I wish i was in bed sleeping... the weather's sooooo nice to be curled up in bed, under the blankets and juz snoring away the morning!.... hhahhahaa....
furthermore, i'm darn sleepy now... i've been having trouble sleeping the past couple of nights.. been worrying too much i guess.... baaaah!.... i shouldn't. i know... but i can't help it!.... and wat is it that i'm worrying abt, u might ask?... well.. i can't say it. too personal. for now.
so wat do i think of yesterday's SI?.. personally, a disappointing performance from ALL of them.. though i'm sorry to say that Joakim didn't get the title of "Worst Performer" last nite.. DARN!.. it must be Babes Conde's guidance!!.. u must be thankful to her, boy... So who was the worst?... It was definitely Paul!... he seemed totally LOST!.. he mumbled through his songs.. he couldn't answer a proper sentence everytime Gurmit asked him a question.. he juz seemed to LOST it!...
however, i do believe, he may get some sympathy votes!.... hence, i then believe that the bottom 3 this week - Jonathan, Hady and probably Joakim/Paul... BUT since Joakim is almost a guaranteed IN (bleagh!! :p) and Paul will get some sympathy votes, it will be either Jon or Hady... and hence i conclude that I MUST work extra hard this week to vote him in!... alamak!!!..... oh! and u must think i think Jasmine was good yesterday?.. well.. NOOoOO!!!...
She was another horrible one - equivalently horrible to Paul! slightly better only.. but like Joakim, she's another guaranteed IN.. so i shouldn't even bother!.... gah!..
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Dear Rosma,
My BEST wishes to you on this beeeUUUUteeefull day
30 August 2006
I know u're currently NOT enjoying yourself listening to a mamak talking
but i'm sure you WILL enjoy yourself when you get home and celebrate the day with your dearest husband and daughter.. :)
Hope you enjoy this beautiful day, turning 26..
and May all your dreams, aspirations, wishes come true..
and May our beautiful friendship blossomed in years to come..
I love you girl... *muacks!*
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
We found out who that someone was who stole my source code... when i told Dearest abt it, he suspected who oredi... even I did after talking abt it aloud with Dearest!.. hah!.. and lo and behold, the truth was out!..... hhehhehee.....
i wanted to ask this person to go Delete the blog.. but i think the blog has been deleted! :) in case you dun oredi know, for your own blog skins, u can go to blogskins.com... ;)
Another thing eh... am sick and tired of receiving emails on CT's wedding though i must say, i do lurrrve the decor and the garden-themed wedding!!.. ahhahaha..... bila nak stop nie emails??!!.... naik boring sey tgk!... dahlah hero dia tak hensem!.. dah mcm tgk anak dgn bapak kawen sey!!... my inbox is also pretty bloated with the huge size of the emails sent juz on CT!!!.... baaah!!.....
I'm putting on weight that i dun think i can shed!! *cries!*.... i juz can't. can't. can't make myself go for a run though the gym is rite in front of my face!!!!.... haiz.... camne eh??....
haaaaizzz... i'm now oh soooooo BORED!!!..... office is half-empty - NO ONE to talk to liao!!... soooooo BORINGGG!!!.. i've things to do which i dun feel like doing!... urrrgh!.. wat's new??!.. urrrrghh!!!!................... B . O . R . I . N . G ! ! ! ! ! !
We found out who that someone was who stole my source code... when i told Dearest abt it, he suspected who oredi... even I did after talking abt it aloud with Dearest!.. hah!.. and lo and behold, the truth was out!..... hhehhehee.....
i wanted to ask this person to go Delete the blog.. but i think the blog has been deleted! :) in case you dun oredi know, for your own blog skins, u can go to blogskins.com... ;)
Another thing eh... am sick and tired of receiving emails on CT's wedding though i must say, i do lurrrve the decor and the garden-themed wedding!!.. ahhahaha..... bila nak stop nie emails??!!.... naik boring sey tgk!... dahlah hero dia tak hensem!.. dah mcm tgk anak dgn bapak kawen sey!!... my inbox is also pretty bloated with the huge size of the emails sent juz on CT!!!.... baaah!!.....
