Wat a way to start the day!.... got stuck in the blardy train - no! make it a blardy, tilted train! - this morning!... can you imagine that it took a whooping 20mins from Khatib to AMK?!.... how fucked is tat?!....
The first stop it made mid-track, i really, really feel like it was tilted on one side!.... wahlaU!... got me freaked a while there... coz i couldn't stand properly and all the time looking at the next track, imagining my face smashed on the broken pieces of the glass of the door!... yes.. my imagination runs ever so wildly in times like this!....
but anyways, u know how when you're normally in a train and the "outside" world - the cars, the buildings, the ppl walking on the street - would be a blur? a moving motion picture kinda thing?.... well, today, the freaked train was traveling at a speed of.... guess! guess!.. 10km/hr!!!! and i can bet you it's true! all the cars wheezed past us, i can see a fat lady in black swimming costume rinsing herself beside the pool, appreciate the beauty of Nuovo Condo much, much, better and saw a few nice cars along the way too!... yes!... it was that S.L.O.W!!... i hope my description gives you a better illustration!....
Oredi, as it is, my computer is not feeling too well at home.. it's acting up... and OF ALL TIMES, it has to act up NOW!... fuck!... i need the blardy computer to prepare some stuffs for the wedding!... and it refused to on!.... something in the system is corrupted.. i juz hope that i dun lose my external drive!... must be all that SPAM, pop-ups, blah.. blah... may have to reboot the PC and "cleanse" it of all evil!.....
*booo hoooooo*...
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
ooooh laaaa laaaa.... i'm sooooo relieved, glad and happy that everything is coming together at last!!! ;) with abt less than 4 weeks left before the BIG day, i juz wish that nothing cocks up last minute or wateva!....
of course, there's still some things left to finalise - like my cameraman, my room decor, our photo-shots for the montage our videographer is doing for us - god!.. i dunno where the photo albums are now!... must have been stored somewhere... DIE!.. DIE!!... our final song list, seating arrangement!.... gosh!.... actually, seemed quite a lot, hor?... freak!
ooooh!... i must, must say - THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! to Joy!.. who has told me where to find the "curtain"!.. hahahahah!... penat you jalan2 on Saturday!!.... since you buying for the house, not in a hurry rite?.. ask someone to get it for you from Bangkok!.. most shops who hang that on display bought it from there!... *sigh* if only i had known, B could have gotten that for me from Bangkok!...
but anyways... last week, Ms Sinus has got me thinking on a particular thing.. and damn!... i can't get it off my head whole weekend!.. ahhahaha.. but i still couldn't think of anything to do on that particular subject matter!!... FYI, Sinus, i haven't got around talking to my Dearest on that!... *issssh!... malu lah I!*.... hahahhaha
ooooh laaaa laaaa.... i'm sooooo relieved, glad and happy that everything is coming together at last!!! ;) with abt less than 4 weeks left before the BIG day, i juz wish that nothing cocks up last minute or wateva!....
of course, there's still some things left to finalise - like my cameraman, my room decor, our photo-shots for the montage our videographer is doing for us - god!.. i dunno where the photo albums are now!... must have been stored somewhere... DIE!.. DIE!!... our final song list, seating arrangement!.... gosh!.... actually, seemed quite a lot, hor?... freak!
ooooh!... i must, must say - THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! to Joy!.. who has told me where to find the "curtain"!.. hahahahah!... penat you jalan2 on Saturday!!.... since you buying for the house, not in a hurry rite?.. ask someone to get it for you from Bangkok!.. most shops who hang that on display bought it from there!... *sigh* if only i had known, B could have gotten that for me from Bangkok!...
but anyways... last week, Ms Sinus has got me thinking on a particular thing.. and damn!... i can't get it off my head whole weekend!.. ahhahaha.. but i still couldn't think of anything to do on that particular subject matter!!... FYI, Sinus, i haven't got around talking to my Dearest on that!... *issssh!... malu lah I!*.... hahahhaha
Friday, February 24, 2006
We are to make a certain decision on something... and we feel like if we're to make this decision now, it's a rushed one.. hmmmm.... too much decisions to make, too little time to think over it, but too huge NOT to think abt it and tooooo headache to also think of sooooo many stuffs!...
oh!.. and we've met up with our videographer.. and *phew!*... we got quite a price, i MUST say!.. :D very, very pleased indeed with what was offered.. though, as expected, we need to top up since for the first time ever since he started this business, it was the first time that he had to do 3 events on the same day!.. ahhahahah..... we must have given him quite a shock!...
