Friday, December 30, 2005
It's the last working day of the year!... *yippee!* the year so far have been very kind to me - a re-appointment, a major project and an overseas stint!... i wonder wat's in store for me next year?.... i hope a good pay increment, another overseas stint and a peaceful, settling year ahead!... ;)
My new year resolutions?... not that i intend to make any since i've never really fulfilled ANY of it anyways!.... but wedding resolutions?.... definitely have!.. DESPERATELY. BADLY. NEED to lose 5 more kilos at least!!!!..... i wonder if it can be achieved?... no more fast-food, eating out unnecessarily, snacking!... gosh!... practically taking away all of my favourite "past-time"!... but i'm determine now.. with less than 3mths away, i've no more time to slack!... need to train. train. train!........ *rolls eyes. drop dead.*
Thursday, December 29, 2005
pregnant ke this cat?.... i dunno but for sure it's HUGE!!.... my hair stood juz looking at it!.... :p
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
How rude of me!..... I forgot to thank the 2 girls for giving me the Winter Collection make-up series from BB!..... *muacks!* thanks girls!!!!!........... sooooo lucky i didn't buy it leh!...
btw, am looking at my invite and ooooh laaa laaaa.... am lurvving every bit of it!..... thanks to a certain girlfriend of mine!..... marvelous, girl!... Marvelous!.... my hands are itching to publicise it on my blog!... heheheheh.... but i know... i shouldn't!!!... later no surprise mah... can't wait for it to be printed!.... sheeesh...
Shifted in on X'mas eve and was busy unpacking the whole nite tat day... All thanks to Dearest, my boxes were all unpacked and room neatly arranged with ornaments and toiletries and any other things possible, in just ONE nite!!....
I was soooooo amazed at how organised and a neat freak he was!!!... i mean, i know he IS but to see him work and helped ME organise my own stuffs - i was in AWE!..... Seriously, Dearest... I'm fucking lucky I got you!.... and you're sooooo in deep shit coz i ain't like you!..... so Dearest, believe my mom when she said I'm lazy and I will only do the housework when i've got the mood!.... kwang... kwang.. kwang.... i hope you'll still love me the same.... hehehhehe.....
Moving from a big house to a small (much, much smaller) one - felt like I need miniatures!... there seemed to be no space to put all my stuffs!... i brought all my photo frames & albums, my bags, my shoes, my bag load of make-up and lo behold, i've got nowhere to put them! I can't wait to go to IKEA and buy some much-needed items to make storage space!!... and I need (badly) to give away or throw some bags!!!...... tiiiiiidaaaaak!........ *sobs*
On a happier note, all this shifting made me come to the realisation that it's only abt 3 mths away from the "Big Day"!...... oh my gawd!..... to be exact, 88 more days!... imagine tat!.... soon, our status will be changed!!.... ooooooooh!... can't wait to be your MRS, my dear!.... *muacks!*
Friday, December 23, 2005
Met up with the Guniang one at 3 Monkeys for our teambuilding session..
and wat a time we had bitching and updating the latest news at work and esp someone's "love" life in particular!.. hahahhaa..... she din see it coming orite!....
it was such a surprise!.......
they intended to do a mini bday celebration for me!.... but Tee, bought the cake from BreadTalk.. so, i can't eat it!... ;P really sorry guys!
they sang a hushed bday song.. very shy one they all.... hahhaha...
but in the end....
we bought a brownie from there and re-celebrated my bday with the new cake..
and they sang tat hush, hush bday song again, while Tee helped to keep the candle alive...
We're glad that Tee enjoyed that last-min-piece-of-work we did on his collage... hahahhaha.... ;)
Thank you ppl!..... love u guys a lot!!!!........
Thursday, December 22, 2005
I'm all psyched up and excited abt our big move this weekend!... but NOT at all looking forward to packing up the tons of clothes, docs, lingerie etc, etc, i stuffed inside my cupboard as well as the tons of shoes stacked outside the house!.. urrrrgh!....
Such a big move!... i hope i dun lose this and that later!... gah! gah!.. Dearest is ever-so-helpful and will be spending the day tml with me to help me pack and dismantle wateva there is need to dismantle - incl my bed!!... hehehehe....
