A colleague got 6 freakin tix to watch SI tml and he's given it ALL away!!.. and he HAD to tell me today!!!.... blardy hell!!...... i should have rem tat his gf was somehow "connected" to SI!... gosh!... i'm kicking myself real hard now!........ freakin bugging me!.. and it's gonna bug me for the rest of the day!!..... DAMN!!!........ i can't get it out of my system now!!........ stewpid! stewpid!... sooooo shitty!!....... to tat colleague - thanks lor for telling me TODAY!!... u juz HAD to do it, rite???!!!...... uuuurrrghhhh!!!!!
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
it's hitting a high temperature of 45 degrees Celcius!.. hhahahaa.... this whole idol fever thingie is reaching it's peak and it's totally making me sweat!.... it's HOT! HOT! HOT!..... hahhaaha..... hmmmmm... can't wait for my frenz to come over tml... we'll have a riot, i'm sure - rooting for Taufik!... juz hope that the babies dun terkejut-kejut tml with us shouting!.. hahahaa.. but nonetheless...
oh yes!.... shahirah.... kak yah jealous tau u got tix!!... but u enjoy urselves, k??.... don't forget to vote and scream loudly for me as well!.. hahhahaa.....
On a sad note, however... was on the news abt how a baby girl, still with it's umbilical cord intact was thrown off from the 8th floor or something??... they've arrested a 16yr old girl... not sure if this is the mother.. but how can you do that??... even if you're a naive, 16yr old girl who doesn't know how to take care of the baby and all, you're still the mother of that child rite?... doesn't she feel anything doing that to the child?... she could get life imprisonment or at the very least, 10yr jail + fine!....
it's soooo sad to have brought the baby into this world, juz to kill it instantly!... i wonder what's going thru her head?.... did someone actually told her to do it?.... hmmmm......
it's hitting a high temperature of 45 degrees Celcius!.. hhahahaa.... this whole idol fever thingie is reaching it's peak and it's totally making me sweat!.... it's HOT! HOT! HOT!..... hahhaaha..... hmmmmm... can't wait for my frenz to come over tml... we'll have a riot, i'm sure - rooting for Taufik!... juz hope that the babies dun terkejut-kejut tml with us shouting!.. hahahaa.. but nonetheless...
T . A . U . F . I . I . I . K . K . K !!!!!!!!!!....
oh yes!.... shahirah.... kak yah jealous tau u got tix!!... but u enjoy urselves, k??.... don't forget to vote and scream loudly for me as well!.. hahhahaa.....
On a sad note, however... was on the news abt how a baby girl, still with it's umbilical cord intact was thrown off from the 8th floor or something??... they've arrested a 16yr old girl... not sure if this is the mother.. but how can you do that??... even if you're a naive, 16yr old girl who doesn't know how to take care of the baby and all, you're still the mother of that child rite?... doesn't she feel anything doing that to the child?... she could get life imprisonment or at the very least, 10yr jail + fine!....
it's soooo sad to have brought the baby into this world, juz to kill it instantly!... i wonder what's going thru her head?.... did someone actually told her to do it?.... hmmmm......
Monday, November 29, 2004
7 "kitties" jalan raya yesterday.. Though the no. is decreasing and we expect the no. to drop further next year, it was - to me, at least - a short and sweet but memorable Hari Raya with my group of poly mates!....
The day was fun-filled with "mishaps"...
1. heavy downpour that delayed our timing to go out but def didn't dampen our spirits to make this year's raya to be as memorable as it is oredi....
2. for the first time ever, my house offered food to my guests... and lesson learnt - Zam don't eat spaghetti!.... poor Zam, went to the table with his cup of water in hand, just to be disappointed that spaghetti was served instead of his favourite mee soto, perhaps?..... hehehee.... hmmmm...
3. Ani, being ani, left her guest(s) hanging - her guest(s) commented that she did a good job on her cookies and asked for the oh-so-nice cookies.... so after a "a'huh!..." or something, she left (with her Ani-diva ways) without handing over that container of the oh-so-nice cookies!.... u're forgiven, Ani!... hehehee... recipe jangan lupa!
4. Big glass with half-full water at Yana's house... hehehee.. this was classic... she took out this really nice, big glasses; took out 2 cans of Pepsi; obviously not enuff - went in search for some more Pepsi cans.... buttttt...... there's NO MORE!!... oh NO!... so, we made do with wateva there was in the glasses but soon after, got a replacement "water" - PEEL FRESH!... thank god for that!.. hehehehe.... cik, jgn termimpi-mimpi eh pasal nie... ;)
we spent the rest of the nite at Yana's house to watch "Eiffel... I'm in Love..." it's such a cuute, love story!.... lurrrve it!.... Ani's outburst - "I'm such a sucker for love stories!"... Mine would be - "I'm such a sucker for pupply-love love stories!"... heehheheee.... anyways, those in neeeed of a lil' lovin', pls got watch this show!.... there's sooooo many "AWWWWWWW!" moments... and the one sentence I couldn't forget - not from the show but from Zam - "iyelah.. nanti siapa yang kemas? kiter jugak!"... hahahhaa..... this was during a scene where the guy strew white flowers all over the room and on the bed.. the girl was practically drowned in the flowers and i went "Awwww!... how i wish I could have this on my "wedding nite"!"... and that's when Zam said "yalah... later who would have to clean up? who else but the guys!".... hahahaa.... Oh! Zam!.. that's soooo true!!.. hur... hur... hur.... or maybe tat's bcoz u have Ani as ur partner, perhaps?.. hehehehhe......... kwak... kwak... kwak...

7 "kitties" jalan raya yesterday.. Though the no. is decreasing and we expect the no. to drop further next year, it was - to me, at least - a short and sweet but memorable Hari Raya with my group of poly mates!....
The day was fun-filled with "mishaps"...
1. heavy downpour that delayed our timing to go out but def didn't dampen our spirits to make this year's raya to be as memorable as it is oredi....
2. for the first time ever, my house offered food to my guests... and lesson learnt - Zam don't eat spaghetti!.... poor Zam, went to the table with his cup of water in hand, just to be disappointed that spaghetti was served instead of his favourite mee soto, perhaps?..... hehehee.... hmmmm...
3. Ani, being ani, left her guest(s) hanging - her guest(s) commented that she did a good job on her cookies and asked for the oh-so-nice cookies.... so after a "a'huh!..." or something, she left (with her Ani-diva ways) without handing over that container of the oh-so-nice cookies!.... u're forgiven, Ani!... hehehee... recipe jangan lupa!
4. Big glass with half-full water at Yana's house... hehehee.. this was classic... she took out this really nice, big glasses; took out 2 cans of Pepsi; obviously not enuff - went in search for some more Pepsi cans.... buttttt...... there's NO MORE!!... oh NO!... so, we made do with wateva there was in the glasses but soon after, got a replacement "water" - PEEL FRESH!... thank god for that!.. hehehehe.... cik, jgn termimpi-mimpi eh pasal nie... ;)
we spent the rest of the nite at Yana's house to watch "Eiffel... I'm in Love..." it's such a cuute, love story!.... lurrrve it!.... Ani's outburst - "I'm such a sucker for love stories!"... Mine would be - "I'm such a sucker for pupply-love love stories!"... heehheheee.... anyways, those in neeeed of a lil' lovin', pls got watch this show!.... there's sooooo many "AWWWWWWW!" moments... and the one sentence I couldn't forget - not from the show but from Zam - "iyelah.. nanti siapa yang kemas? kiter jugak!"... hahahhaa..... this was during a scene where the guy strew white flowers all over the room and on the bed.. the girl was practically drowned in the flowers and i went "Awwww!... how i wish I could have this on my "wedding nite"!"... and that's when Zam said "yalah... later who would have to clean up? who else but the guys!".... hahahaa.... Oh! Zam!.. that's soooo true!!.. hur... hur... hur.... or maybe tat's bcoz u have Ani as ur partner, perhaps?.. hehehehhe......... kwak... kwak... kwak...
went to the iNuovi Bridal make-up Workshop.... wouldn't say that I was VERY impressed with it.. but wat matters is, we got free make-up after the workshop!.. woooopee!!... new eye-shadows colour, new blusher and new lipstick!... so here's the "look" that they taught us...
