reported by Mr Frankie Tee
The head of EP, Mr Aziz, tried to murder his co-worker, 47 yrs old Miss Lee, in a near fatal 'accident' on the treadmill this morning. Witnessed by horrified athletes and attachment students, Miss Lee was caught unaware when Mr Aziz 'accidentally' hit the space bar on the laptop attached to the quater-million machine, sending the treadmill to spin at a blinding speed of 10km/hr instantly. As a result, Miss Lee was catapulted to the back of the lab, hitting the ground with a loud thump, causing her to sustain serious bruising on her back and buttock. One of the students recounted the incident as shocking and unbelievable. Testing was delayed while Mr Tee, another of Mr. Aziz co-worker, was called in to maintain calmness among the crowd. Despite this morning's 'wake-up call', testing resumed after the commotion subsided. Grudges maintained between Miss Lee and Mr Aziz.
hahahahhaa... this is simply a priceless piece of "news" and tooo hilarious to NOT report it on my blog!!..... hahahhahaa... i'm still giggling uncontrollably and snickering every few seconds thinking abt this incident.... tee sure has a way with words and making it come to life!!.. hahahhaaa.......
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