Got the msg tis afternoon - dearest Ms Sinus have just delivered a baby boy at 1311hrs today!.... :) Congrats both!........ Will go visit you peeps as soon as I get back, hor!..... Wat's the name? Got 3 names like our other dearest friend or wat??... hehehehee....
My congrats also goes to our Singapore athletes who had won medals for the nation!..... Keep the fighting spirit and face game on!... would definitely be watching u peeps as and when we can!!!..... soooooo exciting!....
To RosmAman, sorry girl... i dun bring my cam around ah.... hahahaa... oklah... next time i'll bring it around eh?!...... bacin kan aku??!!......
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Hallo ppl!.... I've safely reached this place on Thurs.. the jam is pretty horrible.. but so far, everything's good... but was soooooo upset when Ms Quirky didn't request halal food for me on board and the stewardesses was soooooo pecah the other day!... i can tell u, i feel like smacking them siah!..
but niways, nvm.. that's not impt... impt thing is we're all here in one piece and hopefully, will reach home in one piece too!.... to all who's wished me bon voyage and a safe journey, thank you!..... and pls pray that I'll reach home in time and in one piece too! ;)
Oh! Yana!.... haven't beranak ke??... hehehehe....
Hallo ppl!.... I've safely reached this place on Thurs.. the jam is pretty horrible.. but so far, everything's good... but was soooooo upset when Ms Quirky didn't request halal food for me on board and the stewardesses was soooooo pecah the other day!... i can tell u, i feel like smacking them siah!..
but niways, nvm.. that's not impt... impt thing is we're all here in one piece and hopefully, will reach home in one piece too!.... to all who's wished me bon voyage and a safe journey, thank you!..... and pls pray that I'll reach home in time and in one piece too! ;)
Oh! Yana!.... haven't beranak ke??... hehehehe....
Thursday, November 24, 2005
In another abt 3hrs, i'm to wake up and get ready to leave the country... mmmmm... gonna miss my dearest sooooooooo much!.... 13 days!... brrrrrr... nvm hor dear.. we went thru 5wks apart before.. wat's 2 wks hor?.. hhehehee... ;) there'll be more to come too.... :(
Anyways, dearest frenz... pls pray for my safe trip there and return... would love to return in one piece, thank you very much!... oh!.. oh!.. to Ms Insurance Agent, pls help coordinate our trip to Yana's hse on Fri, 09 Dec or the following weekend, preferably 17 Dec, whichever is good... hopefully Yana would have burst her "bubble" by then... and oooooh!... found a name for the baby boy oredi!.... irilyan... hehehhehee... amacam??.. ok tak??.. hahahhaa..... and if it's a girl (which too bad, is not!)... irilyana.. hahahahhha.....
So Yana, have a safe delivery and dun forget to SMS (preferably MMS if possible) your baby's details!!.... can't wait! can't wait!.... i'm gonna be missing blogging for awhile now.. hopefully, we'd get some time to surf the net so that i can get to update this blog of mine!....
MUACKS!!!!!.... to everyone!!....... ;)
In another abt 3hrs, i'm to wake up and get ready to leave the country... mmmmm... gonna miss my dearest sooooooooo much!.... 13 days!... brrrrrr... nvm hor dear.. we went thru 5wks apart before.. wat's 2 wks hor?.. hhehehee... ;) there'll be more to come too.... :(
Anyways, dearest frenz... pls pray for my safe trip there and return... would love to return in one piece, thank you very much!... oh!.. oh!.. to Ms Insurance Agent, pls help coordinate our trip to Yana's hse on Fri, 09 Dec or the following weekend, preferably 17 Dec, whichever is good... hopefully Yana would have burst her "bubble" by then... and oooooh!... found a name for the baby boy oredi!.... irilyan... hehehhehee... amacam??.. ok tak??.. hahahhaa..... and if it's a girl (which too bad, is not!)... irilyana.. hahahahhha.....
