Just went for a rebond during the weekend..and urrrghh!!...hate my flat hair now but lurrrrve the pampering that my hair receives on that day!..how can dun like?!...two ppl fussing over me!!.. :D
ooooh!...my long, "beautiful", straight hair, after it's ironed; before THA cut!...
But now, kinda regretted asking the lady to snip off 3 inches of my hair!!..boooo-hooo!!!.....now, it's freakin short!...i nearly cried at the saloon looking at the length of my hair and thinking back at my sheer stupidity!!...brrrrrr!!....want my hair baaaackkkk!!!......so u guys, won't be seeing pictures of me, (if I can help it), for a month - till my hair grows out of this flat state it's in!!!...
Got my second award winning letter today!....can't believe how much one need and/or could say when penning one's thoughts and when one is leaving!!..it's like - "look here! I've got "tons" of life-experiences moments to share with you guys!..sit up and LISTEN!" Well, i think you should listen to yourself go on and on giving us these "principles" as you call it, and reflect it on yourself!!.....
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