The makcik at the office told me abt how she kena robbed too at JB Carrefoure!!!.......This is turning into an everyday event eh??......aiyoH!!!......She went to Carrefoure and parked her car there.....the next thing, when she come back, her window car was smashed and her bag containing her books and some kitab (because she just came back from a religious class) plus her document wallet was missing!!.....and the bag was not even a handbag mind u!! was only a document bag; some kind of a paper bag....haiz....ape nak jadi??!!.......
And, the police there is "amazingly" helpful!!!....she was asked to go from one police post, to another, to another and then back to where she started!!.....Wat in the world is this?!?!! goodness!!! the end, after being sarcastic to the policeman there, they got on getting a statement from her and only completed an hour later - Y??....bcoz they were busy chatting and yakking away after maybe writing one or two sentences!!!........want to kena bash up is it??!!........cibai-kiah!!...
Even one of dearie's relatives (along the extended line) got the same thing!!.....their car was smashed and wateva's inside was taken!!'s dreadful!!!....The makcik was told later that sometimes, these ppl (the policemen) need to be "bribed"!! They may have gotten hold or will get hold of your passport or things like that but will only give it to you if you give them $$!!....well, i'd rather not give!!.....wat kind of a policeman are u if we can't even trust u??!!....I really wonder wat they were taught when they go to their police academy (if they ever have one!!) or wherever lah in the process of being a policeman!!!'s soooo infuriating thinking abt it!!..........Hopefully, with BN's ruling of condemning bribery; and this being top on their list, it'll help matters somewhat.......we'll see!!!!
XXXXX Rated!!
After seeing this, I laughed soooo hard!!...Thanks Zaidah for emailing this!!....hahahahha.........
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