married life's so far been nothing but BLISS... ;) having someone else's loving warmth on the big bed at nite is a comfort!.. and cooking for your loving, doting, appreciative husband is definitely a boost to improve my cooking skills!...
Our first meal as husband and wife (of course cooked by me ler) went w/o a hitch!.. ;) thank god!.... and today's meal went superbly well too!.... he's loving it!... and i'm more in love with him for loving me that much!... hehehhe....
Anyways, being at home for the past 2 weeks was such a break from work!... sleeping in late and waking up even later!... hehehe... sooooo not looking forward to going to work on Monday!...we're both wondering if we can wake up on time on Monday!... gosh!!!..... ;( howell!..... but speaking of work, i definitely would have to say a huge, huge thank you to Ms Quirky for covering my duties during my 2wks absence!... GREAT JOB, girl!!!! i owe you how many??... 2 lunches har?... hmmmmm..... ;)
Friday, March 31, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
7yrs of courtship. being together. being in love. being US.
Al-hamdulillah.. everything went pretty smoothly..
. prelude to our wedding - the wedding card - receive great reviews from practically everyone who receive them! Thanks Ah-Xin!!!... definitely a very well-done, customised, meaningful wedding card .
. my personalised favors got readied on time .
. my WONDERFUL, GREAT friends & their partners helped ensure everything was in order .
. my helpful caterer, Suzana from Maria Le Caterer did a fantastic job ensuring my event got run successfully as well even though she was never my wedding planner in the first place! .
. my mak andam (Yaqn-RH Bridal) did a superbly great job in dolling my face - a real extreme makeover! kekke.. and not forgetting Maslinda for being a great companion throughout as well! + great bajus!.. the bajus all turned out very beautiful on me in the end! Thank god!.. everyone tot i looked slimmer - and yes.. i do look slimmer but definitely NOT slim enough lah! .
. my dais was done up pretty tastefully - quite an unexpected turnout
. Dearest's decor was really close to how we wanted it done! - a real HUGE thank you to Shidek from Anggerik Impian .
. our ever supportive immediate family members - making an effort to dress up for the dinner and turning up on both days! .
. our photographers - Taufik and Darlie from Still with Motion - for doing a fabulous job in making us feel like models wannabe!.. hahha... and also our videographer - Asha for also doing a fabulous job in capturing the "moments" thoughout the event .
. the kompang cum gamelan group - Nagaya Cimande - thank you for giving us our grande entrance at dinner and another last minute grande entrance the next day! .
However, i would also like to apologise if the dinner started pretty late - that was a slight glitch! since this is the first time we're planning a wedding, pls forgive us should there were anything not to your (the guests') liking.. Ms Quirky, pls inform Mat Slacker, his "partner" and Dr C, that I'm very disappointed they didn't stay to take a picture with us!.. hah!... ;P
As the pengantin and family were too busy to click away their camera, we do not have pictures of the whole event to show.. but I do have an exclusive coverage by one of my cuzzins, 'alia - a pretty descriptive post on how it all went. And thank god for her and Kak Yani who were there to click their cameras away and even post it up on their respective blogs, here are some pictures to show..
However, i would also like to apologise if the dinner started pretty late - that was a slight glitch! since this is the first time we're planning a wedding, pls forgive us should there were anything not to your (the guests') liking.. Ms Quirky, pls inform Mat Slacker, his "partner" and Dr C, that I'm very disappointed they didn't stay to take a picture with us!.. hah!... ;P
As the pengantin and family were too busy to click away their camera, we do not have pictures of the whole event to show.. but I do have an exclusive coverage by one of my cuzzins, 'alia - a pretty descriptive post on how it all went. And thank god for her and Kak Yani who were there to click their cameras away and even post it up on their respective blogs, here are some pictures to show..
our wedding card (it made Dearest & his bike pretty famous in the neighbourhood)
a touching moment as i heard Daddy giving me away and Dearest, in his calm voice officiate our union and I, officially became Mrs Aduka
The kiss.. ;)
The personalised wedding favor for our dinner

emiliAduka .. 25 Mar 06

Day 2 @ Dearest's place, in our favourite colour
My dearest family members minus my brother!.. urrrgh!!!
Now, i can't wait to see how the real pictures and video turn out! Btw, our thank you speech in the video is in a mess!... my god!.. both of us are really not so good at spontaneous speeches!.. or more like my Malay is very the not good and i was trying to translate English to Malay in my head!... bleagh!... must think of something to do a real thank you in the video to all who have helped!..
