Thursday, January 05, 2006

After receving a bit of a good news in the morning, it was followed with a bad one.... urrrrgh!... seemed like our wedding plans are not really falling into place as the day gets nearer....

My face is having a pimple fest on it's own..
i'm having headaches every nite..
not forgetting the recurrent "nitemares" of our wedding - from the solemnisation hour to the reception itself!
my period skipped last mth and came back with a "vengeance", i assume..
and i'm snacking MORE than i used to and supposed to!....

brrrrrrr.......... it's supposedly a 2-day affair between 2 people, to be shared with a few close ones but soooooo many other ppl would like to have a say in it and sooooooo many people are sharing the affair... i can't take this anymore!.....

i need this to be quickly over and done with!... i hope the next 78 days come and go in a breeze and we'll be husband and wife and life goes back to normal (only double! hheehe..)!.... but i WISH!! - i've not settled a few major (it doesn't seem that major then, but now that the date is nearing!) thing... gosh!... :(

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