I just hope i can finish packing on time to watch the battle of the reality stars tml!.... PLUS, of course, there'd be at least one TV left for me to watch it lah!.... hmmmm..... bro is soooooo lucky - he dun seem to have lifted his finger to pack his belongings!.... bleagh!...
Anyways, watched the top model yest and got such a laff watching Mr CatWalk do the pen-on-the-brow thang!... hahahhaha... and then commenting "I think we need to supply her with a brow-tweezing kit!" kakakakka... tat was hilarious!.... u wanna be the top model with brows like that, girl?.... even the nyonyas at the market are making their brows as thin or at least as presentable as possible!... she needs HEEEELLLPP!!!!.....
ooooh!.. and i can't believe they allowed Bobo Big D (the plus-size model) in this year!... she's got a pretty face (last year's plus-size girl is prettier actually) but her size is huuuuuge!... hmmmm..... it got me "inspired" to feel good abt my body - really!...
This season's gonna be interesting...
1. The big-ass lips girl who can't freakin walk in heels!.. plus her big-ass lips is irritatingly disturbing on her small face!.. it looks like she did some injection but insisted it's au naturel!.... *WATEVA!*
2. The girl with the disturbing brow and a very disturbing life to match!..
3. The masculine one who's sooooo tomboyish - i was surprised she was even interested in modeling!..
4. The fake girl who fake crying. EVERYTIME! From telling Tyra abt her desire to be in this and then, fake another cry when she manage to get in the top 13!.. like WTF?!
5. The plus-size model - whether they're gonna boot her out on the very first elimination round or at most, the first 3 elimination rounds, which they tend to do to the "fat" ones!...
The above were listed in no favouritsm order.. neither was it meant to be in my favourites list... i like the "Dairy Queen" girl... soooo chirpy, sooooo sweet and pretty!... but it's still too early to decide my favourite also!... i juz hope that if someone (you know who you are! ;p) or anybody else knows the results earlier, plsssssssss dun tell me!....... i forbid you to!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
My dearest passed ALL his papers!... i'm sooooo fucking happy!.. coz tat means, he's on par with his peers = he'll have only 3 papers to concentrate on = 3 days of sch next year = not so stressed preparing for our wedding + exams as a newly-wed!!... yippee!!!!....
On a sadder note, i've used up my upload limit in multiply.. so my JKT pic will not be up till next mth!.. aaaargh!... but here's the "highlights" of the trip..
The quirks of the girls, esp the lil' one..
We found a picture-perfect street in Puncak, JKT
It seemed like it's taken out from the streets of Edward Scissorshands!..lurrve the houses!
The way the Indons drive..
is too close for comfort... i cringed everytime!!!!......
Even planes have to que!!....
The girls got especially excited to find them queing up, waiting for their turn to fly off!...
We had Bean to entertain us..
the very kelakar bodoh cartoon!... :p
A gaping air-con ventilator..
which actually got me worried!!.. BAH!...
But the leg room..
made me smile the whole way thru!.... oh!.. and of course, the company of that one cuzzin of mine, made the trip a bit more bearable!.. ahhaha... ;p
and i hope i've turned wiser... *bleagh!*.... but anyways, yeah... celebrated my bday with the power girls and we also celebrated Izy's belated bday!..
Dearest treated me to 4hrs of non-stop karaoke-ing.. juz the 2 of us, TODAY!... weeeeee.... actually, the "princess"treatment was given a day earlier - on Sat, we went out shopping and dining!.. and also, where i spent my first hour turning turning 25 with Dearest with his friend and lovely fiance... Btw, have to add and advertise - one of the BEST dining experience ever!...
Sunday was also spent SHOPPING - again! - but couldn't really celebrate coz we've got errands to run!... so he made it up with TODAY... A movie at home and then off to send my wedding shoes for some repair.. while waiting...
but not before stealing a shot of this!!!.....
A preview of our much-needed duet practices... *juz in case Dearest is up to serenading me on our wedding dinner*...
emiliAduka presents..