For brides & grooms to be, i certainly do have and badly want to recommend service providers to you! Juz drop me a mail or holler in the shoutbox if you need any!... I can, with confidence, tell you - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!.. ;) I have come to realise this - it's ok to pay a bit more so long as it saves you all the headache and heartache leading up to your big day!.. But sometimes, paying that bit more with the wrong company, can still give you that whole load of heartache!.. coz these kind of companies or i should say, service providers, forget that the word of mouth is the most potent and lethal than any other form of advertising!!
To my dearest husband, thank you for loving me and always giving me the BEST of you throughout these 7yrs.. and i do believe that this will never change as long as your love for me is still burning in your heart.. I could not ask for more.. And you can expect the same from me; for the day I gave my heart to you 7yrs ago, I've also promised to spend the rest of my life together with you.
In sickness and in health
through ugly morning looks and old, wrinkly selves
till death do us part..
we both shall be and forever will be.. emiliAduka..
I love you...
Thursday, March 23, 2006
2 days!.. 2 days!..
oh dear!... 2 more days and i'm someone else's WIFE?!... WIFE?!.... shucks!... i AM having the jitters.. first it's how the whole wedding would go - it will highly likely have glitches.. but is everything almost like settled?.. hmmmm.... my chair!... bleagh!.. very irritated with the shipping company that ships my chair!... blardy hell!... howell!...
then, secondly, my responsibility as a wife... i think i can handle it lah... i juz have to say bye-bye to my baby smooth skin hands!.... (ahaks!.. tat's bcoz i've not really done any hard-core chores for abt 25 yrs now! hehhee... *lazy hippo, me!*).. but the one thing that i'm really kind of afraid of is "going against" my hubby... i've almost everytime had my way - i'm pretty stubborn, i must say!... wat if he dun allow me to do something, and i go against it?... errrrr....... berdosa kan aku??.... hmmmm.....
but at the same time, i can't wait for us to get married!.. i can't wait to be called Mrs Aduka!...i can't wait for us to really share lifetime together till we're old and wrinkled - surrounded by out children and grandchildren.. hah!.. tat's another thing!... children??!!.... hmmmm..... when will i ever be ready to be pregnant???!!..... brrrr... u see.. having children is GREAT!.. i think i can handle that!... but being pregnant and going thru the delivery is hmmmmm..... macam scary gitu seeing the rest went thru it!... :(
howell!... ok.. i will hibernate for the time-being - i think!.. hehehe... let's see if these thoughts and fingers can keep to themselves till after the 26th!... ;) before i go hibernate, i would like to apologise to all who may have been left out in my invitation list... truly sorry.. we only have 300 seats for the dinner and hence, had to carefully choose our guests. truly sorry....
oh dear!... 2 more days and i'm someone else's WIFE?!... WIFE?!.... shucks!... i AM having the jitters.. first it's how the whole wedding would go - it will highly likely have glitches.. but is everything almost like settled?.. hmmmm.... my chair!... bleagh!.. very irritated with the shipping company that ships my chair!... blardy hell!... howell!...
then, secondly, my responsibility as a wife... i think i can handle it lah... i juz have to say bye-bye to my baby smooth skin hands!.... (ahaks!.. tat's bcoz i've not really done any hard-core chores for abt 25 yrs now! hehhee... *lazy hippo, me!*).. but the one thing that i'm really kind of afraid of is "going against" my hubby... i've almost everytime had my way - i'm pretty stubborn, i must say!... wat if he dun allow me to do something, and i go against it?... errrrr....... berdosa kan aku??.... hmmmm.....
but at the same time, i can't wait for us to get married!.. i can't wait to be called Mrs Aduka!...i can't wait for us to really share lifetime together till we're old and wrinkled - surrounded by out children and grandchildren.. hah!.. tat's another thing!... children??!!.... hmmmm..... when will i ever be ready to be pregnant???!!..... brrrr... u see.. having children is GREAT!.. i think i can handle that!... but being pregnant and going thru the delivery is hmmmmm..... macam scary gitu seeing the rest went thru it!... :(
howell!... ok.. i will hibernate for the time-being - i think!.. hehehe... let's see if these thoughts and fingers can keep to themselves till after the 26th!... ;) before i go hibernate, i would like to apologise to all who may have been left out in my invitation list... truly sorry.. we only have 300 seats for the dinner and hence, had to carefully choose our guests. truly sorry....
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Oh mi gosh!... the time is like going oh-so-fast!!... i can't believe it!.. after today, i've only 3 more days to be Miss Emilia!.... after which, it'll be Mrs Emilia!... oooooh!... damn!.... that sounds old!... kekekkeke.... but i'm very proud to be married to my dearest Dearest!!... :)
I really thank god that he's the chosen One for me.. truly.. Al-hamdulillah..
I feel like this 1wk break to do the final preps like not enuff siah!.... ;p need to clean my room, scrub my toilet, print and cut the thank you cards for the favours - all these hopefully before tomorrow (bcoz i'm doing my mani/pedi tml lah!.. heheeh)!.. yeah! rite!! how the fuck can i do all these by tmr?!...
