ok... i've got to give it to her!.... her Malay lang is sooooo powderful!... i'm impressed... utterly speechless with her capability to translate the English to Malay!....
Now let's take a moment to imagine yourself doing this movement, skill, element or sequence again. But this time move it up a notch, make it really great - totally awesome!
Translation: Sekarang marilah anda berhenti sejenak dan bayangkan diri anda melakukan pergerakan, kemahiran, anasir atau turutan yang dibayangkan tadi. Tapi kali ini cuba bayangkannya lebih mendalam sehingga ianya benar-benar hebat – Sungguh Menakjubkan!
Coach getting "on your case" or making a negative comment
Translation: Jurulatih yang sering menjatuhkan anda atau memberi kritikan / komen yang negatif.
Sinus, i think u should seriously consider doing translation services free-lance or something! ;) hahahahhaha........ i'm sure if Mr Harris see wat a sorry state i'm in - struggling to translate this stupid questionnaire to Malay - he'd be crying!.... hahahahaha... and to think he actually tot i could get an A1 for Malay!... dah dapat A2 tu dah very the nasib baik, cikgu!.... itu, saya rasa, time mood saya baik lah.. atau marker dia very baik hati!
i've decided, after this assignment, i'm not gonna take on any translation assignments ever!... to RosmAman, i kowtow to u too for having to do translations on a monthly basis on every article relating to our organisation!.... and also for helping me to come up with a few translations as well yesterday - Izy tooooO!!!!.....
love u girls, lots! lots!...
i've completed one... i've got one more to go!!!........ i'll try my darnest not to disturb u girls eh.... hehehehhe.... not that i can help it!....
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
to all my happening buddies from SP.. we'll be postponing our outing to next Wed, ppl!... Due to the unforeseen, yet expected, circumstances, our dearest Ayu will not be able to make it down.. and it's not only her, our lil' Ani will also not be able to make it today... and so, we have made a decision:
We will now invite only Zam to our outings.. and when Zam's invited, he would ask Ani... and Ani will not be able to reject her dearest.. it's a cycle, dear.. hahahhaa.....
and as for Ayu, I have decided that the next time something like this happens, i give up.... i'll be most prepared to not be able to see her for the rest of our lives.. or maybe once a year, during Hari Raya.. as i dun see how she's gonna make it out alone, with her baby in tow.. there's sooooo much things to say but i shall not say it in anger.. it's not fair and it's not right..urrrrghhh..... sooooo torn.....
to all my happening buddies from SP.. we'll be postponing our outing to next Wed, ppl!... Due to the unforeseen, yet expected, circumstances, our dearest Ayu will not be able to make it down.. and it's not only her, our lil' Ani will also not be able to make it today... and so, we have made a decision:
We will now invite only Zam to our outings.. and when Zam's invited, he would ask Ani... and Ani will not be able to reject her dearest.. it's a cycle, dear.. hahahhaa.....
and as for Ayu, I have decided that the next time something like this happens, i give up.... i'll be most prepared to not be able to see her for the rest of our lives.. or maybe once a year, during Hari Raya.. as i dun see how she's gonna make it out alone, with her baby in tow.. there's sooooo much things to say but i shall not say it in anger.. it's not fair and it's not right..urrrrghhh..... sooooo torn.....
Monday, July 25, 2005
The Best Looking Guy in the World

Got this from a colleague - thanks F!.... wat a drooooling pleasure!!!!....... he actually won the title - literally!... and he reminds me of someone i once know, not too long ago!... hahahhaha... B begged me to tell her who he reminds me of!.... after she knows, she's laffing her heads off!... but of course, that guy only has the face lah.. the body cannot make it, hor B?!... hahahahhaa.... and plus this guy look totally more yummylicious than tat guy lah!!....
Oh!... and America's Next Top Model Season 4 is coming back tonite!... weeeee!!!... more pretty faces, more catty remarks!..... i loike!!......
Got this from a colleague - thanks F!.... wat a drooooling pleasure!!!!....... he actually won the title - literally!... and he reminds me of someone i once know, not too long ago!... hahahhaha... B begged me to tell her who he reminds me of!.... after she knows, she's laffing her heads off!... but of course, that guy only has the face lah.. the body cannot make it, hor B?!... hahahahhaa.... and plus this guy look totally more yummylicious than tat guy lah!!....
Oh!... and America's Next Top Model Season 4 is coming back tonite!... weeeee!!!... more pretty faces, more catty remarks!..... i loike!!......