So Yana, have a safe delivery and dun forget to SMS (preferably MMS if possible) your baby's details!!.... can't wait! can't wait!.... i'm gonna be missing blogging for awhile now.. hopefully, we'd get some time to surf the net so that i can get to update this blog of mine!....
MUACKS!!!!!.... to everyone!!....... ;)
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
OooooH!... thanks to the girls who organise this party raya cum "send-off" party for moi!.... sooooo touched!... ;) for those who still do not know... i'll be flying off to do my "NS" in 2 days!.... will only be back in 13 days, only to fly off again within the next 3 days!... hehehhe.....
Anyways, i'll let the pictures do the talking!....

Thanks eh, girls..... later after I come back or maybe New Year, let's throw another one!... this time round, hopefully ALL of us can make it!.... must i name names?... no need eh.... u girls should know who u are!!... LOVE y'all!!
Before i end off this entry, i would juz like to complain that I'm having such a terrible, terrible oceh on my hips!.. it looked soooooo darn ugly that i feel like puking after i saw it!... ewwwww!!....

and plus!... i can't freakin mobilise my neck... even massaging it very, very gently while applying moisturiser, it hurts like hell!!!... i am to take the muscle relaxant and have to bother B to massage me everyday for 15mins!.... ALAS!... i get to "taste" B's massage!.. and this time, she's got no excuse NOT to!.. hehehhee...
OooooH!... thanks to the girls who organise this party raya cum "send-off" party for moi!.... sooooo touched!... ;) for those who still do not know... i'll be flying off to do my "NS" in 2 days!.... will only be back in 13 days, only to fly off again within the next 3 days!... hehehhe.....
Anyways, i'll let the pictures do the talking!....
I arrived to this couple's house... and this actually captured my attention the moment i entered... not too sure y, really!...
And it was sooooo shweeeet of the girls to throw this "party" for me today!... :) got cake some more!...... YUMMMMMIIIIEE!!....
And this cutie really, really made our day when she gave us her signature look!
And so we took pictures and LOTS of pictures!!.... *grins* though the group was small, but the "party" was definitely FUN! FUN! FUN!... lots of laughter and luuurrrve going around!...
Thanks eh, girls..... later after I come back or maybe New Year, let's throw another one!... this time round, hopefully ALL of us can make it!.... must i name names?... no need eh.... u girls should know who u are!!... LOVE y'all!!
Before i end off this entry, i would juz like to complain that I'm having such a terrible, terrible oceh on my hips!.. it looked soooooo darn ugly that i feel like puking after i saw it!... ewwwww!!....
and plus!... i can't freakin mobilise my neck... even massaging it very, very gently while applying moisturiser, it hurts like hell!!!... i am to take the muscle relaxant and have to bother B to massage me everyday for 15mins!.... ALAS!... i get to "taste" B's massage!.. and this time, she's got no excuse NOT to!.. hehehhee...
Monday, November 21, 2005
I hereby announce that today - this morning - marked my official accident on Dearest's bike! Oh my GAWD!.. it was soooooooooo freakin scary, i really tot i was gonna die!.... *drama*.. wateva it is, it all happened very slow-motionly (juz like any other falls i had before).. Dearest tried braking, but couldn't brake enuff! Hit the car's back and i got flung out, of the bike, torn my wet raincoat pants, bled my knees and bruised my elbow!
Stupid M driver!.... my gawd!... he made a right turn, from the other lane, and zooooooomed in w/o checking for any motorbikes on the way!... it was freakin lucky that Dearest rode the bike pretty slowly but apparently, still not enuff to brake in time - couldn't really blame him - he wasn't expecting the "mad dash" plus the roads were wet!... Did he think that this country is like his country or something?!.... huh?! huh?!.. can juz ZOOOOOM w/o consideration to other road travelers?.. where on earth, do u find a driver who zoomed, w/o checking if there are any other road users?.. wat if there was an apek on a bicycle?
