Gotten into 2 clumsy situations the past weekend! On Thursday, on the way out to meet my dearie, fell down on my knees!! Rite in front of our main entrance and one of our doctors here!!.....VERY EMBARASSING!!.....Darn!!.....Not sure how I fell - like juz did!!......My fav jeans was torn! and I'm blaming it all on my favourite top!!.....I bought that top in KL and have only worn it 3 times!! And somehow, bad luck ALWAYS comes on all 3 occasions!!....First time, i was ironing it and i stained with my iron!...Had to quickly wash it off! - that nearly made me late!!....then, the second time I wore it, I got robbed in JB! on Thursday, was the third time I wore it and I had to fall! And my knees got hurt too!!!...Now, cannot use skirt oredi!!....DAMN!!...
My second clumsy situation was last nite when I somehow, dropped my plate and it broke into a MILLON pieces - literally!!.....I have got NO idea how it slipped my hand!!...not only did it slip my hand, it dropped like as if I had stepped upon something and it "flew" rite off, hit the door and dropped on the floor!!....soooo surreal!!....and all these clumsy moments had to happen in slow motion!!'s juz sooooo weird!!....
Today's Yani's last day and I'm sore that we can't have breakfast together!!.....the reason? - coz she's have got to handover/brief her colleague before she leaves when she had like Mon to Thurs to do that!....It's actually not her fault lah... But her colleague was juz too bz to be briefed! And knowing Yani, she won't leave juz like that!!......haiz....Yani, Yani........u're juz too good lah girl!!.....If i'm u, I won't give a fuck anymore....I'll fuck them like how they've fucked me!.....
Met up with the girls yesterday and did some girlie stuff - cooking for each other!!...hahahhaha...FUN aye?! Xinyi, the "birthday" girl cooked 2 dishes for us!! - Char Siew Chicken and Salad (yum!yum!).....I'm surprised at myself for eating the whole plate of Salad! Pei pan-fried my favourite you-tiao with Fish/Sotong...hmmm...and me, I tried one of Fahma's recipe from her Asian Flavours of Fitness cookbook - Banana Orange Zest for desert! - YUM! YUM!.....very nice leh!!.... and it's healthy!!....*sorry Pei coz I totally forgot that you don't eat banana by-products!*
Had a whale of a time, cooking, talking cock and taking some "oh-not-so-funky" pictures!.....hahahhha......can't put it up on my shutterfly as yet...will do so later at nite...and girls, if you want the pictures, meet me at MSN,'s faster that way!.. :)
Wanted to go for trim yesterday but instead, not only did I go for a trim, I went for a hair treatment as well!....This guy, Berne, from JasonSally at Serangoon Gardens, he freakin know his work!....Recommend u guys, to go see him!!....the place is also a friendly place and you get comfortable when u're there as well!!...So now, I freakin lurvveee my hair coz it doesn't look soooo dry and damaged oredi!!...YIPPEE!!..... :D
P/S: girls, very sorry tat I couldn't send you guys home bcoz of this!!..
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