niways, there was a workshop yesterday... and got such a shocked that the attendance was soooo poor... not only that, the person responsible for this (whoever that is!) didn't even ask for an RSVP!... flew the guy in from Australia and the ppl who were supposed to be attending this workshop couldn't even be bothered!! Alamak!... clearly, the bosses were pretty unhappy.. and just this morning, we're called for an 11 o'clock mtg - probably to address yesterday's "event".. hmmm.... will my leaving early yest be brought up too?... *uh-oh!*
bah!!... it really feels like i've not been in the office!.. since last week, i've attended 3 courses + half day of workshop + 2 days retreat + 1 half-day off = 2.5 days in office for the past 2 weeks!.. more of these, plsssss... hahahhaa...
GOD!.. i'm rambling!.. *ooops!*... too sleepy.. need this dose of silliness in the morning to perk me up for the day!... :p
We are to make a certain decision on something... and we feel like if we're to make this decision now, it's a rushed one.. hmmmm.... too much decisions to make, too little time to think over it, but too huge NOT to think abt it and tooooo headache to also think of sooooo many stuffs!...
oh!.. and we've met up with our videographer.. and *phew!*... we got quite a price, i MUST say!.. :D very, very pleased indeed with what was offered.. though, as expected, we need to top up since for the first time ever since he started this business, it was the first time that he had to do 3 events on the same day!.. ahhahahah..... we must have given him quite a shock!...
niways, there was a workshop yesterday... and got such a shocked that the attendance was soooo poor... not only that, the person responsible for this (whoever that is!) didn't even ask for an RSVP!... flew the guy in from Australia and the ppl who were supposed to be attending this workshop couldn't even be bothered!! Alamak!... clearly, the bosses were pretty unhappy.. and just this morning, we're called for an 11 o'clock mtg - probably to address yesterday's "event".. hmmm.... will my leaving early yest be brought up too?... *uh-oh!*
bah!!... it really feels like i've not been in the office!.. since last week, i've attended 3 courses + half day of workshop + 2 days retreat + 1 half-day off = 2.5 days in office for the past 2 weeks!.. more of these, plsssss... hahahhaa...
GOD!.. i'm rambling!.. *ooops!*... too sleepy.. need this dose of silliness in the morning to perk me up for the day!... :p
Thursday, February 23, 2006
I meant to put this up rite after my course yesterday. But was too lazy and tired to download the pic!.. haha... but niways, me and B had a whale of a time at the Service Excellence course yest.. was i inspired? errrr... not really but someone read: B, DID got inspired!..
Someone in the room was asked - How do we keep a positive attitude everyday? And that person's answer was:

oh! yes!... someone got sooooo inspired that she just HAVE to write it down!... and supposedly, TODAY, is the start of this new, positive attitude!.... so B, i know work sucks!... but if everyday is a new day, it shouldn't suck as much!!... hoping to see a cheery, smily B in the mornings!!!..... ;)
I meant to put this up rite after my course yesterday. But was too lazy and tired to download the pic!.. haha... but niways, me and B had a whale of a time at the Service Excellence course yest.. was i inspired? errrr... not really but someone read: B, DID got inspired!..
Someone in the room was asked - How do we keep a positive attitude everyday? And that person's answer was:
oh! yes!... someone got sooooo inspired that she just HAVE to write it down!... and supposedly, TODAY, is the start of this new, positive attitude!.... so B, i know work sucks!... but if everyday is a new day, it shouldn't suck as much!!... hoping to see a cheery, smily B in the mornings!!!..... ;)
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Oh dear!!!.... the news is out!.... now, 39 had been reported having this fungal infection!... damn!... being a typical kiasu Singaporean, I went in search of the next "best" solution in town - Complete.. and guess wat?!... practically all the shops i went into have sold out!... juz before we head home - dejected - we went into this tiny optical shop and voila!.. AT LAST!... solution in hand!.. :)
The odds that ReNu solution is "THE" cause of this infection is very high.. coz like it was reported in today's Today, 120K to 150K ppl in S'pore are using this solution!.. so obviously!.... (need i continue??)!.... it's juz like saying wired bras are the cause of breast cancer in women!.. Y??... coz i dun think there's a lot of women who'd like to "hang loose"!...
