Only one word to say - CONTRADICTION!... they contradict each other and they contradict themselves even!.... irritating!.... how can one sound sultry and performed sexily BUT wasn't sensual?... how can one have no originality but complained of the other being too "Daphne-ie"??... how can one complain that the contestants do NOT understand the genre of the music but accuse one being a copycat and lack originality?
WATEVA judges!!!.... to Taufik, i think you have found your personality.. but they're too blind to see it!... i think you're smooth, you've been consistent with your performance and you've got a certain kind of charm that none in the competition has so far.. to Oli, you do have a sultry, powerful voice and you can be sexy (in your kind of way) when you want to!... coz you do look sexy today!... to Leandra, though you are declining (can't deny that) in your performance, but i still think you've got the best voice so far.. work on da' moves, babe!...
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Juz can't resist to say something on this!!.... we had a function and after it, there were still a lot of food for our taking... annnnd.... being the TAIK tat she is, asked for food from not 1 but 3 of them!.....
SP: I'm taking for Taik...
EL: Eh?! she asked from you too?
BC: She asked from me too leh!... let's juz give her a plate each!.. then she'll know!!...
EL came in and give her the plate of food...
Ms Taik: thank you!... (after EL left) BC, did you ask SP to bring food for me?
BC: Yah.. i asked her to take it back for you..
Ms Taik: thank you!....
SP came in with the plate of food and you can see the "glee" in her eyes!... she's had 2 plateful of food mind you!... how greedy can one be?!... we tot tat she'd say tat it'll be too much food if SP is bringing some more... but noooooo!!.... being her, she juz ate all the food to herself!.... DUUUUH!...
Juz can't resist to say something on this!!.... we had a function and after it, there were still a lot of food for our taking... annnnd.... being the TAIK tat she is, asked for food from not 1 but 3 of them!.....
SP: I'm taking for Taik...
EL: Eh?! she asked from you too?
BC: She asked from me too leh!... let's juz give her a plate each!.. then she'll know!!...
EL came in and give her the plate of food...
Ms Taik: thank you!... (after EL left) BC, did you ask SP to bring food for me?
BC: Yah.. i asked her to take it back for you..
Ms Taik: thank you!....
SP came in with the plate of food and you can see the "glee" in her eyes!... she's had 2 plateful of food mind you!... how greedy can one be?!... we tot tat she'd say tat it'll be too much food if SP is bringing some more... but noooooo!!.... being her, she juz ate all the food to herself!.... DUUUUH!...
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
i think it's me!... i'm feeling down, i'm feeling such a nutcase!... mom has been nagging since yesterday!... last nite it was abt me being childish juz bcoz i dun wanna eat that nasi padang she bought for me.... Y i didn't eat it?? Because there was no chicken!... instead there was fried fish which i *puke!puke!* dun wanna eat!.... PLUS, the rice, after mixing with all the gravy, has turned into this orangey, oil-like thingie.... and it juz turned me off!.... coz it felt like i'm eating very oily rice!!...
yeah! yeah!... i'm being choosy but like i said, it's juz NOT my day or something... and i can't freakin control myself!.... and then this morning, turned out, she's not working PLUS i woke up late!... i was rushing to get ready and when i left my room to the kitchen, she asked me to chg my skirt to pants!... i went "what now??!".... so, she nag and nag abt how *censored*, blah... blah... blah... *puts my hands on my chest* seriously! ... the morning couldn't have turned out ANY BETTER is it?!....
OF COURSE!!.... it turned worse...... a source said that there's a highly likely chance of my ex-boss coming back to work here!.... FUUUUUUUUUUCCCK!.... oh well!... tat's juz a rumour... can't believe in it!... but hell!.... we were speculating nonetheless even before this morning.. so, this news made it worst!.... but who cares, aye?... the main thing is, there's NOT a chance, i'm going under this person anymore!!... but poor B!... she may have to tolerate this person's nonsense some more...
so tell me now... is there anymore??........ brrrrr....
i think it's me!... i'm feeling down, i'm feeling such a nutcase!... mom has been nagging since yesterday!... last nite it was abt me being childish juz bcoz i dun wanna eat that nasi padang she bought for me.... Y i didn't eat it?? Because there was no chicken!... instead there was fried fish which i *puke!puke!* dun wanna eat!.... PLUS, the rice, after mixing with all the gravy, has turned into this orangey, oil-like thingie.... and it juz turned me off!.... coz it felt like i'm eating very oily rice!!...
yeah! yeah!... i'm being choosy but like i said, it's juz NOT my day or something... and i can't freakin control myself!.... and then this morning, turned out, she's not working PLUS i woke up late!... i was rushing to get ready and when i left my room to the kitchen, she asked me to chg my skirt to pants!... i went "what now??!".... so, she nag and nag abt how *censored*, blah... blah... blah... *puts my hands on my chest* seriously! ... the morning couldn't have turned out ANY BETTER is it?!....
OF COURSE!!.... it turned worse...... a source said that there's a highly likely chance of my ex-boss coming back to work here!.... FUUUUUUUUUUCCCK!.... oh well!... tat's juz a rumour... can't believe in it!... but hell!.... we were speculating nonetheless even before this morning.. so, this news made it worst!.... but who cares, aye?... the main thing is, there's NOT a chance, i'm going under this person anymore!!... but poor B!... she may have to tolerate this person's nonsense some more...
so tell me now... is there anymore??........ brrrrr....
Monday, October 25, 2004
I'm bored.. so i decided to do this test taken from my cuzzin's blog... after a spring-cleaning of my desk, clearing stuffs and making sure, i'm bringing back what i'm supposed to bring back, i'm back to zero!..... aaaaaaaahhhh..... god! help me!!.... someone, plsssss rescue me.... i dunno how long my new boss is gonna "take me away" from here.... i hope it's gonna be sooooon... but preferably not this week!... hehheehe... wateva lah... i dun think i can tahan coming to work NOT working at all!!....
Post-menstrual syndrome... really meh??.... haiyah... i'm feeling sooooo sian!... today's not my day or something i think...
i'm feeling sooooo dready...
the weather's cold...
was in a small squabble with dearie in the morning..
feeling like shit rite now!... urrrgh!...
old work's been accumulating though i should've actually been clearing them now..
some stupid ppl can't communicate clearly with their own ppl!... making others irritable only!..
someone's back from her honeymoon and acting cutesy all over!...
terribly miss that 2-3wks she was away!!... soooo peaceful!...
Blardy hell!... i'm bored!!..... blegggh!
Post-menstrual syndrome... really meh??.... haiyah... i'm feeling sooooo sian!... today's not my day or something i think...
i'm feeling sooooo dready...
the weather's cold...
was in a small squabble with dearie in the morning..
feeling like shit rite now!... urrrgh!...
old work's been accumulating though i should've actually been clearing them now..
some stupid ppl can't communicate clearly with their own ppl!... making others irritable only!..
someone's back from her honeymoon and acting cutesy all over!...
terribly miss that 2-3wks she was away!!... soooo peaceful!...
Blardy hell!... i'm bored!!..... blegggh!
Friday, October 22, 2004
YEAY!!... TAUFIK's IN!!...
Hah!... i hope Taufik will be in top 3!... let Ken eat his words!!... can't stand Ken at all!!..no matter how good Taufik is, he juz seemed to have something to say!... like yesterday *juz watch the DVD during lunch earlier* "your past performances was good BUT it wasn't impressive" HAH!... like HELLO?!!... Taufik was the MOST impressive the past 2 wks mind you!.. if you're in denial juz because u don't want him to be in... who fucking care?!.... me and bro, have decided that we'll each give at least a vote for him every wk... good or not.. he deserve to be where he is.. and really! someone should juz stuff silicon in Ken's mouth!...
