If u dun oredi know, Emilie was ousted last nite.. was i happy?.. quite. but i think she deserve to stay at least another round.. Jasmine should have long been out.. but apparently, her pool of fans is much more!... gah!!..
i also watched the Project Runway reunion special last nite and boy! i really can't stand that Santino guy... he's another confused man - not knowing whether he's actually a good guy or a bad guy?!!!... pantat!!!... but he does really crack me up with his silly Tim Gun's impersonation!!.. ahhahaha.... really hilarious coz he does it sooooo well!!!.... "Andre".. "where is Andre?".. hahaha...
oh!!!... i also started my first entry in this Project Blog ie Plog at work.. i think it's a good idea to share ideas with everyone through this Plog.. but of course, only if u have members who are active in Plogging!... ahhaha... it was pretty nervous to be writing abt WORK?! and sharing ur views / tots, and being urself!!.. hahahaa.... i dunno y i was excited cum nervous!!.. seriously!... hah!.. anyways, now that i've started to Plog, i dun think i should stop!.. hahhaa... we'll see how's the response from the others first, lah hor??.. hur hur hur...
talking abt work, i love this time of the year.. though we're invaded by a LOT of sweaty men / boys every other day, who, at the same time, robbed us of fresh air!!.... bah!!... but actually, who cares?!!!...... we get at least 2 half days free!!!..... weeeeeee.... best kan?.. best kan??.....
Friday, July 28, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
The following is my comments on the Idols wannabe. Words used may be harsh but are really meant as wake-up call to the contestants. Ardent supporters of any of the Idols are to read the following takes with maturity. You've been warned... ;)
1. Jay - too stiff. can't dance and not smooth enuff for the song. though i must say his voice was good!.. but ney... didn't work it for me lah...
2. Rahimah - pretty good.. but wat's with that tiny tiara and netted gloves??.. a real confusion - u trying to be the rock princess, perhaps???...
3. Joakim - u can't sing bro! so thank god for your showmanship and good looks!.. it covers all the "glitches" in ur singing ability.
4. Hady - still my favourite.. my 60cents go to you!!!.... i think u manage to choose the right songs for that voice of yours!!... well done!!... ;)
5. Emilie - actually, u did improve quite a bit!!.. but i dun like that stick.. and u still have that nasal-getai kinda voice and look that i dun like!!.... definitely not idol material..
6. Paul - i think u cannot cut off that fringe coz i dun think u look good with ur eyes "open"!... i cannot help but compare your Moondance version with Taufik's version.. totally nowhere near how he had sang it!.. and he did superbly marvelous with the song!... try harder!
7. Jonathan - another monotonous song!... zzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzz...... but i can see all the girls "falling" for that muka ada sikit punya mandi look yesterday!
8. Jasmine - weakest contestant (from day 1), no melody, no ooomph.. deserve to be ousted this week!
9. Nurul - i thought she did well. even if she had sounded like a lounge singer (as claimed by Ken), she's BETTER than Jasmine - anyone dare to challenge that fact??
10. Mathilda - definitely the BEST for the night!... powerful lungs u have there, dear.. congrats!!..
On to a more delectable reality tv series - Project Runway!... gosh!.. really feel like slapping that Santino!... poor Nick!.. Santino's plain fucking lucky that he's got in!.. Stewpid Kara didn't say anything abt the seams falling off and those things that got glued on!.... stewpid, stewpid, Kara!... i would lovvveee for Daniel to win it!.. but blardy hell, i have to watch Miss Universe, and if i'm right, Daniel's not the winner!!!... blardy hell!!!!.......
The following is my comments on the Idols wannabe. Words used may be harsh but are really meant as wake-up call to the contestants. Ardent supporters of any of the Idols are to read the following takes with maturity. You've been warned... ;)
1. Jay - too stiff. can't dance and not smooth enuff for the song. though i must say his voice was good!.. but ney... didn't work it for me lah...
2. Rahimah - pretty good.. but wat's with that tiny tiara and netted gloves??.. a real confusion - u trying to be the rock princess, perhaps???...
3. Joakim - u can't sing bro! so thank god for your showmanship and good looks!.. it covers all the "glitches" in ur singing ability.
4. Hady - still my favourite.. my 60cents go to you!!!.... i think u manage to choose the right songs for that voice of yours!!... well done!!... ;)
5. Emilie - actually, u did improve quite a bit!!.. but i dun like that stick.. and u still have that nasal-getai kinda voice and look that i dun like!!.... definitely not idol material..
6. Paul - i think u cannot cut off that fringe coz i dun think u look good with ur eyes "open"!... i cannot help but compare your Moondance version with Taufik's version.. totally nowhere near how he had sang it!.. and he did superbly marvelous with the song!... try harder!
7. Jonathan - another monotonous song!... zzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzz...... but i can see all the girls "falling" for that muka ada sikit punya mandi look yesterday!
8. Jasmine - weakest contestant (from day 1), no melody, no ooomph.. deserve to be ousted this week!
9. Nurul - i thought she did well. even if she had sounded like a lounge singer (as claimed by Ken), she's BETTER than Jasmine - anyone dare to challenge that fact??
10. Mathilda - definitely the BEST for the night!... powerful lungs u have there, dear.. congrats!!..
On to a more delectable reality tv series - Project Runway!... gosh!.. really feel like slapping that Santino!... poor Nick!.. Santino's plain fucking lucky that he's got in!.. Stewpid Kara didn't say anything abt the seams falling off and those things that got glued on!.... stewpid, stewpid, Kara!... i would lovvveee for Daniel to win it!.. but blardy hell, i have to watch Miss Universe, and if i'm right, Daniel's not the winner!!!... blardy hell!!!!.......
