Weeee heee hee!!........Clay looks like Barry Manilow in 30yrs time!!...hahahhha......well, actually, yeah!....the resemblance was uncanny!!....hahhahaha......but i believe it won't stop there!!.........Clay's career will go as smooth sailing and as big as Barry in the next 30 yrs!!..... :D
But give it a "HELL YEAH!" to Barry Manilow!!....The BEST guest judge ever!!......fuuuuyoooH!!!.......he made practically all the singers, sounded soooooo good!!......my hairs were all standing!!......My DIVAS - Jennifer, Latoya and Fantasia are BRILLIANT!!...I am freakin jealous of Jennifer's make-up!!!.....her make-up is sooooo gorgeous!!!!!....she's looking prettier by the week...but Jen, wrong choice of bottoms today!! - you look like an amah with super huge buttocks!!! but you look like a reaaal DIVA when they shoot your top half! :) ...Diana did VERY well with her rendition of One Voice!......The other 3 - Jasmine, George and John Stevens - they're juz OK.....for a moment, got a bit worried when JS started off pretty well but then, his sparks went dead rite after he reached his peak performance!!.......so, no matter who the bottom 3 tomorrow, he'd better be one of them and he'd better leave before George!!!......
xinyi says:
that redhead is lookin fine but soundin bad
emiliAduka says:
eeeeesk!!......he's NOT looking fine at all dear!!!....
xinyi says:
he is. look harder. haaaaaaaaaaa
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