urrrrgh!.... my suppliers are killing me!... they're killing me inside OUT!.. and some ppl here, (i think) simply refused to understand that i've done my darnest to explain to those damn suppliers wateva our concerns/issues are!!!!!.... wat the fuck am i supposed to do if those damn fucked-up suppliers refuse to address our concerns/issues??!!!.....
i've heard the sighs and the complaints on the new policy!!... yes.. yes.. i heard them all.. i also do lurrrrrrrrve to fucking sigh and complain to your faces but fuck! you couldn't understand, could you?!.... if you had, i wouldn't be hearing the same thing from you again. and again!
urrrrrgh!.. i'm fucking fed-up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............
My digi-cam wish list..
Wish 1: Nikon S4

Wish 2: Canon iXus 65
Wish 3: Olympus mju700
*sigh*.. would have to get one of these before our honeymoooon!.............
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