But the eyes are one of God's wonderful gift! So, i'd definitely NOT take a risk!.. oh!.. not forgetting my cuzzin's near-blind-accident!... remember my Blur & Lousy entry??... I hope by now, u know wat i'm trying to get at!... *smirks!*
Dearest thinks he's gagah!... but i bet, he's quite relieved that i practically push the new Complete solution to his face!.. hahahaa.... I'd rather have one breast chopped off (choy! choy!) than not able to see the wonders the world (or God) has to offer! At least, you still can go for implants for that flat chest, aye?!.... howell!... i juz hope that this thing is investigated thoroughly!!...
here's some tips for those who may not know how to care for your lenses:
1. Make sure you throw away your disposable contacts on or before expiry! If it's fortnightly lens, throw them away after 14 days!!!
2. "Permanent" contact lens are not really that permanent. Been recommended you use them for 1yr to 2 yrs and get it changed!.. unless of course, you're one of those freaks who does the remove-protein-routine and etc.. etc..
3. Storage containers for the lens need to be steriled once in a while.. ie maybe weekly (to be kiasu)... or at least.. the very least lah.. once a month!!...
4. Solutions cannot be used for more than 90 days, unless otherwise stated - be it the big-sized bottle or the small one..
5. Napping and sleeping with lenses on is a BIG, BIG no-no!!..... Dearest classmate did that and freak!... she nearly lost her eye-sight - completely i mean!!, her vision is permanently damage and NO contact lens for her for the rest of her life!....
I'm no expert in this area and i AM definitely guilty of one or two of the abv!.. i got the info abv from mags, friends and also opticians who had to advise me coz i was found guilty of not caring for my then-"permanent" contact lens when i was still in my teens.. so, if anyone of you out there would like to correct me, or provide us with more tips to care for our contacts, go ahead, plsssss..... coz i'm pretty sure, vain girls like me, would prefer to go glass-less and be in denial of our not-so-perfect-vision!...
Oh dear!!!.... the news is out!.... now, 39 had been reported having this fungal infection!... damn!... being a typical kiasu Singaporean, I went in search of the next "best" solution in town - Complete.. and guess wat?!... practically all the shops i went into have sold out!... juz before we head home - dejected - we went into this tiny optical shop and voila!.. AT LAST!... solution in hand!.. :)
The odds that ReNu solution is "THE" cause of this infection is very high.. coz like it was reported in today's Today, 120K to 150K ppl in S'pore are using this solution!.. so obviously!.... (need i continue??)!.... it's juz like saying wired bras are the cause of breast cancer in women!.. Y??... coz i dun think there's a lot of women who'd like to "hang loose"!...
But the eyes are one of God's wonderful gift! So, i'd definitely NOT take a risk!.. oh!.. not forgetting my cuzzin's near-blind-accident!... remember my Blur & Lousy entry??... I hope by now, u know wat i'm trying to get at!... *smirks!*
Dearest thinks he's gagah!... but i bet, he's quite relieved that i practically push the new Complete solution to his face!.. hahahaa.... I'd rather have one breast chopped off (choy! choy!) than not able to see the wonders the world (or God) has to offer! At least, you still can go for implants for that flat chest, aye?!.... howell!... i juz hope that this thing is investigated thoroughly!!...
here's some tips for those who may not know how to care for your lenses:
1. Make sure you throw away your disposable contacts on or before expiry! If it's fortnightly lens, throw them away after 14 days!!!
2. "Permanent" contact lens are not really that permanent. Been recommended you use them for 1yr to 2 yrs and get it changed!.. unless of course, you're one of those freaks who does the remove-protein-routine and etc.. etc..
3. Storage containers for the lens need to be steriled once in a while.. ie maybe weekly (to be kiasu)... or at least.. the very least lah.. once a month!!...
4. Solutions cannot be used for more than 90 days, unless otherwise stated - be it the big-sized bottle or the small one..
5. Napping and sleeping with lenses on is a BIG, BIG no-no!!..... Dearest classmate did that and freak!... she nearly lost her eye-sight - completely i mean!!, her vision is permanently damage and NO contact lens for her for the rest of her life!....
I'm no expert in this area and i AM definitely guilty of one or two of the abv!.. i got the info abv from mags, friends and also opticians who had to advise me coz i was found guilty of not caring for my then-"permanent" contact lens when i was still in my teens.. so, if anyone of you out there would like to correct me, or provide us with more tips to care for our contacts, go ahead, plsssss..... coz i'm pretty sure, vain girls like me, would prefer to go glass-less and be in denial of our not-so-perfect-vision!...