Disclaimer: Critisms not appreciated. Encouragement MUCH needed. Thank you! ;)
we ended the nite with dinner at our usual chill-out place and a sealed deal with his choice of kompang group.. and my OH my!.. as what happenned previously, y din we meet this group earlier?!!!!... aaaargh!... they have made me all excited to use them!... but they couldn't commit with us on whether they'd be able to "run" the show for dinner.. i'd waiting for the "good news" at the end of the mth... but at the meantime, i'd need to make a decision - to go with the tradition and save $150.. OR to go forego tradition and save $350!... hmmmmmm....
Friday, December 16, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
oh dear!.... practically only abt 1/4 of us are left in the office!... it's sooooo dead quiet here.. i'm sooooo jealous ppl are on leave!!!.... bleagh!..... golf. holiday. rest. tat's wat the rest are doing!!!..... booooo-hooooo-hooo...
i'm stuck here in a super-duper bday cum holiday mode...
super-duper NO MOOD to do any work!.....
super-duper looking forward to meeting IrilYana and their new-born...
and super-duper FREEEEEEEEEEE *hence the change in layout pictures!*....
i think i should start reading my Her World Bride mag now....
We went to meet a relatively unknown decor house.. and am sooooo, oh-soooooo, pleased with the services offered, the enthusiasm he exude and the quality guaranteed!.....
We are. I am. He is.. very, very excited!!!......
oooooooh!!... i'd be damned, damned jealous if he can pull off what we (or more MOI) asked for.... guess wat theme i asked for???? guess? guess?!.... hehehehe.....
husssssh... moi not telling for now.... but moi praying that he meets our budget.. for anyone who's oh-sooooooo interested to be in on the excitement as well, visit Anggerik Impian!... meet them and tell them all that you WANT. you NEED. you WISHED for .... for your wedding!
ooooooh!...... why din Dearest meet this guy sooooner?!.... *hmph!*....
oh!... btw, I'm soooooo blardy happy that the Linz Family won the race!... the first ever team i supported - won the race!... YAAAAAHOOOO!!!.... lovely!... ;) i soooooooo like them!..... and yesterday's ending was oh-sooooooooooo touching!...... hmmmm.... my secret wish.. to be in this kind of competition with Dearest - to test the strength of our love, to be with him, enjoying the sights the world have to offer and to learn more abt him through the time spent together!.. (hah!.. it ain't secret no more, ait?!)
oooooh!... my JKT trip's pic!... have no time to upload!... bleagh!... will do so sooooooon.. i hope!.. hehehehe... ;)
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I've not even finished uploading my NS photos, i went for yet another trip overseas, with loads of photos to share too (i think!).... but i've finished uploading that 1st trip photos and... boy!.. are they A LOT!!...
But anyways, the experience going through it was priceless! ....
1. Basking in the experience and atmosphere at the Opening Ceremony
2. Learning the quirks of my colleagues
3. Being in the thick of a drama unfolding
4. Being one of the first few to get the results of a competition
5. The chaos and the stress
6. Rooting for our nation
8. Having spasms of heart attacks traveling in a car along the streets of Metro Manila
9. A nite out with the "bosses" and a Doc, being sick and all..
12. Surrounded with countless mangoes and ice-cream - we could probably open up a shop selling these only!...
Saturday, December 10, 2005
I'm now using the free internet usage they provide here in Changi... with the rest of the zany-sisters gang - 'Aida, Nuha and A'lia!...
I can't believe i'm leaving my dearest again just after 3 days of arriving back in Singapore!... gonna miss him again!!... brrrrr..... but niways, before i log off now, would like to say a BIIIIIG Happpy BURPday to the following peeps!
1. Fadhli - 11 Dec
2. Ai-Pei - 10 Dec
3. Kenneth 1 - 10 Dec
4. Sujatha - 13 Dec
May you guys be blessed with the happiness, health, love and wealth the world can offer!...
