Was asked to go to Fahma's room with Weileen's weak reason or come to think of it, no reason at all given as to why I have to go to Fahma's room.. so, i kinda guess that there was something up their sleeves!.... so, niways, Tee later came in with X'mas prezzie from him!... i've got double wat Fahma and Weileen got coz i'm the bday girl!.. hahahhaa... Thanks, Tee!!.... they took out the cake hidden on Fahma's seat... *no wonder she didn't sit at all! when we came in from lunch!*... and the rest, as they say is history!... ahhahahaha........
Thanks guys!.... u guys tricked me goooood!..... want to put up the rest of the pictures!... but can't send it via the phone (coz file too big?!).... seelah! never tell me to bring camera!!....hahahahaha........
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