ooooh... it's not a racist remark... it's juz that come CNY, ALL the shops and i literally mean ALL except shops in Arab St, Geylang and Little India, i guess, is CLOSED!.... for as long as i remember, Orchard Rd is closed every CNY for that 2 days PH we get!....
Now, y dun ppl believe me??!..... where have they been these past years?!.. hah!... the only shops opened in Orchard Rd during CNY is the fast-food outlets and the cinemas.. I'm pretty confident town and even the neighbourhood areas are as dead as the cemetery next week!...
wat would be my plans those 4 days of holiday?....
1. Gym & toilet cleaning
2. Dinner at JB!... (yes! JB!.. first time after Mar 2004! I'm fucking scared out of my wits!!.. but since we'll be in a car with 3 other guys in it, insya-allah nothing will happen lah)
3. Play my latest PC game - Tabloid tycoon or something ilke that
4. CNY visiting.. my last year to get ang-baos! :(
5. A day at the future in-laws..
6. Wedding plans - seating arrangement, decisions, etc...
i hope these can be achieved!.... i wonder if shops are opened tml?.... i'd like to do some (window) shopping for my silver shoes and bedspread.. but i'm also pretty sure there'll be loads of ppl in town and any other areas since we DO like to do last-minute shopping!..... hmmmmm...
Friday, January 27, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
someone RSVPed and said "juz put my name as a yes.. but dun worry, if i cannot make it, u'll still receive my ang-pow".... errrrr.. did i put anywhere in my RSVP card that I want $$$$ under my wedding registry??..... freak!!!.....
but nonetheles, i do welcome those mooolahs!.... ikhlas kan?.... ;) haahaa...
someone RSVPed and said "juz put my name as a yes.. but dun worry, if i cannot make it, u'll still receive my ang-pow".... errrrr.. did i put anywhere in my RSVP card that I want $$$$ under my wedding registry??..... freak!!!.....
but nonetheles, i do welcome those mooolahs!.... ikhlas kan?.... ;) haahaa...
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Was soooo inspired reading an email Dad sent.. that i juz had to share it here!...
"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." - Rebecca, age 8
"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth." - Billy, age 4
"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." - Terri, age 4
"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK." - Danny, age 7
"Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss" - Emily, age 8
"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate" (WOW! we need more ppl like her in the world!..) - Nikka, age 6
"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well." - Tommy, age 6
"Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Brad Pitt ." - Chris, age 7
"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you." (what an image!) - Karen, age 7
"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget." - Jessica, age 8
Believe it or not these came from 4-8yr olds who were asked "What is Love?".. and the one that takes it home was a boy who had an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.
Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.
When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said
And if you notice, to these 4-8yr olds, love starts at home!.. esp to those who have kids at home, spread the love!.. it's normally the ppl at home that we take for granted!.. hopefully, with some love around the hse, a friendlier, peace-loving future awaits us!.. Amin..
Was soooo inspired reading an email Dad sent.. that i juz had to share it here!...
"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." - Rebecca, age 8
"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth." - Billy, age 4
"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." - Terri, age 4
"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK." - Danny, age 7
"Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss" - Emily, age 8
"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen." - Bobby, age 7
"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate" (WOW! we need more ppl like her in the world!..) - Nikka, age 6
"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well." - Tommy, age 6
"Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Brad Pitt ." - Chris, age 7
"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you." (what an image!) - Karen, age 7
"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget." - Jessica, age 8
Believe it or not these came from 4-8yr olds who were asked "What is Love?".. and the one that takes it home was a boy who had an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.
Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.
When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said
"Nothing, I just helped him cry"
And if you notice, to these 4-8yr olds, love starts at home!.. esp to those who have kids at home, spread the love!.. it's normally the ppl at home that we take for granted!.. hopefully, with some love around the hse, a friendlier, peace-loving future awaits us!.. Amin..
Monday, January 23, 2006
Had a good long talk with Dearest and we managed to settle some stuffs.. i guess it's all abt compromising... i guess there are juz some things tat are not worth the pondering and arguing!...
but both came to a consensus when we talked abt someone!!... urrrrgh!.. really!!.... such a disappointment!.... but bcoz i dun wanna ruin my day, my mood, i'm juz letting it go!.. but ooooooh.... juz watch out!... wat comes round, goes round!..... *evil smirk*
anyways, before i forget, i wanna say a biiiiiig, biiiiig thank you to Ms Insurance and soon-to-be-hubster, for agreeing to be our bridesmaid and best man!.... both me and Dearest appreciate the careful consideration that you've given to be our right-hand (wo)man.. i'm sure u guys would be GREAT!!!.....