I'm putting on weight that i dun think i can shed!! *cries!*.... i juz can't. can't. can't make myself go for a run though the gym is rite in front of my face!!!!.... haiz.... camne eh??....
haaaaizzz... i'm now oh soooooo BORED!!!..... office is half-empty - NO ONE to talk to liao!!... soooooo BORINGGG!!!.. i've things to do which i dun feel like doing!... urrrgh!.. wat's new??!.. urrrrghh!!!!................... B . O . R . I . N . G ! ! ! ! ! !
Friday, August 25, 2006
good news is, Joakim is in the bottom 2 - at LOOOOONGGGG last!!..... bad news?.. he's still IN it!!!..... urrrrghh!!!....... frankly, i think it's pitiful how the organisers/producers of the show are blatantly telling ev'one that Joakim is untalented... they kept going on and on abt how we MUST vote for TALENT - blah.. blah.. macam kesian plak.. but then again, he deserve that lashing coz he really do need to buck up!....
i actually lurrrve Flo's comments "I hope your fans would give you a dignified exit".. waaaah!... very the pedas!!.... but too bad, the fans gave the other fans a dignified suspense instead!.... baaaah!!......
howell... all these cheering, jeering and sneezing is making my body ached!... was going to take MC but my nose cleared this morning... BUUUUTTT the sneezing started back again abt 5mins prior to reaching the office! take that!!!... urrrrghhh!!!..... irritating sial!!!.... :(
good news is, Joakim is in the bottom 2 - at LOOOOONGGGG last!!..... bad news?.. he's still IN it!!!..... urrrrghh!!!....... frankly, i think it's pitiful how the organisers/producers of the show are blatantly telling ev'one that Joakim is untalented... they kept going on and on abt how we MUST vote for TALENT - blah.. blah.. macam kesian plak.. but then again, he deserve that lashing coz he really do need to buck up!....
i actually lurrrve Flo's comments "I hope your fans would give you a dignified exit".. waaaah!... very the pedas!!.... but too bad, the fans gave the other fans a dignified suspense instead!.... baaaah!!......
howell... all these cheering, jeering and sneezing is making my body ached!... was going to take MC but my nose cleared this morning... BUUUUTTT the sneezing started back again abt 5mins prior to reaching the office! take that!!!... urrrrghhh!!!..... irritating sial!!!.... :(
Thursday, August 24, 2006
As promised, it will be a Criticise Joakim Day entry today!... and as expected, he pretty much flunked his performances AGAIN!... baaaaah!!.....
Though Glenn and FD may disagree with me (coz they think it wasn't Joakim's worst performance), i dun really care coz from the looks of it yesterday, he hadn't really improved as much as he said he would week after week.... he sings like he's in school... very unmelodic - B.O.R.I.N.G!!!!!........ delivery = POOR. Looks = from hero to ZERO... i dunno lah.. the more i look at him, the more he reminds me of the blind guy who won Superstar!... hmmmm....
But anyways, of course, afterall that sarcastic remarks from the judges last nite, reality is such that Singapore will vote for Joakim to stay... y??... bcoz he's the most untalented but the most HANDSOME of the lot!.... see?.. i really wouldn't be surprised if tonite he's still with the safe lot!... gaaaah!!!....