Case 1: It's simply amazing how one can be soooo inconsiderate or soooooo freakin unhelpful!... there was something wrong with this particular system that i was using and so, i emailed the error prompt to this colleague in another division.. since it's been a long time since i last use the system or bug this person, i juz emailed lah not knowing if this person is still in charge... he replied "Hi Emilia, I'm not in charge of this anymore. Thank You." Wah Lau!.... if I know u not in charge, would I have sent it to you??... NO basic courtesy of forwarding that email to the relevant officer at all!... or at the very least, inform me of who the person in charge is lah!!...
Case 2: Was questioned on why we do things a certain way.. shld have done it another way.. blah.. blah.. blah... u know, if that woman was here, you wouldn't have question her on why it was done tat way or this way!... uuurrrgh!...
Case 3: One of the new boss came up to me juz before i left for work asking me abt where i'm being posted now, blah.. blah..blah.. the way he was asking, telling me the new "sad story" abt administrative work, was sooooo sad, i could have puked!.. i'm pissed bcoz all these big shot, only know how to make use of others!... they dun understand our needs at all!... and dun care for our future!
Case 4: Glenn had blatantly lied on radio this morning abt Maia and Sylvester... actually, that's too strong a sentence... haha.. but wateva it is lah, on TV, the pair have "with all honesty" have denied it!... so who's rite?... i guess we shall all see later... i'm irritated coz Glenn had said it with such conviction.. "it came out from the horse's.. oh! person's.. mouth" he said!...
Hah!... i hope Taufik will be in top 3!... let Ken eat his words!!... can't stand Ken at all!!..no matter how good Taufik is, he juz seemed to have something to say!... like yesterday *juz watch the DVD during lunch earlier* "your past performances was good BUT it wasn't impressive" HAH!... like HELLO?!!... Taufik was the MOST impressive the past 2 wks mind you!.. if you're in denial juz because u don't want him to be in... who fucking care?!.... me and bro, have decided that we'll each give at least a vote for him every wk... good or not.. he deserve to be where he is.. and really! someone should juz stuff silicon in Ken's mouth!...
Case 1: It's simply amazing how one can be soooo inconsiderate or soooooo freakin unhelpful!... there was something wrong with this particular system that i was using and so, i emailed the error prompt to this colleague in another division.. since it's been a long time since i last use the system or bug this person, i juz emailed lah not knowing if this person is still in charge... he replied "Hi Emilia, I'm not in charge of this anymore. Thank You." Wah Lau!.... if I know u not in charge, would I have sent it to you??... NO basic courtesy of forwarding that email to the relevant officer at all!... or at the very least, inform me of who the person in charge is lah!!...
Case 2: Was questioned on why we do things a certain way.. shld have done it another way.. blah.. blah.. blah... u know, if that woman was here, you wouldn't have question her on why it was done tat way or this way!... uuurrrgh!...
Case 3: One of the new boss came up to me juz before i left for work asking me abt where i'm being posted now, blah.. blah..blah.. the way he was asking, telling me the new "sad story" abt administrative work, was sooooo sad, i could have puked!.. i'm pissed bcoz all these big shot, only know how to make use of others!... they dun understand our needs at all!... and dun care for our future!
Case 4: Glenn had blatantly lied on radio this morning abt Maia and Sylvester... actually, that's too strong a sentence... haha.. but wateva it is lah, on TV, the pair have "with all honesty" have denied it!... so who's rite?... i guess we shall all see later... i'm irritated coz Glenn had said it with such conviction.. "it came out from the horse's.. oh! person's.. mouth" he said!...
Oh My GODD!!.... Sylvester and Maia are an item!!... waaaaah!!... :D *surprise! surprise!!* .. i didn't see tat coming...
My first day of puasa starts today... had trouble getting up.. and then, had trouble gulping loads of water down my throat as well!!... i hope wateva water tat came in earlier is enuff to last me the day!... but yeah... at last!... dun feel sooooo farny not fastin!... first time, ever since i start fasting donkey yrs ago, this is the first yr, i couldn't fasting on the first day!... oh well!... like the makcik cleaner here say - last yr, too lemak rite... can fast the whole month.. so, this yr - no more!... haiyah.. juz hope tat i manage to fast till the rest of the mth and auntie dun come knocking on the door on the last few days of Ramadhan...
Oh My GODD!!.... Sylvester and Maia are an item!!... waaaaah!!... :D *surprise! surprise!!* .. i didn't see tat coming...
My first day of puasa starts today... had trouble getting up.. and then, had trouble gulping loads of water down my throat as well!!... i hope wateva water tat came in earlier is enuff to last me the day!... but yeah... at last!... dun feel sooooo farny not fastin!... first time, ever since i start fasting donkey yrs ago, this is the first yr, i couldn't fasting on the first day!... oh well!... like the makcik cleaner here say - last yr, too lemak rite... can fast the whole month.. so, this yr - no more!... haiyah.. juz hope tat i manage to fast till the rest of the mth and auntie dun come knocking on the door on the last few days of Ramadhan...
Wednesday, October 20, 2004

This pearl was here earlier with the mama!... waaaah.. the mama lose quite a bit of weight!... impressive!!... but the baby gained quite a bit of weight!... she even has double chin!... soooooo gerrrram!!... when i carried her around, waaaaah.. very heavy.. my hands felt the pinch!.. sooo unlike tat time when she was only 1wk old!... *hah! like DUHH!*
This pearl was here earlier with the mama!... waaaah.. the mama lose quite a bit of weight!... impressive!!... but the baby gained quite a bit of weight!... she even has double chin!... soooooo gerrrram!!... when i carried her around, waaaaah.. very heavy.. my hands felt the pinch!.. sooo unlike tat time when she was only 1wk old!... *hah! like DUHH!*
sooooo freakin irritated!... seee! this is wat happened if you don't go back to the same tailor!... went to take my baju yesterday and one of it was soooo huge!... i felt like a pregnant lady!.. and to think that i was slimmer when i send it to her 4mths back!... eeeergh!!.. the other one fits nicely!!... eeerghh!.. this would never happen if i had send to Lily!.. and the freaky shit thing is, it's the baju that i'm pairing up with dearie!... bleeegh!!..... need to send it back to alter soooon!.. making it bigger is one thing... the style tat i want is also TOTALLY different from what i asked for!!... eeeergh!!..... blardy hell!!... i HAVE to go to Lily next yr!... *be brave, mi!* YESH!.... i will!!... so Ms Gems, u wanna go with me and dearie nx yr?... puhlewsssssss??....
sooooo freakin irritated!... seee! this is wat happened if you don't go back to the same tailor!... went to take my baju yesterday and one of it was soooo huge!... i felt like a pregnant lady!.. and to think that i was slimmer when i send it to her 4mths back!... eeeergh!!.. the other one fits nicely!!... eeerghh!.. this would never happen if i had send to Lily!.. and the freaky shit thing is, it's the baju that i'm pairing up with dearie!... bleeegh!!..... need to send it back to alter soooon!.. making it bigger is one thing... the style tat i want is also TOTALLY different from what i asked for!!... eeeergh!!..... blardy hell!!... i HAVE to go to Lily next yr!... *be brave, mi!* YESH!.... i will!!... so Ms Gems, u wanna go with me and dearie nx yr?... puhlewsssssss??....
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
urrrrgh!... there's this very, freakin irritating "client" whom I'm dealing with, who doesn't know how to freakin coordinate or organise for everything!... the whole day of yesterday, and maybe the whole of today, is to entertain him with his queries and changing of this and that!.... kanninnah!... hhhhhuuuuuuuuu.... sesungguhnya nie bulan puasa...
aaaah.. the ever sweet, romantic story of a match-make session... i didn't wanna put this entry up coz i dunno if i shld.. but hell... will juz do so... will not disclose the name of whom this entry is dedicated to!... hehehee....