Wow!... feeling much, much better after reviving my hair from it's very dry, dry state!!!... but the curls are back and they're here to stay!!... really cannot, cannot go for anymore rebonding till much, much later.... bleagh!...
but nevermind!.... i'm gonna have to go for another session of treatment before my big day!.... and also, maybe, juz maybe, i will go for a colour and highlight as well!.. ahhahaha.... :p see first lah... i'm having like a few colours on my head now!.... *boooo hoooo!*... dunch like it at all!..... but at the same time, i can't risk losing all my hair before the big day, now, can i???.....
ooooh!... and today, i went for YOGA!!!... hahhaa.. yup!.. took it up again!.. YY???... hmmmm mainly because i juz feel like doing it again!... PLUS, appraisal is coming.. and my KPI is to "advocate sports as a way of life".. if you guys remember... my sup has "endorsed" my yoga and yeay!... at least i get to gain a 2 on that!.. hahahha..... *yeah! yeah! wateva!!!*
but i can tell ya, yoga is fucking strenous!!...the poses you had to do!.. but at least, the trainer is not as analistic as the one we had much, much earlier on!..... hhehehee.... hmmm... hopefully, i get to gain some more flexibility!... i'm too tight everywhere! and i think my calves are shortening!!!..... *alamak!!!!*....
Wow!... feeling much, much better after reviving my hair from it's very dry, dry state!!!... but the curls are back and they're here to stay!!... really cannot, cannot go for anymore rebonding till much, much later.... bleagh!...
but nevermind!.... i'm gonna have to go for another session of treatment before my big day!.... and also, maybe, juz maybe, i will go for a colour and highlight as well!.. ahhahaha.... :p see first lah... i'm having like a few colours on my head now!.... *boooo hoooo!*... dunch like it at all!..... but at the same time, i can't risk losing all my hair before the big day, now, can i???.....
ooooh!... and today, i went for YOGA!!!... hahhaa.. yup!.. took it up again!.. YY???... hmmmm mainly because i juz feel like doing it again!... PLUS, appraisal is coming.. and my KPI is to "advocate sports as a way of life".. if you guys remember... my sup has "endorsed" my yoga and yeay!... at least i get to gain a 2 on that!.. hahahha..... *yeah! yeah! wateva!!!*
but i can tell ya, yoga is fucking strenous!!...the poses you had to do!.. but at least, the trainer is not as analistic as the one we had much, much earlier on!..... hhehehee.... hmmm... hopefully, i get to gain some more flexibility!... i'm too tight everywhere! and i think my calves are shortening!!!..... *alamak!!!!*....
Sunday, February 19, 2006
ooooh!... yesssssh!...I'm back in the comfort of my home, my daaarrrlinng Dearest, and the stability of land on my feet!.... ;) i dun like the ferry at alL!.... and it doesn't help when my "partner" on my left do not talk to me!... and that 2 of my kakis are behind me!!.... it makes the trip sooooo much harder to bear!!!..... bleaagh!....
Anyways, the "teambuilding" session was a 5 out of 10!.... great place, OK food, no-no to the "teambuilding" games!.... i think a nite more would be better since we dun even have time for R&R and try out the great facilities they have there!.. sooooo.. soooo... sad!!!... but oklah... since we're confined in that vicinity, we're kinda "forced" to interact with ppl that we won't normally would!.... but of course, some of us still manage to avoid those few ppl we'd rather not talk to!.. hahahhaa... ;)
It's a Sunday and i'm bored!.... i'm having a headache trying to fit ppl in a table!.... too many factors of consideration!... there's also another thing that's giving me a headache!... my purple curtain!!!... urrrrrgh!...... irritating!!... went to IKEA and couldn't find the right size of the curtain!... and now, i'm badly in need of finding those beaded strings - the one they hang on the door?... can anyone guess wat i'm talking abt here?... anyways, i can't seem to find nice ones.. the ones that i saw so far are the oldies ones... very eeeeks!.... ;p
so if anyone out there understands what i'm looking for, plsssss, plsssss tell me where i can go look for them??.................
ooooh!... yesssssh!...I'm back in the comfort of my home, my daaarrrlinng Dearest, and the stability of land on my feet!.... ;) i dun like the ferry at alL!.... and it doesn't help when my "partner" on my left do not talk to me!... and that 2 of my kakis are behind me!!.... it makes the trip sooooo much harder to bear!!!..... bleaagh!....