Anyways, yest, we went to RH for our final fitting and we took longer yest than our selection day the other day!.. hahahhaa.... Y??... coz I wanted to change my last outfit and juz like the other day, all the bajus i like, they dun have my size!... urrrgh!.... my advise to RH-to-be-or-potential clients - if you're plump but still pretty vain (like moi!), u may be in for a disappointment.. coz their nice, nice baju are all an S or an M.. i think the reason y i dun find their baju not tat nice is because we prefer something simple.. i dun like gawdy stuff - with all the labuchi and ruffles here and there.. hehehhee.... i try to avoid all that, u see?!... hmmmm... howell... but with the help of Kak Ria - the very bubbly, helpful, funny assistant (Joy, dun understand y si Iswadi tak suka dia?? hahahha..) - we manage to find a baju - in Dearest's fav colour some more!!... ;) buttttt, Dearest may not have a baju to pair!!!.. urrrggh!!... So, Kak Ria will be going shopping today!! :) hopefully, she manage to find the shirt of this impossible colour!!... *coz i myself think that there's no shirt in this colour! HAH!*
And then, juz found out from them too that i my requested make-up assistant for the day would not be able to make it!... :( first, it was the kadi.. then now, this!.. alamak!.... very the sedih!... howell!.. i hope the make-up assistant that they're giving me, is pretty good with the make-up and hair do!!!....
brrrr..... oklah.... i've rambled too much oredi!.. hahhaha.... i'm off now to do my chores and errands for the day!.... ciao peeps!!!...
Oh mi gosh!... the time is like going oh-so-fast!!... i can't believe it!.. after today, i've only 3 more days to be Miss Emilia!.... after which, it'll be Mrs Emilia!... oooooh!... damn!.... that sounds old!... kekekkeke.... but i'm very proud to be married to my dearest Dearest!!... :)
I really thank god that he's the chosen One for me.. truly.. Al-hamdulillah..
I feel like this 1wk break to do the final preps like not enuff siah!.... ;p need to clean my room, scrub my toilet, print and cut the thank you cards for the favours - all these hopefully before tomorrow (bcoz i'm doing my mani/pedi tml lah!.. heheeh)!.. yeah! rite!! how the fuck can i do all these by tmr?!...
Anyways, yest, we went to RH for our final fitting and we took longer yest than our selection day the other day!.. hahahhaa.... Y??... coz I wanted to change my last outfit and juz like the other day, all the bajus i like, they dun have my size!... urrrgh!.... my advise to RH-to-be-or-potential clients - if you're plump but still pretty vain (like moi!), u may be in for a disappointment.. coz their nice, nice baju are all an S or an M.. i think the reason y i dun find their baju not tat nice is because we prefer something simple.. i dun like gawdy stuff - with all the labuchi and ruffles here and there.. hehehhee.... i try to avoid all that, u see?!... hmmmm... howell... but with the help of Kak Ria - the very bubbly, helpful, funny assistant (Joy, dun understand y si Iswadi tak suka dia?? hahahha..) - we manage to find a baju - in Dearest's fav colour some more!!... ;) buttttt, Dearest may not have a baju to pair!!!.. urrrggh!!... So, Kak Ria will be going shopping today!! :) hopefully, she manage to find the shirt of this impossible colour!!... *coz i myself think that there's no shirt in this colour! HAH!*
And then, juz found out from them too that i my requested make-up assistant for the day would not be able to make it!... :( first, it was the kadi.. then now, this!.. alamak!.... very the sedih!... howell!.. i hope the make-up assistant that they're giving me, is pretty good with the make-up and hair do!!!....
brrrr..... oklah.... i've rambled too much oredi!.. hahhaha.... i'm off now to do my chores and errands for the day!.... ciao peeps!!!...
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Last nite, the girls in the office - Leen, El, B & Quirk gave me a NITE to remember!!!.... seriously, girls... thank you soooo much for organising my hen nite for me!..... ;) u girls turned the nite into one of my "wildest" nite out. Probably in my entire life, thus far - or maybe also EVER!!.. hahahhaa.....
for now, i shall make the pic do the talking!... coz there's quite a few pic i'd like to share!... ;)
I was "dressed up" at swensons..
and had to be in that the whole nite! and i can tell ya, it's freakin heavy!... coz my "mother hens" wasn't pro enuff lah!!.... kekekkee....
see?.. even had me at the ATM machine..
me out side Zouk - Wine & Bar if i'm not wrong..
