brrr... i'm fucking bored... BORED! BORED! BORED!!.... counting down the minutes to going home.. i can't wait to go home and lie my aching body on my very comfy bed, beside the ever-comforting husband!...
OH!... i also need like LOTS of strepsils to soothe this stupid sore throat of mine!!!.... urrrgh!!.... btw, soooo happy to read that my sup's been redesignated to an AD position!!... and that my DD is promoted to D!!.. they totally deserve it siah!!... ;) oh!.. and i dun really understand what is the difference between redesignated, reappointment and promotion?!!!!!.... if it's of a higher position, juz call it a promotion lah!!.. alamak!!!....
anyways, i forgot to write abt this funny dream this morning!!.. ahhahaa... i dreamt of the big boss.. he gave Ms Mono a lecture on how she's soooo active abt her other activities but not her OWN work!.. and then, he turned to look at me and lectured me abt how blogging is fun, good and all but NOT when i'm doing it at work!!.. ahhahaa.... how freaky is tat?!.. does he know?!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
ok.. obviously, i'm kinda rambling... i'm fucking bored!!..... fucking sick!.. fucking hungry! ;( i soooo need my hubby!!!................... *sobs!*
Friday, June 30, 2006
my throat was suddenly sore when i reached home last nite.. feeling feverish all over.. today, i was contemplating whether or not i should go to work.. but i'm at work now.. *bleagh!* feeling sick to the stomach.. i'm aching all over.. i can't really swallow anything.. i feel like going to the toilet every 5mins or so to puke my phlegm!.. eeeeks!.. and there was once i saw blood on it!.. ewwww...
urrrgh!.. should've stayed at home huh??.... hmmm..... sleepy, aching, sick... i want my bed, plsssssss......... *sobs*
oh!.. anyways, the results were pretty expected.. though i tot the judges would pick Geraldine over Norman purely based on looks since that's wat they're sooooooo "worried" abt in the first place!!... but wateva!... i dun really like Geraldine, so, i dun really care!!....
for the records, i must say, on behalf of my brother and the family, we all felt that Jay is such a crybaby!!!... he made it seemed like he's won the whole competition!!... for a guy, he does cry easily and that ain't good for OUR Singapore Idol!!... dun wanna a crybaby as an idol, now, do you?....
me and bro have basically picked our "Idol"... I, for one is definitely voting for this idol of ours as long as the performance meet our expectations! ;)
back from the loo ----- > by the time i take that long walk to the loo to puke my phlegm, i no longer feel like puking it out!!.... bleagh!!
my throat was suddenly sore when i reached home last nite.. feeling feverish all over.. today, i was contemplating whether or not i should go to work.. but i'm at work now.. *bleagh!* feeling sick to the stomach.. i'm aching all over.. i can't really swallow anything.. i feel like going to the toilet every 5mins or so to puke my phlegm!.. eeeeks!.. and there was once i saw blood on it!.. ewwww...
urrrgh!.. should've stayed at home huh??.... hmmm..... sleepy, aching, sick... i want my bed, plsssssss......... *sobs*
oh!.. anyways, the results were pretty expected.. though i tot the judges would pick Geraldine over Norman purely based on looks since that's wat they're sooooooo "worried" abt in the first place!!... but wateva!... i dun really like Geraldine, so, i dun really care!!....
for the records, i must say, on behalf of my brother and the family, we all felt that Jay is such a crybaby!!!... he made it seemed like he's won the whole competition!!... for a guy, he does cry easily and that ain't good for OUR Singapore Idol!!... dun wanna a crybaby as an idol, now, do you?....
me and bro have basically picked our "Idol"... I, for one is definitely voting for this idol of ours as long as the performance meet our expectations! ;)
back from the loo ----- > by the time i take that long walk to the loo to puke my phlegm, i no longer feel like puking it out!!.... bleagh!!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Watching SI last nite was B.O.R.I.N.G!!!... the wannabes chose very boring songs to sing.. wasn't really upbeat and none made me sit up and listen.. *bleagh*
My take on who's worth voting for??....
1. Mathilda - coz she's got the best female vocals in the entire competition. And yesterday proved it! if u're as worried as my bro abt her looks, i say "Dun worry!.. Jean Yip will do their job to their best ability. " If they can pull it off, i will consider going to them to have my hair done for special occasions!! ;) SMS 2 to 43657
2. Gayle - she's cute and has a pretty decent voice to match!.. juz hope she doesn't turn out like Daphne - being too cute and quaking like a duck most of the time after being chosen the top 12. SMS 6 to 43657
3. Jay - although very Canto-looking, a bit stiff and all, i must admit that he pulled it off big-time last nite!! Well Done!! SMS 7 to 43657
There's another contestant who should go through.. but i really can't say who really deserves it.. it's up to Singapore to vote for who they like to go through..