Friday, November 26, 2004
HPL NEWS BREAK from the newsroom ...
reported by Mr Frankie Tee
The head of EP, Mr Aziz, tried to murder his co-worker, 47 yrs old Miss Lee, in a near fatal 'accident' on the treadmill this morning. Witnessed by horrified athletes and attachment students, Miss Lee was caught unaware when Mr Aziz 'accidentally' hit the space bar on the laptop attached to the quater-million machine, sending the treadmill to spin at a blinding speed of 10km/hr instantly. As a result, Miss Lee was catapulted to the back of the lab, hitting the ground with a loud thump, causing her to sustain serious bruising on her back and buttock. One of the students recounted the incident as shocking and unbelievable. Testing was delayed while Mr Tee, another of Mr. Aziz co-worker, was called in to maintain calmness among the crowd. Despite this morning's 'wake-up call', testing resumed after the commotion subsided. Grudges maintained between Miss Lee and Mr Aziz.
hahahahhaa... this is simply a priceless piece of "news" and tooo hilarious to NOT report it on my blog!!..... hahahhahaa... i'm still giggling uncontrollably and snickering every few seconds thinking abt this incident.... tee sure has a way with words and making it come to life!!.. hahahhaaa.......
reported by Mr Frankie Tee
The head of EP, Mr Aziz, tried to murder his co-worker, 47 yrs old Miss Lee, in a near fatal 'accident' on the treadmill this morning. Witnessed by horrified athletes and attachment students, Miss Lee was caught unaware when Mr Aziz 'accidentally' hit the space bar on the laptop attached to the quater-million machine, sending the treadmill to spin at a blinding speed of 10km/hr instantly. As a result, Miss Lee was catapulted to the back of the lab, hitting the ground with a loud thump, causing her to sustain serious bruising on her back and buttock. One of the students recounted the incident as shocking and unbelievable. Testing was delayed while Mr Tee, another of Mr. Aziz co-worker, was called in to maintain calmness among the crowd. Despite this morning's 'wake-up call', testing resumed after the commotion subsided. Grudges maintained between Miss Lee and Mr Aziz.
hahahahhaa... this is simply a priceless piece of "news" and tooo hilarious to NOT report it on my blog!!..... hahahhahaa... i'm still giggling uncontrollably and snickering every few seconds thinking abt this incident.... tee sure has a way with words and making it come to life!!.. hahahhaaa.......
Taufik and Sylvester singing a duet - Reason (Hoobastank) on 1st Dec!... YEAY!!.. the other two songs in the running was This Love (Maroon5) and YEAY! (Usher)... phew!.. luckily Reason got the MOST votes!!.... so watch out for that!!.. ;)
To those who are badly in NEED of tix.. and couldn't get the tix on time (yes! especially u! bloghopper! :)) "Come down for red carpet reception... if the stadium is NOT filled, they're gonna give tix to ONLY those who are at the red carpet reception." - whispered Daniel Ong at 0950...
Also, Nicoll Highway will be up and running soooon! yippee!!!... no more taking the long route out to Orchard/Suntec!.. haahhahaa....
Taufik and Sylvester singing a duet - Reason (Hoobastank) on 1st Dec!... YEAY!!.. the other two songs in the running was This Love (Maroon5) and YEAY! (Usher)... phew!.. luckily Reason got the MOST votes!!.... so watch out for that!!.. ;)
To those who are badly in NEED of tix.. and couldn't get the tix on time (yes! especially u! bloghopper! :)) "Come down for red carpet reception... if the stadium is NOT filled, they're gonna give tix to ONLY those who are at the red carpet reception." - whispered Daniel Ong at 0950...
Also, Nicoll Highway will be up and running soooon! yippee!!!... no more taking the long route out to Orchard/Suntec!.. haahhahaa....
yeah.. yeah... ppl!.. i heard abt the crying and how soapy/sappy the show was yesterday!.. darn!... i didn't get to catch it coz i think dearie purposely asked me out to talk cock!... and purposely didn't let me go home by 8pm!..... i hope Tee taped it!....... anyways, nasty juz told me some disturbing details abt my fav idol rite now... hmmmmmm..... it's too disturbing *shakes head*.... it ain't true.... laa-laaaa-laa...
Anyways, i tot I'd do this (though it's such an ugly thing!) since I AM an SP alumni.... here's to ALL - PLSSSS vote for Taufik.. and SMS 1 to 43657 on Wed, 1 Dec.... the lines will only be open for half hr or so... since results is on the same day... so, go warm up your fingers coz it's gonna be hard, hard work for the nite!...
yeah.. yeah... ppl!.. i heard abt the crying and how soapy/sappy the show was yesterday!.. darn!... i didn't get to catch it coz i think dearie purposely asked me out to talk cock!... and purposely didn't let me go home by 8pm!..... i hope Tee taped it!....... anyways, nasty juz told me some disturbing details abt my fav idol rite now... hmmmmmm..... it's too disturbing *shakes head*.... it ain't true.... laa-laaaa-laa...
Anyways, i tot I'd do this (though it's such an ugly thing!) since I AM an SP alumni.... here's to ALL - PLSSSS vote for Taufik.. and SMS 1 to 43657 on Wed, 1 Dec.... the lines will only be open for half hr or so... since results is on the same day... so, go warm up your fingers coz it's gonna be hard, hard work for the nite!...
At the mean time, go ahead (click on the above) and send this eCard to all Taufik voters out there!... woooohoooo!!...
Niways, went out yesterday, and bought shoes again!...... yeay!.....and it's NOT juz a pair of shoes!.. it's my FIRST pair of WHITE shoes!!.. Dearie juz went shaking his head and asked.. "didn't u juz buy a pair errrrrrmmm like 2 days ago??" hahahahaa... oh!... dearie dear... u don't know how much in trouble u are when we get married.... ;) it won't be JUST shoes!.... but don't worry.. i won't ask u for the "kechings" to satisfy my fetishes...
Thursday, November 25, 2004
When u sang Belaian Jiwa juz now... DARN!... Tat was damn good bro!.... as tele-tubbies would say it - "AGAIN! AGAIN!".... no doubts Taufik, u ARE my idol!!.. and even when you're sick, you're able to sing it with soooo much emotion and that signature "thin note" voice, you really DID it!!........ aaaaah... u've touched my heart....... and now!!.... "Ain't No Sunshine"...... oh NO!!!... TIIIIIDAAAAAAK!!!....... siapa yang melepas, RUGIIII, youuuu!!!.....
To Taufik and Clay, speedy recovery to u both!... Taufik's down with flu while Clay's suffering from vocal chord damage which lead to ear and sinus infections... boo-hoo!!.. kecian dia... it ain't easy being an idol... and Ruben's down too!... due to exhaustion and his obesity! apparently, he's on this slimming program thingie and after shedding those extra kilos, he got sick!...
But oh well!.... speedy recover to EVERYONE out there!!... seemed like everyone's feeling sick!... this new dept i'm in, peepz been taking MC, one after another since i came in!... B just told me that she dun feel sooooo guilty coughing away in the cinema coz seemed like there's a few others who were doing that too!... so, since i'm feeling extremely high and happy due to an overdose of Taufikmania, here's wishing one and all GREAT HEALTH and SPEEDY RECOVERY for the coming festive season!!.... *mmmmmuuuuaacks!* and BIG HUG! from me to y'all!...
When u sang Belaian Jiwa juz now... DARN!... Tat was damn good bro!.... as tele-tubbies would say it - "AGAIN! AGAIN!".... no doubts Taufik, u ARE my idol!!.. and even when you're sick, you're able to sing it with soooo much emotion and that signature "thin note" voice, you really DID it!!........ aaaaah... u've touched my heart....... and now!!.... "Ain't No Sunshine"...... oh NO!!!... TIIIIIDAAAAAAK!!!....... siapa yang melepas, RUGIIII, youuuu!!!.....