If i were him, after the sarcastic remarks by the judges and i'm sure are all over the cyber space now, i'd juz volunteer myself to leave the competition. *hah! tat's y i DUN enter the competition!* but of course, i dun think he would lah... y should he rite??.. he's got fans like you! YOU! and YOU! to support him through his rocky, school-boyish singing mah!.... :p nothing would beat FANS like that!!!...... :p *puking now*
surprises for the nite, Paul's Chinese song was a smash!!.... good work Paul... Jasmine was totally out last nite.. didn't watch her Chinese song.. but her English song was juz not her... that 2 weeks of improvement has gone down the drain... and Nurul, i think i'm beginning to see Ken's point of view... she does look kinda jaded when she sings.. she started off low with her Malay song but it got better in the middle.. and then, she went downhill from at the end!... gaaah!!...
and lastly, the shock of the nite had to be Ken's comments for my favourite contestant!!....
HADY rocks!!!... he's rendition of Lagenda was kick-ass touching to the core!... his mom cried, he definitely teared and got red-eyed.. me?!... i definitely did too!!!...... i go weak on my knees seeing another man cry!.... ahhahaa.... and so, my decision to UP my votes starting from today is definitely NOT wasted!!......
before i sign off my entry, to u peeps who believe that we do need talented musicians to rock the music industry in Singapore, pls vote for the BEST in the competition.. and there's really only ONE left!... if we lose this ONE contestant *i'm sure u'd know who i'm talking abt by now!*, there's really no more competition left in the show!!....
lastly, that show - Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna - was a blast!!... as usual, Shah Rukh will ALWAYS, always make me cry in his films!!!..... but definitely Kal Ho Naa Ho was better!!..... hahaha... The show is not juz another love story - it does have hidden msgs in it... Dearest got confused in the middle of the show - MEN! .. but overall, outstanding story plot!!... ;) Amitabh is definitely charismatic - i'm awed by him. really! Rani is sooooo damn pretty, i feel like kissing her!.... her make-up's - WOOOWWW!!!.... so watcha waiting for??!!... go watch the damn show!!!!!... hahahaha.....
ps: Ms IA, see??.. i very good rite?.. i never tell u the story... hahhahaha.... ;)
As promised, it will be a Criticise Joakim Day entry today!... and as expected, he pretty much flunked his performances AGAIN!... baaaaah!!.....
Though Glenn and FD may disagree with me (coz they think it wasn't Joakim's worst performance), i dun really care coz from the looks of it yesterday, he hadn't really improved as much as he said he would week after week.... he sings like he's in school... very unmelodic - B.O.R.I.N.G!!!!!........ delivery = POOR. Looks = from hero to ZERO... i dunno lah.. the more i look at him, the more he reminds me of the blind guy who won Superstar!... hmmmm....
But anyways, of course, afterall that sarcastic remarks from the judges last nite, reality is such that Singapore will vote for Joakim to stay... y??... bcoz he's the most untalented but the most HANDSOME of the lot!.... see?.. i really wouldn't be surprised if tonite he's still with the safe lot!... gaaaah!!!....
If i were him, after the sarcastic remarks by the judges and i'm sure are all over the cyber space now, i'd juz volunteer myself to leave the competition. *hah! tat's y i DUN enter the competition!* but of course, i dun think he would lah... y should he rite??.. he's got fans like you! YOU! and YOU! to support him through his rocky, school-boyish singing mah!.... :p nothing would beat FANS like that!!!...... :p *puking now*
surprises for the nite, Paul's Chinese song was a smash!!.... good work Paul... Jasmine was totally out last nite.. didn't watch her Chinese song.. but her English song was juz not her... that 2 weeks of improvement has gone down the drain... and Nurul, i think i'm beginning to see Ken's point of view... she does look kinda jaded when she sings.. she started off low with her Malay song but it got better in the middle.. and then, she went downhill from at the end!... gaaah!!...
and lastly, the shock of the nite had to be Ken's comments for my favourite contestant!!....
"That performance was the BEST of the WHOLE SEASON!"