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
waaaah!... went to the dentist yesterday and had an X-ray to my mouth... annnnnd found ALL 4 of my wisdom teeth are OUT!!!..... annnnnnd it's still down under the gums!!... :( annnnnd if that's not bad enuff, both the lower teeth are long and huge and are hitting my nerves!!!!....... uweeeekk!!!!...... this is sooooo fucking scary!!.... if i lose those nerves, my jaw will be numbed!!....
so, i'm quite caught in a dilemma... to go or not to go.. i dun think it's a dilemma coz i dun think i'm in a position to choose, looking at the state of my poor 2 teeth trying to come out! and i'm pretty sure the surgeon would ask me to do the op as soon as possible since i'm experiencing discomfort more often now..
brrrrr... but i'm sooooo scared lor!!..... i'm oredi looking like one big pau!!... if i were to take out both the lower ones first, i'll look like 2 big paus!!!..... :( sedihnyeeeeee!!!....
waaaah!... went to the dentist yesterday and had an X-ray to my mouth... annnnnd found ALL 4 of my wisdom teeth are OUT!!!..... annnnnnd it's still down under the gums!!... :( annnnnd if that's not bad enuff, both the lower teeth are long and huge and are hitting my nerves!!!!....... uweeeekk!!!!...... this is sooooo fucking scary!!.... if i lose those nerves, my jaw will be numbed!!....
so, i'm quite caught in a dilemma... to go or not to go.. i dun think it's a dilemma coz i dun think i'm in a position to choose, looking at the state of my poor 2 teeth trying to come out! and i'm pretty sure the surgeon would ask me to do the op as soon as possible since i'm experiencing discomfort more often now..
brrrrr... but i'm sooooo scared lor!!..... i'm oredi looking like one big pau!!... if i were to take out both the lower ones first, i'll look like 2 big paus!!!..... :( sedihnyeeeeee!!!....
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
i went for an eye check-up yesterday since i was changing my lenses... annnnnddd... guess wat?!!!!..... my power went up - AGAIN!!!.... i'm now having a degree of 700 for my right with an astig of 75!!.... fuck!!..... wat's happening to my eyes?!!!!...
it's very scary that it can reach that high!... i need to practise resting my eyes every hour or so!!... brrrrr.... now, even if i want to have lasics done, i bloody can't do it!!!..... bah!... i need to spend some more money on new lens for my glasses.. and bcoz of my high degree, i've to spend extra for super thin lenses - for the sake of vanity!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang.. there goes my bonusssss..... :(
i went for an eye check-up yesterday since i was changing my lenses... annnnnddd... guess wat?!!!!..... my power went up - AGAIN!!!.... i'm now having a degree of 700 for my right with an astig of 75!!.... fuck!!..... wat's happening to my eyes?!!!!...
it's very scary that it can reach that high!... i need to practise resting my eyes every hour or so!!... brrrrr.... now, even if i want to have lasics done, i bloody can't do it!!!..... bah!... i need to spend some more money on new lens for my glasses.. and bcoz of my high degree, i've to spend extra for super thin lenses - for the sake of vanity!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang.. there goes my bonusssss..... :(
Monday, July 24, 2006
I took off on Friday and lead the life of a wannabe tai tai.. and mannnn, i oh-so-love-it!!... i think it gives me a greater satisfaction than wat i'm currently doing at work!.. hah!.. but it doesn't really pay that well, though!... :(
anyways, wat did i do that day?!.... i tried out 2 new recipes! - chicken rice with lemon chicken and bread and butter pudding... the lemon chicken turned out HARD!!... bleagh!.. but the seasoning was GREAT!!... the bread and butter pudding was a smashing success!!!.... i sooooo love my bread and butter pudding!!!...... but i can't do it everyday now, can i??... it's too sweet and fattening!!....
The MIL have voiced out how much Dearest have put on ever since we got married.. well, isn't it good, mother Dearest??... i'm feeding him well..hehhhe... but of course, that made him paranoid.. and so, i'm disallowed to make anything too fattening!!... baaah!...
anyways, i have a problem with my eyes!!.. it seems that i have to use my contact lens to put on make-up and to go out!!.... i'm using my glasses now coz my supply of contacts is finished!.. but everytime i put on make-up esp my concealer, i'll tear.. and then, on the bike, i'll tear again!!!... and it's not juz teary-eyed!.. it's like real crying from the sting!!.... urrrgh!!.. by the end of the trip, my make-up will be ruined and i've to reapply those damn concealers agaiN!!.... irritating!!.... urrrrgh!!... looks like i have to go see the Doc again!!... i wonder why my body's acting oh-so-strangely these couple of months?!!!.... really?!... from the piles to the dot on my back to the flu and now, to the eyes!!...
I took off on Friday and lead the life of a wannabe tai tai.. and mannnn, i oh-so-love-it!!... i think it gives me a greater satisfaction than wat i'm currently doing at work!.. hah!.. but it doesn't really pay that well, though!... :(
anyways, wat did i do that day?!.... i tried out 2 new recipes! - chicken rice with lemon chicken and bread and butter pudding... the lemon chicken turned out HARD!!... bleagh!.. but the seasoning was GREAT!!... the bread and butter pudding was a smashing success!!!.... i sooooo love my bread and butter pudding!!!...... but i can't do it everyday now, can i??... it's too sweet and fattening!!....