I have been tasked (or rather, i kinda volunteered, since there's really not many people in this department who'd do it except for me and Fahma!) to help out with a translation for a 2 long questionnaires... english to malay or pref indon... and it's a pretty tiring task!....
shouldn't have offered my help!.... coz i sooooo fucking sucked at my own mother tongue!... the funny thing was, i was trying to speak in proper Malay sentence with dearest just this morning on the bike and we got such a laff at my very improper Malay sentence structure! i remembered before, when they had an audition at RIA, in search for a presenter, i berangan nak try!... so, dearest dared me to speak in proper Malay sentence for the whole day!... and i can't freakin last that 10mins!... and within that 10mins, terkiyal-kiyal nyah nak cakap melayu!... let alone bahasa baku!!.....
and now, this!... wat was i thinking eh?.... i'm only at my first page and i'm oredi regretting this!.... i'm taking it as a challenge.. but i still need that translation cum dictionary (Eng-Malay) from RosmAman!.... and i still need that free online translation service!.. ahahahhaa... just to guide me lah!...
God!... i suck!
I have been tasked (or rather, i kinda volunteered, since there's really not many people in this department who'd do it except for me and Fahma!) to help out with a translation for a 2 long questionnaires... english to malay or pref indon... and it's a pretty tiring task!....
shouldn't have offered my help!.... coz i sooooo fucking sucked at my own mother tongue!... the funny thing was, i was trying to speak in proper Malay sentence with dearest just this morning on the bike and we got such a laff at my very improper Malay sentence structure! i remembered before, when they had an audition at RIA, in search for a presenter, i berangan nak try!... so, dearest dared me to speak in proper Malay sentence for the whole day!... and i can't freakin last that 10mins!... and within that 10mins, terkiyal-kiyal nyah nak cakap melayu!... let alone bahasa baku!!.....
and now, this!... wat was i thinking eh?.... i'm only at my first page and i'm oredi regretting this!.... i'm taking it as a challenge.. but i still need that translation cum dictionary (Eng-Malay) from RosmAman!.... and i still need that free online translation service!.. ahahahhaa... just to guide me lah!...
God!... i suck!
Sunday, July 24, 2005
The last week before term starts next week and dearest decide to plan for a bbq session. just the 2 of us..... we went scouring for the instant bbq container - or wateva u call it.. and got ours at $2 each container, at Giant!... NTUC was charging the same thing at $12!... was shocked to the max when we saw the price difference!... luckily, we followed our instinct to go check it out at Giant instead of buying it at NTUC!... gosh!!...
bcoz of the gloomy weather, there weren't many ppl at the beach - thank god!... but of course, we had quite a view - the kids were out sailing!...

we set up our stuff... took out the bbq set and started grilling the food!...
dearest hard at work... trying to figure out wat to put on that bbq set..
basically, our breakfast, lunch and dinner... but of course there were MORE than these!!.... puhhhleeease!... ;D
first round of platter and it got all burnt!.... kept consoling ourselves that the next few rounds would be better... ahaiks!
and of course... this was the ONLY best looking non-chaotar chix of the day!!!.... hahahha...
It's one of those days when we decide to "cook" for ourselves instead of pigging out outside... and it was FUN!... speaking of pigging out, i AM going to pig out next week with my 3 groups of dearest frenz... so frenz, pls take note:
Wed, 27 Jul - Happening frenz from Poly! - pig out venue - somewhere in town..
Thurs, 28 Jul - 2 GREAT girlfrenz - Ah-Xin and Pei Pei - pig out venue - still undecided...
Fri, 29 Jul - my working group cum BEST girlfriends! - pig out venue - Seoul Garden, aye??...
how to work out everyday like this??!.... oh dear!!...
updates on my hair... i was going to love how my hair actually turned out after the wash and the slight blow... until..... i saw myself in the mirror at the end of the day!!!.... OH dear god!!!...... it became notoriously curly and looked frizzy!!..... it was like a wavy, messy, sexy look when i first step out of the house - of course, with a flat front - but at least not as curled up like a mop!!... brrrrr..... i am seriously gonna go crazee if they cannot do anything to straighten my hair!!!
but of course, highlight of the day would be Ms Quirky's MMS, all the way from HK - on my new bag!!... lovely!... i love it!!!!... Thanks Quirky!!!!........ but next time, take bigger pic k?!... very small lah!.. hahahhhaa...

