She's baaaack!!...hahahhaa...nolah...not for a second time in this god-damn place!....juz for a teeny weeny while!....went to work "Part-time" for a few short hours here, yesterday.. :)
A lot has been said on radio on this prestigious, annual event!...Here's a list of my favourite comments...
Two controversial issues were hot!! - Hangat diperkatakan pagi ini....
1. Female artists wearing "too revealing" clothes
Comments given:
a) Their clothes were "too revealing"!..they are not showing a good example to the kids who are watching the show tat nite!
b) Before saying, others, look at how you or your kids are dressing first! There's a lot out there who are dressed worst off than what's shown on TV!
c) DJ Shah on comments which kept saying a lot of kids were watching the show: "This is not a radio station for program KRAYON (a malay kids show variety prg). This is for all and rated PG!"....
d) One Indon commented abt how she dislike a lot of the listeners saying abt the revealing clothes and went on to say - "C'mon guys! It's only for ONE nite!...this is afterall, "PESTA PERDANA" not some "Halal-di-halal" show!..ONE nite to be merry and happy!
e) Someone rebutted this comment and said "God didn't tell us that it's OK to be "revealing" for juz ONE day!'s NOT stated anywhere!..And, "ape je menggelabah bila di sentuh! Kalau dah tahu camtu, jgn pakai macam gitulah!" (Don't freak out when a guy touches you. If you do, don't wear like that in the first place!)-commenting on Sri Wahyuni's OVER reaction with Steve Emmanuel.
MY TAKE on all these: Well, at least they put on a shawl as cover..But it's true that you are a "celeb" afterall..and this is shown on TV where a LOT of ppl are watching. Once you're on TV, you're oredi publicising yourself! If the clothes are sponsored, I suggest that no more sponsored dresses next year onwards but let them be "themselves"!...coz Sri Wahyuni don't look good in that dress with that "OVER" character of hers!
2. Jorah Ahmad hugged and kissed S. Effendy.
Comments given:
a) Not appropriate to do that on TV! - In front of the wife some more!!
b) DJ Shah on above; "Better to do that in front of the wife than behind her, rite?"
c) DJ Hafiz - "This is all act of happiness for a fellow colleague. A spontaneous reaction."
d) There's a lot of hugging and kissing in public between youngsters and others who are not man & wife. Why wasn't this been said and aired??
d) The same Indon girl above, "It's all in a moment of happiness for that person. It's the feeling which evolve when you're shocked and very happy."
e) Someone said - "The fact of the matter is, you're NOT man and wife and it happened on TV!"
MY TAKE on all these: A very controversial issue, indeed! I believe, at that moment, an act of spontaneity of Jorah Ahmad. I believe, she was happy for her fellow colleague! But of course, yet again, you are a "celeb", a MUSLIM at it too! It's no wonder, tongues will wag! If you don't set an "example", then, who will? I'm not denying that I'm guilty of this act but hey! like I said above, as long as you don't go publicising that act, that's fine! Just respect each other and don't go beyond what's intended coz respect is what all of us need! Do it privately ie off-camera! :)
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