The MIL have voiced out how much Dearest have put on ever since we got married.. well, isn't it good, mother Dearest??... i'm feeding him well..hehhhe... but of course, that made him paranoid.. and so, i'm disallowed to make anything too fattening!!... baaah!...
anyways, i have a problem with my eyes!!.. it seems that i have to use my contact lens to put on make-up and to go out!!.... i'm using my glasses now coz my supply of contacts is finished!.. but everytime i put on make-up esp my concealer, i'll tear.. and then, on the bike, i'll tear again!!!... and it's not juz teary-eyed!.. it's like real crying from the sting!!.... urrrgh!!.. by the end of the trip, my make-up will be ruined and i've to reapply those damn concealers agaiN!!.... irritating!!.... urrrrgh!!... looks like i have to go see the Doc again!!... i wonder why my body's acting oh-so-strangely these couple of months?!!!.... really?!... from the piles to the dot on my back to the flu and now, to the eyes!!...
Thursday, July 20, 2006

been a while since i last went out with those 2 girlfrenz of mine!... and so, we met up with the bday girl and her brand new car!....
let me tell u something weird abt this car... look at the picture and tell me wat's weird!!

this car is definitely striked off my list of potential car to be owned!!.... the main reason why there SHOULD be a mirror on the passenger side is so that i, as a passenger, can do my make-up in the car on my way to work so that i can make a good breakfast for the hubby before leaving for work!!....
but niways, i dun think she's with me on that one!.. hahha.. tat's y the mirror's on her side of the car!!... kekekekek..... but wateva it is, Koh Pei Pei (in my most "teeiii" voice..),

been a while since i last went out with those 2 girlfrenz of mine!... and so, we met up with the bday girl and her brand new car!....
let me tell u something weird abt this car... look at the picture and tell me wat's weird!!
can u see wat i see???... hahhahhaa......
there's no mirror at the passenger side of the car!!!..... the mirror is on the driver's side!!!... oh my gawd!!... wat a vain driver this woman driver is!!!... haahhaa... i tot the driver's not supposed to be distracted??... alamak!!!.... how come ah?.. i still dun understand leh!!!this car is definitely striked off my list of potential car to be owned!!.... the main reason why there SHOULD be a mirror on the passenger side is so that i, as a passenger, can do my make-up in the car on my way to work so that i can make a good breakfast for the hubby before leaving for work!!....
but niways, i dun think she's with me on that one!.. hahha.. tat's y the mirror's on her side of the car!!... kekekekek..... but wateva it is, Koh Pei Pei (in my most "teeiii" voice..),
hope u enjoyed the evening with us yesterday!
may more wealth and sleep-time come your way!!...
oh!.. may u see the sexiness in "Ah-Xiang" tei-ness too!..
love u lots!!!.... *muacks!!*
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
oh!... busy days are rolling my way!!... it's my buddy's last day today and i have officially taken over her duties... my buddy's at her workstation throwing all her "collections" accumulated over the past 6 years...
it's a weird, weird feeling that come tomorrow, i will not be greeted with her unusual "greeting" - yah! only she will greet the way she greets me in the morning! No more lunch kaki as well - a good reason for me to go start fasting starting next week! no more making fun of her quirkiness - BOOO!
but will definitely congratulate her for making the much-awaited move.. i juz hope that it's for the better.. and she'll enjoy her work at the new place.. make sure no regrets, girl!!.... will definitely miss her!!!!.... keep in touch, hor!!!.....
on a much lighter note, me and Dearest went to take a peek at our love nest.. and my oh my!!.. how excited we were to see a teeny weeny bit of the towers already ready!!!.... we think that wat we saw may be used as showrooms coz then, they can tear down the current showroom and build towers there mah.. but oooooh!... how exciting!!!... i hope that it'll be as beautiful as how we imagine it to be!!!..... ;) and definitely wish to get the house as soon as possible!!... we juz CAN'T wait!!!..... hahahaa...
oh!... busy days are rolling my way!!... it's my buddy's last day today and i have officially taken over her duties... my buddy's at her workstation throwing all her "collections" accumulated over the past 6 years...
it's a weird, weird feeling that come tomorrow, i will not be greeted with her unusual "greeting" - yah! only she will greet the way she greets me in the morning! No more lunch kaki as well - a good reason for me to go start fasting starting next week! no more making fun of her quirkiness - BOOO!
but will definitely congratulate her for making the much-awaited move.. i juz hope that it's for the better.. and she'll enjoy her work at the new place.. make sure no regrets, girl!!.... will definitely miss her!!!!.... keep in touch, hor!!!.....
on a much lighter note, me and Dearest went to take a peek at our love nest.. and my oh my!!.. how excited we were to see a teeny weeny bit of the towers already ready!!!.... we think that wat we saw may be used as showrooms coz then, they can tear down the current showroom and build towers there mah.. but oooooh!... how exciting!!!... i hope that it'll be as beautiful as how we imagine it to be!!!..... ;) and definitely wish to get the house as soon as possible!!... we juz CAN'T wait!!!..... hahahaa...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Y is it that it's always oh-so-difficult to buy a gift for men?!... well, at least i always have this problem!!.... i can't seem to find anything nice to get for my guy frenz!.. i even have difficulty getting something for my own father and brother!....
wat is it do men want?... i know they're not "impractical" like most of us girls!... for one, i'll go cooing over a cute lil' frame or anything fancy and unique but oh-so-not practical!...
we're now looking for a gift for one of the men in the office... and we really can't think of anything practical to get for him!... it's for a farewell gift.. but we dun wanna give him a pen as we dun think he really needs it or cares for it!.... hmmm.... wat can we get him?!!... any suggestions??...