Anyways, a dear friend is getting married soon... sometime next yr.. it came as a sudden news to all of us coz we really didn't expect it and neither do we know of her prior "attachment" to someone... so, the investigative side of me said to call her up and inquire abt this mystery man in her life... and so, i did... and found out, very interestingly, that she was being match-made to this man!... aaaaaah.... the sweetness of it all.. tat she actually agreed to this engagement!.. hmmm.. *pretty sure she's had her eyes on him as well all these while...* but the one thing that bugged me big time is - her mom asked the guy if he likes her daughter and wateva lah, to find out more on his attraction to her, i guess... and my dearest friend, being the most shy abt these things, couldn't bring herself to ask her mom wat her hubby-to-be had said!!!.... aaaaaah!!... the mystery of it all!....
if it had been me, i would have died NOT to know what he said!... seriously, friend!!.. so, now, i'm left hanging.... hmmmm shld i ask the mom what he said?.. hehehhee.... *yeah! rite!... dearie would faint to know what a KayPo-chi his dearest is..* oh well!... i guess if i have to hang on there, i'll do... if we get a chance to meet him, i'll juz do this honour, on behalf of her, to ask him that question, myself!... HAH!!!..... ooooooh!... i can juz imagine the look of embarassment and sheer horror on your face, dear friend.. shld i ask him in front of you!... hahahaha... worry not!... u'll have to find out one day... and one day, i'm sure, you'll be truly happy knowing his response to that question!!
urrrrgh!... there's this very, freakin irritating "client" whom I'm dealing with, who doesn't know how to freakin coordinate or organise for everything!... the whole day of yesterday, and maybe the whole of today, is to entertain him with his queries and changing of this and that!.... kanninnah!... hhhhhuuuuuuuuu.... sesungguhnya nie bulan puasa...
aaaah.. the ever sweet, romantic story of a match-make session... i didn't wanna put this entry up coz i dunno if i shld.. but hell... will juz do so... will not disclose the name of whom this entry is dedicated to!... hehehee....
Anyways, a dear friend is getting married soon... sometime next yr.. it came as a sudden news to all of us coz we really didn't expect it and neither do we know of her prior "attachment" to someone... so, the investigative side of me said to call her up and inquire abt this mystery man in her life... and so, i did... and found out, very interestingly, that she was being match-made to this man!... aaaaaah.... the sweetness of it all.. tat she actually agreed to this engagement!.. hmmm.. *pretty sure she's had her eyes on him as well all these while...* but the one thing that bugged me big time is - her mom asked the guy if he likes her daughter and wateva lah, to find out more on his attraction to her, i guess... and my dearest friend, being the most shy abt these things, couldn't bring herself to ask her mom wat her hubby-to-be had said!!!.... aaaaaah!!... the mystery of it all!....
if it had been me, i would have died NOT to know what he said!... seriously, friend!!.. so, now, i'm left hanging.... hmmmm shld i ask the mom what he said?.. hehehhee.... *yeah! rite!... dearie would faint to know what a KayPo-chi his dearest is..* oh well!... i guess if i have to hang on there, i'll do... if we get a chance to meet him, i'll juz do this honour, on behalf of her, to ask him that question, myself!... HAH!!!..... ooooooh!... i can juz imagine the look of embarassment and sheer horror on your face, dear friend.. shld i ask him in front of you!... hahahaha... worry not!... u'll have to find out one day... and one day, i'm sure, you'll be truly happy knowing his response to that question!!
Monday, October 18, 2004
today, going to work, felt like the first day of work!.. hah!.. hmmm... i'm actually waiting in anticipation of what my new role entails me to do!... it's like a new motivation altogether... woke up earlier than usual today... have got NOOOO freakin idea why!!... need not drag my feet to work today... very, very, happy, indeed!....
anyways, awaiting mama rosma's arrival later today... can't wait to see her!!....
today, going to work, felt like the first day of work!.. hah!.. hmmm... i'm actually waiting in anticipation of what my new role entails me to do!... it's like a new motivation altogether... woke up earlier than usual today... have got NOOOO freakin idea why!!... need not drag my feet to work today... very, very, happy, indeed!....
anyways, awaiting mama rosma's arrival later today... can't wait to see her!!....
Friday, October 15, 2004
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!.... Jerry's OUT!... YESH!... i'm elated!!... deliriously happy!... the weekend couldn't have started off any better!!... at last!... real competition's on the way... also, very happy to hear from bro that taufik was given the recognition he deserved.. listeners of Perfect 10 kept asking for his performance to be aired on radio!... alamak!.. too bad, didn't listen in to Perfect 10!... Ken should eat back his words of not being able to capture the hearts of other races!... bleegh!... GO TAUFIK!...
HAH!... announcements! announcements!... filled with much surprise when we're told of the news today!.. ;D Anyways, i've now a new portfolio and hope that it'll make way for a new career development path for me... i'm really counting on this!!... yippee!!.. loving it!!
PLUS! verrrrry soon, we won't have to deal with dear Ms Jubo no more!... double YEAY!!...
PLUS! it's all gonna be very sweet justice to see how Ms Taik will be able to cover her ass later w/o her current boss to cover up for her no more!... triple YEAY!!... like Tee said, good things will never last for some ppl lor... esp the "bad" ones... when it's too good, expect the tidal wave to come beating at your door soon...
so niways, someone else will have to handle tat jubo soon.. but for sure, she ain't gonna have a rollin' gd time she thinks she'd have... she stepped on too many toes oredi!... hmmmmm... retribution, i'd say... but then, knowing her, she'll juz get everything her way, AGAIN!.. *juz like we've underestimated her! coz going to a dif dept, she's leading a new team and a whole new portfolio!* oh well... hopefully, with joined forces, the whole dept can crush her like a cockroach!... hahahaha... eeeeevil!!... but it's not up to me to say... for me and def the rest of us, are really juz plain, blardy, deliriously happy she's GONE!... "sayonara, dear jubo.." we're def gonna miss all tat drama u've caused while u're here.. but knowing Mich, she'll update all those drama in her own blog, aye Mich?!.. hhehehehe.... till the days of her life continues there... we shall all wait in anticipation for her new "beginnings"...
oh gosh!.. i feel soooo bad.. this is the fasting mth!.. shldn't say all these bad things for someone.. errrrgh!!... can't help it lah.. okie... okie... one day.. after this, i'll be good!... *promise!*
HAH!... announcements! announcements!... filled with much surprise when we're told of the news today!.. ;D Anyways, i've now a new portfolio and hope that it'll make way for a new career development path for me... i'm really counting on this!!... yippee!!.. loving it!!
PLUS! verrrrry soon, we won't have to deal with dear Ms Jubo no more!... double YEAY!!...
PLUS! it's all gonna be very sweet justice to see how Ms Taik will be able to cover her ass later w/o her current boss to cover up for her no more!... triple YEAY!!... like Tee said, good things will never last for some ppl lor... esp the "bad" ones... when it's too good, expect the tidal wave to come beating at your door soon...
so niways, someone else will have to handle tat jubo soon.. but for sure, she ain't gonna have a rollin' gd time she thinks she'd have... she stepped on too many toes oredi!... hmmmmm... retribution, i'd say... but then, knowing her, she'll juz get everything her way, AGAIN!.. *juz like we've underestimated her! coz going to a dif dept, she's leading a new team and a whole new portfolio!* oh well... hopefully, with joined forces, the whole dept can crush her like a cockroach!... hahahaha... eeeeevil!!... but it's not up to me to say... for me and def the rest of us, are really juz plain, blardy, deliriously happy she's GONE!... "sayonara, dear jubo.." we're def gonna miss all tat drama u've caused while u're here.. but knowing Mich, she'll update all those drama in her own blog, aye Mich?!.. hhehehehe.... till the days of her life continues there... we shall all wait in anticipation for her new "beginnings"...
oh gosh!.. i feel soooo bad.. this is the fasting mth!.. shldn't say all these bad things for someone.. errrrgh!!... can't help it lah.. okie... okie... one day.. after this, i'll be good!... *promise!*
Thursday, October 14, 2004
It's such a bad, oh-so-very bad, bad way to end my day!!... had a nice chat with the new "chip".. came out with a huge smile on my face... i tot tat's it!.. at last... maybe my rezeki (fate/fortune) is here afterall... and then, wham bham!... my hopes got crushed like a crumpled paper juz like tat!
