Now, let's see.. i'll begin with the birth of my second baby.. Anousha Aduka.. Delivered on 1 Sep 2009 (Happy Teacher's Day!!) at 3.1kg at 00:13hrs.. (Eshan was delivered at 12:41hrs - wat's with my kids and number 12??). Btw, Anousha is pronounced as A-nuu-sha as opposed to A-nau-sha coz "nuu" sounds better and easier to pronounce..
Delivery was deliriously speedy!... Definitely more intense and much more painful trying to deliver her than with Eshan.. but with her, i dun really need to wait for long!.. we saw the Doctor at about 6.30pm-ish for a check-up since i deliberately delayed her delivery for one more wk!.. without my knowledge, the doc inserted the pill to induce contractions so i was VERY surprised when i felt the contractions within 15-30mins of seeing him!..
Doctor's order was to go to the hospital IMMEDIATELY but errrmmm..
we looked for food first (to break fast lah!)..
go home.Now, let's see.. i'll begin with the birth of my second baby.. Anousha Aduka.. Delivered on 1 Sep 2009 (Happy Teacher's Day!!) at 3.1kg at 00:13hrs.. (Eshan was delivered at 12:41hrs - wat's with my kids and number 12??). Btw, Anousha is pronounced as A-nuu-sha as opposed to A-nau-sha coz "nuu" sounds better and easier to pronounce..
Doctor's order was to go to the hospital IMMEDIATELY but errrmmm..
we looked for food first (to break fast lah!)..
pack e-bag.
pick up cuzz.
send Eshan to Mummy's.
to the hospital we go....
* In between, the doc called to check up on our whereabouts!.. hehehee...
we reached the hospital at about 22:30ish.. the staff registering us was damn blardy slow.. she also wanted to finish registering both of us first before bringing us to the labour ward.. gaaaah!!... so anyways, at the labour ward, after donning hospital's clothes, laid down and had my water bag burst, i was basically "forgotten"!.. luckily, Dearest was there keeping me company..
I did ask him "why the hell did i agree to go thru this all over again??"... the pain was unbearable.. only after i ring for assistance did they realise they still have another patient in that ward!.. gaaaah!!... asked for the gas.. in trying to bear with the pain, the stupid nurse kept asking me questions that should have been asked waaaay before my water bag was burst.. the stupidest question of all was do you want to go pooh now? like hallooooo??... my contractions are coming in strong and rapid lor!!....
anyways, because i was using the gas correctly this time round, i was "gone" momentarily while they quickly push me to the delivery suite.. the feeling of being "gone" was very surreal.. it's like i cannot feel the pain but i can feel being pushed into the delivery suite, banging things along the way, hear ppl talking... i remembered even thinking am i dead?... hahhahaa... it must be the drugs that's running thru my veins.. :p
but anyways, delivering Anousha was harder than delivering Eshan.. as she was heavier than Eshan, i really had to push her out of my supposed "small" pantat.. after this episode, i'll have to think twice abt having to deliver a big baby!... *tat is, if i want to have another one lah!!*
so out came Anousha but i cannot help the feeling of wanting to pooh!... apparently, i pooh-ed a lot while deliverin!.. kwang.. kwang.. :p blame the nurse for not pooh-ing me first lor!!... but relief washed all over me when i get to hold Anousha.. :D and just like her brother, she suckled quickly and more intensely!...
and thank god, Eshan accepted his sister immediately... very protective.. we loike! ;) al-hamdulillah too i was able to deliver Anousha normally, without epidural and one less pain-killer.. total bill? - much cheaper than Eshan's.. ;)
Oh!.. and remember the cuzz we picked up before going to the hospital? well, she delivered a baby boy about 4 hrs after i did.. so the kids shared the same bday and the mothers shared the room and gynae! ;)
Congrats Ogy & Farhan for the birth of your 1st bundle of joy!!