He can still say he's scared because incl this, this is the second time an accident happen to him!... wat the fuck?!... stupid ass!... SECOND time and still NO regrets ah?!... nabey ah lu jantan!..
anyways, i thank god i'm alive and was wearing my rain gear coz my leg may be "ruined" with scratches, bruised and that my fall may not look as "elegant" as I imagined i did earlier since I was wearing skirt today! And that the road was a bit stuck.. if not, Dearest may have just zoomed as well!... and god knows wat would happen??!!.... Al-hamdulillah... I'm now hoping that i'm not gonna be feeling any aches or "lebam" feeling at anywhere else except at places where I know I bruised them...
Howell! Lesson learnt - never, never, ever, selit-menyelit anymore, dearest!... plsssss!... and i FORBID you to have class 2A licence PLUS dun even dream of owning your dream bike coz I'm NOT gonna let YOU have it!.... NO WAY!.... I'd rather u save up that money a bit more, put in a deposit for a car, and we can co-share the monthly payments plus wateva the car needs!... our lives are far more important than your dreams of owning that stupid bike!.... :p sorry, dearest... but u've known how i feel abt u wanting that bike!.. and today, just confirmed it!... (that i'm right all along..)
Another lesson for guys out there, ONE should ALWAYS listen to his woman no matter how absurd she may sound for you never know when that absurdity could bite you in the ass!..
I hereby announce that today - this morning - marked my official accident on Dearest's bike! Oh my GAWD!.. it was soooooooooo freakin scary, i really tot i was gonna die!.... *drama*.. wateva it is, it all happened very slow-motionly (juz like any other falls i had before).. Dearest tried braking, but couldn't brake enuff! Hit the car's back and i got flung out, of the bike, torn my wet raincoat pants, bled my knees and bruised my elbow!
Stupid M driver!.... my gawd!... he made a right turn, from the other lane, and zooooooomed in w/o checking for any motorbikes on the way!... it was freakin lucky that Dearest rode the bike pretty slowly but apparently, still not enuff to brake in time - couldn't really blame him - he wasn't expecting the "mad dash" plus the roads were wet!... Did he think that this country is like his country or something?!.... huh?! huh?!.. can juz ZOOOOOM w/o consideration to other road travelers?.. where on earth, do u find a driver who zoomed, w/o checking if there are any other road users?.. wat if there was an apek on a bicycle?
He can still say he's scared because incl this, this is the second time an accident happen to him!... wat the fuck?!... stupid ass!... SECOND time and still NO regrets ah?!... nabey ah lu jantan!..
anyways, i thank god i'm alive and was wearing my rain gear coz my leg may be "ruined" with scratches, bruised and that my fall may not look as "elegant" as I imagined i did earlier since I was wearing skirt today! And that the road was a bit stuck.. if not, Dearest may have just zoomed as well!... and god knows wat would happen??!!.... Al-hamdulillah... I'm now hoping that i'm not gonna be feeling any aches or "lebam" feeling at anywhere else except at places where I know I bruised them...
Howell! Lesson learnt - never, never, ever, selit-menyelit anymore, dearest!... plsssss!... and i FORBID you to have class 2A licence PLUS dun even dream of owning your dream bike coz I'm NOT gonna let YOU have it!.... NO WAY!.... I'd rather u save up that money a bit more, put in a deposit for a car, and we can co-share the monthly payments plus wateva the car needs!... our lives are far more important than your dreams of owning that stupid bike!.... :p sorry, dearest... but u've known how i feel abt u wanting that bike!.. and today, just confirmed it!... (that i'm right all along..)
Another lesson for guys out there, ONE should ALWAYS listen to his woman no matter how absurd she may sound for you never know when that absurdity could bite you in the ass!..
Thursday, November 17, 2005
gosh!... been sooooo long since i last come in here to update anything!... been toooooo bz!.. toooo bz!... in abt 1 wk's time, i'll be flying OFF "serving my nation"... excited?.. quite.. but can't bear to leave my dearest!!!!.... 13 freakin days!... hmmmm... dun be lonely, k dear?... if very lonely, juz go my house and play x-box or something... ;) will be back in no time!!..
Anyways, over the last weekend, went to meet this cutie...

