Wat a weekend!....The weekend started with Friday's kenduri for late grandpa's 7th day of his passing... After the kenduri, food was served a truly Javanese way...the nasi ambeng with loads of dishes on top of the rice!...too bad, i didn't have the cam with me!...would have taken a shot of the food!....
And then, had BBQ last nite with freakily gooood food!!.....Future MIL's chicken percik is wonderful to the max! :) love, love lurrrrrve the CHICKEN!!...we went back only at abt 12am!!...and this morning, had to wake up freakin early to go for our wedding course!...GOSH!..and the freakin alarm didn't go off on the time that i had set!....bloody hell!...woke up late, and had to freakin rush ourselves!!...luckily, managed to be on time!...brrrrr.......but i have to say, i enjoyed the lessons taught though both the lecturers today are quite a "SLEEP-MAKER"!!..really made us wanna sleep!!...aduka and saharil (did i get your spelling rite?..hahha) slept abt half the day i think!....at least i was pretty fresh the first part of the morning, unlike after tat wonderful lunch they serve (or well, at least we don't get packet lunch!...heheh..), I konked out!....dozing off 3/4 of the time!...couldn't understand all the technicalities, surahs and wat nots have you.....waaaaaah!....but a few highlights to share nonetheless with my Muslim brothers and sisters......
1. Ladies, remember that washing, cooking and ironing are NOT our responsibilities. Guys, be thankful that we want to do this for you!....You marry us and not a MAID!...
2. Ladies, do look good for your hubby and NOT for OTHERS!...btw, just to be bitchy here...there's this lady who was pretty worked up when the guys wrote down that keeping in shape and be fit is a wife's responsibility..she wrote "perut mesti maintain - no belly please" with a red star and underlined....errrrm...the irony is - look at yourself first, sista!!... ;)
3. Guys, mas kahwin is a WAJIB in Islam..a gift for your wife..also to take note that wateva wealth she brings into the unionship, you are not allowed to take them away from her or watsoever! But you are still required to give nafkah, even though you may not afford it later, eg if you're out of job...give wat you can afford eg you may have to part with that beloved bike, or wateva other assets that can be liquified ie wat God has given you..as the saying goes, quoted by Yana - "Your $$, our $$, my $$, my $$"!... ;)
There's a few others...lazy for me to go take out the book..but these are just the few ones which I find pretty amusing...will share more coz there's 2 more Sundays to go!! .....
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