Anyways, the "teambuilding" session was a 5 out of 10!.... great place, OK food, no-no to the "teambuilding" games!.... i think a nite more would be better since we dun even have time for R&R and try out the great facilities they have there!.. sooooo.. soooo... sad!!!... but oklah... since we're confined in that vicinity, we're kinda "forced" to interact with ppl that we won't normally would!.... but of course, some of us still manage to avoid those few ppl we'd rather not talk to!.. hahahhaa... ;)
It's a Sunday and i'm bored!.... i'm having a headache trying to fit ppl in a table!.... too many factors of consideration!... there's also another thing that's giving me a headache!... my purple curtain!!!... urrrrrgh!...... irritating!!... went to IKEA and couldn't find the right size of the curtain!... and now, i'm badly in need of finding those beaded strings - the one they hang on the door?... can anyone guess wat i'm talking abt here?... anyways, i can't seem to find nice ones.. the ones that i saw so far are the oldies ones... very eeeeks!.... ;p
so if anyone out there understands what i'm looking for, plsssss, plsssss tell me where i can go look for them??.................
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
sooooo fucking depressing tau!!..... i sooooo gatal yesterday!.... did something and now, my hair is like soooooo dry, it looks like the penyapu (broom)!!... i'm very, very sad and very, very depressed!... FUCK!... me and my fucking gatal hands!!!!......
and i can't fucking go to the hair saloon to get it treated now coz it'll be sooooo wasted to do it!... since i'm going away for that stupid "teambuilding" session!!!!...... i was looking forward to it!... who wouldn't rite?... all the way to Club Med Bintan!... but when i went home and open up the email from Quirky, found the program of the 2 days there and got such a huge, huge disappointment!!... it feels like most of the time, there were more "briefing" sessions!... like halllooooo??.. if it's more like a "work" thingie than an actual teambuilding session, there's really no need to go all the way to Bintan - take a freakin ferry (hate ferries!) for 45 mins k?!!!!..... we could have just have it any posh hotels in Singapore or OK.. maybe Shangri-la at Sentosa?... spend a nite there.... barbecuing and mingling for the teambuilding session!... urrrrrgh!... wat the freak!.... :p
anyways, i'm now sooooo freaking worried abt my hair!!!..... really felt like crying sey!!!...... ;( y the fuck did i do wat i did!.... fucking vain pot, i am!.... however, amidst all these, still manage to do some "retail" therapy with Izy though!... hahahhaa... intention was to share her silver wedding shoes!... but guess wat??!!.... since the guy in the shop was oh-sooooooo generous as to give us a further disc on the second pair (after having made me think and think whether or not to buy those damn pretty shoes!), i just couldn't resist to get that silver shoes!!!!!...... it's sooooo fucking nice, i simply am loving it!!!....... hehehehe.......
sooooo fucking depressing tau!!..... i sooooo gatal yesterday!.... did something and now, my hair is like soooooo dry, it looks like the penyapu (broom)!!... i'm very, very sad and very, very depressed!... FUCK!... me and my fucking gatal hands!!!!......
and i can't fucking go to the hair saloon to get it treated now coz it'll be sooooo wasted to do it!... since i'm going away for that stupid "teambuilding" session!!!!...... i was looking forward to it!... who wouldn't rite?... all the way to Club Med Bintan!... but when i went home and open up the email from Quirky, found the program of the 2 days there and got such a huge, huge disappointment!!... it feels like most of the time, there were more "briefing" sessions!... like halllooooo??.. if it's more like a "work" thingie than an actual teambuilding session, there's really no need to go all the way to Bintan - take a freakin ferry (hate ferries!) for 45 mins k?!!!!..... we could have just have it any posh hotels in Singapore or OK.. maybe Shangri-la at Sentosa?... spend a nite there.... barbecuing and mingling for the teambuilding session!... urrrrrgh!... wat the freak!.... :p
anyways, i'm now sooooo freaking worried abt my hair!!!..... really felt like crying sey!!!...... ;( y the fuck did i do wat i did!.... fucking vain pot, i am!.... however, amidst all these, still manage to do some "retail" therapy with Izy though!... hahahhaa... intention was to share her silver wedding shoes!... but guess wat??!!.... since the guy in the shop was oh-sooooooo generous as to give us a further disc on the second pair (after having made me think and think whether or not to buy those damn pretty shoes!), i just couldn't resist to get that silver shoes!!!!!...... it's sooooo fucking nice, i simply am loving it!!!....... hehehehe.......