See you peeps in abt 4 days time!... pls pray i will manage to find wat i'm trying to find while i'm there!!.. ;)
Thursday, December 08, 2005
weeeeee!.... i'm sooooo happy!!... i've gotten myself a bday prezzie!...hehhehehe..... wat? u may ask.... a trip to the dentist..... teeth whitening!...hehehehe..... yup!.. yup!.... u read it rite!.... YYY???.... bcoz i can't use pink lipstick!!!..... my set of nice teeth juz become more yellow everytime i've pink lips!... i dunch like!...
hahahhaa.... mum cannot stand the fact that i'm doing this juz bcoz of make-up!... errrrr.... hell yeah!.... ;) it's not ALL abt make-up!... i wanna look good for me wedding!.. hehehehe.... but of course, as usual, she still went ahead in encouraging me to have it done even though i was still thinking abt the worthness of it all!.. ahhahaha.... tat's me MUM!...
So anyways, i'm having it DONE!... juz DO it!... DO it!.... *in starsky's character - if you guys watch Starsky & Hutch, tat is!* so there, Ms Quirky... u've been asking wat i'm getting myself for me bday!..... hehhehehe.....
btw, juz a word of advise, plsssss... plssssssss... use a seat belt on esp if you're taking a cab! i was on my way to the dentist by cab yest... and i usually dun use the seat belt.. but yest, out of guilt - after seeing the warning pasted on the front seat *rolls eyes* - i decided to juz put it on!... and as i was still "jet-lagged", i slept!.. and lo behold!!!!......the next moment, i jerked at my seat, the seat belt nearly scratched my neck!!.... the cab driver had a near-accident moment with this car in front and was ranting and raving and cursing and swearing at the car!!!... my god!!!..... and there i was at the back, counting my lucky stars, thanking god, that i'd put on my seat belt!....
oh my goodness gracious me!... Dearest told me of an embarrasing incident that happened to him yesterday and boy!.. it sure was darn embarassing!.... guess wat?!!!.... one of his customers invited him to watch porn after he's done working... oooooh!... but that's not all.... it's not plain porn!... it was GAY porn!..... eeeeuuueeewwww!!!...... eeky kan???.....
we dunno wat to make out of it.... but i went like "which part of you scream GAY, dear??".. hahhahaa......
oh!.... one more thing!!.... Ms Sinus showed me a picture of her newborn and ooooooooh!.... soooooo kiiiiuuutt!!!... found out too, that her baby was delivered weighing 3.8kg!!... ya ampun!... besar betui baby kau, ye??.... no wonder that poor mother had to go thru the c-section!.. oooooh!.. can't wait to see her and the new love-of-her-life tmr. hopefully!!!.... ;)
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
ooooh!.... am now in the office, checking out my stuffs... thank god IT manage to retrieve all of my files!... i'm sooooooo darn happy abt it!.. hehehehee.......
but of course, obviously not too darn happy abt having to come back to work today!.... brrrrr..... very, the very unhappy siah!...... was soooooo darn sleepy!... had only 2hrs of sleep the nite before our departure.. and couldn't properly qada' my sleep either last nite... if we had an off day today, at least, i could sleep in.. coz i'm sure as hell had a freakinly deeeeeeeep nite sleep last nite only to be woken up 6hrs later!!!....
i think both me and B are feelin like shit rite now.. i think i look like shit now!.... no matter how much concealer i use, i dun think it manage to cover my increasingly dark circles!.... boooo-hoooo-hoooo!!!.... oh!.... and of course!.... of all times for dearest's bike to puncture, it HAS to be TODAY!!!!...... sekali Ms Hiao (a nick i gave to my sup!.. heehehe) thinks it was an excuse?... errrr...
but niways, my eyes are stinging now.. i need SLEEEP!!!...... dearest wanna talk abt the our wedding preps after work today... hmmm... i hope i can stay awake enuff to talk abt it!.... hurhur..
ooooooh!.... btw, wanna say XIE XIE NIE to dearest Ms Quirk for giving me an early bday prezzie!!!.... weeeeeee!!!..... can go sing Kelly's song - A moment Like This - liao!..... ahhahahaha...... mmmm... but must wait a bit longer first since i'm currently in voice-less mode!... kwang... kwang... kwang...
Monday, December 05, 2005
Dear, u hear moi??.... hehehhee... I WANT KFC!!!!
Been eating too much greens!!!... it's a wonder, i managed to keep my cool, with the lack of meat i'm getting here!..... i want me chix!!!.....