Y is it that it's always oh-so-difficult to buy a gift for men?!... well, at least i always have this problem!!.... i can't seem to find anything nice to get for my guy frenz!.. i even have difficulty getting something for my own father and brother!....
wat is it do men want?... i know they're not "impractical" like most of us girls!... for one, i'll go cooing over a cute lil' frame or anything fancy and unique but oh-so-not practical!...
we're now looking for a gift for one of the men in the office... and we really can't think of anything practical to get for him!... it's for a farewell gift.. but we dun wanna give him a pen as we dun think he really needs it or cares for it!.... hmmm.... wat can we get him?!!... any suggestions??...
Monday, July 17, 2006
We started off the weekend with a chocolate dinner at Fullerton.. hmmm... really?.. wat can i say?.. i dun think it was worth $32++ per pax for that choc buffet!... the next time we're going is if we get another $150 dining voucher!!...
Can't really decide wat to pick.. there's quite a limited variety! :(
but we definitely had fun dipping our food into that sinfully flowing choc fondue!..
but before you end for the nite, make sure to try out their hot choc!. they'll do it for you on the spot and it's all CHOC and milk!!... soooooo suuuuweeeettt!!! ;)
oh!.. and they definitely have gigantic kois!!... they were all swarming around here coz they tot that the lil' girl was gonna feed them!!...
and then the next day was well-spent with the girl-friends and family minus my Dearest coz he's got to go paint the bro's new house.. and spending time with my only god-daughter is definitely worth that time spent away from the hubster!! ;)
The girls and the birthday boy!.. can see the 2 pregnant ladies on the left??... okie.. maybe next time eh?... hehehe...
Syaza is clearly having fun taking pictures *juz like the mother!* but Nurul juz looked shocked! hahaha...
from here, we all can see how vain she really is!!... she's already learning how to use a lipstick?!!...
and this picture was taken because she INSISTED on having a picture taken!!... how mentel!!... and how becoming of her mother!!!.... hahahaa.... oklah.. at least her hair dun look like a tupee now!.. hhhahhaha... dah!.. jgn potong rambut dia!!...
and rite after she was bathed and had a change in diapers, she went pooh pooh.. hahhaha.....
how much she's grown.. sooooo proud of this lil' girl!!!.....
We started off the weekend with a chocolate dinner at Fullerton.. hmmm... really?.. wat can i say?.. i dun think it was worth $32++ per pax for that choc buffet!... the next time we're going is if we get another $150 dining voucher!!...
and then the next day was well-spent with the girl-friends and family minus my Dearest coz he's got to go paint the bro's new house.. and spending time with my only god-daughter is definitely worth that time spent away from the hubster!! ;)
how much she's grown.. sooooo proud of this lil' girl!!!.....
Friday, July 14, 2006
It was quite a melodramatic dinner in the first half hr of our meeting... as usual, me in my dramatic self and emotional attachment to my reality tv series; in yesterday's case, Singapore Idol!... waaahaaahaaa......
The fact that Jonathan was part of the bottom 3 proves that Singapore do have "good" ears afteralL!!!... hehehehe.... u did well, Singapore! it may very well crush Ms IA's theory on who would win the SI!!!.... waaaahaaahaaa.... though i wasn't quite expecting Nurul to be in bottom 3.... howell!!... wat matters is, my 60cents for my fav, has not gone to waste!
Anyways, the dinner with Ms IA soon turned to business.. and thanks to her, both me and Dearest know what else we need to fully cover ourselves!!!.... ;) hmmmm... money. money. money!!!!....... takpelah.. for the good of our future!!!......
In future, we too need to look into drawing up a will.... i would like to specify who / where my remaining assets (if i have like A LOT of it later) should go to! I don't want it to be stuck somewhere or have my family fighting over $$$$!!!! On this topic, it reminded me of the show Raising Helen.. if we have kids, i think we need to appoint guardianship as well in case something happens to us before they reach 18!... i dun want any Tom, Dick or Harry to take on the guardianship role over them... hmmm....
it's a bit freaky and over the top thinking of all these.. but this is life.. and we need to be prepared, ait??.... speaking of preparation too, i need to be prepared taking on the extra work once my buddy leaves this place!!..
it's confirmed!... 2 of my list of fav colleagues have tendered... no more buddy, no more Swensons kaki!... :( freak!!.... ppl are leaving and i'm still STUCK here!!!... gah!!!.... if it has not been because of Dearest's precarious position in his company, i would now be scouring the papers for a new job too!!!......
It was quite a melodramatic dinner in the first half hr of our meeting... as usual, me in my dramatic self and emotional attachment to my reality tv series; in yesterday's case, Singapore Idol!... waaahaaahaaa......
The fact that Jonathan was part of the bottom 3 proves that Singapore do have "good" ears afteralL!!!... hehehehe.... u did well, Singapore! it may very well crush Ms IA's theory on who would win the SI!!!.... waaaahaaahaaa.... though i wasn't quite expecting Nurul to be in bottom 3.... howell!!... wat matters is, my 60cents for my fav, has not gone to waste!
Anyways, the dinner with Ms IA soon turned to business.. and thanks to her, both me and Dearest know what else we need to fully cover ourselves!!!.... ;) hmmmm... money. money. money!!!!....... takpelah.. for the good of our future!!!......