Sunday, February 12, 2006
I am now in a dream land... i think i will be dreaming a big, big dream tonite!.... oh gosh!... i can't believe we actually bought it!.... fell in love with it immediately!!!!.. no buts abt it!.... i'm thrilled at the purchase!... I'm totally loving my dearest, dearest husband to be..... ;D *mmmmuuuuaaaacks!!!*..... i love u, dearest!!!....... thank u... thank u.... for loving me the way you do!!!......
will update more on this when the *rite* time comes and it's more confirmed and definite!...
for now, take it tat i have an early Valentine's gift! *yeah! rite!* *rolls eyes* u all shall wait and see yah... ;)
gdnite!!.... will be on course for the next 3 days and will be out of town the rest of the week!... weeeee!!!...... ;)
no work!.. juz bliss. and my dreams.... al-hamdulillah....
I am now in a dream land... i think i will be dreaming a big, big dream tonite!.... oh gosh!... i can't believe we actually bought it!.... fell in love with it immediately!!!!.. no buts abt it!.... i'm thrilled at the purchase!... I'm totally loving my dearest, dearest husband to be..... ;D *mmmmuuuuaaaacks!!!*..... i love u, dearest!!!....... thank u... thank u.... for loving me the way you do!!!......
will update more on this when the *rite* time comes and it's more confirmed and definite!...
for now, take it tat i have an early Valentine's gift! *yeah! rite!* *rolls eyes* u all shall wait and see yah... ;)
gdnite!!.... will be on course for the next 3 days and will be out of town the rest of the week!... weeeee!!!...... ;)
no work!.. juz bliss. and my dreams.... al-hamdulillah....
Thursday, February 09, 2006
hmmm... been pondering over this question since my hair starts to curl....i tot i can tahan the "look" of it coz i straighten it every morning or before i go out... but everytime i sweat (and I definitely will!.... wat with the walk to the MRT!), it juz frizzes up and looked like curled up dawai.... urrrrgh!....
but i feel like it's a bit too late to go and have my hair done now!..... *sobs!*..... i'm really in a fix!!!..... ;( plus, i have to get it dyed and/or highlighted coz i'm having like 2 colours on my head now and if i rebond my hair, the colours will not strike out... hmmmm........ and if i do both, can i risk more hair falling out?!... PLUS more money spilling out of my pockets too!!!..... dilemma.. dilemma...
Oh!... and then, i was telling my parents abt my dream home and my so-called intention to own it... and much to my disappointment, i've got objections left (mum), rite (dad) and centre (rizan!)...... bleagh!!!...... they threw me with a lot of "justifications" why i shouldn't buy that property!..... Mum even tried "tricking" me into purchasing the current yishun hse, rent it out and stay with them!... HAH!... she thinks i dunno wat she's up to?!..... lagi nekad lah aku nak berdikari!!.....
howell!... no matter wat, i'm still gonna go see my dream home and "lepaskan geram" (satisfy myself)... at least, after that i can make a more informed decision and if i decide to forego that dream home of mine, then, at the very least, i'm satisfied with that decision rather than i be left pondering whether or not i should have bought it afterall!....
hmmm... been pondering over this question since my hair starts to curl....i tot i can tahan the "look" of it coz i straighten it every morning or before i go out... but everytime i sweat (and I definitely will!.... wat with the walk to the MRT!), it juz frizzes up and looked like curled up dawai.... urrrrgh!....
but i feel like it's a bit too late to go and have my hair done now!..... *sobs!*..... i'm really in a fix!!!..... ;( plus, i have to get it dyed and/or highlighted coz i'm having like 2 colours on my head now and if i rebond my hair, the colours will not strike out... hmmmm........ and if i do both, can i risk more hair falling out?!... PLUS more money spilling out of my pockets too!!!..... dilemma.. dilemma...
Oh!... and then, i was telling my parents abt my dream home and my so-called intention to own it... and much to my disappointment, i've got objections left (mum), rite (dad) and centre (rizan!)...... bleagh!!!...... they threw me with a lot of "justifications" why i shouldn't buy that property!..... Mum even tried "tricking" me into purchasing the current yishun hse, rent it out and stay with them!... HAH!... she thinks i dunno wat she's up to?!..... lagi nekad lah aku nak berdikari!!.....
howell!... no matter wat, i'm still gonna go see my dream home and "lepaskan geram" (satisfy myself)... at least, after that i can make a more informed decision and if i decide to forego that dream home of mine, then, at the very least, i'm satisfied with that decision rather than i be left pondering whether or not i should have bought it afterall!....