How can that blardy jubo suggested or instigated to get me as a PA to the new "chip"?!... who wants to be a PA?!.... a PA in this organisation is nothing like a PA in other organisation... NO PA in this place has ever gotten further than their original position!... i've YET to see one!... uuuurgh!!... i'm sooooooo fucking irritated with her!!.... thanks for thinking sooooo highly of me but wateva the fuck it is, it shouldn't lead to the "chip" thinking that I can be his blardy PA!... if I had wanted to be one, I wouldn't fucking bother abt getting a degree in the first place!... DAMN her!!!........ oooooh!... her choice of words, it really made me want to go over and start slapping her hard!.... VERY HARD!!.... i bet it wouldn't hurt as much as my hands would, considering the "thickness" of how her face can be!...
but then again, this re-org is really like a sweet revenge... it taste soooo sweet, i'm juz licking in delight seeing how jubo is frantically wriggling her way out of all these... her 2wks is UP! and she's no where NEAR that ladder!... apparently, she couldn't lick as much ass as she could, or would have liked to!!... juz before dropping the bomb to me, it was such a dramatic sight - the lines, the characters and emotions!... HAH!... how i wish I had brought my digi-cam to capture those moments - those lines!... My kakis would all be laffing in glee, i reckon!...
juz when i tot i could rest my mind and enjoy some grooooovin with the idols, they disappointed me!..... ALL of them except the last two perf!... when Olinda sang, i went "AT LAST!.."... and when Taufik sang after her, he managed to put tat smile back into my face!.... luurrrrve their performances!... even Leandra was pretty disappointing today!... alamak!... Jerry, looked like his eye-balls will POP! anytime soon and Chrissy-poo sounded worst than the transverstite you find at Geylang!... and Ken, tat comment abt Oli and Taufik was uncalled for and it juz goes to show how much you're trying to be like Simon!... ke-PUI!... So plssss vote** for Oli and Taufik....
**Sms 7 or 8 (respectively) and send to 43657. Calls cost 50cents each!
It's such a bad, oh-so-very bad, bad way to end my day!!... had a nice chat with the new "chip".. came out with a huge smile on my face... i tot tat's it!.. at last... maybe my rezeki (fate/fortune) is here afterall... and then, wham bham!... my hopes got crushed like a crumpled paper juz like tat!
How can that blardy jubo suggested or instigated to get me as a PA to the new "chip"?!... who wants to be a PA?!.... a PA in this organisation is nothing like a PA in other organisation... NO PA in this place has ever gotten further than their original position!... i've YET to see one!... uuuurgh!!... i'm sooooooo fucking irritated with her!!.... thanks for thinking sooooo highly of me but wateva the fuck it is, it shouldn't lead to the "chip" thinking that I can be his blardy PA!... if I had wanted to be one, I wouldn't fucking bother abt getting a degree in the first place!... DAMN her!!!........ oooooh!... her choice of words, it really made me want to go over and start slapping her hard!.... VERY HARD!!.... i bet it wouldn't hurt as much as my hands would, considering the "thickness" of how her face can be!...
but then again, this re-org is really like a sweet revenge... it taste soooo sweet, i'm juz licking in delight seeing how jubo is frantically wriggling her way out of all these... her 2wks is UP! and she's no where NEAR that ladder!... apparently, she couldn't lick as much ass as she could, or would have liked to!!... juz before dropping the bomb to me, it was such a dramatic sight - the lines, the characters and emotions!... HAH!... how i wish I had brought my digi-cam to capture those moments - those lines!... My kakis would all be laffing in glee, i reckon!...
juz when i tot i could rest my mind and enjoy some grooooovin with the idols, they disappointed me!..... ALL of them except the last two perf!... when Olinda sang, i went "AT LAST!.."... and when Taufik sang after her, he managed to put tat smile back into my face!.... luurrrrve their performances!... even Leandra was pretty disappointing today!... alamak!... Jerry, looked like his eye-balls will POP! anytime soon and Chrissy-poo sounded worst than the transverstite you find at Geylang!... and Ken, tat comment abt Oli and Taufik was uncalled for and it juz goes to show how much you're trying to be like Simon!... ke-PUI!... So plssss vote** for Oli and Taufik....
**Sms 7 or 8 (respectively) and send to 43657. Calls cost 50cents each!
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
my ex supervisor is one hell of a possessive freak!..... blardy bitch!!!..... she still has her stuff hanging around her work station and some docs in the comp... she didn't wanna remove any of it, bcoz she was "given permission" to come back any ol' time!... fine!.... but fuck lah!.... u're not a staff here, u can't even access ur blardy comp, let alone see ur docs!... so, fuck it!!... if u're still sooooo fuckingly in luuuurrrve, with this place, y leave in the first place?!....
ur possessive streak is irritating!... we've put up with you enuff!... all those calls and smses asking abt this place irks me!... u trying to "befriend" everyone here after ur leave is disgusting!!.... tat goes to show how much of a two-faced bitch u really are!.... u don't even talk to anybody while u're here BUT ONLY when u need their help, then you'll be all smiles and chatty!... like fuck YOU!.
@ work again.... on a lighter note.... here's wat happens to her yesterday!... hahahhaha.... she had to measure height and weight for someone yest... this person is pretty fat, i heard - weighing 104kg!... niways, when she was measuring him and saw the wt, she got all fired up abt how someone must've meddled with the machine to put it in lbs instead of kg!.... and knowing her, i can juz imagine the "racket" she must have caused!... hahahahhaa.....
So, niways, Tee came to the "rescue" and looked into it.... and found tat the readin was rite!... it's juz tat we think she must have seen a 3-digit no. and tot it wasn't possible!.... HAH!... like *knock!knock!* the guy's fat!... wat do u expect?!..... alamak!!!!..... he can't be 104lbs anyways!!!... she was sooooo pai-seh after tat and the guy looked pretty paiseh and uncomfortable!!..... wah lau!!!..... she and her kamchong-ness!!...
my ex supervisor is one hell of a possessive freak!..... blardy bitch!!!..... she still has her stuff hanging around her work station and some docs in the comp... she didn't wanna remove any of it, bcoz she was "given permission" to come back any ol' time!... fine!.... but fuck lah!.... u're not a staff here, u can't even access ur blardy comp, let alone see ur docs!... so, fuck it!!... if u're still sooooo fuckingly in luuuurrrve, with this place, y leave in the first place?!....
ur possessive streak is irritating!... we've put up with you enuff!... all those calls and smses asking abt this place irks me!... u trying to "befriend" everyone here after ur leave is disgusting!!.... tat goes to show how much of a two-faced bitch u really are!.... u don't even talk to anybody while u're here BUT ONLY when u need their help, then you'll be all smiles and chatty!... like fuck YOU!.