and in the midst of my busy, busy life... manage to make time for our dearest Kuniang Tee.. we call it... A Sing-Song Session with the Untalenteds but definitely D' Glamourous!... and we've got the session recorded - to proof how "untalented but glamourous we are"!... ahaiks!!...
gosh!... been sooooo long since i last come in here to update anything!... been toooooo bz!.. toooo bz!... in abt 1 wk's time, i'll be flying OFF "serving my nation"... excited?.. quite.. but can't bear to leave my dearest!!!!.... 13 freakin days!... hmmmm... dun be lonely, k dear?... if very lonely, juz go my house and play x-box or something... ;) will be back in no time!!..
Anyways, over the last weekend, went to meet this cutie...
and this cute mother... ;)
and this would be our ONE and ONLY raya shot for my Poly gang this year...
macam sungguh sedih gitu this year.. tak jalan raya.. missing 1 couple and a half!... hmmmm... :'(
and in the midst of my busy, busy life... manage to make time for our dearest Kuniang Tee.. we call it... A Sing-Song Session with the Untalenteds but definitely D' Glamourous!... and we've got the session recorded - to proof how "untalented but glamourous we are"!... ahaiks!!...
Disclaimer: This is not for Singapore Idol 2 audition, nor is it for public criticism!!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Y are some ppl sooooo freakin unreasonable?!... they nag and nag like there's no tml.. they bark here, bark there without thinking rationally or logically - with no feelings in their heart on what the other party may be restricted with?
I guess this is service.. but u see, i dun mind if, in the first place, we give bad service - it's only rite to bark since you're paying for the service but the thing that i DUN understand, how can you be rude to someone who is GIVING you the $$ for something that YOU should actually be responsible for?.. how can one DEMANDS for $$ when it's something that WE are not obliged to give?..
is that unreasonable or juz plain BITCH?!...
it's juz fuckingly irritating that one simply refused to listen - read: LISTEN and not HEAR! - what the other party is trying to explain. Isn't one's child's health and well-being, a parent's responsibility? Since when has it become someone else's responsibility to make sure that all his/her medical bills, tuition fees, etc are paid for - juz because he/she is "serving the country" - bringing glory and pride to the nation??... huh? huh?
and the one thing that i simply cannot tolerate when one practically shrieks her words in an irritatingly-near 8th octave voice and claims this and that - in a very "worldly" read: very the over-confident, adamant, know-it-all attitude - when all that were sprouted were not true!! wtf!
there are some things that are called Processes and Policies.
and there is also something called Budget!
If a business has no budget set aside for anything, it will go bankrupt one fine day!
I guess some people juz DON'T get it!... taking things given for granted w/o looking at oneself in the mirror and ask - who's responsibility is it? really? and the worst part of all, dahlah bodoh sombong (translation: stupid and snobbish) - dun want to LISTEN to others somemore!...
action pandai! bodoh punye olang!
Howell!.... On a more brighter note, my cookies this year have been well-received by others!... even Ms Quirky - the choosy one - liked it!.. hehehe.... hmmm.... if you'd like to order for CNY or wateva, spread the word around... dun mind getting the extra moolahs from selling my cookies!..
Oh! OH!.... before i forget! and before it strikes midnite!.... to dearest Ms Izy Sals...
Y are some ppl sooooo freakin unreasonable?!... they nag and nag like there's no tml.. they bark here, bark there without thinking rationally or logically - with no feelings in their heart on what the other party may be restricted with?
I guess this is service.. but u see, i dun mind if, in the first place, we give bad service - it's only rite to bark since you're paying for the service but the thing that i DUN understand, how can you be rude to someone who is GIVING you the $$ for something that YOU should actually be responsible for?.. how can one DEMANDS for $$ when it's something that WE are not obliged to give?..
is that unreasonable or juz plain BITCH?!...
it's juz fuckingly irritating that one simply refused to listen - read: LISTEN and not HEAR! - what the other party is trying to explain. Isn't one's child's health and well-being, a parent's responsibility? Since when has it become someone else's responsibility to make sure that all his/her medical bills, tuition fees, etc are paid for - juz because he/she is "serving the country" - bringing glory and pride to the nation??... huh? huh?
and the one thing that i simply cannot tolerate when one practically shrieks her words in an irritatingly-near 8th octave voice and claims this and that - in a very "worldly" read: very the over-confident, adamant, know-it-all attitude - when all that were sprouted were not true!! wtf!
there are some things that are called Processes and Policies.
and there is also something called Budget!