HADY rocks!!!... he's rendition of Lagenda was kick-ass touching to the core!... his mom cried, he definitely teared and got red-eyed.. me?!... i definitely did too!!!...... i go weak on my knees seeing another man cry!.... ahhahaa.... and so, my decision to UP my votes starting from today is definitely NOT wasted!!......
before i sign off my entry, to u peeps who believe that we do need talented musicians to rock the music industry in Singapore, pls vote for the BEST in the competition.. and there's really only ONE left!... if we lose this ONE contestant *i'm sure u'd know who i'm talking abt by now!*, there's really no more competition left in the show!!....
lastly, that show - Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna - was a blast!!... as usual, Shah Rukh will ALWAYS, always make me cry in his films!!!..... but definitely Kal Ho Naa Ho was better!!..... hahaha... The show is not juz another love story - it does have hidden msgs in it... Dearest got confused in the middle of the show - MEN! .. but overall, outstanding story plot!!... ;) Amitabh is definitely charismatic - i'm awed by him. really! Rani is sooooo damn pretty, i feel like kissing her!.... her make-up's - WOOOWWW!!!.... so watcha waiting for??!!... go watch the damn show!!!!!... hahahaha.....
ps: Ms IA, see??.. i very good rite?.. i never tell u the story... hahhahaha.... ;)
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Hah!... my surgery's cancelled!!... ;) i would really luurrrveeee to take it out!!... but well, not the time yet lah i supposed!! so, i'm free of the pain and the lebams for now.... hehehheee...... though i WAS really looking forward to the 8-days MC!!!!..... gaaaah!!....
after the failed medical check-up, we went to see my cute, cute nephew and his sick granny.... but the granny's looked like she never went for an op at all!!... while the nephew juz wanna talk cock and making weird noises trying to get us carry him around!... ahhahaha....
and oooooh!.. boy!... last nite, we saw the wat? 16 or 14 finalists (?) for America's Next Top Model!.... and oooooooh... both me and Dearest instantly dislike Jade!..... but well.. EXPECTED that she's gonna be in - she's got ATTITUDE!.... hmmmm.... like that girl from New Orleans.. nice features she's got but a very sad tale to go along with it! :(
anyways, since the surgery's off tml, me taking the day off to be with the hubby since HE took the day off for ME for the supposed surgery!!.... hahhahaa.... i'm hoping to convince him to go watch that new Hindustan show - featuring Shah Rukh Khan and Preity Zeinta (K.A.N.K) ... Baby dearest, we go tml eh??... plssss... plsssssss.... puhleasssseeee???....... ;) *muacks! muacks!*
Hah!... my surgery's cancelled!!... ;) i would really luurrrveeee to take it out!!... but well, not the time yet lah i supposed!! so, i'm free of the pain and the lebams for now.... hehehheee...... though i WAS really looking forward to the 8-days MC!!!!..... gaaaah!!....
after the failed medical check-up, we went to see my cute, cute nephew and his sick granny.... but the granny's looked like she never went for an op at all!!... while the nephew juz wanna talk cock and making weird noises trying to get us carry him around!... ahhahaha....
and oooooh!.. boy!... last nite, we saw the wat? 16 or 14 finalists (?) for America's Next Top Model!.... and oooooooh... both me and Dearest instantly dislike Jade!..... but well.. EXPECTED that she's gonna be in - she's got ATTITUDE!.... hmmmm.... like that girl from New Orleans.. nice features she's got but a very sad tale to go along with it! :(
anyways, since the surgery's off tml, me taking the day off to be with the hubby since HE took the day off for ME for the supposed surgery!!.... hahhahaa.... i'm hoping to convince him to go watch that new Hindustan show - featuring Shah Rukh Khan and Preity Zeinta (K.A.N.K) ... Baby dearest, we go tml eh??... plssss... plsssssss.... puhleasssseeee???....... ;) *muacks! muacks!*
Monday, August 21, 2006
baaaah!!... another weekend is over!!..... time flies past really fast!!..... we attended the much-awaited engagement party of one of Dearest's secondary school fren - D.La.. and wow!!.... a pretty va-va-voom engagement party i must say!!!.....