To Taufik and Clay, speedy recovery to u both!... Taufik's down with flu while Clay's suffering from vocal chord damage which lead to ear and sinus infections... boo-hoo!!.. kecian dia... it ain't easy being an idol... and Ruben's down too!... due to exhaustion and his obesity! apparently, he's on this slimming program thingie and after shedding those extra kilos, he got sick!...
But oh well!.... speedy recover to EVERYONE out there!!... seemed like everyone's feeling sick!... this new dept i'm in, peepz been taking MC, one after another since i came in!... B just told me that she dun feel sooooo guilty coughing away in the cinema coz seemed like there's a few others who were doing that too!... so, since i'm feeling extremely high and happy due to an overdose of Taufikmania, here's wishing one and all GREAT HEALTH and SPEEDY RECOVERY for the coming festive season!!.... *mmmmmuuuuaacks!* and BIG HUG! from me to y'all!...
hahahaa... plssss dun be mad at me for updating "details" of Taufik.. i'm in this Taufik-smitten mode... it'll be over by 1st Dec, i hope!... hehehehee... niways, I'm listening to Perfect10 now.. and i'm going "AWWWWWW!!......" if I'm his momma, i'm PROUD, babey!... he's sooooo freakin humble and he sooooo lurve his mom!... so, girls, if you're interested, u know who to "please" and the expectation you'd have to live up to!... hehehehehee..... and it's no easy feat, i'm telling ya!...
Anyways, as at 0857 on the Perfect 10, Taufik is winning 73% of the nation's votes!.. way to go, peepz!!..... plssss dun forget to do so next week!!... ;)
hahahaa... plssss dun be mad at me for updating "details" of Taufik.. i'm in this Taufik-smitten mode... it'll be over by 1st Dec, i hope!... hehehehee... niways, I'm listening to Perfect10 now.. and i'm going "AWWWWWW!!......" if I'm his momma, i'm PROUD, babey!... he's sooooo freakin humble and he sooooo lurve his mom!... so, girls, if you're interested, u know who to "please" and the expectation you'd have to live up to!... hehehehehee..... and it's no easy feat, i'm telling ya!...
Anyways, as at 0857 on the Perfect 10, Taufik is winning 73% of the nation's votes!.. way to go, peepz!!..... plssss dun forget to do so next week!!... ;)
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
I'm bored... been chatting to Ms (horny) Gems from juz now... anyways, i'm now caught up with the idea of having a "Support Taufik" party cum hari raya gathering over at my hse on Wed, 01 Dec!... the only thing is, i'm not too sure if the results would be out on the same day???... anyone knows??.... coz if it's on the following day, i'll do the "party" the following day then... errrrmmmm...... so my dear frenz, u guys are invited to attend this "party" i'm having.... pls let me know your attendance via email for logistical purposes... thank u!
This place's life's sooooo pulsating... one moment the place will be buzzing with activity and noise, and the next, it'll be soooooo DEAD!... darn!... like now!..... where's everybody??!!... i wonder!!.....
Tonite, will be meeting my dearest Cikgu!!... we meet her once a year.. i hope she's still as strong as before.. hehhahaha... and i'll finally get to see how my friend's wedding card turned out... speaking of weddings - OH! DEAR!!...... i've got like weddings to attend to one after another!!... have i said this in my previous entries??.... errrrmmm... alamak!.. really feeling like makcik2 mann!!.... and feeling like everybody's getting married!! - when's my TURN??!... ahhahahaa.....
Anyways, mom has gotten me stressed out; asking me to list my guests list! DUUUH!... she said she won't have more than 200 guests!.... and now, she has 300!!!.... alamak!!... how to put all these ppl under one roof??.. really??!! and tat 300 has not even taken into consideration MY guests!!... and NOW, juz received an email from her - she's put up all the addresses of all the ppl that she knows and their labels!... like mom, there's 1 yr 4 mths left to the wedding??.... hahahaa... OH!.. dear mom is as al-freako as me!... hahahhahaa.... it's in the genes i tell u!!... hahahahaaa......
I'm bored... been chatting to Ms (horny) Gems from juz now... anyways, i'm now caught up with the idea of having a "Support Taufik" party cum hari raya gathering over at my hse on Wed, 01 Dec!... the only thing is, i'm not too sure if the results would be out on the same day???... anyone knows??.... coz if it's on the following day, i'll do the "party" the following day then... errrrmmmm...... so my dear frenz, u guys are invited to attend this "party" i'm having.... pls let me know your attendance via email for logistical purposes... thank u!
This place's life's sooooo pulsating... one moment the place will be buzzing with activity and noise, and the next, it'll be soooooo DEAD!... darn!... like now!..... where's everybody??!!... i wonder!!.....
Tonite, will be meeting my dearest Cikgu!!... we meet her once a year.. i hope she's still as strong as before.. hehhahaha... and i'll finally get to see how my friend's wedding card turned out... speaking of weddings - OH! DEAR!!...... i've got like weddings to attend to one after another!!... have i said this in my previous entries??.... errrrmmm... alamak!.. really feeling like makcik2 mann!!.... and feeling like everybody's getting married!! - when's my TURN??!... ahhahahaa.....
Anyways, mom has gotten me stressed out; asking me to list my guests list! DUUUH!... she said she won't have more than 200 guests!.... and now, she has 300!!!.... alamak!!... how to put all these ppl under one roof??.. really??!! and tat 300 has not even taken into consideration MY guests!!... and NOW, juz received an email from her - she's put up all the addresses of all the ppl that she knows and their labels!... like mom, there's 1 yr 4 mths left to the wedding??.... hahahaa... OH!.. dear mom is as al-freako as me!... hahahhahaa.... it's in the genes i tell u!!... hahahahaaa......
I'm doing my work with droopy eyes and very, very hungry stomach.. extremely sleepy now.. can't concentrate on my work now.. really!... anyways, juz found out on the news that Taufik's singing first instead of the supposed second!... DARN!... oh well!... it may juz be a blessing in disguise!!......
And it's been confirmed that it'd be R&B vs Rock!... 3 songs - idol's choice, judges' choice and an interpretation of a song that the winner will get to record later. I've made up my mind that if I dun get the tix by Friday, i'd juz do a "Taufik party" at home instead, with my parents and brother!... no BUTS abt it! and NO one's gonna STOP me!.... bleagh! *sticks out tongue* whoever's interested, "come lah, join the party!".....
I'm doing my work with droopy eyes and very, very hungry stomach.. extremely sleepy now.. can't concentrate on my work now.. really!... anyways, juz found out on the news that Taufik's singing first instead of the supposed second!... DARN!... oh well!... it may juz be a blessing in disguise!!......
And it's been confirmed that it'd be R&B vs Rock!... 3 songs - idol's choice, judges' choice and an interpretation of a song that the winner will get to record later. I've made up my mind that if I dun get the tix by Friday, i'd juz do a "Taufik party" at home instead, with my parents and brother!... no BUTS abt it! and NO one's gonna STOP me!.... bleagh! *sticks out tongue* whoever's interested, "come lah, join the party!".....
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Anyone watched last nite sick case in True Files?... tat was one of the sickest episode EVER!.... to think that it actually happened!..... YUCK!... they (the natural mother and lover) should be given the murder sentence and NOT child abuse!... PANTAT!!
EVENTS: found more than 140 cane marks on the boy; one was behind the neck which cause fracture to the spine; asked boy to eat own faeces, burn candle - hot wax over boy's testicles; a lot of open wounds - infected - lead to death due to blood infection or something!
VERDICT: Mother, due to low IQ, was given a light sentence of 4yrs 7mths ONLY!?????... Her lover was given max 20yrs imprisonment with 9 strokes of the cane (down from initial 12 bcoz he plead guilty!)
This is sooooo freakin absurd I'm telling ya!... it's sooooo stewpid! It's too light a sentence, i think!... to think someone with a sound mind could do that to a 7yr old kid!.. and to think that his (the deceased boy) own natural mother could look on and believe whatever was being said by her lover!..... it juz makes me mad thinking abt it!... blardy hell!!...
And the defence lawyer, the ever famous defence lawyer, I really pitied him... he has to defend the man because it's his freakin job to defend these sickos!.... really sooooo KENTOT!....