1. Geraldine - her rendition was good... i very like.. but i dun like her spoilt brat attitude displayed during the audition weeks.. and yesterday's image, didn't really suit her - she seemed like she's trying too hard..
2. Siew Woon - her voice was definitely good but she fidgets too much. Smiles too much too. And tries to act notti cum sexy (?) in a weird kinda way. Maybe it IS her convent face? or she's juz Ms Fidgety!
3. Primero - hopeless!... that nice-boy act, didn't work it for me.. he's a looker - definitely - but no voice to match and no attitude to fancy!!..
4. Norman Then - a dark horse.. he's chosen a song to suit his voice. but we dun like that slit eyes of his - can't really see them... and also like no personality leh... hmmm...
And after yesterday, judges Dick and Jacintha should really be OUT!.. i liked Dick last year. tot his comments were more constructive and appropriate. but this year, i think he changed "characters".. he's being too harsh on the contestants and some or most of his comments are way OFF target!... Ja on the other hand is speaking like Paula Abdul!.. stuttering her words, acting coy but not really much sense coming out of that Botox mouth of hers!... *bleagh*
At last, i manage to put up Ms Insurance Agent's wedding pictures!!.. i dedicated my time, after SI, to upload her pictures.. and lo and behold, she found the pictures first before i even announce it on my blog!!.. ahhahaha.... ;p for those interested to see the beautiful her on her wedding day, you may click here..
Watching SI last nite was B.O.R.I.N.G!!!... the wannabes chose very boring songs to sing.. wasn't really upbeat and none made me sit up and listen.. *bleagh*
My take on who's worth voting for??....
1. Mathilda - coz she's got the best female vocals in the entire competition. And yesterday proved it! if u're as worried as my bro abt her looks, i say "Dun worry!.. Jean Yip will do their job to their best ability. " If they can pull it off, i will consider going to them to have my hair done for special occasions!! ;) SMS 2 to 43657
2. Gayle - she's cute and has a pretty decent voice to match!.. juz hope she doesn't turn out like Daphne - being too cute and quaking like a duck most of the time after being chosen the top 12. SMS 6 to 43657
3. Jay - although very Canto-looking, a bit stiff and all, i must admit that he pulled it off big-time last nite!! Well Done!! SMS 7 to 43657
There's another contestant who should go through.. but i really can't say who really deserves it.. it's up to Singapore to vote for who they like to go through..
1. Geraldine - her rendition was good... i very like.. but i dun like her spoilt brat attitude displayed during the audition weeks.. and yesterday's image, didn't really suit her - she seemed like she's trying too hard..
2. Siew Woon - her voice was definitely good but she fidgets too much. Smiles too much too. And tries to act notti cum sexy (?) in a weird kinda way. Maybe it IS her convent face? or she's juz Ms Fidgety!
3. Primero - hopeless!... that nice-boy act, didn't work it for me.. he's a looker - definitely - but no voice to match and no attitude to fancy!!..
4. Norman Then - a dark horse.. he's chosen a song to suit his voice. but we dun like that slit eyes of his - can't really see them... and also like no personality leh... hmmm...
And after yesterday, judges Dick and Jacintha should really be OUT!.. i liked Dick last year. tot his comments were more constructive and appropriate. but this year, i think he changed "characters".. he's being too harsh on the contestants and some or most of his comments are way OFF target!... Ja on the other hand is speaking like Paula Abdul!.. stuttering her words, acting coy but not really much sense coming out of that Botox mouth of hers!... *bleagh*
At last, i manage to put up Ms Insurance Agent's wedding pictures!!.. i dedicated my time, after SI, to upload her pictures.. and lo and behold, she found the pictures first before i even announce it on my blog!!.. ahhahaha.... ;p for those interested to see the beautiful her on her wedding day, you may click here..