@ work again.... on a lighter note.... here's wat happens to her yesterday!... hahahhaha.... she had to measure height and weight for someone yest... this person is pretty fat, i heard - weighing 104kg!... niways, when she was measuring him and saw the wt, she got all fired up abt how someone must've meddled with the machine to put it in lbs instead of kg!.... and knowing her, i can juz imagine the "racket" she must have caused!... hahahahhaa.....
So, niways, Tee came to the "rescue" and looked into it.... and found tat the readin was rite!... it's juz tat we think she must have seen a 3-digit no. and tot it wasn't possible!.... HAH!... like *knock!knock!* the guy's fat!... wat do u expect?!..... alamak!!!!..... he can't be 104lbs anyways!!!... she was sooooo pai-seh after tat and the guy looked pretty paiseh and uncomfortable!!..... wah lau!!!..... she and her kamchong-ness!!...
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
it's happening... oooooh.... it's an exciting change but may be far more than we'd expected... are we prepared? will we rebel?.... hmmmm..... only time will tell i suppose....
anyone knows which company can do fridge magnets cheap-cheap?.... custom-make ones, plsss... we've got the designs.. juz need someone to do it...
haaaaaiz... i'm now very concerned tat dearie is NOT able to get anyone to tailor his baju kurung for the coming hari raya... DAMN tat blardy tailor!.... she took 4 blardy mths to get mine done!... and when i gave her his baju to do, she said "oh!... for a guy? i dun want to take anymore!!"... kanni-nah!... i blardy waited for her to finish my baju coz we didn't know if her sewing is good or not... and juz when we wanna give her the cloth, she "slap" us with tat one liner!... aaaaah!!... I want LILY!!.... too paranoid to go back to JB but looks like we can only trust her so far! DAMN!!!.... aiyah!!..... nx yr, maybe go back there again!... i can't trust anyone to do up the lace cloth for me - too blardy expensive to be ruined by someone else!... urrrrgh!!.... anyone can recommend a tailor for us, plsssss??.......
it's happening... oooooh.... it's an exciting change but may be far more than we'd expected... are we prepared? will we rebel?.... hmmmm..... only time will tell i suppose....
anyone knows which company can do fridge magnets cheap-cheap?.... custom-make ones, plsss... we've got the designs.. juz need someone to do it...
haaaaaiz... i'm now very concerned tat dearie is NOT able to get anyone to tailor his baju kurung for the coming hari raya... DAMN tat blardy tailor!.... she took 4 blardy mths to get mine done!... and when i gave her his baju to do, she said "oh!... for a guy? i dun want to take anymore!!"... kanni-nah!... i blardy waited for her to finish my baju coz we didn't know if her sewing is good or not... and juz when we wanna give her the cloth, she "slap" us with tat one liner!... aaaaah!!... I want LILY!!.... too paranoid to go back to JB but looks like we can only trust her so far! DAMN!!!.... aiyah!!..... nx yr, maybe go back there again!... i can't trust anyone to do up the lace cloth for me - too blardy expensive to be ruined by someone else!... urrrrgh!!.... anyone can recommend a tailor for us, plsssss??.......
Monday, October 11, 2004
Juz when I was complaining abt how nasty someone's downloaded her shit in the toilet last week, I had my fair share of nasty stomach ache and some nasty "downloading" moments last weekend!.... urrrgh... never felt soooo sick!... and i am still not sure WAT caused it!...
PLUS! Jerry's still in the idol thingie!.... like Glenn said this morning *may have been reported elsewhere* "Singaporeans is useless in voting!"..... FD suggested changing it's name to Singapore Network... ain't tat true?..... really! the idea of having this Singapore Idol is to idolise someone... someone with charisma, who are really talented!... hell! - u call Jerry, someone with charisma and talent?!.... I nearly flopped when Olinda and Taufik was in the "other" grp!...
I had this discussion with Tee and Fahma abt this idol thingie... Shouldn't we vote for our favourite idol contestant? YES.... But how many votes to vote for?..... Tee and Fahma dun even wish to vote bcoz who are these ppl to them? No relationship whatsoever... Acc to Tee, if I'm in, he'll prob give 10 (juz 10?! hmph!... hehehhe...) of his votes for me; which is equivalent to S$5.. couldn't blame him.. S$5 per week = S$20 per mth!... For me, though Taufik is of no relation to me, he is one of my favourites... and I do vote for him but he's only getting 1 vote for me each week... why?... coz it's too darn expensive!!!... it's 10x the normal charge per sms!...
Now, why do u have to do tat?!.... when i told tee tat they shld juz put a normal charge to the sms-es, he said that it would turn out fanatical!.... but tat's wat idol-ising is ALL abt isn't it?!.... besides the "I-think-a-lot-of-ppl-are-voting-for-XXX" syndrome, i think another concern they should address is - is the WHOLE of Singapore voting for these ppl as well?... if not at least 70% of Singaporeans are voting for these "idols", why in the freakin world, are we calling the show Singapore Idol??... it might as well be another "Anugerah" or talentime show!....
These are juz my tots... if the voting continues the way it is, there's NO freakin POINT in watching it anymore!!.... ppl have to remember that whoever wins this, is going to World Idol!... wat a shame to put a constipated face and voice there!.... Singapore will be known with "the one with the constipated contestant"!...... aaaaaah!!... i can juz imagine Simon and the rest of the judges have to say if the wrong person goes thru!!...... ewwwwww!!!.... soooooo MALU!!
Juz when I was complaining abt how nasty someone's downloaded her shit in the toilet last week, I had my fair share of nasty stomach ache and some nasty "downloading" moments last weekend!.... urrrgh... never felt soooo sick!... and i am still not sure WAT caused it!...
PLUS! Jerry's still in the idol thingie!.... like Glenn said this morning *may have been reported elsewhere* "Singaporeans is useless in voting!"..... FD suggested changing it's name to Singapore Network... ain't tat true?..... really! the idea of having this Singapore Idol is to idolise someone... someone with charisma, who are really talented!... hell! - u call Jerry, someone with charisma and talent?!.... I nearly flopped when Olinda and Taufik was in the "other" grp!...
I had this discussion with Tee and Fahma abt this idol thingie... Shouldn't we vote for our favourite idol contestant? YES.... But how many votes to vote for?..... Tee and Fahma dun even wish to vote bcoz who are these ppl to them? No relationship whatsoever... Acc to Tee, if I'm in, he'll prob give 10 (juz 10?! hmph!... hehehhe...) of his votes for me; which is equivalent to S$5.. couldn't blame him.. S$5 per week = S$20 per mth!... For me, though Taufik is of no relation to me, he is one of my favourites... and I do vote for him but he's only getting 1 vote for me each week... why?... coz it's too darn expensive!!!... it's 10x the normal charge per sms!...
Now, why do u have to do tat?!.... when i told tee tat they shld juz put a normal charge to the sms-es, he said that it would turn out fanatical!.... but tat's wat idol-ising is ALL abt isn't it?!.... besides the "I-think-a-lot-of-ppl-are-voting-for-XXX" syndrome, i think another concern they should address is - is the WHOLE of Singapore voting for these ppl as well?... if not at least 70% of Singaporeans are voting for these "idols", why in the freakin world, are we calling the show Singapore Idol??... it might as well be another "Anugerah" or talentime show!....
These are juz my tots... if the voting continues the way it is, there's NO freakin POINT in watching it anymore!!.... ppl have to remember that whoever wins this, is going to World Idol!... wat a shame to put a constipated face and voice there!.... Singapore will be known with "the one with the constipated contestant"!...... aaaaaah!!... i can juz imagine Simon and the rest of the judges have to say if the wrong person goes thru!!...... ewwwwww!!!.... soooooo MALU!!
Friday, October 08, 2004
Today is Friday and we have a teambuilding thingie for the whole dept beside the beach!... weeeee!.... away from work!... So today, Ms Jubo is wearing a teeny weeny looking shorts..