The 2 idols are on LIME's cover together with their interviews and a giant pin-up poster of them with Oli!... for those who simply love Taufik for him and adore looking at his face, do buy LIME coz he looks sooooo much better here than the ones in 8-Days!... 8-Days' photo editor (who does all the touch-ups of all the pictures taken) ought to be sacked!... the way he/she does the touch-ups - too MUCH!!... so much so, sometimes, it looked scary!... bleagh!..
Anyone watched last nite sick case in True Files?... tat was one of the sickest episode EVER!.... to think that it actually happened!..... YUCK!... they (the natural mother and lover) should be given the murder sentence and NOT child abuse!... PANTAT!!
EVENTS: found more than 140 cane marks on the boy; one was behind the neck which cause fracture to the spine; asked boy to eat own faeces, burn candle - hot wax over boy's testicles; a lot of open wounds - infected - lead to death due to blood infection or something!
VERDICT: Mother, due to low IQ, was given a light sentence of 4yrs 7mths ONLY!?????... Her lover was given max 20yrs imprisonment with 9 strokes of the cane (down from initial 12 bcoz he plead guilty!)
This is sooooo freakin absurd I'm telling ya!... it's sooooo stewpid! It's too light a sentence, i think!... to think someone with a sound mind could do that to a 7yr old kid!.. and to think that his (the deceased boy) own natural mother could look on and believe whatever was being said by her lover!..... it juz makes me mad thinking abt it!... blardy hell!!...
And the defence lawyer, the ever famous defence lawyer, I really pitied him... he has to defend the man because it's his freakin job to defend these sickos!.... really sooooo KENTOT!....
The 2 idols are on LIME's cover together with their interviews and a giant pin-up poster of them with Oli!... for those who simply love Taufik for him and adore looking at his face, do buy LIME coz he looks sooooo much better here than the ones in 8-Days!... 8-Days' photo editor (who does all the touch-ups of all the pictures taken) ought to be sacked!... the way he/she does the touch-ups - too MUCH!!... so much so, sometimes, it looked scary!... bleagh!..
Monday, November 22, 2004
Gosh!.. i think i'm going crazee!!.... crazy over getting a couple of tix to SI grand finals!... BoO!!.. purposely tuning into Perfect 10 to have a chance to win that pair of tix!... the qn - "Who was the first male idol to start singing That's wat Friends are for?".... hmmmm.... WHO??... WHO??... i smsed Taufik because he's the only one who can sing a thin note w/o breaking!.. hahaha.... i'm still waiting for the answer.... hmmmmm.....
On Sunday morning, waited patiently for SPS to bring both of them in... the PC on, my email logged onto as well... after the question was asked, quickly emailed them.. was about to email the third time when suddenly - "KAPOOT!"... power failure!!!.... AAARRRRGGGHH!!!..... but nvm lah.... 90% of me said "neeeh!.. u're never gonna get the tix!"... but there's still tat 10% of hope left in me and really hoping for a miracle to ever get the tix!!.... hahahaa.... wish me all the luck I can get!...
OOOoooH! for the rest of the freaky-jenggos like myself, if you haven't heard abt Taufik's blog.. go there now!!... he's a sagitarian, like ME!... no wonder he exudes such CHARM!... hahahhahaa.... ;)
p/s: aaaaaa!!... another girl juz got the tix!.. and my answer was right!!... *boo-hoo-hoo!*.... oh well!!... another try, i guess!!...
Gosh!.. i think i'm going crazee!!.... crazy over getting a couple of tix to SI grand finals!... BoO!!.. purposely tuning into Perfect 10 to have a chance to win that pair of tix!... the qn - "Who was the first male idol to start singing That's wat Friends are for?".... hmmmm.... WHO??... WHO??... i smsed Taufik because he's the only one who can sing a thin note w/o breaking!.. hahaha.... i'm still waiting for the answer.... hmmmmm.....
On Sunday morning, waited patiently for SPS to bring both of them in... the PC on, my email logged onto as well... after the question was asked, quickly emailed them.. was about to email the third time when suddenly - "KAPOOT!"... power failure!!!.... AAARRRRGGGHH!!!..... but nvm lah.... 90% of me said "neeeh!.. u're never gonna get the tix!"... but there's still tat 10% of hope left in me and really hoping for a miracle to ever get the tix!!.... hahahaa.... wish me all the luck I can get!...
OOOoooH! for the rest of the freaky-jenggos like myself, if you haven't heard abt Taufik's blog.. go there now!!... he's a sagitarian, like ME!... no wonder he exudes such CHARM!... hahahhahaa.... ;)
p/s: aaaaaa!!... another girl juz got the tix!.. and my answer was right!!... *boo-hoo-hoo!*.... oh well!!... another try, i guess!!...
Saturday, November 20, 2004
"oooooh!!.... soooooo cutteeee!!!"... we cooed... this 2mth old cutie is sooooo tembam, we really feel like biting off her cheeks!.... soooooo gerrram!... now she looks more like Lan.. not really like Murni anymore... but after a second look at the pictures, dearie said she still look like the mom... haiyah!... but wateva lah.. she's got cheeks that i could bite and leave bitemarks on!....
"oooooh!!.... soooooo cutteeee!!!"... we cooed... this 2mth old cutie is sooooo tembam, we really feel like biting off her cheeks!.... soooooo gerrram!... now she looks more like Lan.. not really like Murni anymore... but after a second look at the pictures, dearie said she still look like the mom... haiyah!... but wateva lah.. she's got cheeks that i could bite and leave bitemarks on!....
Friday, November 19, 2004
Anyone has tickets to the Singapore Idol Grand Finals???... aku nak!!... wo Yao!!!.... plsssss.... plsssss.... pass me a few tickets!.. i wanna scream, shout, coo Taufik's name and see him perform LIVE!!!..... anyways, i'm not the only crazy one... a certain 30 something i know, is also as crazy abt him as I am!.. hahahahaha!!..... ;)
Yana cam tahu je kiter nak nangis!!... hahahahaa.... takleh nangis sangat lah.. kiter kat rumah orang... pakwe pun kat sebelah!.. ahhahahaa.... buttttt he can't stop me from having cold hands and feet waiting for the results and goin' gooo-gooo-ga-gaaa and squeking Taufik's name!!!.... Go TAUFIK!!......
If i get to go, i'll print myself "Taufik, my Idol" T-shirt (see previous entry)!!... hahahhahahaa.... *siao ah??!!* neeeeeh!!.... I'll really DO it!!!.... so plssssss give me the ticketsssss!!!!!!!
Anyone has tickets to the Singapore Idol Grand Finals???... aku nak!!... wo Yao!!!.... plsssss.... plsssss.... pass me a few tickets!.. i wanna scream, shout, coo Taufik's name and see him perform LIVE!!!..... anyways, i'm not the only crazy one... a certain 30 something i know, is also as crazy abt him as I am!.. hahahahaha!!..... ;)
Yana cam tahu je kiter nak nangis!!... hahahahaa.... takleh nangis sangat lah.. kiter kat rumah orang... pakwe pun kat sebelah!.. ahhahahaa.... buttttt he can't stop me from having cold hands and feet waiting for the results and goin' gooo-gooo-ga-gaaa and squeking Taufik's name!!!.... Go TAUFIK!!......
If i get to go, i'll print myself "Taufik, my Idol" T-shirt (see previous entry)!!... hahahhahahaa.... *siao ah??!!* neeeeeh!!.... I'll really DO it!!!.... so plssssss give me the ticketsssss!!!!!!!
hahhaaa.... did this test given by Ms Sinus and this was wat was being said abt me and dearie...
Hari kelahiran (weton) Kamu adalah Kamis Pon.
Sedangkan hari kelahiran (weton) pasanganmu adalah Jum'at Pahing.
Keahlianmu di bidang bisnis akan banyak mencerahkan kehidupanmu. Hanya saja sifat takaburmu perlu dikurangi. Dan yang perlu diingat adalah jika kamu marah sangat menakutkan!
Dan ini dia kondisi keluargamu jika kamu menikah dengan Aduka...