Me "sashay-ing" into Zouk - my virgin trip to a disco pub, believe it or not!..
and of course, wat's a nite without these fav boys of mine! ;p
with Tee around, wat's the camera for if i dun pose for it aye??....
ooooh!.. my sup - the ever sporting Sup i got aka ex-Cheongster, gave me this as a Hen Nite prezzie!.... and i was asked to choose a page no (i assume)
and my oh my!..... i was asked to do the above position called Joystick Joyride on our first nite!!.... Dearest!!!..... boleh ke, kiter nie yang sungguh tak flexi!... kekekkee....
while waiting for the crowd to come in, they played with my veil and in the end, i had this "nice" shot of myself... guess wat was i trying to show??....
once the crowd was abt to kick into the dance floor, they dragged me there to dance.. and in that midst of pushing and pulling, my veil got "knocked off"... and so, with reluctance, they let me take it off!....
and oooooh! laaaaaa! laaaaa!..... had a rocking, rollin' good time dancing the nite away!!!.... u see, i know i had it in me to go wild dancing on the dancefloor.. but errrrm tooooo shy to do it lah!.... but of course, once there's a lot of ppl on the dancefloor, not so shy anymore since everyone's doing it anyway!.... kekekke...
But B and Mat Action lagi best!.. doing the salsa on the dance floor!... hahahaa....
And our dearest Ms Quirky here, got freakin drunk that the 2 guys had to practically carry her home!.. she puked and puked.. the guy who tried "hitting" on her must have regretted after seein her in that state, hor?.. hahahaha... but juz before she got real drunk, she was freakin high and wat a precious, valuable moment it was to see her go real wild dancing, with her arms up high and head banging and all... WOW! QUIRK!.... well, me and the Sup def know that she's gonna be a goner soon enuff!.... hahhaa....
Anyways, felt really bad that she was laying there half asleep, saliva dripping and probably feeling like shit!..... while the rest of us were dancing around her, having fun, getting more high (not me, of course!) and teasing her (Quirk, this is Mat Action doing) behind her back! Everyone went - "wasn't it supposed to be the hen who should be drunk?" kekekkee... but the Hen is apparently the most sobre of them all!.... she got high by juz dancing the nite away! and simply just by enjoying the moment!!....
U see, i dun really understand why ppl like to do that leh?... all the after-effects is such a horrible feeling, i can imagine!... should juz enjoy each other's company and get high by being HAPPY!... :)
Anyways, while Quirk was drunk, our Mat Action got really high!... this was wat he look like being high!... hahahhaa...... go bro!...
So today, the topic of the day was obviously Ms Quirky... we ALL tot that she wouldn't make it to work today!... but at 9.15am (though she was late for 45mins), she came strolling in!.... me and B gasped when we saw her - as if we had seen a ghost! hahhahaa.... and then Mat Action told us abt wat happened on the way to send her home!... she's soooo freakin hilarious lor!... coz they've never been to her hse before, so, like very blur lah - dunno how to get there, the driver, Fab, had to drive and read the map at the same time since the other 2 at the back was busy looking after her, making sure that her head is positioned in such a way that if she were to puke, the puke will go into the plastic bag.. then, when they reach the block, the 3 were all wondering, asking aloud to each other, where is the lift.. and get this! the 3 more sobre ones couldn't figure it out.. but the drunkard, with her head hung low - and didn't even remotely look like she knew where they were suddenly pointed out to the direction to the lift saying "there!"... though skeptical, they went towards the direction and voila!.. hahahhaha.....
and all these, she couldn't even freakin remember!... alamak!.. Ms Quirk, very dangerous leh u!... next time go party, make sure someone is with you siah!!!.... but definitely lah... u saved my day!... they couldn't sabo me coz they had to take care of you!!!... ;) hhehehhee.....
but really my greatest appreciation to these organisers for making my last few days of being a bachelorette a memorable one - probably the ONE and ONLY trip i'd be making down to Zouk or anywhere else of the same kind for that matter!.. but i will consider if you guys wanna make this a yearly affair - provided Ms Quirk promise not to repeat the same episode again!.. hahhaaa... ;) once a year still not so bad!... i can be assured that my eardrums won't spoil and my hair dun stink sooooo much!...
so to these girls... a VERY, VERY, HUGE Thank You!....
B - who came up with the idea of organising this Hen Nite over shisha the other day and had to flirt with the guy to let them rent the veil too!.. hehhehe.. and then of course, for sending me at 3am!..
Leen - who came up with the idea for sabotage and wat nots have you... u're the "She-Devil" for this, girl!!
Ms Quirky - for being very gentle and nice to me - not letting Leen have her way of sabotaging me!... knowing full well that i am a very shy person!.. kekkekeke.... *muacks!* love you, girl!... oh!.. not only that, got the time to search for that perfect hen pic (see entry abv) as a reminder to all!... hahahaha...
El - for dancing with me and co-organising this with the rest as well!...