and with this new addition to my endless bag collection, i have decided that on one fine day, i shall harden my soft heart to clear all unwanted bags in my very full containers!... it's a fetish i cannot get rid of!... really!... bags and shoes!... it's like a habit i cannot kick!.... is there a helpline for bag-&-shoe-aholic??....
The last week before term starts next week and dearest decide to plan for a bbq session. just the 2 of us..... we went scouring for the instant bbq container - or wateva u call it.. and got ours at $2 each container, at Giant!... NTUC was charging the same thing at $12!... was shocked to the max when we saw the price difference!... luckily, we followed our instinct to go check it out at Giant instead of buying it at NTUC!... gosh!!...
bcoz of the gloomy weather, there weren't many ppl at the beach - thank god!... but of course, we had quite a view - the kids were out sailing!...
we set up our stuff... took out the bbq set and started grilling the food!...
It's one of those days when we decide to "cook" for ourselves instead of pigging out outside... and it was FUN!... speaking of pigging out, i AM going to pig out next week with my 3 groups of dearest frenz... so frenz, pls take note:
Wed, 27 Jul - Happening frenz from Poly! - pig out venue - somewhere in town..
Thurs, 28 Jul - 2 GREAT girlfrenz - Ah-Xin and Pei Pei - pig out venue - still undecided...
Fri, 29 Jul - my working group cum BEST girlfriends! - pig out venue - Seoul Garden, aye??...
how to work out everyday like this??!.... oh dear!!...
updates on my hair... i was going to love how my hair actually turned out after the wash and the slight blow... until..... i saw myself in the mirror at the end of the day!!!.... OH dear god!!!...... it became notoriously curly and looked frizzy!!..... it was like a wavy, messy, sexy look when i first step out of the house - of course, with a flat front - but at least not as curled up like a mop!!... brrrrr..... i am seriously gonna go crazee if they cannot do anything to straighten my hair!!!
but of course, highlight of the day would be Ms Quirky's MMS, all the way from HK - on my new bag!!... lovely!... i love it!!!!... Thanks Quirky!!!!........ but next time, take bigger pic k?!... very small lah!.. hahahhhaa...
and with this new addition to my endless bag collection, i have decided that on one fine day, i shall harden my soft heart to clear all unwanted bags in my very full containers!... it's a fetish i cannot get rid of!... really!... bags and shoes!... it's like a habit i cannot kick!.... is there a helpline for bag-&-shoe-aholic??....
Saturday, July 23, 2005
now i know wat it feels like!.. hahahhaa.... one whole day at home today!.. can't get out of the house since i just rebonded by hair yesterday.. (so, i can't actually wash my hair till tomorrow).. which, by the way, i'm soooooo freakin irritated with my hair for NOT being straight even after a rebond!... urrrrgh!... it's actually wavy now!... i'm feeling freakin cheated of my mooolahs!!... brrrrrr....
anyways, watched LOST marathon from the time i wake up till 5pm!... gosh!.. it felt like Ms Quirky!.... hahahahhaa.... and boy!... it felt goood!... now, i know y she likes being a potato couch!
And then, later in the evening, Ms Quirky called!.... all the way from Hong Kong!... so touched!... called to ask abt the bag i asked her to buy!.. ahhahahhaa..... but the fact that she asked if anything happened in the office during her absence, goes to show how kepo she is!.. hahahhaha... and yup!.. Quirky, just remembered that something DID happen!.... forgot to tell u that i had to help u with Boss' assignment to u!.. and it made Ms ADT very irritated.. kakakakkaa...
but anyways, Quirky, quick!... come back!... office very boring u not around!... miss ur silly expressions!.. hhahahhahaa... and i want to see how u do it - sleeping with your eyes wide open!... hahhahahhaa....
now i know wat it feels like!.. hahahhaa.... one whole day at home today!.. can't get out of the house since i just rebonded by hair yesterday.. (so, i can't actually wash my hair till tomorrow).. which, by the way, i'm soooooo freakin irritated with my hair for NOT being straight even after a rebond!... urrrrgh!... it's actually wavy now!... i'm feeling freakin cheated of my mooolahs!!... brrrrrr....
anyways, watched LOST marathon from the time i wake up till 5pm!... gosh!.. it felt like Ms Quirky!.... hahahahhaa.... and boy!... it felt goood!... now, i know y she likes being a potato couch!
