my Dearest Anousha is having chicken pox.. it was highly suspicious yesterday.. and today, i confirm it IS the chicken pox..
it has sprouted at more places.. my only hope is for her not to have it in her mouth or anywhere "down there"... it'll be horrible!!... she's not scratching (yet!).. and i hope she'll NOT scratch... based on an experienced mother (thanks mama Ros!), to avoid foods like kicap, prawns, chicken (oh! no!!), coconut drink.. some kids will also react to egg.. aisey!!...
now, i'm worried Eshan will geddit.. it's inevitable.. i know.. but i'm sooooo not looking forward to taking care of 2 sick, possibly scratchy kids ALONE over the weekend lor!... :(
we're also wondering where she cld have gotten it from coz we've not sent her to sch since tues.. and the sch only has hfmd cases so far.. i did tell the tchr abt her and she seemed shocked.. haiizzz... suay lah.. wat to do??... i think if Eshan has it, he'll freak out seeing the spots on his face, hands and legs.. i'm juz worried that it will affect the condition of his eczema..
based on readings on the net, chicken pox in infants are milder.. so i'm really hoping that's true.. get well soon sweetie pie!!... Muaaacckksss!!!...
Friday, October 29, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
My hands been itching to write on my dusty ol' blog.. i've also uploaded my delivery story for memory's sake..
Pls bear with me as my first entry for the year is pretty long!! So, where shall I start??
- he turns 3 in Apr this yr.. we had a mini bday bash for him.. and as all his past bdays, it HAD to rain!.. i think his next party (if we ever gonna have one again!) will be indoors.. but this year, he has 2 bday "bash".. the other one is indoors held in school with his classmates.. ;) lucky boy has 2 different bday cakes!!
Pls bear with me as my first entry for the year is pretty long!! So, where shall I start??
- he turns 3 in Apr this yr.. we had a mini bday bash for him.. and as all his past bdays, it HAD to rain!.. i think his next party (if we ever gonna have one again!) will be indoors.. but this year, he has 2 bday "bash".. the other one is indoors held in school with his classmates.. ;) lucky boy has 2 different bday cakes!!
- he loveeess to take pictures!!... he asked to have his picture taken!... alamak!... he can pose lor..
- even though he can sometimes be such a devil (when he dun wanna listen!) but he can be such an angel when he actually listens to you... now, when he meets us at the end of the day, he will run to us and say "I miss you today"... how my heart softens when i hear him say this... :)
- he loves his sister to bits!!... other than the normal siblings' issue i think we, as parents all face, Eshan has grown up to be a good brother.. we just hope he's like this till he's old of course!.. hahhaa... i asked him for fun if he'd like to have another sibling and his answer "I want!".. i asked him if he'd like a boy or a girl then?.. his answer "Girl!" and why? "Bcoz i like Anousha. I want another Anousha."... tat's my boy! ;)

- her growth spurt was greater than the brother.. coming in to earth oredi heavier than the brother, she grew much more too!... she's within the range of 75percentile to 90percentile for both weight and height.
- she started walking at 10mths. we're like "WOW!"... so fast??!!... she dun fancy crawling so much coz she only crawled for a while.. most times, she tries to support herself to wateva there was and walk. When she's learning to walk, she wants to run!.. aiyoh!... she's still not tat steady yet.. but she prefers to walk than be carried especially when we're outdoors.. but when we're indoors, she prefers me to be there with her - either carrying her or be in the same room while she plays!...
- she's too clingy to me.. with her around, my baking sessions almost grounded to a halt!.. baking sessions (reserved for potluck sessions with my ladies) were scheduled at night when she's asleep.. i've also learnt to schedule my time during the wkends to cook for the family.. very tiring lor!!
- her 1 yr bday was during the fasting month. so no bday bash for her like we did for Eshan.. :( poor thing!!.. but mama promise that you'll have one bday bash when u're 3!!.. i hope!!... coz next yr, her bday is like 3rd day of raya if not wrong.. hopefully, by her 3rd bday, it's a gd time to celebrate her bday for her! ;) if we're planning for the 3rd one, definitely cannot deliver during fasting month!.. hahahaa... but in any case, the next one will hopefully be a Dec babe!.. :p
i have to say, it was a nerve-wrecking decision.. a few things happened in the office this year - that pushed me to move on.. with no high hopes, i sent out my resume to a few companies.. and when i was actually accepted to this place, it was like a dream come true... our prayers were answered.. and i can't say "no" to this.. :) of coz, it was a pretty sad feeling leaving the previous company.. i was fresh from sch when i entered the old place. an Exec Asst. a singleton.. tat's where i got my first experiences of a lot of major events.. got married. have both my kids there and was "promoted/reappointed/redegsinated" and left as a Snr Exec..
3wks in the new place.. i've got a gd feeling.. bosses are generally open and good.. colleagues have been wonderful. staff welfare is better than previous. not sure if it's too early to say this but i'm lurving this place!! ;)
oh!.. and coz of my job chg, i'm moving Eshan to a new sch juz opp our hse.. Anousha has already started just before i join the new workplace. Eshan will follow her next year.. we're just hoping he won't make such a biggie abt having to move sch, with new teachers and making new frenz!... for now, all he knows is he's going to sch with Anousha next year.. Anousha on the other hand does NOT like it going to sch!.. gaaaah!... she cries ev'time i leave her (out of sadness) and fetch (relief and happiness overwhelms) her!... and it doesn't help that she's not going to sch regularly ever since she started all thanks to HFMD!... :p
Dearest started his 6mths (part-time) course.. hopefully finishes in Apr next year... so he's not in 3times a wk... it's soooo tiring when he's not in.. :( i've to handle bringing the 2 kids up to the hse by myself from the carpark everyday.. *booooo!!...*
Hari Raya this year was so-so although i think we spent quite a lot this raya!.. hahahaa... from baju to decor of the hse to kuih (all kuihs done by myself!)... for next yr, Dearest has declared that his and Eshan's baju will be bought from the wholesale supplier.. me and Anousha can have ours tailored.. and i shall NOT ask mummy to buy us our kain bcoz she buys too expensive kains for us!... Dearest also asked me why i need to do the kuihs when we dun really have visitors?.. i told him, this is the ONLY time of the year i get to bake and eat my own kuih raya and not factory-made ones.. when else will i slave in the kitchen baking kuih lapis and kuih tart for the family eh??... :p
anyways, this yr we're slightly more "extravagant" bcoz of Anousha's arrival to the family and coz the hse is already coming to it's 3rd raya.. need to "spruce" up the place slightly!.. hahahaha... any excuse to shop lah!... :p
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