The Sup - for being the most supporting sup I ever had and passing me that priceless "notebook"!... annnnnd, spent the rest of the nite with us as well and still manage to come into work at the normal timing! - superwoman U!!....
I'm sorry too, if i wasn't as sporting as you guys would have wanted me to be... hehhe.. but i did wat i can.. and i can tell ya, wateva i did yest was def out of my "comfort zone" k?!... hhehehhee... :)
I also do not want to forget to thank the 2 fabulous guys:
Fab - for carrying and sending my dearest Quirk home - though reluctantly, we understood y - and celebrating the nite with me, though u weren't invited to my wedding! - very, very sorry!!... there's really limited seats lah for the wedding dinner...
Mat Action - for being there for my dearest Quirk as well but most importantly, being your usual funny-self and entertaining me with your own set of quirks throughout the nite!...
love YOU all!!!...... really, i DO!..... *mmmmuuuaaackssss!*
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Oh my god!!... My cuzzin's wedding is juz over the last weekend.. now, that was a "milestone" for us.. coz in exactly 2 more weeks, it'll be ours!!.... oh gosh!.. juz writing this, i can feel my heartbeat go DAM.. DAM.. DRAM... very, very loud!!..... *my chest hurts*..
I got questioned the other day:
1. how are you feeling now? excited?
seriously? VERY excited.. i can't wait!!... not nervous at all!... coz the day we've been waiting for, for the last 7yrs have FINALLY arrived!!!! :)
2. Are you gonna be at home on your first night? NOOOOO!!!... (tat was one of my quite-quirky aunt's question and her horrific reaction!!)
Well, of course!.. i'm gonna be at home!!... where else?... but of course, i wouldn't mind if anyone would be kind enuff to sponsor us a nice, romantic, hotel room for our first nite!!... hahahahhaa....
Anyways, the wedding was the chance for my mom to tell everyone the big, happy news!.... i dun understand Y she has to do that.. but she did!... damn!!.... niways, since practically everyone in the family has known abt this and everything is already quite final, i am now prepared to announce it..
We're pretty excited abt this, i can tell ya!.. so, i guess, my next project would be thinking how to theme our new home when we get it - probably and hopefully sometime mid next year!... ;)
Btw, my whitening tooth set has arrived!.. YEAY!... after giving it careful consideration, i decided to use it now!!... hahhaa... cannot wait to try it on and didn't wanna waste that $350 either!... the dentist even gave me my mould and i'm amazed at how small my teeth really look like!... i must be disillusioned.. but really lah.. look small!!.... but oh my!!.. wearing the tray thingie is really uncomfortable!... i dunch like!.. but for the sake of "pearly whites", i have to endure 3hrs of it stuck in my mouth for the next 10 days!... hmmmm....
Another exciting event coming up!!... TML!!!... hmmm.. i wonder wat the girls are doing for me (or more like TO me) tml.. i know i am definitely getting sabotaged.. fuck!.. i hope it's nothing "serious" - i'm pretty shy one, u know.. really i AM!!.. and i do hope that i dun get home too late lest this sleeping beauty gets groggy for work the next day!...
oklah.. enuff updates for now.. gotta get back to work!... WORK!... work!... *sobs*.. boring sey!.. sooo much things to clear.. soooo little time to do it!... but after this week, 14 whole days OFF work!... YAAAAHOOOO!!!!.......
Oh my god!!... My cuzzin's wedding is juz over the last weekend.. now, that was a "milestone" for us.. coz in exactly 2 more weeks, it'll be ours!!.... oh gosh!.. juz writing this, i can feel my heartbeat go DAM.. DAM.. DRAM... very, very loud!!..... *my chest hurts*..
I got questioned the other day:
1. how are you feeling now? excited?
seriously? VERY excited.. i can't wait!!... not nervous at all!... coz the day we've been waiting for, for the last 7yrs have FINALLY arrived!!!! :)
2. Are you gonna be at home on your first night? NOOOOO!!!... (tat was one of my quite-quirky aunt's question and her horrific reaction!!)
Well, of course!.. i'm gonna be at home!!... where else?... but of course, i wouldn't mind if anyone would be kind enuff to sponsor us a nice, romantic, hotel room for our first nite!!... hahahahhaa....
Anyways, the wedding was the chance for my mom to tell everyone the big, happy news!.... i dun understand Y she has to do that.. but she did!... damn!!.... niways, since practically everyone in the family has known abt this and everything is already quite final, i am now prepared to announce it..