YEAY!... it's the last day here!... lovely!... i'm going back to my dearest family and friends and especially.... my dearest, dearest, ever-loving, faithful fiance!..... miiiiiisssssssss him like craaaazeeeeeee!!.. my luggage is gonna be in excess - AGAIN!... i wonder how much it weighs this time!... hahahaa... when we came, it was 38.9kg!... now leh??... btw, mum said they're preparing for the closing now.. but duuuuh!.. me not going leh.. am having flu - running nose, sore-throat and sneezing!.... i guess from too much mangoes!!!... dear god!....
i can't believe how fast time really flies!... ;) the 13days here really gave me a chance to see who's who?... but i'm glad to say everyone's getting along alrite, even though it may juz be on the surface!..... :( howell!... it's better than bickering!..
Anyways, B, my room-mate has been god-sent!.... she's sooooo cool, calm and collected (like MOI!) all these while.. hehehee.... very fun to be with!... like i dun oredi know!... hhahahaa.... ;) i really tot that all these work here will be very stressed... but hey!... had a great team who has a great sense of humour, really knows how to take things ez!... i love them!... thanks for making my first overseas stint enjoyable!!......
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Wow!!... 3 "Majulah Singapura" in a GO!.... was soooo darn proud of tat!... hehehehee..... oh!... and we also got a shot of 7 flags hung together - i guess tat was after we won 7 straight GOLD medals from Sailing!.... wooooohooooo!!! ;)
Anyways, things have been fine here..... though that previous episode of tat "mad person" is still playing in my mind!.... oh!.. btw, tat person got the cheek to wanna sit with us for lunch!..... oh puhleassssse!.... no fucking way!!!!.......
i'm running out of $$$ to shop for some other stuffs!... can't believe it!.. ahahhaa.... must go chg more $$$!.... :( oooooh!.... my $$$'s depleting in the S'pore bank siah!.... i've still got that Indo trip to go to after this!.... brrrrrrr...... how? how?.....
Friday, December 02, 2005
Wahlau!... we went on a mango shopping spree yesterday!... ahhahahaa..... i'm gonna be buying 5kilos x 2 loads of mangoes!!.... in all, our baggages alone has like some 80kg of mangoes!.. SQ, will be sooooooo mango-like smell on the 6th!.. hehehee....
Anyways, we had like a feast of mangoes... hehehhee.... not really feast lah.. they're small ones.. where u can peel the skin and eat it it there and then!... soooooo kewl AND kiiiiiuuttt!!... :) spent time with the few of them in the room... talk cock and boozing (minus me lah!).. i boozed with 2 glasses of coke only!.. hahaa.... ;)
I'm like sooooo high here.... we've been very high on laughters and smiles and kidding around... though it can be quite stressed like crazee stressed with the quirks of many around here.. and that includes Ms Quirky and her impatient ways!!... wah lau!!...... she angry with me.. i also irritated with her!.... *shakes head*... but nvm, it's over.. she's forgiven.... :p
The quirks of my colleagues here, very manageable and tremendously relieve they're not real monsters!.. hahahaha... except maybe errrrrr... 1! YYYYY????..... coz as i was typing this, a terrible, terrible thing happen!!..... someone blew his freakin top - shouting at us, banging his freakin hands on the door in frustration, pacing up and down and calling us INCOMPETENT?!... HALLLLO!!!...... who's the one who's incompetent?!... blardy hell!... if u're soooooo competent, y dun u freakin do it yourself?!..... fuck!..... "disgusted" by us?!....oh plsssss!.... WE are disgusted by YOU!.... YOU're MORE disgusting than 10 bags of smelly mangoes!!!...... hmph!...
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Got the msg tis afternoon - dearest Ms Sinus have just delivered a baby boy at 1311hrs today!.... :) Congrats both!........ Will go visit you peeps as soon as I get back, hor!..... Wat's the name? Got 3 names like our other dearest friend or wat??... hehehehee....
My congrats also goes to our Singapore athletes who had won medals for the nation!..... Keep the fighting spirit and face game on!... would definitely be watching u peeps as and when we can!!!..... soooooo exciting!....