Tee: was told by someone that jubo came in very-ultra-mini shorts ... is half her pantat showing thru it???
Me: ooooh!... didn't see her shorts!... but def saw she's wearing a bikini inside!!!.. OBVIOUSLY!!... not surprised if it's THONGS!!!!.....bleeeegh!.... disgusting!!!
Tee: oh well ... her jubo needs flossing anyway ... from all those sh*t that came out from her with *ahem! ahem!* (some big shots here) ...
GOSH!... the wonders of BITCHING!!!
Today is Friday and we have a teambuilding thingie for the whole dept beside the beach!... weeeee!.... away from work!... So today, Ms Jubo is wearing a teeny weeny looking shorts..
Tee: was told by someone that jubo came in very-ultra-mini shorts ... is half her pantat showing thru it???
Me: ooooh!... didn't see her shorts!... but def saw she's wearing a bikini inside!!!.. OBVIOUSLY!!... not surprised if it's THONGS!!!!.....bleeeegh!.... disgusting!!!
Tee: oh well ... her jubo needs flossing anyway ... from all those sh*t that came out from her with *ahem! ahem!* (some big shots here) ...
GOSH!... the wonders of BITCHING!!!
Thursday, October 07, 2004
the no. to vote for your favourite idol!... OR SMS!!... plsssss... i forgot to put the note after my previous entry... i've purposely put the order of appearance in order... sms the no. of your fav idol to 43657... i dun wish for the wrong person (again!) to be booted out tml!... ;(
OMG!.... Omarosa is one hella of a sour BITCH!!.... BITCH!!... it sure took a lot out of Kwame to tolerate her!... Blardy bitch!... Too bad for Kwame, his team sucked biiiiig time!... he's a good leader - all trusty (but tooo trusty for his own good) and very, very coool!... sooooo either Omarosa is sour she didn't get to this far or she's plain incompetent but thinks she is!.... i still don't get it how she could be in a politician's office or something like tat...
Bill on the hand is freak ass disorientated...maybe he isn't but he sure lose "it"... i wouldn't want a boss like tat... going here and there and not keeping himself in check!... less trusty than Kwame and definitely gets on his colleagues' nerves... i'd be too!... i know!...but he's definitely LUCKY!.. and tat's y he won it!...
urrrgh!... the house stinking... couldn't find a dead rat or anything tat could smell this bad anywhere in the hse!.... and wateva it is, is stinking the whole blardy hse!... darn!... YUCK!!...
the no. to vote for your favourite idol!... OR SMS!!... plsssss... i forgot to put the note after my previous entry... i've purposely put the order of appearance in order... sms the no. of your fav idol to 43657... i dun wish for the wrong person (again!) to be booted out tml!... ;(
OMG!.... Omarosa is one hella of a sour BITCH!!.... BITCH!!... it sure took a lot out of Kwame to tolerate her!... Blardy bitch!... Too bad for Kwame, his team sucked biiiiig time!... he's a good leader - all trusty (but tooo trusty for his own good) and very, very coool!... sooooo either Omarosa is sour she didn't get to this far or she's plain incompetent but thinks she is!.... i still don't get it how she could be in a politician's office or something like tat...
Bill on the hand is freak ass disorientated...maybe he isn't but he sure lose "it"... i wouldn't want a boss like tat... going here and there and not keeping himself in check!... less trusty than Kwame and definitely gets on his colleagues' nerves... i'd be too!... i know!...but he's definitely LUCKY!.. and tat's y he won it!...
urrrgh!... the house stinking... couldn't find a dead rat or anything tat could smell this bad anywhere in the hse!.... and wateva it is, is stinking the whole blardy hse!... darn!... YUCK!!...
David Yeo - the SO-SO... *stop the eyes! YIKES!!*
Daphne - the GOOD!
Taufik - the HOT! HOT! Sizzling HOT!!!
Christopher - the BAAAD!...
Olinda - the Goooo-OOOOD!!.... *but girl, plsssss look at the crowd..dun sing to yourself... been noticing tat!*
Sylvester - the GOOD (vocally)! But the BORING (performance)!
Jerry - ooooh! ooooh! YUCKS!!!.... definitely the HORRRRRIBLLLLLEE!!! *plssss eh, who'd enjoy a constipated voice?!!!!!*
Maia - the OK-lah... *not me favourite (tat's y!)*
Leandra - the GOOOOOOOOD! *not her BEST performance, pretty weak but GRRRREAT rendition and voice!*
The judges - the can't make up their minds judges! can't stand them!.... the only talk-sense judge is Dick Lee!... the others, cannot make it!... and whoever said tat the judges comments are NOT strong enuff to "sway" the viewers - tat's sooooo true!!....
BOTTOMLINE - if Jerry's not gone tomorrow, really, it's a miracle!!.... and whoever votes for him, are really, really either NOT musically-inclined or have constipated voices like him!...
David Yeo - the SO-SO... *stop the eyes! YIKES!!*
Daphne - the GOOD!
Taufik - the HOT! HOT! Sizzling HOT!!!
Christopher - the BAAAD!...
Olinda - the Goooo-OOOOD!!.... *but girl, plsssss look at the crowd..dun sing to yourself... been noticing tat!*
Sylvester - the GOOD (vocally)! But the BORING (performance)!
Jerry - ooooh! ooooh! YUCKS!!!.... definitely the HORRRRRIBLLLLLEE!!! *plssss eh, who'd enjoy a constipated voice?!!!!!*
Maia - the OK-lah... *not me favourite (tat's y!)*
Leandra - the GOOOOOOOOD! *not her BEST performance, pretty weak but GRRRREAT rendition and voice!*
The judges - the can't make up their minds judges! can't stand them!.... the only talk-sense judge is Dick Lee!... the others, cannot make it!... and whoever said tat the judges comments are NOT strong enuff to "sway" the viewers - tat's sooooo true!!....
BOTTOMLINE - if Jerry's not gone tomorrow, really, it's a miracle!!.... and whoever votes for him, are really, really either NOT musically-inclined or have constipated voices like him!...
Went out with Ms Gems yesterday for some shopping!!.... but noooo.... it wasn't me who's shopping... but HER!...hhehehee... i managed to restrain myself from shopping till the very last minute.. one of our last stops for the day - BODY SHOP... couldn't resist the travel kit brushes they were selling at $18.90!... i've got 4 brushes - blusher, lipstick, eye-shadow and eye-brow brushes, with it's bag and a mirror; all in one!!.... aaaaaah..... it's the latest arrival..juz arrived on Monday!!... so grab it now girls... ;D
Anyways, Ms Gems is looking for her shoes... it was a "wild" time scouring the shops for her shoes bcoz of our clashing likings... her style and me style = no go!...hahahhahaa.... but look!...this was wat she nearly bought....

Look at tat shoes she's wearing!... soooo 80s, rite??... glossy and all (but it kinda fit her image nicely though) and the other pair is wat she's trying on... where's the toes?!
Well, maybe some of you may like it... but it wouldn't be me coz it's NOT me style PLUS it's a case of the missing toes!!!.... at least, if it's covered, u wouldn't see that there's a gap there in front...but it's opened!!.... and it juz feels awkward!!...hehehehehe... anyways, she didn't get it... *good choice!*....
Went out with Ms Gems yesterday for some shopping!!.... but noooo.... it wasn't me who's shopping... but HER!...hhehehee... i managed to restrain myself from shopping till the very last minute.. one of our last stops for the day - BODY SHOP... couldn't resist the travel kit brushes they were selling at $18.90!... i've got 4 brushes - blusher, lipstick, eye-shadow and eye-brow brushes, with it's bag and a mirror; all in one!!.... aaaaaah..... it's the latest arrival..juz arrived on Monday!!... so grab it now girls... ;D
Anyways, Ms Gems is looking for her shoes... it was a "wild" time scouring the shops for her shoes bcoz of our clashing likings... her style and me style = no go!...hahahhahaa.... but look!...this was wat she nearly bought....