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Was yet at another Mango outlet to scout for more tops!!.... *after yest, NO MORE Mango for me!!*.. i see that there was no queue at the fitting room so, i tot, ok.. this trip would be different - will go scout for bottoms..
i picked a good looking bottom, hoping it's my size, got one more top to go along with it and by then, one lady was in front of me but all ladies in the fitting room earlier were still inside!.. while we were both waiting for our turns, i realised now, why our fitting room always have a long line!!...
these ladies inside, were standing in front of the mirror, posing here, posing there.. get opinion from friend.. posed again... did a 4 point twirl (abt 30sec intervals at each point). get opinion from friend - again! and posed some more!... and this went on for like the next 3-5mins!!!....
believe me, i know wat it's like to try an outfit and to determine whether you like it or not.. i am as guilty as charged but i dun do that when there's a line forming up and in front of others waiting in line!!!..... some ppl can be pretty inconsiderate!!!..... brrrr.....
Anyways, to my dearest Ms Insurance Agent, very sorry didn't manage to put up those wedding pictures of yours as promised.. by the time i reached home last nite, my whole body was aching, my legs extremely sore from shopping!!.... *haha!*... both me and hubby have vowed to keep today free from shopping trips or any other activities after work just for YOU and PS2!!... ;) hopefully, u'll get to see those pictures by tomorrow morning, yah... sorry girl..
Was yet at another Mango outlet to scout for more tops!!.... *after yest, NO MORE Mango for me!!*.. i see that there was no queue at the fitting room so, i tot, ok.. this trip would be different - will go scout for bottoms..
i picked a good looking bottom, hoping it's my size, got one more top to go along with it and by then, one lady was in front of me but all ladies in the fitting room earlier were still inside!.. while we were both waiting for our turns, i realised now, why our fitting room always have a long line!!...
these ladies inside, were standing in front of the mirror, posing here, posing there.. get opinion from friend.. posed again... did a 4 point twirl (abt 30sec intervals at each point). get opinion from friend - again! and posed some more!... and this went on for like the next 3-5mins!!!....
believe me, i know wat it's like to try an outfit and to determine whether you like it or not.. i am as guilty as charged but i dun do that when there's a line forming up and in front of others waiting in line!!!..... some ppl can be pretty inconsiderate!!!..... brrrr.....
Anyways, to my dearest Ms Insurance Agent, very sorry didn't manage to put up those wedding pictures of yours as promised.. by the time i reached home last nite, my whole body was aching, my legs extremely sore from shopping!!.... *haha!*... both me and hubby have vowed to keep today free from shopping trips or any other activities after work just for YOU and PS2!!... ;) hopefully, u'll get to see those pictures by tomorrow morning, yah... sorry girl..
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
my gawd!!... found out from Kenny yest abt the big SI06 blunder.. hmmm.. i wonder if there were blunders last year when Jerry went in instead of Nana or Beverly??.... *btw, Beverly is now a superbly good singer!!... we're all amazed at how well she sang and performed and she's somehow now more gorgeous than before!! - AMAZING!!*
but anyways, thank god for Nurul!!.... she deserve to be in top 12... perhaps they did another blunder - Mathilda is supposed to be in!... that other girl supposed to be in Wildcards??.. but anyways, wateva!!.... Nurul's in and that's all that matters!!!.....
another boo boo.. i'm beginning to feel fatter by the day!!!... i wanna go exercise but too lazy to do it!!!.... now with PS2 at home, it'll take a while for both of us to leave for a swim or a jog after work!... al-maklum, kemaruk nyah!!... but it doesn't help that the Mango sale have all the lycra material tops that i soooooo loike but can't really use them coz they'll be sticking to ur skin and showing off those really unsightly flabby bumps!... bleagh!!... :( i'd rather be pregnant than feeling oh-so-fat!!!.... i need to really watch what i eat.. *sobs* i may have gained all 5kilos of what i have lost just 3 mths ago!!.... *double sobs* blardy hell!!....
my gawd!!... found out from Kenny yest abt the big SI06 blunder.. hmmm.. i wonder if there were blunders last year when Jerry went in instead of Nana or Beverly??.... *btw, Beverly is now a superbly good singer!!... we're all amazed at how well she sang and performed and she's somehow now more gorgeous than before!! - AMAZING!!*
but anyways, thank god for Nurul!!.... she deserve to be in top 12... perhaps they did another blunder - Mathilda is supposed to be in!... that other girl supposed to be in Wildcards??.. but anyways, wateva!!.... Nurul's in and that's all that matters!!!.....
another boo boo.. i'm beginning to feel fatter by the day!!!... i wanna go exercise but too lazy to do it!!!.... now with PS2 at home, it'll take a while for both of us to leave for a swim or a jog after work!... al-maklum, kemaruk nyah!!... but it doesn't help that the Mango sale have all the lycra material tops that i soooooo loike but can't really use them coz they'll be sticking to ur skin and showing off those really unsightly flabby bumps!... bleagh!!... :( i'd rather be pregnant than feeling oh-so-fat!!!.... i need to really watch what i eat.. *sobs* i may have gained all 5kilos of what i have lost just 3 mths ago!!.... *double sobs* blardy hell!!....