And then, later in the evening, Ms Quirky called!.... all the way from Hong Kong!... so touched!... called to ask abt the bag i asked her to buy!.. ahhahahhaa..... but the fact that she asked if anything happened in the office during her absence, goes to show how kepo she is!.. hahahhaha... and yup!.. Quirky, just remembered that something DID happen!.... forgot to tell u that i had to help u with Boss' assignment to u!.. and it made Ms ADT very irritated.. kakakakkaa...
but anyways, Quirky, quick!... come back!... office very boring u not around!... miss ur silly expressions!.. hhahahhahaa... and i want to see how u do it - sleeping with your eyes wide open!... hahhahahhaa....
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Sungguh takde jodoh nak watch Siti's concert... Ms Sinus didn't tell me that she was going.. if i had known, i would have tagged along with her!... and Ms Izy plak, get free tix to watch it and she brought her mom!.... and then, wat's this i hear - Taufik was in da' house last nite for her concert?!.... and someone got all excited and oh-so-lucky to be sitting pretty close to where he's sitting!.... sungguh takleh ku accept!!....
howell!... wat to do??.... lain kali perhaps!... but of course, if there is ever a next time, i think i should juz treat dearie to the concert lah!... susah sangat!! i juz wanna hear her live. in person... to see how good she is...
so how Ms Sinus and Ms Izy?... enjoy tak?....
Sungguh takde jodoh nak watch Siti's concert... Ms Sinus didn't tell me that she was going.. if i had known, i would have tagged along with her!... and Ms Izy plak, get free tix to watch it and she brought her mom!.... and then, wat's this i hear - Taufik was in da' house last nite for her concert?!.... and someone got all excited and oh-so-lucky to be sitting pretty close to where he's sitting!.... sungguh takleh ku accept!!....
howell!... wat to do??.... lain kali perhaps!... but of course, if there is ever a next time, i think i should juz treat dearie to the concert lah!... susah sangat!! i juz wanna hear her live. in person... to see how good she is...
so how Ms Sinus and Ms Izy?... enjoy tak?....
Wednesday, July 20, 2005

This was my lunch and it cost me freakin $3.80!... it's freakin ridiculous how much they charge for that little amount of food!.... i think that's y they purposely change the plate!.. last time it used to be the green, rectangular, banana leaf replica.. now that they have changed to a smaller plate, they've shrunk the serving size but conveniently forget to bring down the price too!.. brrrrr!.... tat's y i hate going to foodcourts!...
i'm disliking my kerewel hair immensely!.. it's getting sooooo out of hand!... gosh!... i can't wait for friday!!!..... quick!.... i need to do something to it. FAST!... but now, the problem is, wat?!... to rebond or to curl-e-rised it?!..... hmmmm..... would love to curl it if only my hairdresser allows me to!... i shall just go and try!!!.... hahahhahaa... i think i will!...
i'm also deciding to buy some tops from VS.. it's on sale now!... i should but... even after the sale, it seemed pretty ex to get them after the conversion!... hmmmm.... but i loike!!!.... but confirm dearest will not allow me to step out of the house with these!!..... hmph!..

I wanna spend on shoes too!.... shoes.. shoes.. shoes!..... wanted to buy them earlier during lunch but they didn't have my size!... alamak!... apa sey!..... never mind.. hopefully, later after work, dearest will bring me jalan2... i hope i get to get them before i start dreaming of those shoes!!...
i'm sure if Quirky Min reads this, she'll go shaking her head.. been trying to get her to buy new shoes!... Min, buy new shoes Min... out with the loafers, in with the dressy shoes!!.... we've been trying to change her image... if not forever, just for a day!!!....... i think we need to put her in some makeover show or something... errrrr... TCS 5, r u doing any soooon???...... u've got urself a very good candidate!... ur extreme makeover and maybe one of your hardest participants ever! ;) ready to take up the challenge??....
This was my lunch and it cost me freakin $3.80!... it's freakin ridiculous how much they charge for that little amount of food!.... i think that's y they purposely change the plate!.. last time it used to be the green, rectangular, banana leaf replica.. now that they have changed to a smaller plate, they've shrunk the serving size but conveniently forget to bring down the price too!.. brrrrr!.... tat's y i hate going to foodcourts!...
i'm disliking my kerewel hair immensely!.. it's getting sooooo out of hand!... gosh!... i can't wait for friday!!!..... quick!.... i need to do something to it. FAST!... but now, the problem is, wat?!... to rebond or to curl-e-rised it?!..... hmmmm..... would love to curl it if only my hairdresser allows me to!... i shall just go and try!!!.... hahahhahaa... i think i will!...
i'm also deciding to buy some tops from VS.. it's on sale now!... i should but... even after the sale, it seemed pretty ex to get them after the conversion!... hmmmm.... but i loike!!!.... but confirm dearest will not allow me to step out of the house with these!!..... hmph!..
