he was soooo sure it's suicide... hmmmm...really, meh??..... if it's really suicide, don't you think that slitting your wrists and bleeding to death, is sooo much more better. Coz at least all your body parts are intact and you won't look that hideous on your funeral!.... Imagine the anguish your family have to go through, looking at your mashed face and body should you choose to commit suicide the "ugly" way..... oh well!!...i juz hope the relevant authorities will look into this matter and solve the "mystery" of these "fallen cases"....
Wednesday, September 15, 2004

WOW!!...was shopping around for a gift for Mama Rosma when we saw this!!.....hahahhaha....It's pretty amazing, really!.....if you breast-feed, you can rest your arms on this thing...haaaaa...the wonders of creativity!!! ;) but then hor, tell stuff - crib, cot, specially-designed bag, etc, etc.... are all freakin expensive!! to have babies like tat?!....alamak!!.......
I've got a wedding to go to this Sunday....a lunch banquet....but i dunno WAT TO WEAR?!!....alamak!!......can't decide yet......brrrr....brrrr....... need to buy prezzie too!.... WAT TO BUY?!!!.....
WOW!!...was shopping around for a gift for Mama Rosma when we saw this!!.....hahahhaha....It's pretty amazing, really!.....if you breast-feed, you can rest your arms on this thing...haaaaa...the wonders of creativity!!! ;) but then hor, tell stuff - crib, cot, specially-designed bag, etc, etc.... are all freakin expensive!! to have babies like tat?!....alamak!!.......
I've got a wedding to go to this Sunday....a lunch banquet....but i dunno WAT TO WEAR?!!....alamak!!......can't decide yet......brrrr....brrrr....... need to buy prezzie too!.... WAT TO BUY?!!!.....
Monday, September 13, 2004
Saturday, September 11, 2004
RosmAman had at last given birth to a healthy baby girl!... for now, i'm calling her lil' Ms Snow White coz she's not given a name as yet... But she's soooo fair...sooo white and red!.... definitely took Aman's chromosomes in that area!...hahahhaa.... this baby a tad too early because it's too active inside!! kept kicking the momma that it actually burst the water bag!!.... after bursting it, she still didn't wanna come out. She was still playing and kicking around.. her momma didn't even get any contractions! and that's y Mama Rosma had to go thru C-section!...alamak, si lil Ms Snow White nie, soooo nakal!... ;D
Looking at them, gives me such a warm tingly i wanna have a baby myself!! hahahhaa.... oh well..... we shall wait.... mentally, i'm not prepared....but i do have to take these in mind:
1. should consider having sex while being pregnant. As advised by Gems, this could help in opening up your cervix later...errrrmmm..... this would have to be seriously given a loadful of thoughts...coz i doubt i can go thru it...let along dearie!!.... *ouch! ouch!*
2. Never wear your contact lens when you're nearly bursting oredi (juz in case you forgot to bring it along when you're warded and all)
3. If you've wetted your panties, like real bad, pls go see a doctor ASAP!....
RosmAman had at last given birth to a healthy baby girl!... for now, i'm calling her lil' Ms Snow White coz she's not given a name as yet... But she's soooo fair...sooo white and red!.... definitely took Aman's chromosomes in that area!...hahahhaa.... this baby a tad too early because it's too active inside!! kept kicking the momma that it actually burst the water bag!!.... after bursting it, she still didn't wanna come out. She was still playing and kicking around.. her momma didn't even get any contractions! and that's y Mama Rosma had to go thru C-section!...alamak, si lil Ms Snow White nie, soooo nakal!... ;D
Looking at them, gives me such a warm tingly i wanna have a baby myself!! hahahhaa.... oh well..... we shall wait.... mentally, i'm not prepared....but i do have to take these in mind:
1. should consider having sex while being pregnant. As advised by Gems, this could help in opening up your cervix later...errrrmmm..... this would have to be seriously given a loadful of thoughts...coz i doubt i can go thru it...let along dearie!!.... *ouch! ouch!*
2. Never wear your contact lens when you're nearly bursting oredi (juz in case you forgot to bring it along when you're warded and all)