Ms Insurance, juz words of reminder (i'm counting on you girl...)...:
:: pls be on time
:: wear make-up
:: dress nicely
:: no tripping while walking
:: jangan "over"
bleh tak???... hehehhee..... Mr Zee, we not so worried lah..... kau tu!.. kkakkakaka... ;) *kidding*
Okie.. now, i give you a choice lah... u want to wear bunga tucked behind your ear or a wrist corsage?.. as for Mr Zee, he got no choice - he'd be wearing a corsage!... but i guess he's optional depending on what he's wearing!.. u guys ada dress code tau! I'll tell u later!.... ;)
Had a good long talk with Dearest and we managed to settle some stuffs.. i guess it's all abt compromising... i guess there are juz some things tat are not worth the pondering and arguing!...
but both came to a consensus when we talked abt someone!!... urrrrgh!.. really!!.... such a disappointment!.... but bcoz i dun wanna ruin my day, my mood, i'm juz letting it go!.. but ooooooh.... juz watch out!... wat comes round, goes round!..... *evil smirk*
anyways, before i forget, i wanna say a biiiiiig, biiiiig thank you to Ms Insurance and soon-to-be-hubster, for agreeing to be our bridesmaid and best man!.... both me and Dearest appreciate the careful consideration that you've given to be our right-hand (wo)man.. i'm sure u guys would be GREAT!!!.....
Ms Insurance, juz words of reminder (i'm counting on you girl...)...:
:: pls be on time
:: wear make-up
:: dress nicely
:: no tripping while walking
:: jangan "over"
bleh tak???... hehehhee..... Mr Zee, we not so worried lah..... kau tu!.. kkakkakaka... ;) *kidding*
Okie.. now, i give you a choice lah... u want to wear bunga tucked behind your ear or a wrist corsage?.. as for Mr Zee, he got no choice - he'd be wearing a corsage!... but i guess he's optional depending on what he's wearing!.. u guys ada dress code tau! I'll tell u later!.... ;)
Friday, January 20, 2006
F#$%! F#$%!
i'm fucking sleepy, fucking bored and fucking upset!....
anyways, had some makan treat this afternoon and all i can say is... FUCK!... *sighing out loud* y do some ppl have to stick to the same old thing when we've got such a huge budget for it? we could have catered nicer food - lesser variety (yes..) but definitely nicer! the food's not enuff. it's tasteless. not enuff dessert spread to make the meal complete!.. urrrrgh!.... and.. and... and.... who does "ice-breaker" at the end of the session??....
that person is sooooooo not organising another makan session next year, i hope!!
i'm fucking sleepy, fucking bored and fucking upset!....
anyways, had some makan treat this afternoon and all i can say is... FUCK!... *sighing out loud* y do some ppl have to stick to the same old thing when we've got such a huge budget for it? we could have catered nicer food - lesser variety (yes..) but definitely nicer! the food's not enuff. it's tasteless. not enuff dessert spread to make the meal complete!.. urrrrgh!.... and.. and... and.... who does "ice-breaker" at the end of the session??....
that person is sooooooo not organising another makan session next year, i hope!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
I think u guys will be hearing a lot of whining from now on... i'm not so good at handling stress.. i blow up at the littlest things and whine and whine before i get to a solution.. i'm now worrying over the smallest details.. which are equally impt esp NOW!...
on my list of worrying things:
1. silver shoes
2. bed sheet & quilt set
3. decor for bedroom + curtain
4. wedding invite!
5. guest list!
i wish i can say it out loud here abt something that juz came up... but i can't!.... coz i feel like it's juz not rite!... but urrrrrgh!... it's fucking irritating!!!....
I think u guys will be hearing a lot of whining from now on... i'm not so good at handling stress.. i blow up at the littlest things and whine and whine before i get to a solution.. i'm now worrying over the smallest details.. which are equally impt esp NOW!...
on my list of worrying things:
1. silver shoes
2. bed sheet & quilt set
3. decor for bedroom + curtain
4. wedding invite!
5. guest list!
i wish i can say it out loud here abt something that juz came up... but i can't!.... coz i feel like it's juz not rite!... but urrrrrgh!... it's fucking irritating!!!....
You know how when u're soooo tired after work, u juz wanna be left alone?... i was at the bus stand when a (pretty shameless, i must say!) nyonya comes up and ask for $0.50!.. initially, i tot she wanted to change coins.. but when i asked her wat is it again, she said "You have $0.50? or $1 also can." ?????!!!!????
Conversation bet me and the Nyonya (N)
Rummaged my way thru my bag but i couldn't find my coin purse..