baaaah!!... another weekend is over!!..... time flies past really fast!!..... we attended the much-awaited engagement party of one of Dearest's secondary school fren - D.La.. and wow!!.... a pretty va-va-voom engagement party i must say!!!.....
i can't wait now, for her wedding now!!... i would think it would be as va-va-voom, if not, as glitzy glam as a red carpet show!! ;) hehehhee.......
this is the pretty "bride-to-be" for the day... i didn't manage to catch her best smile though!!... damn!.. must be one of the husbands cracking up a joke of something!!
the heavily, scented potpourri!..... we sooooo like the smell!!... D.La, if u're reading this, let me know how u scented the potpourri and of wat smell, plssss!!.... ;) oh!.. and if u notice the D and the R on that piece of thank you paper - that's their logo!!!..... takleh angkat!!
A group shot of all the girls respective other halves minus the "groom-to-be" of course!!.... acc to them, it's been 10yrs since they last left school!... my goodness!!... goes to show how time really flies!!!
Friday, August 18, 2006
i juz can't believe it!!.... really can't believe!!!... even after that blatantly sarcastic SI ad that's been going on the past week, the monkey is STILL in it!!!.....
once Mrs IA and Rizan smsed me who the bottom 4 was... blasphemies - oh! u can imagine, full of it!!! - flew out of my mouth... luckily, we're on the bike.. coz then, i can threw out and shout out lots and lots of blasphemies for all i care!!!...... and then when they told me Paul was safe, MORE came out of my mouth coz that only meant, my fav was in the bottom 3 - yet again!!!..... KNN!!!!.....
and so, when the results were out, all i can say was, her boobs strategy didn't work afterall!!!.... :( it was very sad to hear that she's the one to go... coz like i said, i'd rather she be there top 2 than Jon!.... but even Jon seemed to be in a more precarious position than i tot he'd be!.... the ones that was supposed to be in the precarious position are safe each and every week!!!.....
i'm sooooo disappointed with my fellow Singaporeans - are u guys deaf?.. or u guys juz dun have the ears for quality singing.... of course, i must admit that this year's competition is soooooo bland than the last season's - not much real competition... but there ARE at least 2 damn GOOOD singers in the competition and 1 is oredi OUT of it!!.... and there are at least 3 DAMN LOUSY singers and the MOST lousy one of all, has NEVER tasted being bottom 3 before!!!!....... is that LOUSY judging by you fellow Singaporeans, or wat?!!!.....
if that MOST lousy one of all becomes our Singapore Idol, all i can say is it goes to show why our local music scene can never flourish coz this is the actual standard that Singapore wants!!.... the local music scene is toooo good to be appreciated by most Singaporeans!!..... u MUST, MUST be good-looking - that's the top priority... good voice, good showmanship is LAST in our priority list to be known as a good/worthy entertainer or singer...
WAT A JOKE!!!!...... U can disagree with me but that's reality, isn't it??...Reality dun lie... and that's a sad, sad truth! But of course, as a fan for good, quality singing, i will UP my vote for my favourite and i believe that HE is the ONLY worthy one left, of the lot to be titled Singapore Idol this season... for those of you who laments over the outcome but hadn't actually vote for your favourite one yet, your lamenting will NOT help he / she to go on to the next round! Your VOTES will!!!!... so stop lamenting and go make your fingers do the talking!!!...... i dun wanna a low class, low standard entertainer in our very potential local, music industry!!!... NO thank you very much!!!.... :p
i juz can't believe it!!.... really can't believe!!!... even after that blatantly sarcastic SI ad that's been going on the past week, the monkey is STILL in it!!!.....
once Mrs IA and Rizan smsed me who the bottom 4 was... blasphemies - oh! u can imagine, full of it!!! - flew out of my mouth... luckily, we're on the bike.. coz then, i can threw out and shout out lots and lots of blasphemies for all i care!!!...... and then when they told me Paul was safe, MORE came out of my mouth coz that only meant, my fav was in the bottom 3 - yet again!!!..... KNN!!!!.....