Monday, June 26, 2006
I'm dedicating my entry to my handyman.. ;) we went to Ms Sinus' new home on Friday to drill some holes.. He tot he was OK but he went from OK to KO once he reached home!!... poor thing... but managed to take this picture of him when he was drilling some cabinet holes..

love how his hands have those muscular look - those urat tegang look - hahhaha... *wink! wink!* very hunky, my boy!!.... ;)
but anyways, i also got him his very, very, belated birthday gift just yesterday!... the one gift he couldn't make up his mind on!! bleagh!!... but the price tag on it now, was a temptation he couldn't resist!..

he rushed me through my shopping yesterday, just to be home to set it up and play around with it!!!.......... hmmm.. i hope it's not a mistake buying him this - sekali got no time for me!!!.... *worried*
I'm dedicating my entry to my handyman.. ;) we went to Ms Sinus' new home on Friday to drill some holes.. He tot he was OK but he went from OK to KO once he reached home!!... poor thing... but managed to take this picture of him when he was drilling some cabinet holes..
love how his hands have those muscular look - those urat tegang look - hahhaha... *wink! wink!* very hunky, my boy!!.... ;)
but anyways, i also got him his very, very, belated birthday gift just yesterday!... the one gift he couldn't make up his mind on!! bleagh!!... but the price tag on it now, was a temptation he couldn't resist!..
he rushed me through my shopping yesterday, just to be home to set it up and play around with it!!!.......... hmmm.. i hope it's not a mistake buying him this - sekali got no time for me!!!.... *worried*
Thursday, June 22, 2006
I told Dearest i have to do this last nite.. but was too tired to go log on.. and i think Dearest is having a high fever today because of what he heard and saw last nite too!!... gosh!!.. i really tot that those girls on SI last nite could sing!... butttttt wat did i hear?..
2 girls screamed - i dun feel them.. and i think they both can soak in the sun for all i care!!
1 girl nasaled.
1 over-enthusiastic girl - expression to be in sync with song, pls... not so much smiles for a song quite mellow.. and oh god!!... when she sang that song, it reminded me of Ms Taik!!.. i hate to say it but Ms Taik sang better than the girl.. except that this girl screamed that part "i RUUUUUNNN to you" better than her!... hahaha...
1 great-personality-not-nice-voice girl.
In the end, only 2 girls actually sang!! If you wanna vote for the best last nite, SMS 1 to 43657 or SMS 3 to 43657.
Last nite also showcased 4 very salah judges!.. i dun understand how they can like that last girl?!... and why do they criticise these contestants when they're the ones who put them through.. i've been hearing things like they weren't good at all in the auditions??!! So Y the fuck were they through?... purely looks?!!!.... if it's because of looks, what's Jean Yip for?!.... bleagh!!!..... ;p
so Singaporeans, pls do us proud.. dun merely vote for your favourite.. vote for the BEST in the competition. it's NOT a popularity contest. It's a singing contest!....
I told Dearest i have to do this last nite.. but was too tired to go log on.. and i think Dearest is having a high fever today because of what he heard and saw last nite too!!... gosh!!.. i really tot that those girls on SI last nite could sing!... butttttt wat did i hear?..
2 girls screamed - i dun feel them.. and i think they both can soak in the sun for all i care!!
1 girl nasaled.
1 over-enthusiastic girl - expression to be in sync with song, pls... not so much smiles for a song quite mellow.. and oh god!!... when she sang that song, it reminded me of Ms Taik!!.. i hate to say it but Ms Taik sang better than the girl.. except that this girl screamed that part "i RUUUUUNNN to you" better than her!... hahaha...
1 great-personality-not-nice-voice girl.
In the end, only 2 girls actually sang!! If you wanna vote for the best last nite, SMS 1 to 43657 or SMS 3 to 43657.
Last nite also showcased 4 very salah judges!.. i dun understand how they can like that last girl?!... and why do they criticise these contestants when they're the ones who put them through.. i've been hearing things like they weren't good at all in the auditions??!! So Y the fuck were they through?... purely looks?!!!.... if it's because of looks, what's Jean Yip for?!.... bleagh!!!..... ;p
so Singaporeans, pls do us proud.. dun merely vote for your favourite.. vote for the BEST in the competition. it's NOT a popularity contest. It's a singing contest!....