I wanna spend on shoes too!.... shoes.. shoes.. shoes!..... wanted to buy them earlier during lunch but they didn't have my size!... alamak!... apa sey!..... never mind.. hopefully, later after work, dearest will bring me jalan2... i hope i get to get them before i start dreaming of those shoes!!...
i'm sure if Quirky Min reads this, she'll go shaking her head.. been trying to get her to buy new shoes!... Min, buy new shoes Min... out with the loafers, in with the dressy shoes!!.... we've been trying to change her image... if not forever, just for a day!!!....... i think we need to put her in some makeover show or something... errrrr... TCS 5, r u doing any soooon???...... u've got urself a very good candidate!... ur extreme makeover and maybe one of your hardest participants ever! ;) ready to take up the challenge??....
I wish rite now.... i can go to her and give her a piece of my mind... slap her "pretty" lil face and shove it up NSM's ass!.... i'm soooooo fucking pissed with her.... how dare she question where we were at the airport?!... just because we didn't help her, doesn't mean that we're not working!....
And does she stop, to actually use her brains, to think why we're not helping her in the first place?.... have she ever come up to us to offer help in any way?.... errrrrr nooooo!.... i can actually count the no. of times she actually did that.. and tat was only because she got kamchong that we have a big presentation to present to the management and she doesn't know a single fuck!...
Oh!!!!.... please!!!...... fuck u!....
don't think i didn't see all that licking u did whenever "someone's" there!... u had purposely come for certain ppl's arrival even though u're not needed.. u are soooooo fucking pathetic!... u're like a dog yelping for attention!.. *woof! woof!*... and the sorry thing is, u'll forever be one - a dog - obeying the master's command and licking here and there... giving that puppy-dog eye whenever u want something!... bleagh!
i do pity the ppl working for you and with you - now and in the future!... to think that you want to a transfer, working with us?!.. hah!... wat a laff!... telan bom suah, babe!...
I wish rite now.... i can go to her and give her a piece of my mind... slap her "pretty" lil face and shove it up NSM's ass!.... i'm soooooo fucking pissed with her.... how dare she question where we were at the airport?!... just because we didn't help her, doesn't mean that we're not working!....
And does she stop, to actually use her brains, to think why we're not helping her in the first place?.... have she ever come up to us to offer help in any way?.... errrrrr nooooo!.... i can actually count the no. of times she actually did that.. and tat was only because she got kamchong that we have a big presentation to present to the management and she doesn't know a single fuck!...
Oh!!!!.... please!!!...... fuck u!....
don't think i didn't see all that licking u did whenever "someone's" there!... u had purposely come for certain ppl's arrival even though u're not needed.. u are soooooo fucking pathetic!... u're like a dog yelping for attention!.. *woof! woof!*... and the sorry thing is, u'll forever be one - a dog - obeying the master's command and licking here and there... giving that puppy-dog eye whenever u want something!... bleagh!
i do pity the ppl working for you and with you - now and in the future!... to think that you want to a transfer, working with us?!.. hah!... wat a laff!... telan bom suah, babe!...
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
We've just been briefed on how we're gonna get appraised most likely, starting next FY... and hell! there's a lot of paperwork to do!... it's crazee!... as if the paperwork we've got is not enough, they dump us with MORE just to justify the amount of work we do and how much PB we get each year, perhaps!... hmph!.. it's ridiculous!....
And now, it's official.... will be counting down the days till your last day, my friend.. no more breakfast/lunch kaki, no more on-the-spot bitching, no more kawen2 discussion/tips... haiz..... soooooo sad.... and to think we started off kinda "hating" each other.... and look where we are and wat we've become?... gosh!... how time flies and how our friendship blossomed..
i hope it doesn't stop here, eh.... we can still plan on taking leave to shop and talk cock, kan?... hehehhehe..... love u, my friend!!!......
We've just been briefed on how we're gonna get appraised most likely, starting next FY... and hell! there's a lot of paperwork to do!... it's crazee!... as if the paperwork we've got is not enough, they dump us with MORE just to justify the amount of work we do and how much PB we get each year, perhaps!... hmph!.. it's ridiculous!....
