Love that clay-ie, almost matte look (but the model really look quite pecah!)... not too sure if i can pull it off..
Anyone wanna join me in their "Style me Up" beauty sessions between 19Aug to 28Aug? Choose one of the session during the period.. Cost $30 for 2pax and it's reedemable with their products..
Hmmm... i'm itching to get BB's cosmetics!... been a while since i last splurge on them!... brrrrrr...... it's such a fetish i cannot get rid of!.... told a friend i've to stay away from shopping centres for the next 6mths!... errrrrr.. .. yeah! rite!... at the rate i'm going - "shopping" and eating, i dun think my "dreams" of saving more for my wedding and having less fats is gonna be achieved!!...
Anyways, mom spent her moolahs on me last nite!.. hahaha... ;D in abt 3wks, i'll be getting my transition lens soon!.... may just do away with my contacts for awhile.. maybe i should try to look eek for the next few months to my wedding.. like they say - u look eek before your wedding, so that on ur big day, u'll look different and totally fantabulous!.. hahahahahhaa...... *yeah! rite!* will NEVER do tat!...

ooooh!... btw, a friend is trying to sell these speakers....
brand new..
te new version of altec lansing speakers for ipod....
still in the package and not open yet.....
originally cost S$250.. now selling for S$220..
anyone? anyone?..
let me know yah!...
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