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
this lil' one was supposed to be born today!.. instead, this lil' one here has chosen a more significant, easier date to greet earth..

this sure is one degil fella... i found 3 "pusats" on the head... hmmm... very degil rite, i heard??.. hahhaa... oredi.. it has shown it's true colours by foiling the mother's wish to give birth today.. he was also one degil fella by not turning itself round, to the right position and hence, the mother's choice of birthdate. ish.. ish.. ish...
No matter what, at the end of the day, the one thing that really caught our attention was his tiny but long fingers!!! :)

this lil' one was supposed to be born today!.. instead, this lil' one here has chosen a more significant, easier date to greet earth..
Welcoming Hadriyan into the Sury family...
Born on 06.06.06.
this sure is one degil fella... i found 3 "pusats" on the head... hmmm... very degil rite, i heard??.. hahhaa... oredi.. it has shown it's true colours by foiling the mother's wish to give birth today.. he was also one degil fella by not turning itself round, to the right position and hence, the mother's choice of birthdate. ish.. ish.. ish...
but it seems like 6 is this lil one's lucky number!!... not only did it decide to be born on a date full of 6! but coincidentally or not, the waiting delivery suite was in suite 6!!..... ;)
No matter what, at the end of the day, the one thing that really caught our attention was his tiny but long fingers!!! :)
no matter how long his fingers may be, this one very fair, hairy baby is another cute lil' addition to the family!!.... and we alll loiiiikeee new additions to the family!!!.....
Monday, June 19, 2006
before the wedding of the decade, we met up with the 2 babes of the grp... one was sooooooooo camera-trained, it was darn easy to get a smiley pose of him!...

while the other, was the shy-er of the two...

but i still manage to get this picture perfect kodak moments from these 2.. :)
and now... for the wedding of the DECADE!.. Abg Zam have waited for this day for 10 bloody years juz because the bride refused to make a commitment earlier!... hehehe... ;) *sorry babe!...* but niways, today, they're officially 2 days old as a halal ZamAni.. and we all really hope abg Zam dun have to wait another 10yrs to have his juniors!!!... *hint! hint!*

before the wedding of the decade, we met up with the 2 babes of the grp... one was sooooooooo camera-trained, it was darn easy to get a smiley pose of him!...
while the other, was the shy-er of the two...
enjoy togetherness forever..
till death do you part and heaven awaits thee...
may we see the lil' ones soon yah... ;)
p/s: babe, u'll see the wedding pictures when u come back from your honeymoon.. and do organise a gathering once u get your pictures and video!!!!... :D
Thursday, June 15, 2006
oooooh!!.... was soooooooooooo darn happy that my favourite's in!!.. at least my 60 cents didn't go to waste!!... heehhehe......... to my favourite contestant, HADY MIRZA...
work on your diction, boy.... "alwaySSSS..."... not "alway..." "HeaveNNNN..." not "Heay-ver---...." other than that, you've got one of the most sexy, husky voice, boy.... i loiiikeee!!!.... ;) truly the deserved winner..
to Joakim, go do more cardio.. work on your fitness level if you really do like to dance... i like u too - without the panting, pls...
to Adil, do away with eye-liners. no copying the First SG Idol pls...... choose a less ambitious song if u get into the wildcard..
to Jay, less Canto pls... do some yoga or stretching exercise to lose that stiffness.. dun want any jerky movements when u're singing.. u're human. not a machine that sings when i press play..
to Primero, juz because ur name means No 1 doesn't mean that you'll be No 1... u're juz a pretty face with a very cocky attitude!!!..... fyi, the whole family feels like giving you a tight slap to wake u up to reality!!.... :( BUT simply because u're a pretty face, u'll be in to the wildcard.. and this, i won't deny!!...
to Roslan, i feel ya, bro... sorry to hear abt ur late mother.. if u are selected to the wildcard round, i hope u'll sing more perky song.. coz seriously, i nearly fell asleep halfway through the song...
to Ms Insurance Agent, ur big day is finally approaching!!!..... sleep tight tonite, with your hennaied hands and legs sprawled on the bed, lil' one... ;) i really do hope to see wedding hennaied hands on Saturday.. and NOT Hari Raya hennaied hands, hor!!!!...... ooooooh... can't wait!!! ;)
oooooh!!.... was soooooooooooo darn happy that my favourite's in!!.. at least my 60 cents didn't go to waste!!... heehhehe......... to my favourite contestant, HADY MIRZA...