To RosmAman, sorry girl... i dun bring my cam around ah.... hahahaa... oklah... next time i'll bring it around eh?!...... bacin kan aku??!!......
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Hallo ppl!.... I've safely reached this place on Thurs.. the jam is pretty horrible.. but so far, everything's good... but was soooooo upset when Ms Quirky didn't request halal food for me on board and the stewardesses was soooooo pecah the other day!... i can tell u, i feel like smacking them siah!..
but niways, nvm.. that's not impt... impt thing is we're all here in one piece and hopefully, will reach home in one piece too!.... to all who's wished me bon voyage and a safe journey, thank you!..... and pls pray that I'll reach home in time and in one piece too! ;)
Oh! Yana!.... haven't beranak ke??... hehehehe....
Thursday, November 24, 2005
In another abt 3hrs, i'm to wake up and get ready to leave the country... mmmmm... gonna miss my dearest sooooooooo much!.... 13 days!... brrrrrr... nvm hor dear.. we went thru 5wks apart before.. wat's 2 wks hor?.. hhehehee... ;) there'll be more to come too.... :(
Anyways, dearest frenz... pls pray for my safe trip there and return... would love to return in one piece, thank you very much!... oh!.. oh!.. to Ms Insurance Agent, pls help coordinate our trip to Yana's hse on Fri, 09 Dec or the following weekend, preferably 17 Dec, whichever is good... hopefully Yana would have burst her "bubble" by then... and oooooh!... found a name for the baby boy oredi!.... irilyan... hehehhehee... amacam??.. ok tak??.. hahahhaa..... and if it's a girl (which too bad, is not!)... irilyana.. hahahahhha.....
So Yana, have a safe delivery and dun forget to SMS (preferably MMS if possible) your baby's details!!.... can't wait! can't wait!.... i'm gonna be missing blogging for awhile now.. hopefully, we'd get some time to surf the net so that i can get to update this blog of mine!....
MUACKS!!!!!.... to everyone!!....... ;)
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
OooooH!... thanks to the girls who organise this party raya cum "send-off" party for moi!.... sooooo touched!... ;) for those who still do not know... i'll be flying off to do my "NS" in 2 days!.... will only be back in 13 days, only to fly off again within the next 3 days!... hehehhe.....
Anyways, i'll let the pictures do the talking!....
Thanks eh, girls..... later after I come back or maybe New Year, let's throw another one!... this time round, hopefully ALL of us can make it!.... must i name names?... no need eh.... u girls should know who u are!!... LOVE y'all!!
Before i end off this entry, i would juz like to complain that I'm having such a terrible, terrible oceh on my hips!.. it looked soooooo darn ugly that i feel like puking after i saw it!... ewwwww!!....
and plus!... i can't freakin mobilise my neck... even massaging it very, very gently while applying moisturiser, it hurts like hell!!!... i am to take the muscle relaxant and have to bother B to massage me everyday for 15mins!.... ALAS!... i get to "taste" B's massage!.. and this time, she's got no excuse NOT to!.. hehehhee...
Monday, November 21, 2005
I hereby announce that today - this morning - marked my official accident on Dearest's bike! Oh my GAWD!.. it was soooooooooo freakin scary, i really tot i was gonna die!.... *drama*.. wateva it is, it all happened very slow-motionly (juz like any other falls i had before).. Dearest tried braking, but couldn't brake enuff! Hit the car's back and i got flung out, of the bike, torn my wet raincoat pants, bled my knees and bruised my elbow!
Stupid M driver!.... my gawd!... he made a right turn, from the other lane, and zooooooomed in w/o checking for any motorbikes on the way!... it was freakin lucky that Dearest rode the bike pretty slowly but apparently, still not enuff to brake in time - couldn't really blame him - he wasn't expecting the "mad dash" plus the roads were wet!... Did he think that this country is like his country or something?!.... huh?! huh?!.. can juz ZOOOOOM w/o consideration to other road travelers?.. where on earth, do u find a driver who zoomed, w/o checking if there are any other road users?.. wat if there was an apek on a bicycle?