And now, it's official.... will be counting down the days till your last day, my friend.. no more breakfast/lunch kaki, no more on-the-spot bitching, no more kawen2 discussion/tips... haiz..... soooooo sad.... and to think we started off kinda "hating" each other.... and look where we are and wat we've become?... gosh!... how time flies and how our friendship blossomed..
i hope it doesn't stop here, eh.... we can still plan on taking leave to shop and talk cock, kan?... hehehhehe..... love u, my friend!!!......
Yesterday's premiere of IT was freakily scary!... i laughed to tears at my own cowardness!.... gosh!.... hahahahahhahaa...... but fuck!.. it was freakin scary... bro's not at home.. dad went to sleep.. so had to watch it all alone!!..... and you can imagine, i closed my eyes a few times!... alamak!!!.... i wonder if it's really true?... all these tales they're going to show.. oh freak!... being me, i'd like to think that it's all real so that i can enjoy the shows!.. hehhehehe....
Incredible Tale II is a tale of how I am NOT inviting some working colleagues to my wedding... it's incredible how some of my colleagues are reacting to that piece of information.. it's like hello?... y should i invite someone whom i dislike?.. and pls eh.. my wedding not the kind yang open-to-all tau!...
not trying to be a snob or anything.. but i've always believed that a wedding is meant to be shared with closed and loved ones mah... actually, i've tot of opening the invitation to all and seeing who'll come.. BUT i've decided against it; just in case that few turn up.. (u know- some ppl just dun geddit!)... so, i'm carefully selecting that few special ones from the office.. ;)
Incredible Tale III is how incredibly lonely i'll feel when my dearest girlfriend leaves to join our dearest girlfriend!... brrrrrr..... counting down the days to loneliness... :'( eh... bunga lah aku nie!.. hehehehehe..... at last it's almost official.... i'm pretty sure she's excited and incredulously happy at her new prospect.. just about half hour or so and that piece of paper would be out!... tick.. tock.. tick.. tock...
Yesterday's premiere of IT was freakily scary!... i laughed to tears at my own cowardness!.... gosh!.... hahahahahhahaa...... but fuck!.. it was freakin scary... bro's not at home.. dad went to sleep.. so had to watch it all alone!!..... and you can imagine, i closed my eyes a few times!... alamak!!!.... i wonder if it's really true?... all these tales they're going to show.. oh freak!... being me, i'd like to think that it's all real so that i can enjoy the shows!.. hehhehehe....
Incredible Tale II is a tale of how I am NOT inviting some working colleagues to my wedding... it's incredible how some of my colleagues are reacting to that piece of information.. it's like hello?... y should i invite someone whom i dislike?.. and pls eh.. my wedding not the kind yang open-to-all tau!...
not trying to be a snob or anything.. but i've always believed that a wedding is meant to be shared with closed and loved ones mah... actually, i've tot of opening the invitation to all and seeing who'll come.. BUT i've decided against it; just in case that few turn up.. (u know- some ppl just dun geddit!)... so, i'm carefully selecting that few special ones from the office.. ;)
Incredible Tale III is how incredibly lonely i'll feel when my dearest girlfriend leaves to join our dearest girlfriend!... brrrrrr..... counting down the days to loneliness... :'( eh... bunga lah aku nie!.. hehehehehe..... at last it's almost official.... i'm pretty sure she's excited and incredulously happy at her new prospect.. just about half hour or so and that piece of paper would be out!... tick.. tock.. tick.. tock...
Monday, July 18, 2005
Went out to have dinner with dearie last nite at one of our favourite chill-out spots yesterday and FUCK the car that parked itself at the motorcycle lots!....
we couldn't get a parking space and had to do an illegal parking as well!... it's such a domino effect!... and the funny thing is, this is not the first time we encounter such a pain in the ass driver!.. do they have potek eye-sight or "magnified" corneas to see that a bike lot look like a car parking lot... gosh!!.....
i promise, the next time i see a car parked that way, i'm gonna take a picture of the car, have the car plate published here on my blog, as well as writing to the authorities, with the picture (to justify my complaint) and get them a saman!!!.....
I'm feeling the pressure of losing weight from my colleagues... like HELLOO Emilia!!.... everyone's supporting and rooting you to lose weight.. but errrrrr.......... i'm not the least bothered. on the surface.
actually, i AM bothered.. i know i HAVE to freakin lose weight within the next 2 mths.. i DUN wanna look like a ballon in my wedding shoot, do i??.... nooooooo!!...... but hell!... i'm still not doing anything to lose weight.. hmmmmmm..... how eh??......