Me: Dun have a dollar to give leh.. couldn't find my coin purse.
N: (Her face turned priceless!!!..... hah!...) Nevermind ah.. $0.50 also can. I'll get some more from other ppl..
1min later...
N: Wat bus goes to Hougang Mall?
Me: 147
N: Not satisfied!... Argued some more...
Me: *boiling point reached!*
N: Wat bus go to Compass Point?
Me: I dunno..
N: You not from here one ah?
Me: I dun usually take the bus
N: (Giving me that look) oh!... you always take taxi one ah?
.... urrrrrgh!... nyonya!!.... wat's wrong with you?!... crazeee har???.....
And then, on the bus, dun you simply hates it when someone sits soooooooo "relaxly" (to put it politely) and leave a quarter of a seat left for others to sit on?.... blardy hell!.... if you're soooooooooo huge, you need 3/4 of the space, i'm fine... but if you're at an acceptable fat + ur butt dun look like it needs tat much space, pls eh!... be more considerate!.... sooooo annoying!....
You know how when u're soooo tired after work, u juz wanna be left alone?... i was at the bus stand when a (pretty shameless, i must say!) nyonya comes up and ask for $0.50!.. initially, i tot she wanted to change coins.. but when i asked her wat is it again, she said "You have $0.50? or $1 also can." ?????!!!!????
Conversation bet me and the Nyonya (N)
Rummaged my way thru my bag but i couldn't find my coin purse..
Me: Dun have a dollar to give leh.. couldn't find my coin purse.
N: (Her face turned priceless!!!..... hah!...) Nevermind ah.. $0.50 also can. I'll get some more from other ppl..
1min later...
N: Wat bus goes to Hougang Mall?
Me: 147
N: Not satisfied!... Argued some more...
Me: *boiling point reached!*
N: Wat bus go to Compass Point?
Me: I dunno..
N: You not from here one ah?
Me: I dun usually take the bus
N: (Giving me that look) oh!... you always take taxi one ah?
.... urrrrrgh!... nyonya!!.... wat's wrong with you?!... crazeee har???.....
And then, on the bus, dun you simply hates it when someone sits soooooooo "relaxly" (to put it politely) and leave a quarter of a seat left for others to sit on?.... blardy hell!.... if you're soooooooooo huge, you need 3/4 of the space, i'm fine... but if you're at an acceptable fat + ur butt dun look like it needs tat much space, pls eh!... be more considerate!.... sooooo annoying!....
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
oooooh.. i now need silver shoes!... damn!!!.... anyone has silver shoes to loan me?... i'm a size 9 or 10 depending on cut... i want open toes so that my inai can be seen and it must be high-heeled of course - a 3-inch stilettos if possible!... with diamantes!
brrrr... oredi running low on budget!.... and now, silver shoes?!... freak!... but i need them shoes to go with my baju!... hmmmm.....
Tip for brides-to-be: Look for shoes only after you've chosen your bajus!.... and never assume that black goes with anything!.....
Rosma!... need you for shoppiiiiiingggg!!!!!
oooooh.. i now need silver shoes!... damn!!!.... anyone has silver shoes to loan me?... i'm a size 9 or 10 depending on cut... i want open toes so that my inai can be seen and it must be high-heeled of course - a 3-inch stilettos if possible!... with diamantes!
brrrr... oredi running low on budget!.... and now, silver shoes?!... freak!... but i need them shoes to go with my baju!... hmmmm.....
Tip for brides-to-be: Look for shoes only after you've chosen your bajus!.... and never assume that black goes with anything!.....
Rosma!... need you for shoppiiiiiingggg!!!!!
Monday, January 16, 2006
i'm soooooooo in lurp with the services offered by Anggerik Impian!.. i hope they lived up to our expectations!... can't believe they're giving us a mock-up presentation!... oooooh.. la.. lah..... (say i'm a suaku.. but i've really not heard of a decor house giving a mock-up presentation before!)
y din we meet them earlier?!.... urrrrgh!.... now, i'm feeling extremely jealous that my Dearest may have a better decor than mine at a much lower price!... damn!.... but heck!.... his wedding is mine too!... hahahhahaa...... at least i get to have a say of the theme and design of it all!... hehhehee..... *Muaaaacks!* love u, my dear!....