In future, we too need to look into drawing up a will.... i would like to specify who / where my remaining assets (if i have like A LOT of it later) should go to! I don't want it to be stuck somewhere or have my family fighting over $$$$!!!! On this topic, it reminded me of the show Raising Helen.. if we have kids, i think we need to appoint guardianship as well in case something happens to us before they reach 18!... i dun want any Tom, Dick or Harry to take on the guardianship role over them... hmmm....
it's a bit freaky and over the top thinking of all these.. but this is life.. and we need to be prepared, ait??.... speaking of preparation too, i need to be prepared taking on the extra work once my buddy leaves this place!!..
it's confirmed!... 2 of my list of fav colleagues have tendered... no more buddy, no more Swensons kaki!... :( freak!!.... ppl are leaving and i'm still STUCK here!!!... gah!!!.... if it has not been because of Dearest's precarious position in his company, i would now be scouring the papers for a new job too!!!......
Thursday, July 13, 2006
brrrr.... i really can't stand my hair!!!!... can't stand them!!.. can't stand them!!.. i keep getting remarks that my hair is like baby's hair.. it's too baby-fine... it's too little.. it's too curly... it's too dry!!.... aaaarrrggghhh!!!!!.....
and on top of it all, i now have freakin short fringe!!!!!!.... booooooo hoooooo hooooo!!!!....... it's actually not too short when the guy blow my hair nicely and all... but bcoz of the fragility of my hair - it can't be touched by water!! - it curled rite back up and made it shorter!!!!!........ i should've taken a picture of my nice hair after being blown straight last nite!.. blardy hell!!.... i've made up my mind to go rebond my hair next week!!!!........
ggrrrr...i think i may be having sore eyes now... great!.. it's irritating me.. it "thumps" everytime i blink!... bleagh..
also, i think i need to on tvmobile on radio while watching those SI contestants sing!!... i can't really hear them clearly on TV!!!.... i was listening to them on radio while my hair got fixed!... i manage to catch the last 4 on tv when i reached home.. it's juz not the same!!....
but clearly, i dislike the ex-fencer coz i juz dun think he's good enuff.. and i seriously DUN understand why the judges are sooooooo into him!!!... he's soooooo not good-looking - muka tak mandi! - and yesterday, he was juz being monotonous with big moves to cover the monotonity!... ooooh.. but i'm sure he's IN!... goOOOod!.... quoted from Ani's sms, "Dats reality.. Majority need an idol who look like themselves..".. hehehhee... if you know what she means!!!.... *wink!wink!*
my take on who won't we miss throughout the competition..
1. Eileen Kang for being tooooo nasal - dun like her getai-kiah personality and that voice!!... :p
2. Norman Then - no personality, no voice, no looks! BOO!
3. Jasmine Tye - forgetable, no maturity and stage presence, no strength in voice..
my 5cents worth for these Idols wannabe...
1. Choice of songs - VERY important! this week's not your fault lah.. coz YOUR parents chose it!... and well, Parents, you should have known better!!.... most choice of songs yesterday were pretty BORING!!.. better choice of songs next time, plssss.. Judges, pls stop blaming them for the wrong song choice!... the producer asked the parents to choose it NOT them!!....
2. Hair-styles - everybody had a great makeover except...... who else??.... Paul Twohill!!!.. where's the eyes?!... u look like "IT" in Adam's Family!... but i must say, his singing is clearer than his talking.. is it really braces??... coz i dun think my cuzzin spoke like him when she was wearing her braces!... and why is it any different while he's singing??...
brrrr.... i really can't stand my hair!!!!... can't stand them!!.. can't stand them!!.. i keep getting remarks that my hair is like baby's hair.. it's too baby-fine... it's too little.. it's too curly... it's too dry!!.... aaaarrrggghhh!!!!!.....
and on top of it all, i now have freakin short fringe!!!!!!.... booooooo hoooooo hooooo!!!!....... it's actually not too short when the guy blow my hair nicely and all... but bcoz of the fragility of my hair - it can't be touched by water!! - it curled rite back up and made it shorter!!!!!........ i should've taken a picture of my nice hair after being blown straight last nite!.. blardy hell!!.... i've made up my mind to go rebond my hair next week!!!!........
ggrrrr...i think i may be having sore eyes now... great!.. it's irritating me.. it "thumps" everytime i blink!... bleagh..
also, i think i need to on tvmobile on radio while watching those SI contestants sing!!... i can't really hear them clearly on TV!!!.... i was listening to them on radio while my hair got fixed!... i manage to catch the last 4 on tv when i reached home.. it's juz not the same!!....
but clearly, i dislike the ex-fencer coz i juz dun think he's good enuff.. and i seriously DUN understand why the judges are sooooooo into him!!!... he's soooooo not good-looking - muka tak mandi! - and yesterday, he was juz being monotonous with big moves to cover the monotonity!... ooooh.. but i'm sure he's IN!... goOOOod!.... quoted from Ani's sms, "Dats reality.. Majority need an idol who look like themselves..".. hehehhee... if you know what she means!!!.... *wink!wink!*
my take on who won't we miss throughout the competition..
1. Eileen Kang for being tooooo nasal - dun like her getai-kiah personality and that voice!!... :p
2. Norman Then - no personality, no voice, no looks! BOO!
3. Jasmine Tye - forgetable, no maturity and stage presence, no strength in voice..
my 5cents worth for these Idols wannabe...
1. Choice of songs - VERY important! this week's not your fault lah.. coz YOUR parents chose it!... and well, Parents, you should have known better!!.... most choice of songs yesterday were pretty BORING!!.. better choice of songs next time, plssss.. Judges, pls stop blaming them for the wrong song choice!... the producer asked the parents to choose it NOT them!!....
2. Hair-styles - everybody had a great makeover except...... who else??.... Paul Twohill!!!.. where's the eyes?!... u look like "IT" in Adam's Family!... but i must say, his singing is clearer than his talking.. is it really braces??... coz i dun think my cuzzin spoke like him when she was wearing her braces!... and why is it any different while he's singing??...