3. If you've wetted your panties, like real bad, pls go see a doctor ASAP!....
Friday, September 10, 2004
I'm still not over how exciting the day had been so far!!....RosmAman was leaking water-and she didn't even know it!...Her baby's unexpectedly due today!!....I'm now pretty excited, waiting for her good news of her delivery!... :D she's still in hospital..if her contractions aren't frequent, she should be in drip rite abt the meantime, here's a few shots to capture those last minute moments before her new chapter of her life begins....
I hope I can be there tml if she's given birth tonite!!
Another "exciting" outcome of the SI tonite!!....As expected, Leandra would be in and unexpectedly, TAUFIK is in too!!...woooohoooo!!...both father and daughter were screaming and standing up, applauding him!!....we're both soooo freakin happy and delirious bcoz he got in to the top 10 or 11??....wateva!!....but at least my 50cents didn't go to waste!!..hehhehe... i'd like to think that my one and only vote count, affected the decision!...hehehehe.... *yeah! rite!*...but the biggest disappointment is definitely Jerry! JERRY?!...for goodness sake, his voice is really like someone constipating!....he frowned when he sings and it was too painful to hear and watch him sing!!.....but the highlight of the nite would have to be the wildcards choices!.... My favourite - Haizad's in again! girls, it's another nite of drooling!...... ermmm...maybe this time round, i'll lower down the volume??... ;)
I'm still not over how exciting the day had been so far!!....RosmAman was leaking water-and she didn't even know it!...Her baby's unexpectedly due today!!....I'm now pretty excited, waiting for her good news of her delivery!... :D she's still in hospital..if her contractions aren't frequent, she should be in drip rite abt the meantime, here's a few shots to capture those last minute moments before her new chapter of her life begins....
I hope I can be there tml if she's given birth tonite!!
Another "exciting" outcome of the SI tonite!!....As expected, Leandra would be in and unexpectedly, TAUFIK is in too!!...woooohoooo!!...both father and daughter were screaming and standing up, applauding him!!....we're both soooo freakin happy and delirious bcoz he got in to the top 10 or 11??....wateva!!....but at least my 50cents didn't go to waste!!..hehhehe... i'd like to think that my one and only vote count, affected the decision!...hehehehe.... *yeah! rite!*...but the biggest disappointment is definitely Jerry! JERRY?!...for goodness sake, his voice is really like someone constipating!....he frowned when he sings and it was too painful to hear and watch him sing!!.....but the highlight of the nite would have to be the wildcards choices!.... My favourite - Haizad's in again! girls, it's another nite of drooling!...... ermmm...maybe this time round, i'll lower down the volume??... ;)
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Weeee!!...Survivor's coming back next week! New 18 castaways with the battle of the sexes format and there's a gay-looking, 22-yr old model (who still looks "gorgeous" by the way in the photos) and a sweet-looking, 21-yr old pre-law student to look out for! I hope this won't be a disappointing season!!..... But the "preview" of the place is pretty intimidating...
The 9th season of Survivor is set "in the remote waters of the South Pacific near the tumultuous 'Ring Of Fire,' a land of volcanoes and rituals where sorcery and black magic are a part of tribal life and the spirits of the dead are believed to have power over the living," according to the CBS network Web site. The islands' more than 80 islands are home to more than 100 languages and a diverse group of tribes and clans whose history includes cannibalism.
Also, Amazing Race 6 is coming sooon on AXN in October!...that's like rite after this current Amazing Race!!...wooohooo!!...i'm a reality TV junkie!!!, girls, wanna date me, must make early appts and strike out those days which has my favourite shows on ok?! always... :D
And after next week, top 10 Singapore Idol will be on!!........i hope the standards are higher than now and the ones I see across the border!...and that I see my favourites in the top 10 as well!!....but for now, it looked pretty clear, who's gonna win this idol thingie...but we'll have to see more in the coming 2 wks!.... Will be rooting for Taufik and Leandra tonite!!... Go Guys!!