Another exciting day is today!.... dam... deee... dam!..... waaaah!.. really tot i wasn't gonna make it to work... coz if i can't make it to work, then, wat abt this afternoon's appt??!!!..... *wails* was having the runs this morning like no other!.... i wonder wat i ate?!... al-hamdulillah, it got cleared after abt 3 rounds!!!....
i'm actually kinda hoping it's juz DETOX!!... been following my mom's manual of life - drink plain water every morning before brushing your teeth... been faithfully abiding by this way of life for the past week... i hope it's working!... hehehehehe......
oooooh... can't wait for half the day to end before i'm OFF!....... ;)
---edited 1215hrs----
in between reading the lengthy paper that i need to read up on and checking mails and wat-nots on the web, my stomach churns again!.... damn!.. i tot tat 3 rounds in the morning have gotten rid of wateva tat it needs to be rid of. Apparently, I was WRONG!....
damn!... damn!! i hope it'll stop acting up coz i dun want it to ruin my mood later plus it's very uncomfortable having a gassy stomach and anus - if u know wat i mean!..
i'm soooooooo in lurp with the services offered by Anggerik Impian!.. i hope they lived up to our expectations!... can't believe they're giving us a mock-up presentation!... oooooh.. la.. lah..... (say i'm a suaku.. but i've really not heard of a decor house giving a mock-up presentation before!)
y din we meet them earlier?!.... urrrrgh!.... now, i'm feeling extremely jealous that my Dearest may have a better decor than mine at a much lower price!... damn!.... but heck!.... his wedding is mine too!... hahahhahaa...... at least i get to have a say of the theme and design of it all!... hehhehee..... *Muaaaacks!* love u, my dear!....
Another exciting day is today!.... dam... deee... dam!..... waaaah!.. really tot i wasn't gonna make it to work... coz if i can't make it to work, then, wat abt this afternoon's appt??!!!..... *wails* was having the runs this morning like no other!.... i wonder wat i ate?!... al-hamdulillah, it got cleared after abt 3 rounds!!!....
i'm actually kinda hoping it's juz DETOX!!... been following my mom's manual of life - drink plain water every morning before brushing your teeth... been faithfully abiding by this way of life for the past week... i hope it's working!... hehehehehe......
oooooh... can't wait for half the day to end before i'm OFF!....... ;)
---edited 1215hrs----
in between reading the lengthy paper that i need to read up on and checking mails and wat-nots on the web, my stomach churns again!.... damn!.. i tot tat 3 rounds in the morning have gotten rid of wateva tat it needs to be rid of. Apparently, I was WRONG!....
damn!... damn!! i hope it'll stop acting up coz i dun want it to ruin my mood later plus it's very uncomfortable having a gassy stomach and anus - if u know wat i mean!..
Friday, January 13, 2006
I juz found out from dearest that there's a possibility of a change in his venue!... brrrrr..... he juz found out from the town council that the estate is having major renovation works - the parking lots, the surrounding! probably due to the GE that is coming up?!... hah!... of ALLLL times!... so now, we still cannot print the invites yet!!....
howell!.... maybe it's a blessing in disguise.. coz then, we dun have to spend soooo much on tentage!... i really dun fancy a tentage after knowing wat the costing is like!... i'd rather pay for an air-conditioned CC which may cost abt 5times that of a void-deck than to pay up to 4 times that of a CC and NOT air-conditioned!.... i hope they opt for the CC and not someone else's void deck!...
ooooh... may have a presentation later today... i hate presentations!... it still gives me butterflies and i think i'm such a klutz at presentations though others may think otherwise!... i really wonder how i manage to breeze through presentations after presentations in poly?!... heh!.. but hopefully, it's cancelled!.. i need to go facial today to start my fortnitely facial sessions prior to the big day!... if i can't go or cancel the appt, i'd have to wait till next mth to book her!... dun WANTTTT!!!......
I juz found out from dearest that there's a possibility of a change in his venue!... brrrrr..... he juz found out from the town council that the estate is having major renovation works - the parking lots, the surrounding! probably due to the GE that is coming up?!... hah!... of ALLLL times!... so now, we still cannot print the invites yet!!....
howell!.... maybe it's a blessing in disguise.. coz then, we dun have to spend soooo much on tentage!... i really dun fancy a tentage after knowing wat the costing is like!... i'd rather pay for an air-conditioned CC which may cost abt 5times that of a void-deck than to pay up to 4 times that of a CC and NOT air-conditioned!.... i hope they opt for the CC and not someone else's void deck!...
ooooh... may have a presentation later today... i hate presentations!... it still gives me butterflies and i think i'm such a klutz at presentations though others may think otherwise!... i really wonder how i manage to breeze through presentations after presentations in poly?!... heh!.. but hopefully, it's cancelled!.. i need to go facial today to start my fortnitely facial sessions prior to the big day!... if i can't go or cancel the appt, i'd have to wait till next mth to book her!... dun WANTTTT!!!......
