After work yesterday, went out with RosmAmaN and Nasty Naz to do some shopping.....but in the end only me ended up shopping!...RosmAmaN shopped for her toiletries while Nazzy accompanied us and keep shooting pictures of herself!...hahhahahaa.......I bought a nice pair of sandals for $19!......and a top for $13!!........I lurrrrve the top!....very nice!....wanted to buy pants actually but then hor, is my bum too big??!!....I can't seem to get the pants up my bum!....and when it does get up, the bum area is tite!!.....freak ass!!.....too bad we dun have a picture of us's with we'll get to see it when it's up on her blog! ;)
The girls and me have a nice time out yesterday...met them in the evening and talk cock as usual....and there's 2 freaky stuff that we shoot yesterday and we want you readers to guess them.....leave it on my comment board...I'll put up the answer in a week's time... :)
The first irks me out. While the second made us laugh our heads off!!......
Pictures of the outing available here....
Then, in the midst of all these talking cock, a story got unfolded........
We think that our dearest Koh Pei Pei has met her "match"!.....awwwwwww!!..........One is in the the fisball industry while the other is in the fish industry (a supplier)......awwwwww!!....they're sooooo perfect for each other!!...and acc to Pei's description, he seemed to be the perfect build for her!.....and so far, there's no flaws on him...even her lecturer and friend are trying to match-make them......and her mom is excited for them! Auntie, you're soooo cute!!
So a toast to Pei and her "match"!.....Your dearest girlfriends here hopes that this happy union would happen soon!.... :) luv ya, girl!! matter wat happens, you know we love or no fish, balls or no balls, yah??!!...
P/S: Pei, dun call me after you read this....move your fingers and write something on the comment board...both of us wanna hear you!!.......i feel ya!!..........
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