Weeee!!...Survivor's coming back next week! New 18 castaways with the battle of the sexes format and there's a gay-looking, 22-yr old model (who still looks "gorgeous" by the way in the photos) and a sweet-looking, 21-yr old pre-law student to look out for! I hope this won't be a disappointing season!!..... But the "preview" of the place is pretty intimidating...
Also, Amazing Race 6 is coming sooon on AXN in October!...that's like rite after this current Amazing Race!!...wooohooo!!...i'm a reality TV junkie!!!, girls, wanna date me, must make early appts and strike out those days which has my favourite shows on ok?! always... :D
And after next week, top 10 Singapore Idol will be on!!........i hope the standards are higher than now and the ones I see across the border!...and that I see my favourites in the top 10 as well!!....but for now, it looked pretty clear, who's gonna win this idol thingie...but we'll have to see more in the coming 2 wks!.... Will be rooting for Taufik and Leandra tonite!!... Go Guys!!
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Reading Rosma's blog, it was truly a touching one indeed!......And indeed, it's a blessing to be surrounded with your lovely girlfriends whom we all know will definitely be there for you..even if they can't do anything, at the very least, their listening ears and sound advice helps.....
I really cannot imagine anyone not having any girlfriends (or maybe basically juz very good friends) who they can depend on... it's sad...really...coz at the end of the day, these good friends will be the ones to hopefully, carry you up, should you fall later in life. Coz we must all remember that husbands can stray but friends - they're for life!....
So my real, bestest girlfriends I could ever have, out there (you know who you are), you can count on me peepz!...i'll be here if you need me... i'm one hell-of-a bitching queen and hella-of-a girlfriend (if I may say so myself!)...hahahaha.. ;D
LOVE YOU GURLS!!!!......
Reading Rosma's blog, it was truly a touching one indeed!......And indeed, it's a blessing to be surrounded with your lovely girlfriends whom we all know will definitely be there for you..even if they can't do anything, at the very least, their listening ears and sound advice helps.....
I really cannot imagine anyone not having any girlfriends (or maybe basically juz very good friends) who they can depend on... it's sad...really...coz at the end of the day, these good friends will be the ones to hopefully, carry you up, should you fall later in life. Coz we must all remember that husbands can stray but friends - they're for life!....
So my real, bestest girlfriends I could ever have, out there (you know who you are), you can count on me peepz!...i'll be here if you need me... i'm one hell-of-a bitching queen and hella-of-a girlfriend (if I may say so myself!)...hahahaha.. ;D
Monday, September 06, 2004
Juz received these pictures from Yani when we went out to buy a prezzie for Mama Rosma!... ;)

Last month: Someone's got a bouquet of flowers from the fiance for their anniversary
Last week: Someone else (person 2) got a bouquet of flowers from the fhusband for their anniversary
Today: Someone else (person 3) got a bouquet of flowers from the fiance for their anniversary
hmmmmm....can't help feeling that after the first one got her flowers, the second one went to tell the hubby tat she got flowers for her anniversary... the hubby gave in and send some flowers...then, the third one, go home and tell her "other half" abt these flowers so he had to go buy and send the flowers to the office too!!'s juz such a laff if this really is happening within themselves...coz then, these flowers, are juz to show off how "great" their other halves can be!? DUUUUUH!!.... soooo pathetic!!.... y do u need to do tat?..