Thursday, January 12, 2006
oh god!!... been having this continuous, never-ending email conversation with a few friends... and realised that i've got freaks as friends!... hahahhaha...
One is insistently irritating the hell out of me (at least)! pestering us to join her and the hubster for a nite of clubbing... and i dunno if she refused to get it in her head that WE minus 1 are simply not interested to get our ass anywhere near a club - let alone Q (a very long que at that!) juz to get in this very HOT! and happening club rite now!... very sorry my friend, juz need to let it off my system!...
And the other is insanely crazy (see the double terms i'm using.. yes! she's that crazy!) over a certain Mr "Sean Paul".. hahahhaa....... i hope she gets over him (though, i doubt it's anytime soon!) coz he reminds me of "terong" *eviiiiill lafter* and i can't bear imagining U with a "terong"!... *heartier lafter*
oh gosh!... wat friends!.... but i still love u both, k!.. hahahhaa... ;)
it's been raining since juz now!..... gosh!.. and of all days to start my resolution to drink loads of water!.. bad choice!
and as u can see too i'm rambling...i've got some things to do... and the one thing i'm very much procastinating is reading piles of documents to be reviewed!... ooooh!... noooo!... sooooo not looking forward to doing that!... in this weather, i can definitely see myself sleeping 5mins after reading one doc!.... my mind is very much occupied with my wedding arrangements!... and hence the slackness of it all!...
aaaaaaah!.... the weather has made me very sleepy.. such a good day to cuddle in bed and juz ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZ.......................
oh god!!... been having this continuous, never-ending email conversation with a few friends... and realised that i've got freaks as friends!... hahahhaha...
One is insistently irritating the hell out of me (at least)! pestering us to join her and the hubster for a nite of clubbing... and i dunno if she refused to get it in her head that WE minus 1 are simply not interested to get our ass anywhere near a club - let alone Q (a very long que at that!) juz to get in this very HOT! and happening club rite now!... very sorry my friend, juz need to let it off my system!...
And the other is insanely crazy (see the double terms i'm using.. yes! she's that crazy!) over a certain Mr "Sean Paul".. hahahhaa....... i hope she gets over him (though, i doubt it's anytime soon!) coz he reminds me of "terong" *eviiiiill lafter* and i can't bear imagining U with a "terong"!... *heartier lafter*
oh gosh!... wat friends!.... but i still love u both, k!.. hahahhaa... ;)
it's been raining since juz now!..... gosh!.. and of all days to start my resolution to drink loads of water!.. bad choice!
cold weather
XXL 0f water
= multiple trips to the loo
= very tiring due to long distance between my worstation to the loo!
and as u can see too i'm rambling...i've got some things to do... and the one thing i'm very much procastinating is reading piles of documents to be reviewed!... ooooh!... noooo!... sooooo not looking forward to doing that!... in this weather, i can definitely see myself sleeping 5mins after reading one doc!.... my mind is very much occupied with my wedding arrangements!... and hence the slackness of it all!...
aaaaaaah!.... the weather has made me very sleepy.. such a good day to cuddle in bed and juz ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZ.......................
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
saw the news earlier and GOOOOOSSSSH!.... nooooooo!..... daniel ong?... errrrr..... can't stand his chipmunky voice and act cute style!..... got a lot of money to give is it?... aiyoyo!... of all ppl!...
Y him??????!!!!!!
-----edited at 11pm----
Anyways, it's raining like YET AGAIN!.... soooooo coldddd!..... i juz hope it's not raining tomorrow morning.. coz i dun have an umbrella in the house!... darn!.... MUST go buy an umbrella sooooon!!! I hope dearest is OK, on his way home...
i can't believe Cassandra juz walked out of the competition!... stewpid, stewpid girl!... haaaaa.... sooooo best getting all dolled up everytime!... but it's also not best to be filmed w/o make-up everytime!!.... alamak!.... but heh!.... stewpid. stewpid girl!...
hmmm... ppl's been asking me if i'm feeling "it" yet?..... errrrrm... am i supposed to feel anything... yet??....
Dearest side has been asking me yesterday... and they all seemed excited... only like a dot of the clan was there to celebrate Eid Mubarak... another dot of the clan not arrived yet... while the rest of the whole jing gang? I'll get to see them on our big day!... and the dot that was there yesterday was oh-soooooo-kecoh!...... it's fun, yes... but errrrr.... i can handle a dot.. but i dun think i can handle the whole jing gang.....
but niways, yes..... yesterday's visiting made me realise that the day is getting nearer... and i'm asking myself -
1. Am I prepared?
errrrrr..... emotionally - i am... spiritually - may not be.. physically - have to shed 5kilos...