Edan gila, keluargamu kelak akan banyak kebanjiran rejeki yang berlimpah.
It's all in Bahasa Indonesia... a bit difficult to translate lah... but niways, takabur ke aku nie???...
hahhaaa.... did this test given by Ms Sinus and this was wat was being said abt me and dearie...
Hari kelahiran (weton) Kamu adalah Kamis Pon.
Sedangkan hari kelahiran (weton) pasanganmu adalah Jum'at Pahing.
Keahlianmu di bidang bisnis akan banyak mencerahkan kehidupanmu. Hanya saja sifat takaburmu perlu dikurangi. Dan yang perlu diingat adalah jika kamu marah sangat menakutkan!
Dan ini dia kondisi keluargamu jika kamu menikah dengan Aduka...
Edan gila, keluargamu kelak akan banyak kebanjiran rejeki yang berlimpah.
It's all in Bahasa Indonesia... a bit difficult to translate lah... but niways, takabur ke aku nie???...
Learning to Sing: Hearing the Music in Your Life
Clay's first ever book is coming to town... when, not known yet!... but for all Clay Aiken fans, watch out for this book here!.... anyone who spots this on the book shelves, plssssss let me know or buy for me first!!..... hehehee... ten-tiuk!!.....

Clay's first ever book is coming to town... when, not known yet!... but for all Clay Aiken fans, watch out for this book here!.... anyone who spots this on the book shelves, plssssss let me know or buy for me first!!..... hehehee... ten-tiuk!!.....
The inspirational memoir is an account of Clay's extraordinary faith and will and perseverance, and an inspiring memoir by someone who became -- against all odds -- one of the biggest pop stars of his time. More info...
Thursday, November 18, 2004
ooooooh!.... yesh!!.... he IS my O-Xiang!.... lurrrrrve his first song, second and third!!...... lurrrrve how his voice for his first and second song, make my feet stand!.. hahahhaa.... and how his eyes lights up on his third song!.... he IS the BEST and he IS World Idol material!.....
I couldn't decide who I'd prefer to go to the finals between the other two... Oli.. the only problem i have with her is her performance... i don't feel anything - no connection, no hair/feet-standing moments simply because she don't have eye-contact on camera!... if she has, it's for a teeny weeny slight moment only.. she has to remember that there are ppl at home watching!...
As for Sly, wat can I say - toooo CINONEH for my liking.. in my bro's words - he's better off in Taiwan.. if he does make it to World Idol (CHOY!!!!), he's such an embarassment simply because, he will strengtened the others' believe that Singapore is actually in China!.... blegggh!... the scenario at home when he sings....
Sly: .... fine...
Bro: ..... it's finDDDD .....
Sly: ..... pi*ture ......
Bro: ...... piCK-ture....
Sly: ..... hel - p (silent p) ....
Bro: ..... helPPP ....
Basically, diction Sly... diction!.... he's got too much of a Chinese slang to do well in the English industry. And, plssss eh, Ken... he looks soooo much more scarier than Taufik!... sorry A'lia! Weileen! *sticks out tongue*... hehehehee.... but he does!.... and he looks more scary in that Phantom of the Opera song!... i can't believe he read the whole book to understand the song coz it looks like he not only understood it, he became it (the phantom!)....
Oh well!... we shall all see... but it's obvious who the judges want in for the finals... Taufik... and... at least one judge wants Oli to be in!!... hahahaha... tat was waaaaay too obvious!!... ;)
In all the madness of my "moving workstation".... i forgot to mention how sweet my two dear friends - Ah-Xin and Ah-Pei have bought for me as a Hari Raya gift... 2-in-1!... chocolate and a toy!!... and actually Pei, you're kinda rite lah.. the more i look at it, the more i feel that the toy look like me!.. hahahaa....
Gosh!.. after trying to update my blog but to no avail!.. at last!.. here i am.... i finally shifted to my new dept and trying very hard to make myself comfortable with the new environment... Heck!.. smaller cubicle, less noisy ppl, must report movement, no coming in and out anytime, no nice neighbour like B to shout out to, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, no Tee to bitch with no more!... so go figure!.... Oh!.. i forgot to mention one more thing.. my workstation and the PC is actually a freakin shared computer so meaning - everytime someone needs to use something on this PC, i may have to drop everything and let them use! yeah... i will definitely be comfortable in 3yrs time?!!.....
It's soooo depressing!..... Me and B (yes my neighbour B is here with me but she's in another room pretty far away and at least she's sharing the room with Mr TV!) including Mr TV, are having a cruel culture shock coming in here.. we're still laffing and feeling a tad uncomfortable receiving emails abt who's on leave and sending out emails on where we're going at this time, that time... Oh my God!.. wat was I thinking when I said I wanted to move?!...... obviously, old office wins big time over this new office!!......
This is my old workstation. Wasn't able to download the pic earlier bcoz the office PC's USB port cannot fit my fat USB driver..
oh well!..... i'm wishing and praying that we're moving out sooon and moving back to, if not old office, at least somewhere near the old office so that i can be nearer to Tee and RosmAman!... RosmAman coming back soon... early Dec.. haizzz.... no more "nak gi breakfast? ok? LARI!"...
You're NOT alone!.. received an email reporting a survey done on Singaporeans on their job satisfaction and work environment:
Singaporean workers like their work environment and enjoy levels of job satisfaction that are well above their Asian peers. But they are not happy with their employers' supervision skills and teamwork practices.
38% rate their supervisors favourably, compared with the regional norm of 41 percent.
Only 31% believe their supervisors motivate them to do better
While only 36% say their supervisors coach them to improve performance.
Gosh!.. after trying to update my blog but to no avail!.. at last!.. here i am.... i finally shifted to my new dept and trying very hard to make myself comfortable with the new environment... Heck!.. smaller cubicle, less noisy ppl, must report movement, no coming in and out anytime, no nice neighbour like B to shout out to, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, no Tee to bitch with no more!... so go figure!.... Oh!.. i forgot to mention one more thing.. my workstation and the PC is actually a freakin shared computer so meaning - everytime someone needs to use something on this PC, i may have to drop everything and let them use! yeah... i will definitely be comfortable in 3yrs time?!!.....
It's soooo depressing!..... Me and B (yes my neighbour B is here with me but she's in another room pretty far away and at least she's sharing the room with Mr TV!) including Mr TV, are having a cruel culture shock coming in here.. we're still laffing and feeling a tad uncomfortable receiving emails abt who's on leave and sending out emails on where we're going at this time, that time... Oh my God!.. wat was I thinking when I said I wanted to move?!...... obviously, old office wins big time over this new office!!......
This is my old workstation. Wasn't able to download the pic earlier bcoz the office PC's USB port cannot fit my fat USB driver..
oh well!..... i'm wishing and praying that we're moving out sooon and moving back to, if not old office, at least somewhere near the old office so that i can be nearer to Tee and RosmAman!... RosmAman coming back soon... early Dec.. haizzz.... no more "nak gi breakfast? ok? LARI!"...
You're NOT alone!.. received an email reporting a survey done on Singaporeans on their job satisfaction and work environment:
Singaporean workers like their work environment and enjoy levels of job satisfaction that are well above their Asian peers. But they are not happy with their employers' supervision skills and teamwork practices.
38% rate their supervisors favourably, compared with the regional norm of 41 percent.
Only 31% believe their supervisors motivate them to do better
While only 36% say their supervisors coach them to improve performance.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
A different schedule of events this year... the feeling of raya-ness a bit different.. with the lost of our paternal grandparents, the family (or perhaps, more so the mom) decides to organise a get-together at our house instead...
So, off we went in the morning to nyayi's house first.. but mom and dad couldn't stay long for the food was coming sooooon!.. so there i was, stayed practically the whole day, enjoying the company of my aunts and cuzzins and working on my make-up skills! (hah!)...
Back at home, the house was buzzing with activity as we had guests after guests of mom and dad.. your usual, regular guests talking their hearts out and doing a lot of catching up.. Dinner-time, dad's siblings came over for the get-together... and somehow, it felt different without nenek asking me where's dearie, when and where we getting married; while tok would be laying on the bed in one corner, sleeping or perhaps actually juz listening to the conversation all around him... hmmmmmm.....