and so, when the results were out, all i can say was, her boobs strategy didn't work afterall!!!.... :( it was very sad to hear that she's the one to go... coz like i said, i'd rather she be there top 2 than Jon!.... but even Jon seemed to be in a more precarious position than i tot he'd be!.... the ones that was supposed to be in the precarious position are safe each and every week!!!.....
i'm sooooo disappointed with my fellow Singaporeans - are u guys deaf?.. or u guys juz dun have the ears for quality singing.... of course, i must admit that this year's competition is soooooo bland than the last season's - not much real competition... but there ARE at least 2 damn GOOOD singers in the competition and 1 is oredi OUT of it!!.... and there are at least 3 DAMN LOUSY singers and the MOST lousy one of all, has NEVER tasted being bottom 3 before!!!!....... is that LOUSY judging by you fellow Singaporeans, or wat?!!!.....
if that MOST lousy one of all becomes our Singapore Idol, all i can say is it goes to show why our local music scene can never flourish coz this is the actual standard that Singapore wants!!.... the local music scene is toooo good to be appreciated by most Singaporeans!!..... u MUST, MUST be good-looking - that's the top priority... good voice, good showmanship is LAST in our priority list to be known as a good/worthy entertainer or singer...
WAT A JOKE!!!!...... U can disagree with me but that's reality, isn't it??...Reality dun lie... and that's a sad, sad truth! But of course, as a fan for good, quality singing, i will UP my vote for my favourite and i believe that HE is the ONLY worthy one left, of the lot to be titled Singapore Idol this season... for those of you who laments over the outcome but hadn't actually vote for your favourite one yet, your lamenting will NOT help he / she to go on to the next round! Your VOTES will!!!!... so stop lamenting and go make your fingers do the talking!!!...... i dun wanna a low class, low standard entertainer in our very potential local, music industry!!!... NO thank you very much!!!.... :p
Thursday, August 17, 2006
i'm on a campaign to oust Joakim.. as long as he's in there, Thursdays would be "Criticise Joakim Day".... surely by now, u folks out there can hear that he's a terrible singer??.. especially yesterday?!... the crowd was quieter.. his voice can definitely be heard and i start to cringe when he started singing.. i think i may have sat there like a prawn after his performance.. it was sooooooo damn blardy awful!!....
Even Jasmine had improved.. Paul was definitely better than last week... and Nurul had more conviction delivering the song - and for once Ken said something positive in the show bcoz of her!... but Joakim?!..... goossssh!!.... it's juz him being a monkey on stage, with a monkey's voice!!.... DON'T vote for him, plsssssss......
Anyways, i've got something to say abt Mathilda.. i dun mean to be rude.. but it's juz an observation.. i think she's banging on her boobs to be in the competition lah!.... every week she'd be wearing something that shows off her stretch-marked boobs... quite unsightly, i must say.. but if that's wat could make her stay in the competition, by all means!!... i'd rather she be in the top 2 with Hady than Jon!!!.... hahahhaa.....
oh!.. i dun really understand what Jon's performance was all about.. his kohl-laden eyes made it look even smaller!!.... and those slithering moves he made, juz dun work it for me!!!!..... gaaaah!... but who's the BEST last nite?!!....... Hady! Hady! Hady!!!.... i really, really do love LOVE love LoVE loVe Love his performance!!!!!!.... Plssssss VOTE 1 to 43657!... always, always, always, remember... that without YOUR vote, the BEST will not stay!!.... EVERY vote counts!... ;)
i'm on a campaign to oust Joakim.. as long as he's in there, Thursdays would be "Criticise Joakim Day".... surely by now, u folks out there can hear that he's a terrible singer??.. especially yesterday?!... the crowd was quieter.. his voice can definitely be heard and i start to cringe when he started singing.. i think i may have sat there like a prawn after his performance.. it was sooooooo damn blardy awful!!....