2. What kind of a wife will I be?
Hisham thinks i'm a queen control freak!... bleagh!!!.... well, i may be... but i love my husband to be and I will respect him.. and the one thing I love in this relationship is, he loves me juz the way i am - control freak or not!.. hehehe.... but i'm very scared i'd go "against" him... like when he says no, i'll go stubborn and pout and say "yes"!... errrr..... is that wrong??.....
3. How will our marriage turn out?
A happy, smooth-sailing one i hope!.... *doa many2!* we're both pretty stubborn freaks!.. plus we've got difference of opinion on almost entirely everything!... (a real wonder how we manage to go through 7yrs together!) through sickness and health.. till death do us part.. Amin...
4. Kids?
Some ppl are expecting me to be expecting and receiving a baby by Dec 06/Jan 07!... imagine tat!... while I dun wanna have a baby so soon.. toooooo soon!.... i hope their mulut tak masin!!! But i hope my mulut is masin now - I hope to be prepared to be a mother and receiving my new-born by/in 2008!.. hmmm... is that kinda late to have babies?.. or should I actually start reading baby mags to get myself psyched up earlier?..
There's soooo many things to think abt going into my next phase of my life... an exciting journey. no doubt. Now that i'm actually asking all these questions and answering them out loud is giving me the jitters!....
hmmm... ppl's been asking me if i'm feeling "it" yet?..... errrrrm... am i supposed to feel anything... yet??....
Dearest side has been asking me yesterday... and they all seemed excited... only like a dot of the clan was there to celebrate Eid Mubarak... another dot of the clan not arrived yet... while the rest of the whole jing gang? I'll get to see them on our big day!... and the dot that was there yesterday was oh-soooooo-kecoh!...... it's fun, yes... but errrrr.... i can handle a dot.. but i dun think i can handle the whole jing gang.....
but niways, yes..... yesterday's visiting made me realise that the day is getting nearer... and i'm asking myself -
1. Am I prepared?
errrrrr..... emotionally - i am... spiritually - may not be.. physically - have to shed 5kilos...
2. What kind of a wife will I be?
Hisham thinks i'm a queen control freak!... bleagh!!!.... well, i may be... but i love my husband to be and I will respect him.. and the one thing I love in this relationship is, he loves me juz the way i am - control freak or not!.. hehehe.... but i'm very scared i'd go "against" him... like when he says no, i'll go stubborn and pout and say "yes"!... errrr..... is that wrong??.....
3. How will our marriage turn out?
A happy, smooth-sailing one i hope!.... *doa many2!* we're both pretty stubborn freaks!.. plus we've got difference of opinion on almost entirely everything!... (a real wonder how we manage to go through 7yrs together!) through sickness and health.. till death do us part.. Amin...
4. Kids?
Some ppl are expecting me to be expecting and receiving a baby by Dec 06/Jan 07!... imagine tat!... while I dun wanna have a baby so soon.. toooooo soon!.... i hope their mulut tak masin!!! But i hope my mulut is masin now - I hope to be prepared to be a mother and receiving my new-born by/in 2008!.. hmmm... is that kinda late to have babies?.. or should I actually start reading baby mags to get myself psyched up earlier?..
There's soooo many things to think abt going into my next phase of my life... an exciting journey. no doubt. Now that i'm actually asking all these questions and answering them out loud is giving me the jitters!....
Sunday, January 08, 2006
At LONG last!!!!.... my internet connection is up and running!!... at pretty faster speed too at that!... HAH!.... lovely!!.... :)
now, wat's left is my SCV connection.... urrrrgh!!... it's not blardy working for wateva the reason!.... it's soooo frustrating.... i'm NOT gonna pay 152 bucks to get them SCV guys come and connect cable for the same thing that my handy-man dearest can do!!!.... bleagh!.... will have to call them up and juz hope that it's some programming they need to do on the other end!... *prays hard*
At LONG last!!!!.... my internet connection is up and running!!... at pretty faster speed too at that!... HAH!.... lovely!!.... :)
now, wat's left is my SCV connection.... urrrrgh!!... it's not blardy working for wateva the reason!.... it's soooo frustrating.... i'm NOT gonna pay 152 bucks to get them SCV guys come and connect cable for the same thing that my handy-man dearest can do!!!.... bleagh!.... will have to call them up and juz hope that it's some programming they need to do on the other end!... *prays hard*
Friday, January 06, 2006
Wow!... can't believe my prayers were answered.... good news came rolling in one after another last nite!...
