Really, really, really wanted to!!'s a "preview" of the make-over.....
From left: Siti Shahirah, Amalina and Bik Ogy.....howie??...nice or not??
My first model, Siti, is a toughie coz she's dark..but I thought I did gooood! ;) ...the second model, Amalina, is a breeze coz she's fair...and I lurvvee me work!....the third one is the hardest, my auntie, Bik Ogy, coz her skin is different and she's got loads of pimps to cover (which I dunno how, and tat's y i need to go for the course!!) but i thought it turned out OK...should have just followed my instint and use gold or earthy colour though!...hehhehehe......but niways, overall, i did ok lah.......for an amateur and has no "professional help"!...*NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!...That's a suprise of the century!!*....HEHEHEHEHEHEH............
For more pictures of today's "work"........ Make-Over Album
Manage to catch Juara Lagu 2003 on Suria today and ooooooh!!! soooooo freakin in love with Anuar Zain's voice!!....I got goosebumps when i hear him sing and have this fluttery, fluttery feeling as if he's singing to me!...hahahahaha....yeah!yeah!.........berangan!!.....but heck! - he's got a freakin nice voice!.......I missed Misha's performance coz was on the way home....but since she won, she sang again and well...her voice and performance is so-so only leh??!!......but yes!...the song is freakin wonderful!!....LOOOOOVE it!!.........too bad Anuar didn't win anything but hearing him and seeing him is enuff to know from my aunt that he's gossiped to be with Siti Nurhaliza's sis??!!!.....ALAMAK!!......betul ke??......anyone can verify this gossip??..Also, it's such a nice surprise that Siti got an award for best performance ONLY though it's really a surprise coz it's like, SHE??...---- BEST performance??....i think the judges just have to give her something lah coz she didn't win anything else??....ehhhahahaa.....EEEEVVVIIIIIILLLLLLLL!!!!! Siti's die-hard fans, no offence hor!!
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