It was also a different feeling; couldn't go to dearie's house on the first day.. felt guilty for not going but couldn't leave too with all the guests in the house... and now, two days passed without meeting him... sooooooo missing him now... he's got papers tml and it's the last!... cross fingers it'll go well for him... after that, it's hooray! hooray!... yeay!!....
A different schedule of events this year... the feeling of raya-ness a bit different.. with the lost of our paternal grandparents, the family (or perhaps, more so the mom) decides to organise a get-together at our house instead...
So, off we went in the morning to nyayi's house first.. but mom and dad couldn't stay long for the food was coming sooooon!.. so there i was, stayed practically the whole day, enjoying the company of my aunts and cuzzins and working on my make-up skills! (hah!)...
Back at home, the house was buzzing with activity as we had guests after guests of mom and dad.. your usual, regular guests talking their hearts out and doing a lot of catching up.. Dinner-time, dad's siblings came over for the get-together... and somehow, it felt different without nenek asking me where's dearie, when and where we getting married; while tok would be laying on the bed in one corner, sleeping or perhaps actually juz listening to the conversation all around him... hmmmmmm.....
It was also a different feeling; couldn't go to dearie's house on the first day.. felt guilty for not going but couldn't leave too with all the guests in the house... and now, two days passed without meeting him... sooooooo missing him now... he's got papers tml and it's the last!... cross fingers it'll go well for him... after that, it's hooray! hooray!... yeay!!....
A tot came to mind the other day... it's like we normally seek forgiveness with each other among our Muslim brothers and sisters... hmmmm.... didn't cross our (or maybe it's juz me!?) mind(s) to seek forgiveness from my non-Muslim friends.... so here it is.....
To my dear non-Muslim frenz....
on this good day and month, i'd like to seek your forgiveness should there was a day or two in the past years and beyond, which I may not be in my angelic self *flutters eye-lashes*... bygones, yah?..
P/S: To my cuzzin in London, here's from us to you!.... *muuacks!*
Saturday, November 13, 2004
The raya mood is ON in the house today as we completed the task of making ketupat and baking cookies and cakes...
The uncooked version... and the cooked....
The father and daughter worked real hard to do ketupat this year and we manage to get abt 80 ketupats!... YIPPEE!.... yesterday, we anyam. Today, we boiled it... can't wait to eat it tml, perhaps?.... YUMMMMYY!!!.....
Mum's fruit cake "sank" and we've decided to call it the sinking Titanic... she blamed it on the "wet fruits"....
I cut myself. And luckily, my baking sessions are over!
I've got a bump now on my scalp.. luckily it's not obvious and i'm icing it every 2 hrs, hoping that it'll go away by Sunday.
My first batch of cookies were too "baked".
with that bump on my head, something put a smile (a wide one at tat!) on my face... coz it's looking all too cheery for Taufik!.... was soooooo pessimistic abt his chances bcoz at a time like this, they had to make them sing something in our mother language... like i wasn't sure whether Singapore is receptive towards a Malay song or not.. plus the fact that the Malays are all bz with the last minute preparations for the coming hols... PLUS the fact that Ken is on "it" again and that the judges were not oh-so clear with their comments... but Singapore, you have made me proud... at least, it goes to show that you're not so tone-deaf as I tot u'd be... (hehehe... tui bu chi).. BUT one thing's for sure.. Ken, you need to be more "sensitive".. pls speak in English when giving your comments.. though it's Asian Pop and they're singing Chinese songs, there are ppl out there who's non-Mandarin/Chinese speaking... and to have Gurmit wrongly translated the sentence don't help!...
Gurmit: (during the live results) So Ken, you said that Sylvester was better than Jay Chou yesterday?
Ken: I didn't say better. I said clearer.
SEE??!!.... like we know and it's a tad too late to know otherwise, rite?!!!
The raya mood is ON in the house today as we completed the task of making ketupat and baking cookies and cakes...
The uncooked version... and the cooked....
The father and daughter worked real hard to do ketupat this year and we manage to get abt 80 ketupats!... YIPPEE!.... yesterday, we anyam. Today, we boiled it... can't wait to eat it tml, perhaps?.... YUMMMMYY!!!.....
Mum's fruit cake "sank" and we've decided to call it the sinking Titanic... she blamed it on the "wet fruits"....
I cut myself. And luckily, my baking sessions are over!
I've got a bump now on my scalp.. luckily it's not obvious and i'm icing it every 2 hrs, hoping that it'll go away by Sunday.
My first batch of cookies were too "baked".
with that bump on my head, something put a smile (a wide one at tat!) on my face... coz it's looking all too cheery for Taufik!.... was soooooo pessimistic abt his chances bcoz at a time like this, they had to make them sing something in our mother language... like i wasn't sure whether Singapore is receptive towards a Malay song or not.. plus the fact that the Malays are all bz with the last minute preparations for the coming hols... PLUS the fact that Ken is on "it" again and that the judges were not oh-so clear with their comments... but Singapore, you have made me proud... at least, it goes to show that you're not so tone-deaf as I tot u'd be... (hehehe... tui bu chi).. BUT one thing's for sure.. Ken, you need to be more "sensitive".. pls speak in English when giving your comments.. though it's Asian Pop and they're singing Chinese songs, there are ppl out there who's non-Mandarin/Chinese speaking... and to have Gurmit wrongly translated the sentence don't help!...
Gurmit: (during the live results) So Ken, you said that Sylvester was better than Jay Chou yesterday?
Ken: I didn't say better. I said clearer.
SEE??!!.... like we know and it's a tad too late to know otherwise, rite?!!!
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Yippee!!!.... Cannot wait!... And the traditional hari raya songs, definitely don't help in curbing my anxiety!.. haha.. To my dear frenz and Muslim readers of my blog, here's a lil something for you, from me...
Was pretty worried that your prezzie couldn't reach you in time yesterday!.. haha... luckily, it did and you received it juz on time!!... hoped you liked it and have put a smile on your face!!.. Wat come may in the office, may you be given all the strength you need to overcome it.. *muaccks!*
Yippee!!!.... Cannot wait!... And the traditional hari raya songs, definitely don't help in curbing my anxiety!.. haha.. To my dear frenz and Muslim readers of my blog, here's a lil something for you, from me...
Was pretty worried that your prezzie couldn't reach you in time yesterday!.. haha... luckily, it did and you received it juz on time!!... hoped you liked it and have put a smile on your face!!.. Wat come may in the office, may you be given all the strength you need to overcome it.. *muaccks!*
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Went out with dearie yesterday to get some last-minute make-up shopping done!.... hah.... at last i've got my prescriptives concealer which has changed it's packaging.. and it looks ultra nice!... and my bobbi's compact powder.... gems, i'm sorry i had to go first... i dun wanna look like a panda on Hari Raya later!.. hahahaa.. but we'll go when we go get our bonus?.. then i can go treat myself to that custom made loose powder!!.....
Along the way, we met some "beautiful" characters that coloured our nite...
1. crazy fella went around the make-up counters trying on the different products on his face!... we reached bobbi's counter at the same time as he does... i moved away from him coz he did look crazy!!.. and the next thing we knew, he took an eye liner and started drawing lines on his face!!.... in my heart, i ached!... coz it was BOBBI!!.... and after that, he went to the next counter.. sprayed perfum all over his head!... and strutted around with that "look" on his face!... SEN-CHING-PING!.... *shakes head!*
2. at Prescriptives counter, a guy attended to me... looked at him and nearly "cooed" loudly... "WAT BEAUTIFUL EYE LASHES YOU'VE GOT, MISTER!".... kalah aku!... too bad, yours is a tad too little..but whoa!.... i bet other girls would kill for eye-lashes like tat!!
3. We had a couple as our neighbour at Cafe Le Caire... we were both waiting for our food... the food arrived toooo slow for our liking... and the neighbour is getting impatient... when the food arrived, the girl complained that she didn't ask for wedges or something... and the other order was wrong.. when the waiter left, both of them left as well without paying!.... and both me and dearie said in unison - "at least pay for the drinks lah!"... *shakes head again!*
4. Four Mat-looking guys parked the car in front of us... but when they left the place, they on the most techno ah-beng song EVER and very LOUDLY at that!!..... how disappointing!... hahahaa.....
a.k.a Customer Service-less Cafe
Where: Arab Street (beside RH Fashion)
Taste: YUMMMMMY!!....