Even Jasmine had improved.. Paul was definitely better than last week... and Nurul had more conviction delivering the song - and for once Ken said something positive in the show bcoz of her!... but Joakim?!..... goossssh!!.... it's juz him being a monkey on stage, with a monkey's voice!!.... DON'T vote for him, plsssssss......
Anyways, i've got something to say abt Mathilda.. i dun mean to be rude.. but it's juz an observation.. i think she's banging on her boobs to be in the competition lah!.... every week she'd be wearing something that shows off her stretch-marked boobs... quite unsightly, i must say.. but if that's wat could make her stay in the competition, by all means!!... i'd rather she be in the top 2 with Hady than Jon!!!.... hahahhaa.....
oh!.. i dun really understand what Jon's performance was all about.. his kohl-laden eyes made it look even smaller!!.... and those slithering moves he made, juz dun work it for me!!!!..... gaaaah!... but who's the BEST last nite?!!....... Hady! Hady! Hady!!!.... i really, really do love LOVE love LoVE loVe Love his performance!!!!!!.... Plssssss VOTE 1 to 43657!... always, always, always, remember... that without YOUR vote, the BEST will not stay!!.... EVERY vote counts!... ;)
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
i'm feeling sooo fat today!... maybe.. not feeling lah... i AM freakin FAT!!... haiz.... moreover, i'm wearing a top that is emphasizing my fatness!... freak!!.... i hope my fast will help shed some weight.. and hopefully, with the surgery and most likely a very painful mouth, will help with shedding some more weight!!.. hahahaha....
Rizan frightened me with the tales of going thru surgery for my wisdom teeth!!.. urrrrgh!!!.... darn!!!..... one anonymous left a comment saying that GA is the most painless!... but i have this boy here telling me that it's actually painful esp if u wake up in the middle of the process!!... baaaah!!!.... *happy tots! happy tots!*...
anyways, yest had a pretty interesting conversation with the granny... she suddenly asked me "dah ada?"... (translation: have oredi??).. hahahhaa.... apa dah!!.... she said she wants to see our creation and that i shouldn't plan to have a baby.. blah.. blah.. the usual old granny talk... alamak!.. pressure.. pressure...
i know how much she'd like to see our baby!.. and she's getting on in years... i juz hope that we'll have at least 1 before anything happens!!... but i dun dare say it's anytime soooon!!!.... baaaah!!!..... and she's not the only one interested to know!... ppl in the office and some other old folks, i heard, are asking too!!!... the thing is, we're still thinking if we're ready for one yet!.... and there's also other practical issues to think of like who's gonna take care of the baby while we're working??... aaaaargh!!.. y can't ppl understand that?!.... hmmmm.....
but even if we are, i'm not gonna be putting it up here or go around telling ppl the "good news" - that we're trying, that is!... coz wat if there's still no baby??... bitch ppl will definitely talk!... gaaaah!!!!..... so, my lips are sealed.. the only thing i'm gonna say kalau ada rezeki, adalah tu baby!... ;)
i'm feeling sooo fat today!... maybe.. not feeling lah... i AM freakin FAT!!... haiz.... moreover, i'm wearing a top that is emphasizing my fatness!... freak!!.... i hope my fast will help shed some weight.. and hopefully, with the surgery and most likely a very painful mouth, will help with shedding some more weight!!.. hahahaha....
