Had such great time going out with these ppl!....we bitch, we laugh and we rock the BUNZ place down!...we're the only patrons there and it's soooo nice, to juz be able to talk cock and catch up! (too bad Izy can't join us ;(!!)...Murni's put on a LOT of weight...can you imagine?? - 20kilos in 5mths!! and 4mths to go!..i told her that if i ever got pregnant and bloat like her, i wouldn't be able to find shoes my size!...as it is, i'm a size 9 and it's soooo difficult to get shoes i like...wat if i bloat and be a size 13/14?!!!....goodness!!...tat's when, i'd seriously consider go england to buy shoes!!!! hehhehe...on second thought, that ain't a bad idea afterall!!..:D
So, both mumsies-to-be enjoyed themselves tremendously! - laughing non-stop, it seemed that the kids would have a hellafa joy ride in their "water bubble"!...i can't believe that i'm considering to have kids asap!!...it must be these two lah!!....wat joy it is, listening to them talk abt the kicks they have at nite, the scan, the small baby talks, the anticipation!....haaaaai..... but scary lah!!....brrrrr!!!.....but to noorlin, wait up, girl!...ur time WILL come, insya-allah!...
Juz wanna share my group's invention for the day.....we went for a course today..and were supposed to come up with a product with lego....juz some make-believe and prepare a marketing pitch!....I seriously feel that ours is the best, (though, the rest of the class dun think so coz we've got the lowest marks from them! :Þ) like fuck them!.....who cares!!.....
hmmm..my two girls...must be now, either sleeping or having the time of their lives in Redang, waiting for tml to come!......GIRLS, I'M JEALOUS!!!......
News are reporting that the Malaysian authorities are FINALLY doing something to the rising no. of snatch thefts occuring there! Statistically, there are about 43 victims/day and about 15,000 cases reported last year!....do u realise how big a no. that is??!!....10 a day?!...i really hope the authorities are really doing something this time!!!.... hmph!!
Cops to rid city of addicts
More cops to combat crime, especially snatch thefts
Neighbourhood traumatised by violent snatch thefts
Banned in city areas
Get rid of the snatch theft scourge
Rising tide of thugs on motorcycles
I'm putting up most of the interesting articles found on the web for your convenience..may we not fall prey to these FUCKERS!!
After hearing of this girl's story of "Thief snatch my life" in TNP today, i think, i no need to go all the way to JB to do my tailoring lah...very scary!!!.....NO WAY am I going to step to Malaysia and give them MORE $$!...fuck the idiots who's carrying out all these illegal and sinful activities!!...
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