Price: Reasonable; Sheesha - $10
Customer Service: POOR
1. Order taking was slow!
2. Waiter/waitresses were NOT able to answer our questions.. eg
EA: Wat kind of sides are you talking abt?
W1: errrr.... i'm not too sure.. i'm pretty new here... sorry!
EA: oh!.. ok.. tat's fine... errmm.. wat kind of juices do you have?
W1: errrrr.... i'm not too sure... i have to check it out for you... *scurries off* (15 mins later) we only have Snapple...
EA: (to a different waitress while waiting for W1 to check out my juice) Wat kind of sides do you mean here?
W2: errrr....... not too sure... it must be like chilli sauce or something lah...
EA: looked at each other and smile... in the head thinking at the same time.. how can you charge us $1 extra for chilli sauce?!!!....
3. Order taking was WRONG!!
4. Food served was darn toooooo slow!
5. Because we were not eating in front of their shop or within it's area, we have to make-do with the lights from the street.. which by the way, was flickering!...
Great for lepakz corner... if you're not tat hungry... willing to wait, and juz wanna chill out with your friends.... coz the food's great.. and it's reasonably priced... BUT if you're the fussy sort, and can't stand bad customer service, pls DON'T go here AT ALL!!... you'll leave like that neighbour of ours!....
Went out with dearie yesterday to get some last-minute make-up shopping done!.... hah.... at last i've got my prescriptives concealer which has changed it's packaging.. and it looks ultra nice!... and my bobbi's compact powder.... gems, i'm sorry i had to go first... i dun wanna look like a panda on Hari Raya later!.. hahahaa.. but we'll go when we go get our bonus?.. then i can go treat myself to that custom made loose powder!!.....
Along the way, we met some "beautiful" characters that coloured our nite...
1. crazy fella went around the make-up counters trying on the different products on his face!... we reached bobbi's counter at the same time as he does... i moved away from him coz he did look crazy!!.. and the next thing we knew, he took an eye liner and started drawing lines on his face!!.... in my heart, i ached!... coz it was BOBBI!!.... and after that, he went to the next counter.. sprayed perfum all over his head!... and strutted around with that "look" on his face!... SEN-CHING-PING!.... *shakes head!*
2. at Prescriptives counter, a guy attended to me... looked at him and nearly "cooed" loudly... "WAT BEAUTIFUL EYE LASHES YOU'VE GOT, MISTER!".... kalah aku!... too bad, yours is a tad too little..but whoa!.... i bet other girls would kill for eye-lashes like tat!!
3. We had a couple as our neighbour at Cafe Le Caire... we were both waiting for our food... the food arrived toooo slow for our liking... and the neighbour is getting impatient... when the food arrived, the girl complained that she didn't ask for wedges or something... and the other order was wrong.. when the waiter left, both of them left as well without paying!.... and both me and dearie said in unison - "at least pay for the drinks lah!"... *shakes head again!*
4. Four Mat-looking guys parked the car in front of us... but when they left the place, they on the most techno ah-beng song EVER and very LOUDLY at that!!..... how disappointing!... hahahaa.....
a.k.a Customer Service-less Cafe
Where: Arab Street (beside RH Fashion)
Taste: YUMMMMMY!!....
Price: Reasonable; Sheesha - $10
Customer Service: POOR
1. Order taking was slow!
2. Waiter/waitresses were NOT able to answer our questions.. eg
EA: Wat kind of sides are you talking abt?
W1: errrr.... i'm not too sure.. i'm pretty new here... sorry!
EA: oh!.. ok.. tat's fine... errmm.. wat kind of juices do you have?
W1: errrrr.... i'm not too sure... i have to check it out for you... *scurries off* (15 mins later) we only have Snapple...
EA: (to a different waitress while waiting for W1 to check out my juice) Wat kind of sides do you mean here?
W2: errrr....... not too sure... it must be like chilli sauce or something lah...
EA: looked at each other and smile... in the head thinking at the same time.. how can you charge us $1 extra for chilli sauce?!!!....
3. Order taking was WRONG!!
4. Food served was darn toooooo slow!
5. Because we were not eating in front of their shop or within it's area, we have to make-do with the lights from the street.. which by the way, was flickering!...
Great for lepakz corner... if you're not tat hungry... willing to wait, and juz wanna chill out with your friends.... coz the food's great.. and it's reasonably priced... BUT if you're the fussy sort, and can't stand bad customer service, pls DON'T go here AT ALL!!... you'll leave like that neighbour of ours!....
Friday, November 05, 2004
cannot accept!!.... how could Sylvester and Daphne be safe?!!..... Daphne was soooooo flat and Sylvester was soooooo cinoneh last nite!!!..... urrrrrgh!.... seriously, at this point, i think the person to really "look out" for is Daphne... since she is what you'd consider as "your royal highness", she may jolly well welllll afford a thousand odd smses!.... like i said, i really hope to see taufik thru' to top 2 and if he did, i'll go all out to vote him in!... urrrrgh!... how come that cinoneh still in?!!.... dun understand!
to my dearest!!...... having his first paper tml... am sure he can do it!... pray for him, yah?... thanks!! :-)
cannot accept!!.... how could Sylvester and Daphne be safe?!!..... Daphne was soooooo flat and Sylvester was soooooo cinoneh last nite!!!..... urrrrrgh!.... seriously, at this point, i think the person to really "look out" for is Daphne... since she is what you'd consider as "your royal highness", she may jolly well welllll afford a thousand odd smses!.... like i said, i really hope to see taufik thru' to top 2 and if he did, i'll go all out to vote him in!... urrrrgh!... how come that cinoneh still in?!!.... dun understand!
to my dearest!!...... having his first paper tml... am sure he can do it!... pray for him, yah?... thanks!! :-)
Thursday, November 04, 2004
As my good friend smsed me rite after Taufik's second performance - "i tink4d first time ken made u smile".... oh girl!.. u're damn rite lor!!.... i was beaming after his performances... a memorable performance of his second song!... really!.... i'm still smiling... hahaa...
tee (or maybe the rest of you) may say - "go get a life!".... wateva lor.... i'm supporting this dude.. and i'll support him till the end.. i may not be the most die hard fans who will be more than willing to vote 100++ times for him.. but i'll still play my part as a fan who wants to see him make it to the final 2!...
P/S: and to my ozzie clan, the pictures are up!... click on the picture on the previous entry pls...
As my good friend smsed me rite after Taufik's second performance - "i tink4d first time ken made u smile".... oh girl!.. u're damn rite lor!!.... i was beaming after his performances... a memorable performance of his second song!... really!.... i'm still smiling... hahaa...
tee (or maybe the rest of you) may say - "go get a life!".... wateva lor.... i'm supporting this dude.. and i'll support him till the end.. i may not be the most die hard fans who will be more than willing to vote 100++ times for him.. but i'll still play my part as a fan who wants to see him make it to the final 2!...
P/S: and to my ozzie clan, the pictures are up!... click on the picture on the previous entry pls...
Weeeee!!... had such a grrrreat time yesterday, meeting up with the "Ozzie" clan (minus 1)!... ooooooh that ms Minus 1 missed such a great, great opportunity to catch up with the "in" thang that's happening in our lives!... hahahaha..... huh?!.. Ms Minus 1... notti! notti! Stood us up at the very last minute eh?.....
The nite went on without a hitch!... everything was fine EXCEPT at the end of the nite, after all that lafter and yakking, we decided to share a cab.... wat a MISTAKE!!..... walked from the cafe to Marina Mandarin.. but no taxi stopped!... decide to walk back towards Esplanade, in between hailing for a cab which has it's yellow lite on!... but was actually on call!.... and ended up at the taxi stand hoping for better luck!... hope... and hope.... and in the end, juz HAD to call a cab!... i hate doing tat!.. but wat to do?!... after nearly an hour, waiting for a cab... (plus the line wasn't even moving until they called a cab), we have therefore chop, certify and acknowledge that, that taxi stand, is the WORST taxi stand EVER in Singapore!!...