We're pretty excited abt this, i can tell ya!.. so, i guess, my next project would be thinking how to theme our new home when we get it - probably and hopefully sometime mid next year!... ;)
Btw, my whitening tooth set has arrived!.. YEAY!... after giving it careful consideration, i decided to use it now!!... hahhaa... cannot wait to try it on and didn't wanna waste that $350 either!... the dentist even gave me my mould and i'm amazed at how small my teeth really look like!... i must be disillusioned.. but really lah.. look small!!.... but oh my!!.. wearing the tray thingie is really uncomfortable!... i dunch like!.. but for the sake of "pearly whites", i have to endure 3hrs of it stuck in my mouth for the next 10 days!... hmmmm....
Another exciting event coming up!!... TML!!!... hmmm.. i wonder wat the girls are doing for me (or more like TO me) tml.. i know i am definitely getting sabotaged.. fuck!.. i hope it's nothing "serious" - i'm pretty shy one, u know.. really i AM!!.. and i do hope that i dun get home too late lest this sleeping beauty gets groggy for work the next day!...
oklah.. enuff updates for now.. gotta get back to work!... WORK!... work!... *sobs*.. boring sey!.. sooo much things to clear.. soooo little time to do it!... but after this week, 14 whole days OFF work!... YAAAAHOOOO!!!!.......
Friday, March 10, 2006
gosh!... i really can't freakin breathe!!.... i'm sooooo freakin swarmed with work, appraisal and definitely wedding preps!....
i have to finish up my piling work before i go on my 2weeks leave (hmmm... can't wait!!) - if not, poor Quirky have to do the shit job of "clearing my shit"!.. hhehehee..... speaking of which, oh-soooo NOT looking forward to do an SOP that she requested!.. ahhaha...
and then there's also all the wedding preps and the blardy PC at home is NOT being nice to us for breaking down at this very moment!... fuck!.. the seating arrangement is killing us!.... my table nos and my thank you cards are still not ready to be printed - how to? the blardy PC at home not working!.. and i've got no time to do them at work!... double fuck!!.. hmph!..
ooooh!.. and there's appraisal!... damn!... the freakin appraisal this FY is soooo difficult to do!.. brrrrr!... and i may have mine TODAY some more!!.... it's NOT finished!!... looks like my PB's not gonna "explode" this year... :( booooo hoooo... need the moolahs for my honeymoon leh... hopefully, the bosses are lenient.. pweeety.. pweety.. plsssssss??..... *flutters eye-lashes*
oh!... triple fuck!... my dentist just called and told me to collect my whitening tray set on Monday!... wah lau!!!... i need it by today lah!... if not i cannot complete the whole procedure in 2 weeks time for the wedding!... and there goes my $350!!!.... booooo hoooo hooooo!!.... should i forget abt whitening my teeth for the wedding and continue with it only AFTER the wedding? or juz go ahead with it?... if i do the latter, then, i will NOT be able to eat coloured food for whole 2wks = a slim ME!... :) but if i do after the wedding, then, i dun really need to do it liao!.. FOR WAT rite??!... = $350 gone out the window!!.... :( howell!... on second tot, thank god too that i can only collect it on Mon, since then, i no need to worry abt eating the delicious food that will be laid out on the table this weekend, on my cuzzin's wedding!.. ahhahaha.... :D
on to something less complaint-natured.. i've picked my favourite Idol!.. Definitely Mandisa (the big, fat but fucking talented one!) and Chris (the hunky, beefy, rockin' one!).. love them both and hopefully one of the 2 or not BOTH! are in the top 2!!!.... annnnddd........ at last! Jayla's GONE!.... GONE!... GONE!... she is the prettiest but she definitely do not have presence in her shots!.. and she can be such a bitch!.. and i hope Bre's going next too!..... can't stand her phoniness though i must say her shots turn out pretty good, in fact!..
having said all these... i'm done updating for the week!.. dunno when the next update will be, in this ol' blog of mine.. hopefully, the PC at home will be up and running by the time i'm on leave.. i dun wish to be bored out of my mind when i'm all alone at home - probably putting my favours together and being a potato couch - but can't eat much coz i may be whitening my teeth for the next 2 weeks! :(
gosh!... i really can't freakin breathe!!.... i'm sooooo freakin swarmed with work, appraisal and definitely wedding preps!....
i have to finish up my piling work before i go on my 2weeks leave (hmmm... can't wait!!) - if not, poor Quirky have to do the shit job of "clearing my shit"!.. hhehehee..... speaking of which, oh-soooo NOT looking forward to do an SOP that she requested!.. ahhaha...
and then there's also all the wedding preps and the blardy PC at home is NOT being nice to us for breaking down at this very moment!... fuck!.. the seating arrangement is killing us!.... my table nos and my thank you cards are still not ready to be printed - how to? the blardy PC at home not working!.. and i've got no time to do them at work!... double fuck!!.. hmph!..