Went out to have dinner with dearie last nite at one of our favourite chill-out spots yesterday and FUCK the car that parked itself at the motorcycle lots!....
we couldn't get a parking space and had to do an illegal parking as well!... it's such a domino effect!... and the funny thing is, this is not the first time we encounter such a pain in the ass driver!.. do they have potek eye-sight or "magnified" corneas to see that a bike lot look like a car parking lot... gosh!!.....
i promise, the next time i see a car parked that way, i'm gonna take a picture of the car, have the car plate published here on my blog, as well as writing to the authorities, with the picture (to justify my complaint) and get them a saman!!!.....
I'm feeling the pressure of losing weight from my colleagues... like HELLOO Emilia!!.... everyone's supporting and rooting you to lose weight.. but errrrrr.......... i'm not the least bothered. on the surface.
actually, i AM bothered.. i know i HAVE to freakin lose weight within the next 2 mths.. i DUN wanna look like a ballon in my wedding shoot, do i??.... nooooooo!!...... but hell!... i'm still not doing anything to lose weight.. hmmmmmm..... how eh??......
Friday, July 15, 2005
Thursday, July 14, 2005
oh dear!!!.... i'll be left alone here!.... dearest frend is leaving.... i'm not even sure if i should put this up now.. but heck lah!... i'm feeling mixed up!.... very sad coz everyone's leaving except MOI!!.. on the other hand, very happy for her since this is wat she's been waiting for!... errrr... can i go too??....
hahahhahaha..... howell.... rezeki masing2 rite??...... to her, CONGRATULATIONS girl!!!!.... :D we'll still have our meetings and yakkings eh.... must tau!... CANNOT say no!... :Þ
looks like i'm gonna be the one to receive some long-service award lah nie... e'eh... sedihnyeeeee!!.....
oh dear!!!.... i'll be left alone here!.... dearest frend is leaving.... i'm not even sure if i should put this up now.. but heck lah!... i'm feeling mixed up!.... very sad coz everyone's leaving except MOI!!.. on the other hand, very happy for her since this is wat she's been waiting for!... errrr... can i go too??....
hahahhahaha..... howell.... rezeki masing2 rite??...... to her, CONGRATULATIONS girl!!!!.... :D we'll still have our meetings and yakkings eh.... must tau!... CANNOT say no!... :Þ
looks like i'm gonna be the one to receive some long-service award lah nie... e'eh... sedihnyeeeee!!.....
It's been boredom at work... it's literally paper work and i'm freakin falling asleep while typing!!.... it's another round of paperwork today... but before that, i have to share the following pictures with you!....
Ms Quirky is such a sore drinker!!... missed her in action during the closing and there she was, getting all steamy-eyed just by drinking wine!... hahahahhaha.....

And i missed this sinful delight as well!.... oh my god!!..... chocs falling, filling the strawberry!... sedappppnyeeeee!!!...... hmmmmm.... should have gone!!... DAMN!!
It's been boredom at work... it's literally paper work and i'm freakin falling asleep while typing!!.... it's another round of paperwork today... but before that, i have to share the following pictures with you!....
Ms Quirky is such a sore drinker!!... missed her in action during the closing and there she was, getting all steamy-eyed just by drinking wine!... hahahahhaha.....
And i missed this sinful delight as well!.... oh my god!!..... chocs falling, filling the strawberry!... sedappppnyeeeee!!!...... hmmmmm.... should have gone!!... DAMN!!
Monday, July 11, 2005
Wat an experience... 2 wks ago, i wished and prayed for this to be over.. today, i want more of it!.. making decisions, being in a frenzy is a thrill.. hahahhahaha..... i lurve it!.....
So who did I get to meet?
Beckham was first.... couldn't get pictures of him.. strictly no photographs, no autographs, blah.. blah... fuck victoria!.. but he was damn gorgeous lor... if i could drool, i would!
met Raul as well!... he came in with the Madrid bid city.. wat an adventure with Quirky Min!.... walked all the way to Gate 60.. then, decided to walk back and wait... after he went past (the whole entourage! with media and mayor and all!), we tailed him and waited for him outside the luggage area.... he's sooooo freakin nice to sign for all who were there!!... and as luck would have it, the 3 squealing girls - B, me and Quirky were "caught in action" on national TV!... damn it!!...
met Popov and Frankie Fredericks as well.... Prince of Qatar, Prince of Orange, IOC President, IOC's Honorary Life President, Bobby Charlton (errrr... rite??), but the best of all is getting up, close and personal with David Beckham on opening nite!...
my jaws fucking dropped when Beckham plop himself beside Tony!... damn!.. tat was meant to be our seat!... he is sooooo, simply, gorgeous..... it takes a lot of willpower to pry my eyes away and concentrate on everything else!.... bleagh!...
speaking of willpower, yes.... i've reached nirvana i think.. to have fully-controlled my temper at times of hunger.. it took everything for me not to lash out!... my god!... the things some ppl do to make one irritated!!... i shall not dwell on it some more!...