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
the most irritating thing happened in the office yesterday!... i was pushed around from one person to the other just because of a discount card!!!... wat fools!!... who do they think i am?.. a ball?!.... fuck!!...
in the end, these fools claimed that the card is with this person who's on MC yest... oh great!... so, one of these fools suggested getting the card no from this person and will get this person to sms me the card no... fine.. i went for lunch in hope to receive the sms.. NIL!.. so, i sms the guy myself, but still NIL!...
i didn't fuss over it since when we got to the shop, me and Leen didn't find anything we fancy.. but later last nite, i received an sms from the MC person, asking me who told me that he's got the card?!... he's never borrowed the card ever since a new card was issued!!!.... goodness gracious!!!!..... wat fools they were to lie to me rite to my face and in the end, they themselves got shot in the back?!!!!....
i'm juz thinking - what are they actually trying to do??..first, they didn't give the card to a centralised person (who btw, apparently did an irritatingly lousy job last year).. but who fucking cares?!... at least, it's with a centralised person who does keep track of where the card goes to; and will undoubtedly not get ppl like me, be pushed around!... oh and secondly, they conveniently "forgot" to email, let alone mention to the rest of the division that a new card is issued for everybody's use!!..... how "convenient".... :p
urrrrgh!!....... i'm sooooo mad at these fools!!.. they're like total idiots!!!!
the most irritating thing happened in the office yesterday!... i was pushed around from one person to the other just because of a discount card!!!... wat fools!!... who do they think i am?.. a ball?!.... fuck!!...
in the end, these fools claimed that the card is with this person who's on MC yest... oh great!... so, one of these fools suggested getting the card no from this person and will get this person to sms me the card no... fine.. i went for lunch in hope to receive the sms.. NIL!.. so, i sms the guy myself, but still NIL!...
i didn't fuss over it since when we got to the shop, me and Leen didn't find anything we fancy.. but later last nite, i received an sms from the MC person, asking me who told me that he's got the card?!... he's never borrowed the card ever since a new card was issued!!!.... goodness gracious!!!!..... wat fools they were to lie to me rite to my face and in the end, they themselves got shot in the back?!!!!....
i'm juz thinking - what are they actually trying to do??..first, they didn't give the card to a centralised person (who btw, apparently did an irritatingly lousy job last year).. but who fucking cares?!... at least, it's with a centralised person who does keep track of where the card goes to; and will undoubtedly not get ppl like me, be pushed around!... oh and secondly, they conveniently "forgot" to email, let alone mention to the rest of the division that a new card is issued for everybody's use!!..... how "convenient".... :p
urrrrgh!!....... i'm sooooo mad at these fools!!.. they're like total idiots!!!!
Monday, July 10, 2006
u know how it feels like when your breast swells just before the time of the month?.. i was just wondering if cabbage can be used to reduce the swell - juz like it can be used to reduce the pain of gorging breasts?!!...
it's freakin painful rite now - it's like all the blood decide to store in there for awhile before it releases itself!!.... bleagh!!....
oh... and i'm freakin peeling skin now!!.... my left hand and some parts of my face is peeling... i really do wonder why!!.... i need to moisturise. moisturise. moisturise. but i'm too darn lazy to do that!! :(
anyways, went window-shopping with the brother in law and family yesterday.. well, THEY went shopping while WE went droooooolinggg..... *slurp!*.. they went to shop for a plasma tv and a sofa set.. ooooh laaa laaaa..... i saw this 42" LG TV which i oh-so-like!!!!.... perfect picture, perfect price but NOT the perfect timing lah!.... boooooH!... they were also telling me abt the lorenzo sale that they juz went to.. and oooooooh.... i think we need to go there too!!!!.......
to whomever is now at home. on leave because of the world cup!.. I'm soooooo JEALOUS!!!!!..... it's a perfect day to be sleeping in!!...... it's soooo not nice to be out on the road, racing to put on the raining gear by the road shoulder, before rain falls in full gear - and still have other vehicles zoom past you and splash water on you!!... :p
u know how it feels like when your breast swells just before the time of the month?.. i was just wondering if cabbage can be used to reduce the swell - juz like it can be used to reduce the pain of gorging breasts?!!...
it's freakin painful rite now - it's like all the blood decide to store in there for awhile before it releases itself!!.... bleagh!!....
oh... and i'm freakin peeling skin now!!.... my left hand and some parts of my face is peeling... i really do wonder why!!.... i need to moisturise. moisturise. moisturise. but i'm too darn lazy to do that!! :(
anyways, went window-shopping with the brother in law and family yesterday.. well, THEY went shopping while WE went droooooolinggg..... *slurp!*.. they went to shop for a plasma tv and a sofa set.. ooooh laaa laaaa..... i saw this 42" LG TV which i oh-so-like!!!!.... perfect picture, perfect price but NOT the perfect timing lah!.... boooooH!... they were also telling me abt the lorenzo sale that they juz went to.. and oooooooh.... i think we need to go there too!!!!.......
to whomever is now at home. on leave because of the world cup!.. I'm soooooo JEALOUS!!!!!..... it's a perfect day to be sleeping in!!...... it's soooo not nice to be out on the road, racing to put on the raining gear by the road shoulder, before rain falls in full gear - and still have other vehicles zoom past you and splash water on you!!... :p
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Power can give a lot of things to a lot of ppl... and that's y each employee would like to be given a certain empowerment over certain decisions no matter which level you're at!... Coz empowerment gives employee a feeling that they're being trusted to make the right decisions and that they have a say in the company..
