Mom and Dad have safely reached Singapore at 12nn today!.... a near heart attack as I didn't expect their flight to reach half an hour earlier than expected!!.... was doing my donuts and some more cleaning up when I found out abt the change!!....
My donuts were a success!!..... yummy!... kekekkke...... nyayi's soto ayam is also finger-licking goood!... and the troopers were looking pretty good after the bout of illness that hit them while they were there!.... the only person who wasn't hit with sore-eyes, cough, flu, blah.. blah.. blah... was MOM!.... amazing!.... they said thank god mom was there to nurse them.... hahahhaa.....
anyways, a lot of goodies got brought back!... mom bought hennai tubes and powder for me!.... weeeee!!... anyone wants??... let me know plsssss.... and who can draw the hennai for me?.... i wanna try the colour lah!!.....
freaky stories got told!.... one of my aunt, got attack - sexually! - by a that thing in her room and it followed her wherever she goes!.... this is wat we call - setan mentel!... and then, there's also another pakcik mentel in the group!.... eyed my aunt and kept looking out for her and all and mom had to keep him in check so that he dun try anything funny!... and the weird thing is, he's there with his wife!... unbelievable!.... "pakcik!... orang gi haji buat kerja baik tau!... bukan nak macam2!... GATAL!"
should be hearing more juicy stories when we gather once again... can't wait!!....
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