Last month: Someone's got a bouquet of flowers from the fiance for their anniversary
Last week: Someone else (person 2) got a bouquet of flowers from the fhusband for their anniversary
Today: Someone else (person 3) got a bouquet of flowers from the fiance for their anniversary
hmmmmm....can't help feeling that after the first one got her flowers, the second one went to tell the hubby tat she got flowers for her anniversary... the hubby gave in and send some flowers...then, the third one, go home and tell her "other half" abt these flowers so he had to go buy and send the flowers to the office too!!'s juz such a laff if this really is happening within themselves...coz then, these flowers, are juz to show off how "great" their other halves can be!? DUUUUUH!!.... soooo pathetic!!.... y do u need to do tat?..
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Kinda celebrated a belated bday with one and only bday mama Rosma yesterday!... ;) she came JUZ for the occasion, as if knowing our bday gifts would match her outfit!! That white bag, was from Izy and me while that charmed bracelet is courtesy from Nasty Naz! Rosma, lovely!.....juz oh-so-lovely!!....
The eye-look i stole... happy with the effect...though not obvious from this angle!!
Today however ain't that rosey!.... don't like the thought of having to "bubble" Rosma and really is NOT on purpose...was supposed to go to a colleague's wedding...was all prepared to go...stole a look from Bride's mag yesterday...was very, very happy with me eyes, when after i'm all set and ready to go and dearie's on the way, the rain came down, heavily!!...couldn't get out and dearie got stuck juz abt 1km away from his house!!.... so, very the sorry Rosma!! was the wedding by the way??....haiz...i'm actually feeling "missing" going to a wedding!!'s been such a long time since we got invited to a wedding....hahhaa.... but heck going to one in 2 wks time and my best friend's wedding at the end of the year!...two mths later, it's Ms Sinus' wedding...who else??...who else??.... wipppeee!!..this IS the time to be merry and get married, isn't it?! .... L.O.V.E.L.Y!!
So, after the rain, since we got no idea where to go, we decided to go to Mc Cafe at East Coast to sit down and talk cock....and THIS is wat I get after paying $4.20 for a dbl-choc frappe!!!...DARN it!!....
Full of ice!!......not much taste!!.......urrrrH!!.....

The eye-look i stole... happy with the effect...though not obvious from this angle!!
Today however ain't that rosey!.... don't like the thought of having to "bubble" Rosma and really is NOT on purpose...was supposed to go to a colleague's wedding...was all prepared to go...stole a look from Bride's mag yesterday...was very, very happy with me eyes, when after i'm all set and ready to go and dearie's on the way, the rain came down, heavily!!...couldn't get out and dearie got stuck juz abt 1km away from his house!!.... so, very the sorry Rosma!! was the wedding by the way??....haiz...i'm actually feeling "missing" going to a wedding!!'s been such a long time since we got invited to a wedding....hahhaa.... but heck going to one in 2 wks time and my best friend's wedding at the end of the year!...two mths later, it's Ms Sinus' wedding...who else??...who else??.... wipppeee!!..this IS the time to be merry and get married, isn't it?! .... L.O.V.E.L.Y!!
So, after the rain, since we got no idea where to go, we decided to go to Mc Cafe at East Coast to sit down and talk cock....and THIS is wat I get after paying $4.20 for a dbl-choc frappe!!!...DARN it!!....
Full of ice!!......not much taste!!.......urrrrH!!.....
Friday, September 03, 2004
Wat a DISAPPOINTMENT!!...... I was rooting for Haizad Imram before the show (purely because of his looks coz have never heard him sing!) and then..... haiz.... i went "huh?! huh?!" a few times when he was singing!!..... It was like listening to a "himbo" singing, with him NOT knowing what he's singing...and when he started talking....errrrrm.... never mind lah... ain't my "idol" no more.... but love his personality though... ;D
I must have the white with pink buckle shoes...and concealer compact from Bobbi Brown!..
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Saw a big bar of eaten nougat sitting on a colleague's desk.
Whiner: Can I have some?
Colleague: Sure.
Whiner: (looking at the nougat) EEEeeee!!... why like slimy-slimy one??..with lots of saliva? (ya-di-da-di-da....she whines)
Colleague: I've eaten into it so did E......