But some employees may take advantage of that empowerment to benefit oneself!.. in my years working here, i've seen a lot of ppl risen to a pedestal high above the rest; given the ultimate most power anyone could ever ask for but fell flat on their faces once someone else, a better boss - saw the abuse and take good charge - snatch that power away!....
it doesn't pay to nasty!.. Abusing a certain privilege one is given is juz being ungrateful!.. it's not yours in the first place; it was granted as a privilege and you have to prove to everybody else that you deserve it!!...
see, this entry is dedicated to a once-upon-a-time friend, F... we found F to be abusing it's* power. It seems that everyone else is getting some form of shit at work but F seemed to be having a fun ride.. well, y not rite??...for every lil' damn thing, F will go running like a giant mouse he is, to the boss and that settles everything... or so F thinks!....
F must be very dense to think that everybody's taking it all in like men that they are.. oooooh!!.. nooooo!!...... everybody have observed.. everybody knows what's best to do - keeping mum and watch!.... coz everybody believes in karma - wat comes round, goes round...
today, F may be on a pedestal, feeling very, very high indeed.. but sooner or later, we'll juz watch and see - that pedestal may break juz from the weight of all that greed and fats! and when that moment comes, i dun think there would be anyone below to catch it* when it* falls!.... how heart-breaking!!! ;( *smirks*
*it is used to hide identity and gender of the said friend, F.
Power can give a lot of things to a lot of ppl... and that's y each employee would like to be given a certain empowerment over certain decisions no matter which level you're at!... Coz empowerment gives employee a feeling that they're being trusted to make the right decisions and that they have a say in the company..
But some employees may take advantage of that empowerment to benefit oneself!.. in my years working here, i've seen a lot of ppl risen to a pedestal high above the rest; given the ultimate most power anyone could ever ask for but fell flat on their faces once someone else, a better boss - saw the abuse and take good charge - snatch that power away!....
it doesn't pay to nasty!.. Abusing a certain privilege one is given is juz being ungrateful!.. it's not yours in the first place; it was granted as a privilege and you have to prove to everybody else that you deserve it!!...
see, this entry is dedicated to a once-upon-a-time friend, F... we found F to be abusing it's* power. It seems that everyone else is getting some form of shit at work but F seemed to be having a fun ride.. well, y not rite??...for every lil' damn thing, F will go running like a giant mouse he is, to the boss and that settles everything... or so F thinks!....
F must be very dense to think that everybody's taking it all in like men that they are.. oooooh!!.. nooooo!!...... everybody have observed.. everybody knows what's best to do - keeping mum and watch!.... coz everybody believes in karma - wat comes round, goes round...
today, F may be on a pedestal, feeling very, very high indeed.. but sooner or later, we'll juz watch and see - that pedestal may break juz from the weight of all that greed and fats! and when that moment comes, i dun think there would be anyone below to catch it* when it* falls!.... how heart-breaking!!! ;( *smirks*
*it is used to hide identity and gender of the said friend, F.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Dearest told me abt the latest in his job.. and wat can i say except FUCK his job!!.. go get a new one!!.... if a company cannot see a good employee, the company must be fucked!... i'm not singing praises for Dearest juz bcoz he's my hubby butttttt, i can tell ya, there's worst folks in the company than he is!...
It seems that they're trying to find fault with him... citing school as an example... because of his school, he cannot claim OT... and this is apparently an issue?!... wat fuck?!...since when is OT a compulsory thing? and so one of the proposal to counter this issue - give him more job and he can dun take OT?!.. huh??!!!... where's the rationale??.... others have lesser job in the day, can get off work early, but at the end of the day, they'll get paid more because they can claim MORE OT?!!!..... where's the fairness of it all?.. it's not like he cannot take OT everyday!... it's only on certain days of the week, which he's schooling, that he can't take the OT... and which fuck ass company cannot recognise it's employee's needs to upgrade themselves??... or perhaps someone in the company feels threatened of his position??... *smirks*
WATEVA it is, i juz can't be bothered with the fucking company oredi!!!..... Dearest need a new job soooooon!!!.... the company need to relook into the whole HR system, the ppl they hire and who they fire.. if they dun get their act together, i can bet u, many clients will run far, far away to other competitors who can give them better security and a better service!! *bleagh!!!*
Dearest told me abt the latest in his job.. and wat can i say except FUCK his job!!.. go get a new one!!.... if a company cannot see a good employee, the company must be fucked!... i'm not singing praises for Dearest juz bcoz he's my hubby butttttt, i can tell ya, there's worst folks in the company than he is!...
It seems that they're trying to find fault with him... citing school as an example... because of his school, he cannot claim OT... and this is apparently an issue?!... wat fuck?!...since when is OT a compulsory thing? and so one of the proposal to counter this issue - give him more job and he can dun take OT?!.. huh??!!!... where's the rationale??.... others have lesser job in the day, can get off work early, but at the end of the day, they'll get paid more because they can claim MORE OT?!!!..... where's the fairness of it all?.. it's not like he cannot take OT everyday!... it's only on certain days of the week, which he's schooling, that he can't take the OT... and which fuck ass company cannot recognise it's employee's needs to upgrade themselves??... or perhaps someone in the company feels threatened of his position??... *smirks*
WATEVA it is, i juz can't be bothered with the fucking company oredi!!!..... Dearest need a new job soooooon!!!.... the company need to relook into the whole HR system, the ppl they hire and who they fire.. if they dun get their act together, i can bet u, many clients will run far, far away to other competitors who can give them better security and a better service!! *bleagh!!!*
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
It's lunch soon!.... and i'm pretty much literally falling asleep on my face!!!..... everybody else seemed busy except moi!!!.... brrrr... but really not in the best of health to be doing anything!.. all i wanna do now is sleeeeeeppp!!!!!......
oh yah!.. the sore throat have hit my voice chords and i'm now a rock star!.... gah!... the virus have even attacked my nose and it really does feel like my nose is getting bigger with every sneeze!... blardy hell!...
hmmm.. this past half year's not been a healthy one for both me and Dearest!... wonder wat happened?!!!...
oooooh!!... i saw something terribly exciting while surfing the net!!!....

