As i was saying on Friday evening abt Aduka wanting to bring me somewhere, we went out to break fast together yesterday.....his surprise was to bring me to Han River...we had our fill!!...alamak!!.....soooo much food to eat!!....felt soooo guilty devouring the food......but at the same time, felt like such a waste coz i couldn't put in as much food in as i used to!.....haiz.....the food's good!!....quite a selection i must say!........and a very good treat for me after a hard day in the kitchen!!.......i baked 3 rounds of cookies to give away to my relatives!!.....first time!!, I've to bake another 3 rounds!!!.....waiting for my dad to come back with the eggs!!.....
Rizan in the kitchen with my cookies...juz to "kacau"!...*Pardon the messy kitchen!*
Niways, Rizan had brought back his to see it for the first time yesterday....i liked it sooooo much!!'s a's soooo cool!!...and the colour is like metallic vanilla....very nice and chic!.......told Aduka that he should've bought a vespa instead of his phantom!......but then again, a vespa don't fit him at all!..... :)
Rizan on his Vespa
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