If a business has no budget set aside for anything, it will go bankrupt one fine day!
I guess some people juz DON'T get it!... taking things given for granted w/o looking at oneself in the mirror and ask - who's responsibility is it? really? and the worst part of all, dahlah bodoh sombong (translation: stupid and snobbish) - dun want to LISTEN to others somemore!...
action pandai! bodoh punye olang!
Howell!.... On a more brighter note, my cookies this year have been well-received by others!... even Ms Quirky - the choosy one - liked it!.. hehehe.... hmmm.... if you'd like to order for CNY or wateva, spread the word around... dun mind getting the extra moolahs from selling my cookies!..
Oh! OH!.... before i forget! and before it strikes midnite!.... to dearest Ms Izy Sals...
Hope you've had
(or will have if you have not done so oredi)
an enjoyable birthday celebration!
May you live to a fruitful and ripe old age,
with your dearest and loved ones by your side..
Longevity . Prosperity . Blessed
our wishes to you for your life ahead..
- emiliAduka -
Monday, November 07, 2005
get-togethers + great food + great company + hilarious antics =
successful, memorable, outing eva!
The weekend was definitely tiring but the most FUN hari raya outing in the history of the Aswan family i think!... hahhaha.....

successful, memorable, outing eva!
The weekend was definitely tiring but the most FUN hari raya outing in the history of the Aswan family i think!... hahhaha.....
My theme hair and colour - make-up inclusive - for this year!.. al-maklum, last hari raya with "Single" as a status!!!
The parents in the mirror... entertaining lil bro's "desire" to show-off his photography skills - NOT!
The next day, spent with the paternal cuzzins and had a whale of a time..
HAH!... not forgeting this lil one... the lil devil.... my 1st nephew! sooooo geram with his antics!...
And we all found out how much of a tigress this one is!... she can really eat, eat and eat!.... guess who?...
ok.. here's the hint!
she spots this somewhere on one of her body part....
Friday, November 04, 2005
My sincerest apologies to ALL my friends and readers of my blog... how rude of me NOT to wish one and all on 1st Syawal!....
To those who have sent me greetings via card, i'm soooo touched!!..... buat malu company je i tak send anything!.... :( but pleasantly surprised to have received them.. to those who have sent me a greeting via SMS, thank you.... i'm juz soooooo sorry that i din have the time to wish y'all back.... u see, this year, is a very, very last min preparation since we're pretty bz packing for the big move, while making time to bake whenever it's not raining - we have to battle with the rain IN the house!!... so u can imagine the chaos!..
Yesterday was pretty tiring.... and i can't imagine we have to do this year after year... :( but nvm, starting nx year, dearest will be here to celebrate hari raya with us.... i can't wait!... dearest was also telling me how emotional the house was when it time comes to seek forgiveness from one another.. he actually CRIED!!!...... i cried too when i heard abt the scenario... it WAS emotional coz i felt the sadness the mom must be feeling when after nx yr, dearest will no longer be there to celebrate with them and help her out with the chores... haizzzz....... tat's part and parcel of life, ait?.....
on the bright side, it was a fantabulous but tiring day yesterday.... it's been a long time since everyone crowd in the house on 1st Syawal.... ;) To all my Muslim brothers and sisters around the world, i hope you'd have a peaceful and blessed 1st of Syawal, surrounded with your loved ones..
To my cuzzin who's in London now, take care and hope you had a nice Hari Raya celebrations with your friends there! ;) here's ur sisters posing for the camera!.... they're soooooo (as usual) cheeky esp that one in the green, "tigress-looking" tudung!.. haha...
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