ooooh!.. and there's appraisal!... damn!... the freakin appraisal this FY is soooo difficult to do!.. brrrrr!... and i may have mine TODAY some more!!.... it's NOT finished!!... looks like my PB's not gonna "explode" this year... :( booooo hoooo... need the moolahs for my honeymoon leh... hopefully, the bosses are lenient.. pweeety.. pweety.. plsssssss??..... *flutters eye-lashes*
oh!... triple fuck!... my dentist just called and told me to collect my whitening tray set on Monday!... wah lau!!!... i need it by today lah!... if not i cannot complete the whole procedure in 2 weeks time for the wedding!... and there goes my $350!!!.... booooo hoooo hooooo!!.... should i forget abt whitening my teeth for the wedding and continue with it only AFTER the wedding? or juz go ahead with it?... if i do the latter, then, i will NOT be able to eat coloured food for whole 2wks = a slim ME!... :) but if i do after the wedding, then, i dun really need to do it liao!.. FOR WAT rite??!... = $350 gone out the window!!.... :( howell!... on second tot, thank god too that i can only collect it on Mon, since then, i no need to worry abt eating the delicious food that will be laid out on the table this weekend, on my cuzzin's wedding!.. ahhahaha.... :D
on to something less complaint-natured.. i've picked my favourite Idol!.. Definitely Mandisa (the big, fat but fucking talented one!) and Chris (the hunky, beefy, rockin' one!).. love them both and hopefully one of the 2 or not BOTH! are in the top 2!!!.... annnnddd........ at last! Jayla's GONE!.... GONE!... GONE!... she is the prettiest but she definitely do not have presence in her shots!.. and she can be such a bitch!.. and i hope Bre's going next too!..... can't stand her phoniness though i must say her shots turn out pretty good, in fact!..
having said all these... i'm done updating for the week!.. dunno when the next update will be, in this ol' blog of mine.. hopefully, the PC at home will be up and running by the time i'm on leave.. i dun wish to be bored out of my mind when i'm all alone at home - probably putting my favours together and being a potato couch - but can't eat much coz i may be whitening my teeth for the next 2 weeks! :(
Monday, March 06, 2006
sooooo lil' time to do!.... my PC at home had really fallen very ill... it refused to budge from that stupid black screen!.. it just wants to get repaired!!!.... so, i can't freakin do my wedding stuffs, update my blog and etc.. etc... OH!.. and my stupid, stupid camera, just HAVE to spoil itself NOW too!.. blardy hell!... sooooo fucking irritated!.... :(
anyways, the girls came over the house for a sneak preview of our not-so-new-never-stay-in-there second home... bbqed our food and surprised our soon-to-be-reaching-the-big-3.0-in-one-year's-time bday girl!... ;) .... i guess you'll know who the girl is in RosmAman's blog! hahhaa... oh!.. and also had a tip or two on what to do to my room config from the "experts"!..... thanks, girls!!...
my favours have arrived.. but it seems like soooo leceh to get it!!.... :( looks like i have to take leave again to settle this thing!.... uuuweeeek!!..... my leave seemed fast depleting too!... :p i hope to be able to retain full 1-yr leave days to bring forward to next year!....
and i didn't realise that my cuzzin's wedding is this week!... and then, skip one Sat, it'll be OUR wedding!... oh dear!!..... hmmm... i think we've got exactly 20 days from today!... i dunno wat's with my countdown below!... bacin!... where got so early one?!... 20 days??!!..... from Miss to Missus??!...hmmmm.... after the 25th, i can't ask me mummy and daddy for anything, anymore!..booooo hoooo hooo!!!.. sungguh the sedih!!.... and that's y, yest, was probably the last thing i can ask my daddy to pay for - my 2 baju kurung for the wedding this weekend!.. hehehee..... thanks!! Daddy!!!
btw, i'm sure by now, everyone have known that lil' Nonoi (the missing 2yr old in Circuit Rd) has been found. DEAD. it seems that the step-father had killed her!... Daddy thinks he's a paedophile!... and i'm not surprised too if he is!... wat an asshole of a man he is!... hurting an innocent girl like her!... she's only 2! for god sake!.... and what disappointment - everyone who's been following the news - must have felt!... i sure was very disappointed and upset that it turned out this way!... but i guess, the volunteers who helped the family looked for her must be more, and extremely disappointed!... it's really JUST if all those on-lookers - caught on camera, hurling abuses at him - get a taste of him! Kick him around. punch him in the gut. sodomise him and all things cruel!... he deserved it!!..... i'm sure, he'll get his just desserts in Hotel Changi..
