As said last week, there's a part II to this... and here's our well-wishes to the 2 (oh! make it 3!) couples who wed today!..... lurrrrvely!!....
Sooooo jambu are you, it made me soooo geram coz Isabella don't take in "big" girls like me!... DAMN!..... but niways, the wedding was lovely, simple yet still memorable with the typical malay wedding style - the groom-block, the throwing of yellow rice with coins, the silat performance and who can forget the crying?.... hahahhaa.. mind you! it's not the bride's side who cried.. the groom side lah... very the drama mama but touching all the same!.... Congrats, girl!... may this union be filled with happiness and fortune and don't forget the BABIES!!... quick!...while i'm still into the makcik-wannabe mode!... hahhahaha......
Another beautiful, arabian wedding.... with the sambra (is that how you spell it?) dance, and arabic? food..... very nice food, nice ambience, nice dais and decor, and nicely made-up Kak Pah!.... oh!... and to the brother too!... i cannot believe how dearie can forget about his wedding when he got invited!... this is like the second time lor!..... he tot this friend's wedding was in 2 weeks time!... alamak!... i'm gonna have to keep all his wedding cards lah like this!.....
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