AWAY and SICK!Was away for my Indon trip to a much, much, much awaited "shoppping spree" for my wedding favours... and wat did i get??.....
ZILCH!... instead, bagfuls of shit and vomit and a grouchy, gassy stomach!
soooooo suay!..... it was shopping for granny followed by trips to meet long-time pals, a LOT of
makan, a massage treat from mum, followed by a LOT of
makan (like there's no tomorrow - really!) and then..... followed a very, very SICK me!..... and that HAD to happen on the day I was due to go for my shopping spree!.... sucks big time!!!!....... i knew i shouldn't have gone.. told mum so.... but she told me - dun worry... sure got time to see your stuff!.... yeah! rite!!..... so there!.... i was rite... and so, i freakinly hope that she'll keep to her promise to give me another ticket ride to Jakarta after my "project".... and for THAT, i shall go alone (or maybe with dearie, if i can pujuk him to go along!) so i can concentrate on getting my stuffs
first!... ahhahahaha......
but anyways, overall, the trip was great!.... a break!.... loads of food to gorge on and meeting up with
Poetri - shout out to YOU! - HEY!!!..... (if she manage to get to this page) - was very welcoming indeed!... and wat a traffic-culture shock I got!... i forgot how terrible traffic was there.. and FUCK!... got a shock of my life!!.... really - the white, dotted lines have no meaning there!
CONSTANTINE vs SHREKGot this email from an anonymous writer on why Shrek managed to win over Constantine.. wat a LAFF!!....
"Wonder why the world should deserve another blob of lard?"Thursday night's result of the popular American Idol had left me wondering... why? Why is 'HE' still in while 'he' was out? One can formulate a hundredand one reasons to this disappointing question. But the truth lies in thefact that 'HE' has a bigger and fatter fan base... much fuller than Carries' hair during her disco night performance.
If you love the idiot box, think the couch is your soulmate and crispy chips your daily staple... then say hello club couch potatoes! You'll haveunlimited hours of TV entertainment, loads of greasy chips and time willnever be a constraint for anything more important other than casting votes. Unlike normal folks, who had to slog away their lives to monetary slavery... sight! Now, think Scott and you'll see the former... link that to the generalpopulation of America and you'll see why. Constantine, however, can't fly with similar feathers thus suffered a mortal death. His fans are just 'oh-so-normal'.
Now, who say obesity is a social stigma?