sooooo lil' time to do!.... my PC at home had really fallen very ill... it refused to budge from that stupid black screen!.. it just wants to get repaired!!!.... so, i can't freakin do my wedding stuffs, update my blog and etc.. etc... OH!.. and my stupid, stupid camera, just HAVE to spoil itself NOW too!.. blardy hell!... sooooo fucking irritated!.... :(
anyways, the girls came over the house for a sneak preview of our not-so-new-never-stay-in-there second home... bbqed our food and surprised our soon-to-be-reaching-the-big-3.0-in-one-year's-time bday girl!... ;) .... i guess you'll know who the girl is in RosmAman's blog! hahhaa... oh!.. and also had a tip or two on what to do to my room config from the "experts"!..... thanks, girls!!...
my favours have arrived.. but it seems like soooo leceh to get it!!.... :( looks like i have to take leave again to settle this thing!.... uuuweeeek!!..... my leave seemed fast depleting too!... :p i hope to be able to retain full 1-yr leave days to bring forward to next year!....
and i didn't realise that my cuzzin's wedding is this week!... and then, skip one Sat, it'll be OUR wedding!... oh dear!!..... hmmm... i think we've got exactly 20 days from today!... i dunno wat's with my countdown below!... bacin!... where got so early one?!... 20 days??!!..... from Miss to Missus??!...hmmmm.... after the 25th, i can't ask me mummy and daddy for anything, anymore!..booooo hoooo hooo!!!.. sungguh the sedih!!.... and that's y, yest, was probably the last thing i can ask my daddy to pay for - my 2 baju kurung for the wedding this weekend!.. hehehee..... thanks!! Daddy!!!
btw, i'm sure by now, everyone have known that lil' Nonoi (the missing 2yr old in Circuit Rd) has been found. DEAD. it seems that the step-father had killed her!... Daddy thinks he's a paedophile!... and i'm not surprised too if he is!... wat an asshole of a man he is!... hurting an innocent girl like her!... she's only 2! for god sake!.... and what disappointment - everyone who's been following the news - must have felt!... i sure was very disappointed and upset that it turned out this way!... but i guess, the volunteers who helped the family looked for her must be more, and extremely disappointed!... it's really JUST if all those on-lookers - caught on camera, hurling abuses at him - get a taste of him! Kick him around. punch him in the gut. sodomise him and all things cruel!... he deserved it!!..... i'm sure, he'll get his just desserts in Hotel Changi..
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
2 days in a row!!!..... My train got delayed!!!... their announcement went "Attention All passengers. The train will be delayed for a short while due to a track inspection." And this happen like about 4 times - every stop was abt 2mins.. and all these while, i can bet that everyone's thinking - "Y the hell can't they do the inspection in the afternoon or the night before!"...
it's really damn frustrating to be stuck in the train in the morning esp when you're rushing to work!... i dun mind if i get stuck in the train in the afternoon after work.. i'm sure everyone would have all the time in the world... at least they dun need to answer to the bosses!....
anyways, the real reason to the delay was a track fault at Dhobby Ghaut and we'll be delayed for 10mins!!... and that announcement came juz 1 stop away from my alighting point!... now, i'm thinking - dun they have maintenance scheduling or something like that?... we commuters pay soooo much for public transport to get this in the morning?!.... fuck! NO!... macam nak cry-cry sey, dalam train!!!... not only will I be late.. my dearest, dearest fiance will be too!!!... and bcoz i screw up (for being late getting out of the house!) and the train (or in this case, the tracks) screwed up!.....
bleagh!!!... bleagh!... howell!... it has happened... and i'm now pretty phobic abt taking the train in the morning.. looks like i'd juz have to wake up very much earlier in the morning!.... urrrrgh!...
2 days in a row!!!..... My train got delayed!!!... their announcement went "Attention All passengers. The train will be delayed for a short while due to a track inspection." And this happen like about 4 times - every stop was abt 2mins.. and all these while, i can bet that everyone's thinking - "Y the hell can't they do the inspection in the afternoon or the night before!"...
it's really damn frustrating to be stuck in the train in the morning esp when you're rushing to work!... i dun mind if i get stuck in the train in the afternoon after work.. i'm sure everyone would have all the time in the world... at least they dun need to answer to the bosses!....
anyways, the real reason to the delay was a track fault at Dhobby Ghaut and we'll be delayed for 10mins!!... and that announcement came juz 1 stop away from my alighting point!... now, i'm thinking - dun they have maintenance scheduling or something like that?... we commuters pay soooo much for public transport to get this in the morning?!.... fuck! NO!... macam nak cry-cry sey, dalam train!!!... not only will I be late.. my dearest, dearest fiance will be too!!!... and bcoz i screw up (for being late getting out of the house!) and the train (or in this case, the tracks) screwed up!.....
bleagh!!!... bleagh!... howell!... it has happened... and i'm now pretty phobic abt taking the train in the morning.. looks like i'd juz have to wake up very much earlier in the morning!.... urrrrgh!...
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