So why is he labelled Mr Nice Guy?... coz ultimately, he's the only person in the department who's willing to orientate Ms Taik after our move to our new "home".... and him, being nice, he tried to help me take out the computer cable...
try and try as he might....
for this.... but of course, to no avail!..... but thanks anyways!!!!..... ;D
is soooo huge... it didn't feel cozy anymore!... plus!.... Ms Taik's here... and she tried to be very friendly with me - i HATE it!... coz now, i have to be rude to her - like TOTALLY have to ignore her!... damn it!... B told me that she actually asked her before - "Wonder if Emi will talk to me again after this (the move)?".... HAH!... hello?!... wake UP!... even if you're the last person in the office or on earth, for the matter, i'll NEVER talk to you!.... geddit?....
So anyways, i always "kena" these things... coz on the way home, she actually took the same bus as me... i was on my second last stop when i saw her changing bus to hop on my bus!.... she didn't climb up so, on my way down, i was slowly scanning to see if she was standing anywhere near the door... and as luck would have it, there she was, rite beside the door!... DAMN!!!.... i went down.. purposely didn't wanna look at her.. and "tap! tap!".... urrrgh!... turned to face her, smiled curtly and looked away!!.... SHIT!... tat felt HORRIBLE!... but i dun wanna give her hope!... coz there ain't a slightest hope/light that i'm eva gonna speak to her unless it's official!....
God!... can someone actually knock some sense into her?... i dun wanna have to one day actually go tell her "the truth" coz any normal human being should have gotten the message by NOW?.... rite??....
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