work on your diction, boy.... "alwaySSSS..."... not "alway..." "HeaveNNNN..." not "Heay-ver---...." other than that, you've got one of the most sexy, husky voice, boy.... i loiiikeee!!!.... ;) truly the deserved winner..
to Joakim, go do more cardio.. work on your fitness level if you really do like to dance... i like u too - without the panting, pls...
to Adil, do away with eye-liners. no copying the First SG Idol pls...... choose a less ambitious song if u get into the wildcard..
to Jay, less Canto pls... do some yoga or stretching exercise to lose that stiffness.. dun want any jerky movements when u're singing.. u're human. not a machine that sings when i press play..
to Primero, juz because ur name means No 1 doesn't mean that you'll be No 1... u're juz a pretty face with a very cocky attitude!!!..... fyi, the whole family feels like giving you a tight slap to wake u up to reality!!.... :( BUT simply because u're a pretty face, u'll be in to the wildcard.. and this, i won't deny!!...
to Roslan, i feel ya, bro... sorry to hear abt ur late mother.. if u are selected to the wildcard round, i hope u'll sing more perky song.. coz seriously, i nearly fell asleep halfway through the song...
to Ms Insurance Agent, ur big day is finally approaching!!!..... sleep tight tonite, with your hennaied hands and legs sprawled on the bed, lil' one... ;) i really do hope to see wedding hennaied hands on Saturday.. and NOT Hari Raya hennaied hands, hor!!!!...... ooooooh... can't wait!!! ;)
Monday, June 12, 2006
On Friday, B had me wearing this!

But it was actually meant for him!!.....

I was supposed to scare Dearest on Sunday when i was away at the hair saloon for treatment.. but in the end had to cancel that appointment coz it was raining cats and dogs!!!!....
I was also supposed to blog abt the latest, cute, addition to the Sury family butttttt, i couldn't find my camera anywhere in the hse!!!... urggh!!... i juz pray and hope that it's in the car... i remembered bringing it home but my memory seemed to stop at me starting the car, going home!!... brrrrrr!....... i'll blog abt it once i get my hands on my camera!!!!... ;(
oooooh!!!.... i managed to catch the rerun of Singapore Idol, the female run up and i understand now, y Ms Good-Voice-scared-of-criticisms do not wish to be "associated" with Rahima.. hahhahaa...... but well, she really do look like u!!.. hahahhaa.. but hmmm... the attitude's a bit wrong.. the voice... a bit macam jantan eh??..... my take on her performance? in Simon's words, "too indulging"... i think u put in too much of that jantan voice in your performance, girl.. macam over gitu...
Jasmine's performance??... forgettable... i dun really quite understand why she went in.. i tot Gayle was better though she started off wrongly and kinda missed her words a bit... alamak!!.... Gayle definitely need to go through to the next round lah!!....
And for god's sake!!.. who's decision was that to put Milly through to Top 28?!!!!....... i was embarrassed for her!... kept cringing throughout her performance.. and that "you look good" comment was wat??!... a sympathetic comment?!.... i'm sure there were others who were better than her!!... but if that was the standard to be through to Top 28, i can juz imagine everyone else's voice!!... no wonder, the audition series were cut to 2 wks!!!.... :p
can't wait for wed!!... my favourite will be singing this wk!... hope he's good and impressed me juz as much as he did during the theatre audition!.. hehehhee... ;)
On Friday, B had me wearing this!
But it was actually meant for him!!.....
I was supposed to scare Dearest on Sunday when i was away at the hair saloon for treatment.. but in the end had to cancel that appointment coz it was raining cats and dogs!!!!....
I was also supposed to blog abt the latest, cute, addition to the Sury family butttttt, i couldn't find my camera anywhere in the hse!!!... urggh!!... i juz pray and hope that it's in the car... i remembered bringing it home but my memory seemed to stop at me starting the car, going home!!... brrrrrr!....... i'll blog abt it once i get my hands on my camera!!!!... ;(
oooooh!!!.... i managed to catch the rerun of Singapore Idol, the female run up and i understand now, y Ms Good-Voice-scared-of-criticisms do not wish to be "associated" with Rahima.. hahhahaa...... but well, she really do look like u!!.. hahahhaa.. but hmmm... the attitude's a bit wrong.. the voice... a bit macam jantan eh??..... my take on her performance? in Simon's words, "too indulging"... i think u put in too much of that jantan voice in your performance, girl.. macam over gitu...