Whiner: Eeeee!...You guys actually share it? Ok..i'll wait till it's drier with less saliva... (ya-di-da-di-da...)
Conclusion: That's not yours in the first place. You've got a choice to NOT eat it if you don't want to...Don't whine as if you owe my colleague a favour by eating it!......
SB wasn't invited for lunch but came out for lunch nevertheless... We were at KFC. Reached there, complained that she don't eat oily stuff, how "too much" we are to choose KFC for lunch, ya-di-da-di-da...... After lunch, wanted to go to a supermarket but wanted to walk (note: under the hot sun with NO "real roads" leading to it bcoz of all the construction happening around) instead of taking a bus! AND expected us to follow walk too!!...... LIKE HALLLOOOO?!! fucking selfish can you be?!.... juz bcoz you don't want to part with your measly $0.63, don't think tat we wanna "suffer" with you too!!..... BITCH!!
HIM: Hey, are you the MST here?
ME: errrrm....NO?....
HIM: look like her
ME: (in my head - "Do I look 33 to you?!") errrrm....NOLAH!!...
HIM: Oooooh!!...i'm interested to be an MST...ya-di-da-da... (yeah! rite bro! juz told my friend a few days back, something else! HAH! Gotcha!!)
ME: *acts interested but NOT at all!*
HIM: What's your name?
ME: Emilia
HIM: errr... not Emilia Contessa rite? haha.. (lame bro! LAME!) I'm Y by the way.. *shakes hands*
ME: errmmm.....
Conclusion: DO NOT
1) try to "pick up a girl" at the canteen.
2) use such a LAME and OLD "Emilia Contessa" thingie
3) use the same tactic, making "small conversations" AND using the same script with a girl when you did so, on the girlfriend juz a few days before!... read: white lies may juz slip.... hehehe....
Saw a big bar of eaten nougat sitting on a colleague's desk.
Whiner: Can I have some?
Colleague: Sure.
Whiner: (looking at the nougat) EEEeeee!!... why like slimy-slimy one??..with lots of saliva? (ya-di-da-di-da....she whines)
Colleague: I've eaten into it so did E......
Whiner: Eeeee!...You guys actually share it? Ok..i'll wait till it's drier with less saliva... (ya-di-da-di-da...)
Conclusion: That's not yours in the first place. You've got a choice to NOT eat it if you don't want to...Don't whine as if you owe my colleague a favour by eating it!......
SB wasn't invited for lunch but came out for lunch nevertheless... We were at KFC. Reached there, complained that she don't eat oily stuff, how "too much" we are to choose KFC for lunch, ya-di-da-di-da...... After lunch, wanted to go to a supermarket but wanted to walk (note: under the hot sun with NO "real roads" leading to it bcoz of all the construction happening around) instead of taking a bus! AND expected us to follow walk too!!...... LIKE HALLLOOOO?!! fucking selfish can you be?!.... juz bcoz you don't want to part with your measly $0.63, don't think tat we wanna "suffer" with you too!!..... BITCH!!
HIM: Hey, are you the MST here?
ME: errrrm....NO?....
HIM: look like her
ME: (in my head - "Do I look 33 to you?!") errrrm....NOLAH!!...
HIM: Oooooh!!...i'm interested to be an MST...ya-di-da-da... (yeah! rite bro! juz told my friend a few days back, something else! HAH! Gotcha!!)
ME: *acts interested but NOT at all!*
HIM: What's your name?
ME: Emilia
HIM: errr... not Emilia Contessa rite? haha.. (lame bro! LAME!) I'm Y by the way.. *shakes hands*
ME: errmmm.....
Conclusion: DO NOT
1) try to "pick up a girl" at the canteen.
2) use such a LAME and OLD "Emilia Contessa" thingie
3) use the same tactic, making "small conversations" AND using the same script with a girl when you did so, on the girlfriend juz a few days before!... read: white lies may juz slip.... hehehe....
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