One thing i discovered while on this project - the PSOs are really a sexy bunch.. sexy, macho and good-looking too!... oh gosh!... they made me drool as well!....
after all the chaos and hiccups along the way, my heart-felt thanks goes out to our volunteers who were more than willing to help us out irregardless of the long hours and manic, unprofessional display of our rostering!... hehehehe.... be it the public volunteers or the SIA crew volunteers, they did their part well done! THANK YOU, peepz!!!....
and after all these, there are really a few people i missed - my family, whom i didn't get to see much of.. since i go out in the wee hours of the morning and normally returning home very late or if not, will go straight to bed... dearest girlfriend, RosmAman, whom i didn't get to see, as well as to bitch to!.... except for that few days that we got excited meeting Raul and Beckham!.. hahahaha.... as u suggested, we should go for a pampering session??.... and then, there's also my favourite kakis at work - Tee, Weileen and Fahma!... been a long, long, time!!!!!....... we'll go for our teambuilding session SOOOOOON!!... *promise!*.. then, of course, my dearest, dearest honey, my baby... after all the drooling i get at the airport, my heart is still with him.. missed YOU loads, dear!!... and hopefully, today, will be able to go out and have fun, eh.. as promised!!!!!..... love you!!!!!........
Wat an experience... 2 wks ago, i wished and prayed for this to be over.. today, i want more of it!.. making decisions, being in a frenzy is a thrill.. hahahhahaha..... i lurve it!.....
So who did I get to meet?
Beckham was first.... couldn't get pictures of him.. strictly no photographs, no autographs, blah.. blah... fuck victoria!.. but he was damn gorgeous lor... if i could drool, i would!
met Raul as well!... he came in with the Madrid bid city.. wat an adventure with Quirky Min!.... walked all the way to Gate 60.. then, decided to walk back and wait... after he went past (the whole entourage! with media and mayor and all!), we tailed him and waited for him outside the luggage area.... he's sooooo freakin nice to sign for all who were there!!... and as luck would have it, the 3 squealing girls - B, me and Quirky were "caught in action" on national TV!... damn it!!...
met Popov and Frankie Fredericks as well.... Prince of Qatar, Prince of Orange, IOC President, IOC's Honorary Life President, Bobby Charlton (errrr... rite??), but the best of all is getting up, close and personal with David Beckham on opening nite!...
my jaws fucking dropped when Beckham plop himself beside Tony!... damn!.. tat was meant to be our seat!... he is sooooo, simply, gorgeous..... it takes a lot of willpower to pry my eyes away and concentrate on everything else!.... bleagh!...
speaking of willpower, yes.... i've reached nirvana i think.. to have fully-controlled my temper at times of hunger.. it took everything for me not to lash out!... my god!... the things some ppl do to make one irritated!!... i shall not dwell on it some more!...
One thing i discovered while on this project - the PSOs are really a sexy bunch.. sexy, macho and good-looking too!... oh gosh!... they made me drool as well!....
after all the chaos and hiccups along the way, my heart-felt thanks goes out to our volunteers who were more than willing to help us out irregardless of the long hours and manic, unprofessional display of our rostering!... hehehehe.... be it the public volunteers or the SIA crew volunteers, they did their part well done! THANK YOU, peepz!!!....
and after all these, there are really a few people i missed - my family, whom i didn't get to see much of.. since i go out in the wee hours of the morning and normally returning home very late or if not, will go straight to bed... dearest girlfriend, RosmAman, whom i didn't get to see, as well as to bitch to!.... except for that few days that we got excited meeting Raul and Beckham!.. hahahaha.... as u suggested, we should go for a pampering session??.... and then, there's also my favourite kakis at work - Tee, Weileen and Fahma!... been a long, long, time!!!!!....... we'll go for our teambuilding session SOOOOOON!!... *promise!*.. then, of course, my dearest, dearest honey, my baby... after all the drooling i get at the airport, my heart is still with him.. missed YOU loads, dear!!... and hopefully, today, will be able to go out and have fun, eh.. as promised!!!!!..... love you!!!!!........
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