LOVE-FILLED WEEKEND..We started off the weekend with a chocolate dinner at Fullerton.. hmmm... really?.. wat can i say?.. i dun think it was worth $32++ per pax for that choc buffet!... the next time we're going is if we get another $150 dining voucher!!...
Can't really decide wat to pick.. there's quite a limited variety! :(
but we definitely had fun dipping our food into that sinfully flowing choc fondue!..
but before you end for the nite, make sure to try out their hot choc!. they'll do it for you on the spot and it's all CHOC and milk!!... soooooo
suuuuweeeettt!!! ;)
oh!.. and they definitely have gigantic kois!!... they were all swarming around here coz they tot that the lil' girl was gonna feed them!!...
and then the next day was well-spent with the girl-friends and family minus my Dearest coz he's got to go paint the bro's new house.. and spending time with my only god-daughter is definitely worth that time spent away from the hubster!! ;)
The girls and the birthday boy!.. can see the 2 pregnant ladies on the left??... okie.. maybe next time eh?... hehehe...
Syaza is clearly having fun taking pictures *juz like the mother!* but Nurul juz looked shocked! hahaha...
from here, we all can see how vain she really is!!... she's already learning how to use a lipstick?!!...
and this picture was taken because she
INSISTED on having a picture taken!!... how
mentel!!... and how becoming of her mother!!!.... hahahaa.... oklah.. at least her hair dun look like a tupee now!.. hhhahhaha...
dah!.. jgn potong rambut dia!!...
and rite after she was bathed and had a change in diapers, she went pooh pooh.. hahhaha.....
how much she's grown.. sooooo proud of this lil' girl!!!.....
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