shopping juz now with my 2 galfrenz - RosmAman and Nasty Naz at This Fashion and Geylang....
Initial plan was to go Swensens...haiz....kempunan...we didn't go but good also lah...save $$!...we went to This Fashion at Paya Lebar..window shopped for abt an hr or so...me and wati both bought a bag each!!....quite a steal..not only does it look
chic, it's CHEAP!!...i wanted to buy a skirt but seems like i have to trim myself down first... :( We only left the place abt a min to buka puasa...went to McD...it was soooo crowded!!.....juz bought a drink to break my fast and head down to Blossoms...luckily they have my favourite custard horn...ate that along the way to Geylang....
Went to Yokoso (TKC) and bought our coloured contact lenses...another steal!! - Buy 3 for $70 and get a bag and a solution free!....tried out the lenses...quite disappointed that i couldn't use the turqoise colour..bought blue and honey..RosmAmaN stuck to her brown lenses...when we saw the bag, i asked for 2...the shop owner agreed to give us one each...and then, we immed asked for the solution....hahhaa....gave him a hard time thinking abt it!!...ehehhe...but we got a small one....
I'm soooo jealous of RosmAmaN's ability to negotiate!!....hahahhaa......should learn from her man!!....i can't make myself to negotiatelah....dunno y!!....even if i negotiate, can lah..but not like till sooo low....
UNLESS i seriously feel that the price is too high.....she got her baju kurung..i DON'T!!....boo-hoo-hoo!!......very sad :( The one that i liked (very much!!) don't have my size...that's like soooooo nice!!...can't shake my head off that dress!!...it's VERY nice....must really shake off these excess lah!!.......haiz....
Niways, ended the day by going round the whole of Geylang....and sitting down at the Paya Lebar Post Office with Aduka, eating our burger Ramli (yum!yum!)...happy get to eat it at last!!....
now, i'm bushed!!...really tired........good nite!!....