He can still say he's scared because incl this, this is the second time an accident happen to him!... wat the fuck?!... stupid ass!... SECOND time and still NO regrets ah?!... nabey ah lu jantan!..
anyways, i thank god i'm alive and was wearing my rain gear coz my leg may be "ruined" with scratches, bruised and that my fall may not look as "elegant" as I imagined i did earlier since I was wearing skirt today! And that the road was a bit stuck.. if not, Dearest may have just zoomed as well!... and god knows wat would happen??!!.... Al-hamdulillah... I'm now hoping that i'm not gonna be feeling any aches or "lebam" feeling at anywhere else except at places where I know I bruised them...
Howell! Lesson learnt - never, never, ever, selit-menyelit anymore, dearest!... plsssss!... and i FORBID you to have class 2A licence PLUS dun even dream of owning your dream bike coz I'm NOT gonna let YOU have it!.... NO WAY!.... I'd rather u save up that money a bit more, put in a deposit for a car, and we can co-share the monthly payments plus wateva the car needs!... our lives are far more important than your dreams of owning that stupid bike!.... :p sorry, dearest... but u've known how i feel abt u wanting that bike!.. and today, just confirmed it!... (that i'm right all along..)
Another lesson for guys out there, ONE should ALWAYS listen to his woman no matter how absurd she may sound for you never know when that absurdity could bite you in the ass!..
Thursday, November 17, 2005
gosh!... been sooooo long since i last come in here to update anything!... been toooooo bz!.. toooo bz!... in abt 1 wk's time, i'll be flying OFF "serving my nation"... excited?.. quite.. but can't bear to leave my dearest!!!!.... 13 freakin days!... hmmmm... dun be lonely, k dear?... if very lonely, juz go my house and play x-box or something... ;) will be back in no time!!..
Anyways, over the last weekend, went to meet this cutie...
and in the midst of my busy, busy life... manage to make time for our dearest Kuniang Tee.. we call it... A Sing-Song Session with the Untalenteds but definitely D' Glamourous!... and we've got the session recorded - to proof how "untalented but glamourous we are"!... ahaiks!!...
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Y are some ppl sooooo freakin unreasonable?!... they nag and nag like there's no tml.. they bark here, bark there without thinking rationally or logically - with no feelings in their heart on what the other party may be restricted with?
I guess this is service.. but u see, i dun mind if, in the first place, we give bad service - it's only rite to bark since you're paying for the service but the thing that i DUN understand, how can you be rude to someone who is GIVING you the $$ for something that YOU should actually be responsible for?.. how can one DEMANDS for $$ when it's something that WE are not obliged to give?..
is that unreasonable or juz plain BITCH?!...
it's juz fuckingly irritating that one simply refused to listen - read: LISTEN and not HEAR! - what the other party is trying to explain. Isn't one's child's health and well-being, a parent's responsibility? Since when has it become someone else's responsibility to make sure that all his/her medical bills, tuition fees, etc are paid for - juz because he/she is "serving the country" - bringing glory and pride to the nation??... huh? huh?
and the one thing that i simply cannot tolerate when one practically shrieks her words in an irritatingly-near 8th octave voice and claims this and that - in a very "worldly" read: very the over-confident, adamant, know-it-all attitude - when all that were sprouted were not true!! wtf!
there are some things that are called Processes and Policies.
and there is also something called Budget!
If a business has no budget set aside for anything, it will go bankrupt one fine day!
I guess some people juz DON'T get it!... taking things given for granted w/o looking at oneself in the mirror and ask - who's responsibility is it? really? and the worst part of all, dahlah bodoh sombong (translation: stupid and snobbish) - dun want to LISTEN to others somemore!...
action pandai! bodoh punye olang!
Howell!.... On a more brighter note, my cookies this year have been well-received by others!... even Ms Quirky - the choosy one - liked it!.. hehehe.... hmmm.... if you'd like to order for CNY or wateva, spread the word around... dun mind getting the extra moolahs from selling my cookies!..
Oh! OH!.... before i forget! and before it strikes midnite!.... to dearest Ms Izy Sals...
Monday, November 07, 2005
successful, memorable, outing eva!
The weekend was definitely tiring but the most FUN hari raya outing in the history of the Aswan family i think!... hahhaha.....