Another romantic affair..
Met each other 16mths ago through salsa class.. fell in love.. the girl - A malay/muslim. intelligent. pretty. the guy - A scottish. free thinker. "hobbit". considering converting religion for her. aaaaaaah.... the wonders of being in love... lovely!.... i can imagine the mother's ecstatic look upon knowing this love affair because i remembered distinctively, 4yrs ago, the mother said "si Z nie, takde matair.. tolong cik carikan untuk dia eh.."
my time here is almost up!.. have been called over to be relocated to the other place as soon as they've got a workstation for me!... yippee!... can't wait!!....
NOTE: I love Caffe De Paris food... it's YUMMY and all but it seemed that all 3 of us had the runs this morning!... is that coincidental or really, it's juz DETOX?!.... aaaaaaah.....
Weeeee!!... had such a grrrreat time yesterday, meeting up with the "Ozzie" clan (minus 1)!... ooooooh that ms Minus 1 missed such a great, great opportunity to catch up with the "in" thang that's happening in our lives!... hahahaha..... huh?!.. Ms Minus 1... notti! notti! Stood us up at the very last minute eh?.....
The nite went on without a hitch!... everything was fine EXCEPT at the end of the nite, after all that lafter and yakking, we decided to share a cab.... wat a MISTAKE!!..... walked from the cafe to Marina Mandarin.. but no taxi stopped!... decide to walk back towards Esplanade, in between hailing for a cab which has it's yellow lite on!... but was actually on call!.... and ended up at the taxi stand hoping for better luck!... hope... and hope.... and in the end, juz HAD to call a cab!... i hate doing tat!.. but wat to do?!... after nearly an hour, waiting for a cab... (plus the line wasn't even moving until they called a cab), we have therefore chop, certify and acknowledge that, that taxi stand, is the WORST taxi stand EVER in Singapore!!...
Another romantic affair..
Met each other 16mths ago through salsa class.. fell in love.. the girl - A malay/muslim. intelligent. pretty. the guy - A scottish. free thinker. "hobbit". considering converting religion for her. aaaaaaah.... the wonders of being in love... lovely!.... i can imagine the mother's ecstatic look upon knowing this love affair because i remembered distinctively, 4yrs ago, the mother said "si Z nie, takde matair.. tolong cik carikan untuk dia eh.."
my time here is almost up!.. have been called over to be relocated to the other place as soon as they've got a workstation for me!... yippee!... can't wait!!....
NOTE: I love Caffe De Paris food... it's YUMMY and all but it seemed that all 3 of us had the runs this morning!... is that coincidental or really, it's juz DETOX?!.... aaaaaaah.....
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Dah nak raya!... 10 more days!... and Syawal's here!... YIPPEE!!... lotsa food (obviously from everywhere else except my place), lotsa relatives, lotsa fun!.... the good thing abt hari raya is, you get to meet your relatives whom you've not met for a while... the only time you get to meet these relatives is during weddings or a funeral!....
So, really can't wait!!.... buuuut... at home, left with 10 days only and we still haven't started on any baking!!... let alone buy the raw materials!...mum dun seemed interested in baking anything this year!... but i wanna!!... wat's hari raya without kuih tart and my cookies, rite?!.... alamak!!.... hmmmm... i hope she'll go buy the stuff before Saturday so that I can idle my Saturday away baking cookies or tarts!...
there's this one stewpid manager from HR who may be feeling soooo freakin insecure it's irritated the hell out of a colleague and myself!... because, she kept emailing my colleague who in turn came to me to answer her stewpid queries!... sooooo freakin stewpid!!!..... all these unnecessary questions were asked based on "looking at the organisation as a whole"... WATEVA!.... like i know you did that to other ppl in your own dept lor... and now, here!.... WHY?!.. juz because my colleague's going over... who, by the way, is 10x MORE capable than you are!... and you're juz trying to find that soft spot so that you can prick, prick, prick your way and burst that security and stability that my colleague has of her work!... blegh!... if dunno anything, dun go poking your witchy hands into other ppl's business!... after all that licking and sucking, you still couldn't get your ass up to the position that a 25yr old can attain!.. now, what does tat say of you??.....
Dah nak raya!... 10 more days!... and Syawal's here!... YIPPEE!!... lotsa food (obviously from everywhere else except my place), lotsa relatives, lotsa fun!.... the good thing abt hari raya is, you get to meet your relatives whom you've not met for a while... the only time you get to meet these relatives is during weddings or a funeral!....
So, really can't wait!!.... buuuut... at home, left with 10 days only and we still haven't started on any baking!!... let alone buy the raw materials!...mum dun seemed interested in baking anything this year!... but i wanna!!... wat's hari raya without kuih tart and my cookies, rite?!.... alamak!!.... hmmmm... i hope she'll go buy the stuff before Saturday so that I can idle my Saturday away baking cookies or tarts!...
there's this one stewpid manager from HR who may be feeling soooo freakin insecure it's irritated the hell out of a colleague and myself!... because, she kept emailing my colleague who in turn came to me to answer her stewpid queries!... sooooo freakin stewpid!!!..... all these unnecessary questions were asked based on "looking at the organisation as a whole"... WATEVA!.... like i know you did that to other ppl in your own dept lor... and now, here!.... WHY?!.. juz because my colleague's going over... who, by the way, is 10x MORE capable than you are!... and you're juz trying to find that soft spot so that you can prick, prick, prick your way and burst that security and stability that my colleague has of her work!... blegh!... if dunno anything, dun go poking your witchy hands into other ppl's business!... after all that licking and sucking, you still couldn't get your ass up to the position that a 25yr old can attain!.. now, what does tat say of you??.....
Monday, November 01, 2004
Since earlier plans were canceled, me and dearie went to iftar together.. nothing fantastic... nothing lo-man-tik which i'd hoped for! (hehehee...) but nice as usual... after iftar, we went to Geylang.. and boy oh boy!.... crowded, but not as crowded as previous years... full of budak2 taiks who I doubt were fasting at all!... but were there juz to be there and be an eye sore... food you get were all the same... burger ramly, ayam percik, otak-otak, blah... blah...blah..
intention of going there was to fill our tummy with the yummylicious burger ramly, kebab and ayam percik but after walking the whole of Geylang, i dun feel like eating at all... not too sure if it's the crowd, the smell or the basic fact that burger ramly is actually banned in S'pore?... but at the end of the day, the food turned me off... but dearie said, since we're there, might as well!...
such a disappointment!... the feeling of being there is so unlike previous years.. not as lively.. not so great afterall!.. oh well!.. next time we go, it'll juz to buy food and make some donations??... oh!... we notice that the TAA charity box is getting smaller and smaller... it's such a pity that ppl have not been donating as much as they used to... even the amt of collection has dropped!... oh well!... who am I to say much more, aye?....
Since earlier plans were canceled, me and dearie went to iftar together.. nothing fantastic... nothing lo-man-tik which i'd hoped for! (hehehee...) but nice as usual... after iftar, we went to Geylang.. and boy oh boy!.... crowded, but not as crowded as previous years... full of budak2 taiks who I doubt were fasting at all!... but were there juz to be there and be an eye sore... food you get were all the same... burger ramly, ayam percik, otak-otak, blah... blah...blah..
intention of going there was to fill our tummy with the yummylicious burger ramly, kebab and ayam percik but after walking the whole of Geylang, i dun feel like eating at all... not too sure if it's the crowd, the smell or the basic fact that burger ramly is actually banned in S'pore?... but at the end of the day, the food turned me off... but dearie said, since we're there, might as well!...
such a disappointment!... the feeling of being there is so unlike previous years.. not as lively.. not so great afterall!.. oh well!.. next time we go, it'll juz to buy food and make some donations??... oh!... we notice that the TAA charity box is getting smaller and smaller... it's such a pity that ppl have not been donating as much as they used to... even the amt of collection has dropped!... oh well!... who am I to say much more, aye?....
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