Look at tat shoes she's wearing!... soooo 80s, rite??... glossy and all (but it kinda fit her image nicely though) and the other pair is wat she's trying on... where's the toes?!
Well, maybe some of you may like it... but it wouldn't be me coz it's NOT me style PLUS it's a case of the missing toes!!!.... at least, if it's covered, u wouldn't see that there's a gap there in front...but it's opened!!.... and it juz feels awkward!!...hehehehehe... anyways, she didn't get it... *good choice!*....
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Daud Yusoff has never failed to impress me and this month's issue of Manja is juz one of those "real" issues which he brought up and cleverly "humorise" it!... he suggested to come up with a few campaigns bcoz the current ones are pretty boring... hhehehee....
1. Open your Door Campaign - we're all living in flats with our doors locked. It's juz as good as a private cell. You don't even know your own neighbours who's living in the same block as you.
2. Singapore's (Ripley's) Believe it or Not Campaign - showcase your weird talent. He's pretty sure we can find some very weird talents here who's not been featured bcoz there's no such avenues for them and who knows, these will be the ppl who will colour our next President Star Charity??
3. Decorate your Bike/Car Campaign - so tat these vehicles will be able to inject some sort of live and cheeriness to the streets in Singapore. Plus it may juz bring a smile to someone's face..
4. Biggest Flower or Garden in the House Campaign - to encourage Singaporeans to plant and prune and appreciate the greenery in Singapore..
5. Kempen Lu Muk Ni Sing (Dulu Gemuk Kini Langsing - translated: Fat last time, thin this time) - a twist to encourage a healthy lifestyle in the nation..
Whatever's written in the article is amazingly true!.. i guess we do miss out on the fun elements and it's our "short-sightedness" that prevents us from seeing what's obvious and doing what's good for ourselves...
To Mr Daud Yusoff, you're truly an inspiration and I sure do hope to see you in parliaments seats one day....
Daud Yusoff has never failed to impress me and this month's issue of Manja is juz one of those "real" issues which he brought up and cleverly "humorise" it!... he suggested to come up with a few campaigns bcoz the current ones are pretty boring... hhehehee....
1. Open your Door Campaign - we're all living in flats with our doors locked. It's juz as good as a private cell. You don't even know your own neighbours who's living in the same block as you.
2. Singapore's (Ripley's) Believe it or Not Campaign - showcase your weird talent. He's pretty sure we can find some very weird talents here who's not been featured bcoz there's no such avenues for them and who knows, these will be the ppl who will colour our next President Star Charity??
3. Decorate your Bike/Car Campaign - so tat these vehicles will be able to inject some sort of live and cheeriness to the streets in Singapore. Plus it may juz bring a smile to someone's face..
4. Biggest Flower or Garden in the House Campaign - to encourage Singaporeans to plant and prune and appreciate the greenery in Singapore..
5. Kempen Lu Muk Ni Sing (Dulu Gemuk Kini Langsing - translated: Fat last time, thin this time) - a twist to encourage a healthy lifestyle in the nation..
Whatever's written in the article is amazingly true!.. i guess we do miss out on the fun elements and it's our "short-sightedness" that prevents us from seeing what's obvious and doing what's good for ourselves...
To Mr Daud Yusoff, you're truly an inspiration and I sure do hope to see you in parliaments seats one day....
Monday, October 04, 2004
Wonderful course, wonderful trainer...full of sense!!.... AT LAST!!!....
White Hat - provide information only
Red Hat - how do you feel towards a certain situation or scenario? your gut feel
Black Hat - list the reasons why this thing won't work
Yellow Hat - list the reasons why this thing will work
Green Hat - be creative! list all possible solutions or alternatives
Blue Hat - the "leader" to guide the discussion and decide on next step to be taken
Insightful.... but i really wonder... if the management has gone through this course before us, as they claim, why is it, it's NOT being made used of during meetings? Eversince our respected leader left, I've never been to a meeting which ends fruitfully or were organised!.... anyways, as a suggestion to HR, i shall suggest that this system/model be implemented in the organisation!.... we'll see how it goes then....
heard the story of molest from someone earlier...she was molested not ONCE but a FEW times!!.... she related to us how she manage to catch this 18yr old boy who molested her... when he grab her, she tot it was her bf!...hah!!....then, when she turned with a smile, she was greeted with this boy!..... she started screaming obscenities and chased him round the block in her platform shoes!.... she managed to catch him, pinned him down.. pinched him and started nagging at him!.... hahhahaha...tat was a laff!... but niways, demanded for his IC and hp..made a call to the police and have him arrested...
while waiting for the police, she saw all the lights on with ppl standing, looking out of the window at them... in her statement, she couldn't tell the police that she actually screamed like a mad woman, screaming obscenities...instead, she said she screamed "Help! Stop tat molester!"...hahahhaa....yeah! rite!...but niways, the next day, the mom heard from "an aunty from blk 600+ tat someone screamed obscenities at 10pm under the void deck and pinned a guy down!"...hahahhaha... she didn't dare tell the mom tat was her!....
juz soooo amazed at her story!!...never heard a story like tat..!!.. though she did catch tat boy.. but it's juz bad luck for her to run into perverts like tat a few times!.... gosh!!... either tat, or she don't learn her lesson.....
Wonderful course, wonderful trainer...full of sense!!.... AT LAST!!!....
White Hat - provide information only
Red Hat - how do you feel towards a certain situation or scenario? your gut feel
Black Hat - list the reasons why this thing won't work
Yellow Hat - list the reasons why this thing will work
Green Hat - be creative! list all possible solutions or alternatives
Blue Hat - the "leader" to guide the discussion and decide on next step to be taken
Insightful.... but i really wonder... if the management has gone through this course before us, as they claim, why is it, it's NOT being made used of during meetings? Eversince our respected leader left, I've never been to a meeting which ends fruitfully or were organised!.... anyways, as a suggestion to HR, i shall suggest that this system/model be implemented in the organisation!.... we'll see how it goes then....
heard the story of molest from someone earlier...she was molested not ONCE but a FEW times!!.... she related to us how she manage to catch this 18yr old boy who molested her... when he grab her, she tot it was her bf!...hah!!....then, when she turned with a smile, she was greeted with this boy!..... she started screaming obscenities and chased him round the block in her platform shoes!.... she managed to catch him, pinned him down.. pinched him and started nagging at him!.... hahhahaha...tat was a laff!... but niways, demanded for his IC and hp..made a call to the police and have him arrested...
while waiting for the police, she saw all the lights on with ppl standing, looking out of the window at them... in her statement, she couldn't tell the police that she actually screamed like a mad woman, screaming obscenities...instead, she said she screamed "Help! Stop tat molester!"...hahahhaa....yeah! rite!...but niways, the next day, the mom heard from "an aunty from blk 600+ tat someone screamed obscenities at 10pm under the void deck and pinned a guy down!"...hahahhaha... she didn't dare tell the mom tat was her!....
juz soooo amazed at her story!!...never heard a story like tat..!!.. though she did catch tat boy.. but it's juz bad luck for her to run into perverts like tat a few times!.... gosh!!... either tat, or she don't learn her lesson.....
...they were wicked alrite!....hahhaha...was up and about at Orchard Road... on our way back from PS to Taka, we were stopped by the sound of live band performing, beating their drums and other instruments.. They were grrrreat!!... having listened to them for the first time, i must say they were very impressive - energetic, show-stopping and engaging...