Monday, February 06, 2006
i'm soooooo day-dreaming of my "dream home"!.... hmmm.... fell in love with it when i first saw it on TV.. and now, it's been on my mind constantly since Dearest told me abt this same "dream home" yesterday...
hmmm... a sign, perhaps?.. haha!... will my dream come true?.. i will pray it will!!! isssssh... bestnye kalau mimpi nie jadi kenyataan!.... hahahaa...
i'm soooooo day-dreaming of my "dream home"!.... hmmm.... fell in love with it when i first saw it on TV.. and now, it's been on my mind constantly since Dearest told me abt this same "dream home" yesterday...
hmmm... a sign, perhaps?.. haha!... will my dream come true?.. i will pray it will!!! isssssh... bestnye kalau mimpi nie jadi kenyataan!.... hahahaa...
cozy room..
modern living..
garden for a beautiful entrance, perhaps?
and the BEST of all, a granite-d bathroom!!!....
no need to scrub and clean the toilet sooooo madly!..
no need to scrub and clean the toilet sooooo madly!..
sesungguhnya aku berangan-angan!!! ;)
tapi aku mau!!
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Today is Saturday!... i should be still sleeping and enjoying the warmth of my bed now.. but instead, i can't freakin sleep!... it's abt 7.15am now.. and i've been up almost an hour!.. urrrrgh!.... i wanna do something.. but i dun have the one thing that i need to start doing that something!.... hmmmm.... maybe i should go read my mag.... Quirky's been "nagging" me for it!.... :p
ooooh!... must tell something interesting that happened yesterday at the MRT station... was looking for Wati there when i got approached by this girl who introduced herself as someone from an ad agency. They looking for "models" and asked for my no. Told her i wasn't interested but she said it's not obligatory and that i can decide later if i want to come down for an audition once her colleague call me and explain in detail abt the ad. And i see.. she has 3 nos on her list oredi!....
In the first place girl, buta kah?!... hahhahhaa..... "model"?... HAH!... and the first instinctive tot that came to mind was the Fat Girls Dove Ad!..... ;p wat else, rite?????........
Oh! oH!... went around looking for bedsheets yesterday and after much tot on the train... i've finally decided wat i want!.. ahhahaha.... ;) oooooh!..... wati!!... thanks a lot dear for "looking" out with me!!.... very appreciate your patience!!... u see, i think mom's rite... i'm soooooooooo anal in all these planning and nitty-gritty... once i've set my mind on something, anything else is no-no for me!.... but at the same time, i'm sooooo freaking fickle also!!..... seen this, still wanna look-see look-see some more! wat a GIRLy thing to do!... ;p
though i've kinda decided, i'm still gonna look around some more!.. ahhahhaa.... this time, to find for the BEST bargains of course!!!..... see, in moments like this, discount cards in hand is ALWAYS a good thing!!.... Anyways, have a nice weekend y'all!....
Today is Saturday!... i should be still sleeping and enjoying the warmth of my bed now.. but instead, i can't freakin sleep!... it's abt 7.15am now.. and i've been up almost an hour!.. urrrrgh!.... i wanna do something.. but i dun have the one thing that i need to start doing that something!.... hmmmm.... maybe i should go read my mag.... Quirky's been "nagging" me for it!.... :p
ooooh!... must tell something interesting that happened yesterday at the MRT station... was looking for Wati there when i got approached by this girl who introduced herself as someone from an ad agency. They looking for "models" and asked for my no. Told her i wasn't interested but she said it's not obligatory and that i can decide later if i want to come down for an audition once her colleague call me and explain in detail abt the ad. And i see.. she has 3 nos on her list oredi!....
In the first place girl, buta kah?!... hahhahhaa..... "model"?... HAH!... and the first instinctive tot that came to mind was the Fat Girls Dove Ad!..... ;p wat else, rite?????........
Oh! oH!... went around looking for bedsheets yesterday and after much tot on the train... i've finally decided wat i want!.. ahhahaha.... ;) oooooh!..... wati!!... thanks a lot dear for "looking" out with me!!.... very appreciate your patience!!... u see, i think mom's rite... i'm soooooooooo anal in all these planning and nitty-gritty... once i've set my mind on something, anything else is no-no for me!.... but at the same time, i'm sooooo freaking fickle also!!..... seen this, still wanna look-see look-see some more! wat a GIRLy thing to do!... ;p
though i've kinda decided, i'm still gonna look around some more!.. ahhahhaa.... this time, to find for the BEST bargains of course!!!..... see, in moments like this, discount cards in hand is ALWAYS a good thing!!.... Anyways, have a nice weekend y'all!....