Jasmine's performance??... forgettable... i dun really quite understand why she went in.. i tot Gayle was better though she started off wrongly and kinda missed her words a bit... alamak!!.... Gayle definitely need to go through to the next round lah!!....
And for god's sake!!.. who's decision was that to put Milly through to Top 28?!!!!....... i was embarrassed for her!... kept cringing throughout her performance.. and that "you look good" comment was wat??!... a sympathetic comment?!.... i'm sure there were others who were better than her!!... but if that was the standard to be through to Top 28, i can juz imagine everyone else's voice!!... no wonder, the audition series were cut to 2 wks!!!.... :p
can't wait for wed!!... my favourite will be singing this wk!... hope he's good and impressed me juz as much as he did during the theatre audition!.. hehehhee... ;)
Thursday, June 08, 2006
i'm sooooo bored!!!... i definitely have lost all motivation to work anymore... maybe i dun wanna work at all!?!!!!....... Dearest, pls go make/get your first $5K pay!!.... then, i can go do something part-time tat dun require my brain cells to work too much!... hahahhaa... but i think deep down, i really dun wanna work anymore!!!...... bleagh!!.. but i still want the moolahs to come rolling in!.... alamak!!.. make up your mind, girl!....
anyways, i would like to put on record, and for Ms Quirky's sake who's not in the office now, that i've proven that I've never exaggerated facts abt Ms Taik!... yesterday, 2 have come forward to complain.. 1 have claimed that the first thing she'd do once Ms Taik answers her phone is to scold her!!.... c'mon ah ppl... i've already told u time and again that she can't work!!!... her new employer must be totally blind to employ her (but of course, good riddance to us lah!*)... she has left all her shit behind for us to clear!... she didn't do a proper handover.. she messed up the accounts.. overall, she's totally fucked up - yet again!.... now, who says she has actually changed for the better??.... *sticks out both third finger* yeah! rite!!!!........ NEVER!!!!!
hmmm.... i'm currently typing with my eyes opening and closing.. darn sleepy!... maybe i should juz sleep off the hunger pangs or something?... brrr... the weather's sooooo cold.... my cramps toooooooo painful this time round!.. urggh!!... blardy hell!!... i'm practically gritting in pain!!... *boooo hoooo hoooo!*
i'm sooooo bored!!!... i definitely have lost all motivation to work anymore... maybe i dun wanna work at all!?!!!!....... Dearest, pls go make/get your first $5K pay!!.... then, i can go do something part-time tat dun require my brain cells to work too much!... hahahhaa... but i think deep down, i really dun wanna work anymore!!!...... bleagh!!.. but i still want the moolahs to come rolling in!.... alamak!!.. make up your mind, girl!....
anyways, i would like to put on record, and for Ms Quirky's sake who's not in the office now, that i've proven that I've never exaggerated facts abt Ms Taik!... yesterday, 2 have come forward to complain.. 1 have claimed that the first thing she'd do once Ms Taik answers her phone is to scold her!!.... c'mon ah ppl... i've already told u time and again that she can't work!!!... her new employer must be totally blind to employ her (but of course, good riddance to us lah!*)... she has left all her shit behind for us to clear!... she didn't do a proper handover.. she messed up the accounts.. overall, she's totally fucked up - yet again!.... now, who says she has actually changed for the better??.... *sticks out both third finger* yeah! rite!!!!........ NEVER!!!!!
hmmm.... i'm currently typing with my eyes opening and closing.. darn sleepy!... maybe i should juz sleep off the hunger pangs or something?... brrr... the weather's sooooo cold.... my cramps toooooooo painful this time round!.. urggh!!... blardy hell!!... i'm practically gritting in pain!!... *boooo hoooo hoooo!*
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
the weather seemed perfect this morning... cool and misty... nice... i sooooo like this kind of morning... i've been feeling extremely hot the past week - i think Dearest must have been thinking i've got some pig's skin or something!!!... ewwwww!!!..... so today, seemed like a good start... and i hope it'll remain a good day the whole day!!! ;)
Ms Quirky is now doing some final eye test before her lasik.. i hope it'll all be good and we'll see her in her brand new $5000 eyes next week!!! ;) The Sup bought a pretty dress which she can't wear and wanted Ms Quirky to go try it... Ms Quirky, dun u think u ought to give the dress a try since i think it'll go very well with your new, expensive eyes and NOT forgetting new, 2-inch, expensive shoes too!??!!... hhahhaa.....