First, i had my favours settled!... at very cheap! cheap! price!!.... :D then, we went to order Dearest's favour boxes and guess wat?... we were sooooo freakin disappointed when she said they dun do it anymore!.... and then while we were still walking (aimlessly.. since like feel soooo lost and dejected!) and was oredi on the escalator down, the auntie cam running from behind to catch us and told us they still do the box thingie!... the girl who told us was blur sotong!.. hahahahhaa..... we were sooooooo fucking relieved i tell u!..... So, we got our boxes.. and off we went to order the favours itself!... and found out that we can order in bulk and will most likely get our orders within a few working days!... YIPPEE!!!!.....
And juz this morning, i found another piece of good news in the mail!.... I'm now praying some more that another major piece of good news would come thru by lunch!.... that "major" news will determine the theme for the Sunday reception and am soooooo hoping it's good news!!!!....
Wow!... can't believe my prayers were answered.... good news came rolling in one after another last nite!...
First, i had my favours settled!... at very cheap! cheap! price!!.... :D then, we went to order Dearest's favour boxes and guess wat?... we were sooooo freakin disappointed when she said they dun do it anymore!.... and then while we were still walking (aimlessly.. since like feel soooo lost and dejected!) and was oredi on the escalator down, the auntie cam running from behind to catch us and told us they still do the box thingie!... the girl who told us was blur sotong!.. hahahahhaa..... we were sooooooo fucking relieved i tell u!..... So, we got our boxes.. and off we went to order the favours itself!... and found out that we can order in bulk and will most likely get our orders within a few working days!... YIPPEE!!!!.....
And juz this morning, i found another piece of good news in the mail!.... I'm now praying some more that another major piece of good news would come thru by lunch!.... that "major" news will determine the theme for the Sunday reception and am soooooo hoping it's good news!!!!....
Thursday, January 05, 2006
at last!.... i'm soooooo darn happy - i'm grinning myself silly! hahahah.......
ooooooh... now, i can't wait for the 16th!... choosing my outfits.. i hope i'll lose enuff to at least choose those sizes from the "smaller size" rack!... hhahahahaa.... *yeah! rite!!...*
haaaaaaaaa...................... if only good news come rolling in every minute...
at last!.... i'm soooooo darn happy - i'm grinning myself silly! hahahah.......
ooooooh... now, i can't wait for the 16th!... choosing my outfits.. i hope i'll lose enuff to at least choose those sizes from the "smaller size" rack!... hhahahahaa.... *yeah! rite!!...*
haaaaaaaaa...................... if only good news come rolling in every minute...
After receving a bit of a good news in the morning, it was followed with a bad one.... urrrrgh!... seemed like our wedding plans are not really falling into place as the day gets nearer....
My face is having a pimple fest on it's own..
i'm having headaches every nite..
not forgetting the recurrent "nitemares" of our wedding - from the solemnisation hour to the reception itself!
my period skipped last mth and came back with a "vengeance", i assume..
and i'm snacking MORE than i used to and supposed to!....
brrrrrrr.......... it's supposedly a 2-day affair between 2 people, to be shared with a few close ones but soooooo many other ppl would like to have a say in it and sooooooo many people are sharing the affair... i can't take this anymore!.....
i need this to be quickly over and done with!... i hope the next 78 days come and go in a breeze and we'll be husband and wife and life goes back to normal (only double! hheehe..)!.... but i WISH!! - i've not settled a few major (it doesn't seem that major then, but now that the date is nearing!) thing... gosh!... :(
After receving a bit of a good news in the morning, it was followed with a bad one.... urrrrgh!... seemed like our wedding plans are not really falling into place as the day gets nearer....
My face is having a pimple fest on it's own..
i'm having headaches every nite..
not forgetting the recurrent "nitemares" of our wedding - from the solemnisation hour to the reception itself!
my period skipped last mth and came back with a "vengeance", i assume..
and i'm snacking MORE than i used to and supposed to!....
brrrrrrr.......... it's supposedly a 2-day affair between 2 people, to be shared with a few close ones but soooooo many other ppl would like to have a say in it and sooooooo many people are sharing the affair... i can't take this anymore!.....
i need this to be quickly over and done with!... i hope the next 78 days come and go in a breeze and we'll be husband and wife and life goes back to normal (only double! hheehe..)!.... but i WISH!! - i've not settled a few major (it doesn't seem that major then, but now that the date is nearing!) thing... gosh!... :(
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
How can anyone be sooooo fucking selfish as not to let the friend attend another friend's wedding?!.... very fuck rite?!.....