Friday, February 03, 2006

i vowed to Dearest last nite that yesterday's KFC meal that we had, would be my LAST KFC session for the next 2 mths!.... *boooo-hooooo-hooooo*.... sungguh the sedih.. but wat to do?.. the clock is ticking ever soooooooo fast!... but my weight loss rate is going the opp direction!!... urrrrgh!......
i vowed to Dearest last nite that yesterday's KFC meal that we had, would be my LAST KFC session for the next 2 mths!.... *boooo-hooooo-hooooo*.... sungguh the sedih.. but wat to do?.. the clock is ticking ever soooooooo fast!... but my weight loss rate is going the opp direction!!... urrrrgh!......
Thursday, February 02, 2006
urrrrgh!... sometimes, pulling the hair out of its roots seemed peanuts to what we have to go thru.... nonsense, you know!!!.... having to battle challenges after challenges... it feels like having stones thrown at you mercilessly!!...
I can sense Dearest is going to explode very, very soon... someone in da' hse is not making things easy for him... after that mini explosion on Tuesday, one would think that it would blow over.. buuuutt.. nooooooo........ i seems that this particular someone still wants to challenge his patience... haiiiizzzz..... i dunno how to pacify him no more... let's juz hope that the relationship's not strained juz coz of the wedding!.. :(
Oh!.. i forgot to add.. received some startling news that the general election will be held on the same day of my wedding!... alamak!!!..... i dunno how true this is!.. i hope they push it forward to the following week or something!... if not we'd have to leave the hse very early to go vote?!... bleagh!... can they plssss do the GE on a weekday?.. give us a day off or something?.. at least it will not affect those "to-be-weds"!...
urrrrgh!... sometimes, pulling the hair out of its roots seemed peanuts to what we have to go thru.... nonsense, you know!!!.... having to battle challenges after challenges... it feels like having stones thrown at you mercilessly!!...
I can sense Dearest is going to explode very, very soon... someone in da' hse is not making things easy for him... after that mini explosion on Tuesday, one would think that it would blow over.. buuuutt.. nooooooo........ i seems that this particular someone still wants to challenge his patience... haiiiizzzz..... i dunno how to pacify him no more... let's juz hope that the relationship's not strained juz coz of the wedding!.. :(
Oh!.. i forgot to add.. received some startling news that the general election will be held on the same day of my wedding!... alamak!!!..... i dunno how true this is!.. i hope they push it forward to the following week or something!... if not we'd have to leave the hse very early to go vote?!... bleagh!... can they plssss do the GE on a weekday?.. give us a day off or something?.. at least it will not affect those "to-be-weds"!...
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
we celebrated the Jan babies' bday last Fri.. and as usual, had a blast with their company!... But even before we got to celebrating their bdays, we were given a rather "troubling" letter..

but of course... if it comes from this "person" (identity is concealed to avoid any "trouble"), it's nothing surprising!.. she's always oh-so-original.. and would be the only one to think up of this! ;)
Oh!.. and then, we went abt talking abt the sooooon-to-be-brides' wedding.. and ooooh!.. how exciting!.. ;D

everyone's chipping in to help and they've chosen their theme colour for the 2 weddings as well!!... lovely!.. thanks girls!..... and of course, photos are here!!!!
and over the weekend, we went to an engagement party.. and got myself a flower.... and where else should it be???.....

oh!... someone's checked up on me over the weekend too!... asked me if i've been gymming at all!... heh!..... proud to say, at the moment, was juz back from a marathon of gym and swim!.. however, not so proud to say that i think my input is def more than my output!... though was pleasantly surprised that i lose some weight!.. yeay!!....
but of course... if it comes from this "person" (identity is concealed to avoid any "trouble"), it's nothing surprising!.. she's always oh-so-original.. and would be the only one to think up of this! ;)
Oh!.. and then, we went abt talking abt the sooooon-to-be-brides' wedding.. and ooooh!.. how exciting!.. ;D
everyone's chipping in to help and they've chosen their theme colour for the 2 weddings as well!!... lovely!.. thanks girls!..... and of course, photos are here!!!!
and over the weekend, we went to an engagement party.. and got myself a flower.... and where else should it be???.....
manis, kan???.... hehehe...
oh!... someone's checked up on me over the weekend too!... asked me if i've been gymming at all!... heh!..... proud to say, at the moment, was juz back from a marathon of gym and swim!.. however, not so proud to say that i think my input is def more than my output!... though was pleasantly surprised that i lose some weight!.. yeay!!....
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