I can't seem to stop myself from shopping!!......darn this itchy hands and eyes!!.... Izy, i bought myself those beaded slippers!... could have stop at one pairs..but nooooo!!..... just had to get another pair!!.... too nice!!.... at that same place, I think dearie may have found ourselves our wedding favors!...hhehehehhe.... wat I wanted...but the price a bit too steep...... bought a sample..will show mom later... bought myself a nice top... verrry, verrry, grrrreat bargain!!... from $73.90 to $29!!....hehehehhee...who dun want rite?!... would have bought MORE tops if only their neckline is NOT low!!..... dearie would scccrrrrreeeeaaamm!!..... hmmmm..maybe next time... it IS at 50% disc!!.... DAMN!... anyways, had a "grrrreat" work-out too after all that shopping and eating KFC-again! walked from Far East Plaza to PS and back again!!... But thouroughly enjoyed the nite's walk with dearie... and Orchard dun seem like Orchard anymore... it's been a while...yeah!... always try to avoid it...but tat Sat, is a "refreshing" change... soooo lively it is!!
...they were wicked alrite!....hahhaha...was up and about at Orchard Road... on our way back from PS to Taka, we were stopped by the sound of live band performing, beating their drums and other instruments.. They were grrrreat!!... having listened to them for the first time, i must say they were very impressive - energetic, show-stopping and engaging...
I can't seem to stop myself from shopping!!......darn this itchy hands and eyes!!.... Izy, i bought myself those beaded slippers!... could have stop at one pairs..but nooooo!!..... just had to get another pair!!.... too nice!!.... at that same place, I think dearie may have found ourselves our wedding favors!...hhehehehhe.... wat I wanted...but the price a bit too steep...... bought a sample..will show mom later... bought myself a nice top... verrry, verrry, grrrreat bargain!!... from $73.90 to $29!!....hehehehhee...who dun want rite?!... would have bought MORE tops if only their neckline is NOT low!!..... dearie would scccrrrrreeeeaaamm!!..... hmmmm..maybe next time... it IS at 50% disc!!.... DAMN!... anyways, had a "grrrreat" work-out too after all that shopping and eating KFC-again! walked from Far East Plaza to PS and back again!!... But thouroughly enjoyed the nite's walk with dearie... and Orchard dun seem like Orchard anymore... it's been a while...yeah!... always try to avoid it...but tat Sat, is a "refreshing" change... soooo lively it is!!
Friday, October 01, 2004
Fucking disaappointed with the results tonite!.... wat the fuck?!... kicking Jeassea out of this on the fucking first week of the show?!.... over JERRY?!.... ABSURD!!...
is Singaporean out of their minds?!... Beverly out - expected!...Jeassea OUT?!!!....aaaaaaaaah!!... CANNOT accept!!!.... Does singing like a person who's trying sooo hard to get the shit out of his ass and looking nothing like a true star, an idol? A good singer? A contestant who deserved at least another week?!..... Or does singing like a cutesy pie, being all breathless, singing thru the nose and boring deserved a second chance?? This is not abt idolism oredi... voting seemed to be based on popularity and favouritism..
And why do they have to get 2 contestants out?!.... TWO?!... i know u guys are trying very hard to be different from AI. But face it! In the first place, the idea is theirs... no matter what you guys do, you'll still be compared to AI, and SI will still be beaten by AI coz the standards ain't there yet... not even far...it's like reaching for the stars!.... and if this trend continues, it ain't Singapore Idol no more..it should be juz Singapore's FAVOURITE!
I'm pretty sure i'm NOT the only one writing this angry entry... i bet there are others who are as mad as I am!... I sure was... i cried for Jeassea... it's juz fucking unreal!... who's next? Leandra?...if it really is her, fuck it.... SI is OVER!!..... BIG TIME!! ain't gonna get anything from me... but i really wonder, how many votes have they gotten so far?.... not many i'm sure coz it never got announced does it?.... as long as the cost of an SMS or a fon call stays tat way, i doubt ppl like me will ever vote!... First, it's juz a scam to korek $$ from us and second, it's obvious..the trend's (as mentioned above) starting... it has started even before it really started!... and it's obvious, tis juz the beginning!..
After that hi-drama episode of SI, the heart melted after seeing Mr Sales Manager (JP) in Survivor!...hahahhaa....juz had to say it but all too soon, he's gone... stewpid group!... the most "emotional" group of all seasons!... and yet once again, tonite TWO will be gone as well in Survivor...it's a strange lil twist but hell, it raised some *blink!blink!* amongst the survivors as well as myself!...HAH!...wat the hell!... are shows trying to cut down the no. of episodes here?!.... it ain't FUN no more!....
Anyways, hell yeah! they voted Mia off!!.... she's such a sour bitch!... from the clips, of course, she's one of those princesses!... but of course, i don't quite agree with the vote... i think it should have been Scout... a good of a "scout" she is, she's don't have that agility or that strength to win it for the girls!... though eliza went yakkety-yak, she does have a point...Scout is a detriment to the tribe!...oh well...like i said, these are the most emotional group of all seasons... so, i think who'd survive in the end, would be pretty interesting to see...
Fucking disaappointed with the results tonite!.... wat the fuck?!... kicking Jeassea out of this on the fucking first week of the show?!.... over JERRY?!.... ABSURD!!...
is Singaporean out of their minds?!... Beverly out - expected!...Jeassea OUT?!!!....aaaaaaaaah!!... CANNOT accept!!!.... Does singing like a person who's trying sooo hard to get the shit out of his ass and looking nothing like a true star, an idol? A good singer? A contestant who deserved at least another week?!..... Or does singing like a cutesy pie, being all breathless, singing thru the nose and boring deserved a second chance?? This is not abt idolism oredi... voting seemed to be based on popularity and favouritism..
And why do they have to get 2 contestants out?!.... TWO?!... i know u guys are trying very hard to be different from AI. But face it! In the first place, the idea is theirs... no matter what you guys do, you'll still be compared to AI, and SI will still be beaten by AI coz the standards ain't there yet... not even far...it's like reaching for the stars!.... and if this trend continues, it ain't Singapore Idol no more..it should be juz Singapore's FAVOURITE!
I'm pretty sure i'm NOT the only one writing this angry entry... i bet there are others who are as mad as I am!... I sure was... i cried for Jeassea... it's juz fucking unreal!... who's next? Leandra?...if it really is her, fuck it.... SI is OVER!!..... BIG TIME!! ain't gonna get anything from me... but i really wonder, how many votes have they gotten so far?.... not many i'm sure coz it never got announced does it?.... as long as the cost of an SMS or a fon call stays tat way, i doubt ppl like me will ever vote!... First, it's juz a scam to korek $$ from us and second, it's obvious..the trend's (as mentioned above) starting... it has started even before it really started!... and it's obvious, tis juz the beginning!..
After that hi-drama episode of SI, the heart melted after seeing Mr Sales Manager (JP) in Survivor!...hahahhaa....juz had to say it but all too soon, he's gone... stewpid group!... the most "emotional" group of all seasons!... and yet once again, tonite TWO will be gone as well in Survivor...it's a strange lil twist but hell, it raised some *blink!blink!* amongst the survivors as well as myself!...HAH!...wat the hell!... are shows trying to cut down the no. of episodes here?!.... it ain't FUN no more!....
Anyways, hell yeah! they voted Mia off!!.... she's such a sour bitch!... from the clips, of course, she's one of those princesses!... but of course, i don't quite agree with the vote... i think it should have been Scout... a good of a "scout" she is, she's don't have that agility or that strength to win it for the girls!... though eliza went yakkety-yak, she does have a point...Scout is a detriment to the tribe!...oh well...like i said, these are the most emotional group of all seasons... so, i think who'd survive in the end, would be pretty interesting to see...
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