isn't it pretty?!!... B said that Dearest will NOT step into the kitchen if i get this!... hahaha!... oh! wateva!!!!... who cares?!.. i'm cooking!.. and i'm loving this whole kitchen set!!!!.... ;)
btw, anyone knows where i can find this set of 4 chopping boards in Singapore??....

i've been looking for this kind of chopping boards set since they featured it in Oprah but i couldn't find it anywhere!!!... heeeellllpppp, plsssssss... ;)
It's lunch soon!.... and i'm pretty much literally falling asleep on my face!!!..... everybody else seemed busy except moi!!!.... brrrr... but really not in the best of health to be doing anything!.. all i wanna do now is sleeeeeeppp!!!!!......
oh yah!.. the sore throat have hit my voice chords and i'm now a rock star!.... gah!... the virus have even attacked my nose and it really does feel like my nose is getting bigger with every sneeze!... blardy hell!...
hmmm.. this past half year's not been a healthy one for both me and Dearest!... wonder wat happened?!!!...
oooooh!!... i saw something terribly exciting while surfing the net!!!....
isn't it pretty?!!... B said that Dearest will NOT step into the kitchen if i get this!... hahaha!... oh! wateva!!!!... who cares?!.. i'm cooking!.. and i'm loving this whole kitchen set!!!!.... ;)
btw, anyone knows where i can find this set of 4 chopping boards in Singapore??....
i've been looking for this kind of chopping boards set since they featured it in Oprah but i couldn't find it anywhere!!!... heeeellllpppp, plsssssss... ;)
Monday, July 03, 2006
Lil' bro's off for his first day training as a steward today!... at last!!.. he's on a "real" job oredi!!.. it feels like FOREVER!!... haha..
My younger cousin announced (?) her pregnancy on Saturday!.. WOW!!... a lil' one on the way for the Wagiman family!!... yippee!!.. pretty sure it made everyone in the family excited esp nyayi who's longing for a cicit oredi!.. hahahhaa... oh!.. and she told me a very funny story (well, i found it funny lah!).. one incident that made her suspect she's pregnant was when her husband vomitted in the car!!... ahahahhaa... she said "pembawakan anak"... hmmm... betul ke???.... and also, the doctor could not detect her pregnancy in the first 2mths!... how weird is that??...
Another major milestone that happened in the Wagiman family was someone (in the family) got remarried!!.. ;) mummy asked to be happy for them.. and so, i will!!.... it's none of my fucking business to be unhappy in the first place, mah rite??.... so, bibik, CONGRATS!!!!!..... i juz hope the uncle doesn't repeat the same mistake again, coz i dun wanna be wagging my fingers and go "I told you so.."... but seriously and sincerely, i certainly hope that this second chance that was given, will last till death do you part.. for love and companionship and in sickness and in health.. hopefully, i dun have to write in my next milestones entry abt an announcement of another lil' one in the family of you!!! *gasps*... hahahaa... ;)
Last nite, we (YES! WE - as in me and Dearest) had our first lil' cold war for god knows WAT?!!!!.. seriously, i dun really get it.. but fuck!.. it happened.. and so, our first cold war as husband and wife happened after juz 3mths.. hmmm.. does this mean the "honeymoon" is over???... SHIT!! *worried!* i better go think of happy tots now...
Lil' bro's off for his first day training as a steward today!... at last!!.. he's on a "real" job oredi!!.. it feels like FOREVER!!... haha..
My younger cousin announced (?) her pregnancy on Saturday!.. WOW!!... a lil' one on the way for the Wagiman family!!... yippee!!.. pretty sure it made everyone in the family excited esp nyayi who's longing for a cicit oredi!.. hahahhaa... oh!.. and she told me a very funny story (well, i found it funny lah!).. one incident that made her suspect she's pregnant was when her husband vomitted in the car!!... ahahahhaa... she said "pembawakan anak"... hmmm... betul ke???.... and also, the doctor could not detect her pregnancy in the first 2mths!... how weird is that??...
Another major milestone that happened in the Wagiman family was someone (in the family) got remarried!!.. ;) mummy asked to be happy for them.. and so, i will!!.... it's none of my fucking business to be unhappy in the first place, mah rite??.... so, bibik, CONGRATS!!!!!..... i juz hope the uncle doesn't repeat the same mistake again, coz i dun wanna be wagging my fingers and go "I told you so.."... but seriously and sincerely, i certainly hope that this second chance that was given, will last till death do you part.. for love and companionship and in sickness and in health.. hopefully, i dun have to write in my next milestones entry abt an announcement of another lil' one in the family of you!!! *gasps*... hahahaa... ;)
Last nite, we (YES! WE - as in me and Dearest) had our first lil' cold war for god knows WAT?!!!!.. seriously, i dun really get it.. but fuck!.. it happened.. and so, our first cold war as husband and wife happened after juz 3mths.. hmmm.. does this mean the "honeymoon" is over???... SHIT!! *worried!* i better go think of happy tots now...
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