My friend is already attending this person's afternoon reception at the church.. She's asked or more like FORCED to attend this person's dinner as well!.... is it my fucking fault that that person has not many friends to be her "jie mei"??...... yes.. this friend is one of your close friend.. but she is MINE too!... and YOU know it!... urrrrgh!... it's maddening!......
it's not so much as to whether she can attend my wedding or not.. it's the way that person puts it across to her that makes it sooooo maddening!!!... "Ok.. i compromise.. F (another friend of ours) can go to my church wedding in the afternoon and then attend her wedding dinner.. but you CANNOT!.. you have to attend BOTH afternoon reception and dinner!".... selfish bitch!.....
i've oredi have no good impression of that person.... now, this?!... fuck!!!.........
so dear friend, i shall not force you to come to my wedding.. it's ultimately your personal choice. i WILL be disappointed if you cannot make it (who ask you to have such friends?.. hhehee... ;) ) after all that planning and "excitement".. you can come on Sunday to Aduka's place but if not, i guess you'll have to make-do with the pictures and the videos!.....
How can anyone be sooooo fucking selfish as not to let the friend attend another friend's wedding?!.... very fuck rite?!.....
My friend is already attending this person's afternoon reception at the church.. She's asked or more like FORCED to attend this person's dinner as well!.... is it my fucking fault that that person has not many friends to be her "jie mei"??...... yes.. this friend is one of your close friend.. but she is MINE too!... and YOU know it!... urrrrgh!... it's maddening!......
it's not so much as to whether she can attend my wedding or not.. it's the way that person puts it across to her that makes it sooooo maddening!!!... "Ok.. i compromise.. F (another friend of ours) can go to my church wedding in the afternoon and then attend her wedding dinner.. but you CANNOT!.. you have to attend BOTH afternoon reception and dinner!".... selfish bitch!.....
i've oredi have no good impression of that person.... now, this?!... fuck!!!.........
so dear friend, i shall not force you to come to my wedding.. it's ultimately your personal choice. i WILL be disappointed if you cannot make it (who ask you to have such friends?.. hhehee... ;) ) after all that planning and "excitement".. you can come on Sunday to Aduka's place but if not, i guess you'll have to make-do with the pictures and the videos!.....
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Yes.. a belated wish to all!!..... May the new year brings all of us ..
.. new hope
.. peace and
.. joy..
as well as
prosperity and health
to last us a lifetime!..
This year, we spent it quite differently as singletons.. in the past, we'd be home, wasting the nite away in front of the tele... but this year, new year eve was spent with 2 of the gangz and their better halves.. ;)
First off was dinner at the latest appointed halal-certified eatery Ramenten (spelling dunno correct or not!) at AMK.. ooooooh... la... laaaa... the food is superlicious.. definitely an option to go to when we're at the neighbourhood..

Next, the very-soon-to-be-bride-&-groom wanted to go for their annual "see the fireworks" session at the Esplanade but was soon dissuaded by the Mat Bunga, to go karaoke instead... and off we went for a sing-song session ..

Here's a look at the 06 faces..

Yes.. a belated wish to all!!..... May the new year brings all of us ..
.. new hope
.. peace and
.. joy..
as well as
prosperity and health
to last us a lifetime!..
This year, we spent it quite differently as singletons.. in the past, we'd be home, wasting the nite away in front of the tele... but this year, new year eve was spent with 2 of the gangz and their better halves.. ;)
First off was dinner at the latest appointed halal-certified eatery Ramenten (spelling dunno correct or not!) at AMK.. ooooooh... la... laaaa... the food is superlicious.. definitely an option to go to when we're at the neighbourhood..
Next, the very-soon-to-be-bride-&-groom wanted to go for their annual "see the fireworks" session at the Esplanade but was soon dissuaded by the Mat Bunga, to go karaoke instead... and off we went for a sing-song session ..
It was Zam's virgin trip..
I'm sure he was a teeny weeny bit nervous.. haha..
And then the ZamAni couplet decided to sing something pretty outrageous and made Nazrin dance to the beat of the song.. guess wat song?... hehehhe....
oklah.. give hint... a duck song.. Answer at end of entry..
oooooh... and Dearest gave it his all as well!... together with Naz, they brought the house down with their rendition of "She's Gone"..
see the Mat Punks in action?.. very the semangat kentalans!..
Here's a look at the 06 faces..
ZamAni 06
BaiZrin 06
emiliAduka 06
Answer to the outrageous song the ZamAni couplet sang - "Itik Gembo-Gembo".. hahahaha...
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