Anyways, i forgot to mention that Dearest passed ALL his papers this semester!!!!... al-hamdulillah.. yippeeee!!!..... love you Darl.. i knew you could do it!!..... *muaccks!* the countdown begins..
the weather seemed perfect this morning... cool and misty... nice... i sooooo like this kind of morning... i've been feeling extremely hot the past week - i think Dearest must have been thinking i've got some pig's skin or something!!!... ewwwww!!!..... so today, seemed like a good start... and i hope it'll remain a good day the whole day!!! ;)
Ms Quirky is now doing some final eye test before her lasik.. i hope it'll all be good and we'll see her in her brand new $5000 eyes next week!!! ;) The Sup bought a pretty dress which she can't wear and wanted Ms Quirky to go try it... Ms Quirky, dun u think u ought to give the dress a try since i think it'll go very well with your new, expensive eyes and NOT forgetting new, 2-inch, expensive shoes too!??!!... hhahhaa.....
Anyways, i forgot to mention that Dearest passed ALL his papers this semester!!!!... al-hamdulillah.. yippeeee!!!..... love you Darl.. i knew you could do it!!..... *muaccks!* the countdown begins..
1 more year
3 more papers
1 final year project
CONGRATS, Darl..... ;)
Monday, June 05, 2006
. out with RosmAman on Saturday, bought kain for raya and finding a tailor who seemed like our dearest tailor in JB.. (hopefully she's tat good, so tat we dun feel terkilan to go there and tailor our clothes next time!)..
. found out from our property agent that the engineers told him that we may get our house as early as end of this year!!!!... oooooh!.. wat good news!!.. hmmm..... if betul rite, amacam Rosma, mau plan itu cuti hujung tahun??.. hhehehhee... ;)
. we receive a $150 dining voucher at Fullerton and am thinking of having those chocolate dessert they have there... yummmmmieeee!!!.... tat IS at Fullerton, rite??.. hmmmm.....
. everybody seemed to enjoy our wedding video and quoted from an uncle, "this beats the show DIA" coz everyone seemed sooooo ngotot tengok TV!!... hahhahaha.... and yeah!.. it does feel weird watching yourself on TV with sooo many other ppl.. esp that declaration bit!... oh!.. and NOT forgetting the embarassing ucapan from moi parents!!... hahahaa.... embarassing but their segment was sooooo cute, that we couldn't help laughing our guts out!!!... hahahhaa...
. we made it through a wedding where we knew no one!!!.... CONGRATS to us!!... the wedding was at Taman Warisan Melayu (Kampong Glam) and wat a va-va-voooom wedding!!... if only it had been real flowers all over!!!!.... *bleagh! me and my real flowers!!*

. out with RosmAman on Saturday, bought kain for raya and finding a tailor who seemed like our dearest tailor in JB.. (hopefully she's tat good, so tat we dun feel terkilan to go there and tailor our clothes next time!)..
. found out from our property agent that the engineers told him that we may get our house as early as end of this year!!!!... oooooh!.. wat good news!!.. hmmm..... if betul rite, amacam Rosma, mau plan itu cuti hujung tahun??.. hhehehhee... ;)
. we receive a $150 dining voucher at Fullerton and am thinking of having those chocolate dessert they have there... yummmmmieeee!!!.... tat IS at Fullerton, rite??.. hmmmm.....
. everybody seemed to enjoy our wedding video and quoted from an uncle, "this beats the show DIA" coz everyone seemed sooooo ngotot tengok TV!!... hahhahaha.... and yeah!.. it does feel weird watching yourself on TV with sooo many other ppl.. esp that declaration bit!... oh!.. and NOT forgetting the embarassing ucapan from moi parents!!... hahahaa.... embarassing but their segment was sooooo cute, that we couldn't help laughing our guts out!!!... hahahhaa...
. we made it through a wedding where we knew no one!!!.... CONGRATS to us!!... the wedding was at Taman Warisan Melayu (Kampong Glam) and wat a va-va-voooom wedding!!... if only it had been real flowers all over!!!!.... *bleagh! me and my real flowers!!*
The very pretty chandelier at the tentage.. fyi, they had an indoor and an outdoor setting. All the fans outdoor - the stand and all - was also wrapped up like this!.. very thoughtful!!... i loike!!
The grande dais!... but soooo perfect for big family shots!!! ;)
enjoy the honeymoon, enjoy each other!!...
May you both be blessed with lil' ones soon!.. ;)
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