Rizan frightened me with the tales of going thru surgery for my wisdom teeth!!.. urrrrgh!!!.... darn!!!..... one anonymous left a comment saying that GA is the most painless!... but i have this boy here telling me that it's actually painful esp if u wake up in the middle of the process!!... baaaah!!!.... *happy tots! happy tots!*...
anyways, yest had a pretty interesting conversation with the granny... she suddenly asked me "dah ada?"... (translation: have oredi??).. hahahhaa.... apa dah!!.... she said she wants to see our creation and that i shouldn't plan to have a baby.. blah.. blah.. the usual old granny talk... alamak!.. pressure.. pressure...
i know how much she'd like to see our baby!.. and she's getting on in years... i juz hope that we'll have at least 1 before anything happens!!... but i dun dare say it's anytime soooon!!!.... baaaah!!!..... and she's not the only one interested to know!... ppl in the office and some other old folks, i heard, are asking too!!!... the thing is, we're still thinking if we're ready for one yet!.... and there's also other practical issues to think of like who's gonna take care of the baby while we're working??... aaaaargh!!.. y can't ppl understand that?!.... hmmmm.....
but even if we are, i'm not gonna be putting it up here or go around telling ppl the "good news" - that we're trying, that is!... coz wat if there's still no baby??... bitch ppl will definitely talk!... gaaaah!!!!..... so, my lips are sealed.. the only thing i'm gonna say kalau ada rezeki, adalah tu baby!... ;)
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
urrrrgh!!... it's only 11.30am!... i'm bushed oredi!!..... my eyes would juz like to shut itself now.. my body is screaming "LIE ME DOWN! LIE ME DOWN!".... but it's ONLY 11.30!!!... i've still got abt 1.5hrs left to lunchtime!!!..... hmmmmm......
anyways, y do we always, always get irritating ppl as colleagues?? Ppl who CAN'T freakin work!... ppl who exist juz to irritate the hell out of us?!!!.... u see.. we've got this colleague who really, i must say, has NO interpersonal skills and juz prefer to tai-ji it's* work, as far as possible to others!!..... urrrrgh!!.... in a span of half hour in the morning, it managed to irritate 2 of us!.. YES! not juz me!... my new buddy, is juz as irritated!!.... i tot I was the one with the problem... but apparently - NOT!!... i think IT* is the problem!!..... baaaaah!!... why?!.. why?!!... why?!!!....
i'm really counting down the no. of "CANNOT-WORK-COLLEAGUES" to leave!.. in the beginning, there's 4..
1 left.
1 leaving.
2 more to go!....
* It is used to disclose the gender of said colleague so that other ppl do not make wrongful assumptions! ;)
urrrrgh!!... it's only 11.30am!... i'm bushed oredi!!..... my eyes would juz like to shut itself now.. my body is screaming "LIE ME DOWN! LIE ME DOWN!".... but it's ONLY 11.30!!!... i've still got abt 1.5hrs left to lunchtime!!!..... hmmmmm......
anyways, y do we always, always get irritating ppl as colleagues?? Ppl who CAN'T freakin work!... ppl who exist juz to irritate the hell out of us?!!!.... u see.. we've got this colleague who really, i must say, has NO interpersonal skills and juz prefer to tai-ji it's* work, as far as possible to others!!..... urrrrgh!!.... in a span of half hour in the morning, it managed to irritate 2 of us!.. YES! not juz me!... my new buddy, is juz as irritated!!.... i tot I was the one with the problem... but apparently - NOT!!... i think IT* is the problem!!..... baaaaah!!... why?!.. why?!!... why?!!!....
i'm really counting down the no. of "CANNOT-WORK-COLLEAGUES" to leave!.. in the beginning, there's 4..
1 left.
1 leaving.
2 more to go!....
* It is used to disclose the gender of said colleague so that other ppl do not make wrongful assumptions! ;)
Monday, August 14, 2006
hey peeps!... finally!!.. i put up my wedding MTV highlights on Multiply!!... ;) only for my contacts in Multiply to view!! hehehhe....
anyways, i dunno y i'm soooo selenge tau!... we had a gathering session at Ms Insurance Agent's place on Sat and I forgot to bring my camera!!!!..... baciiiiin!!!..... could have taken a picture of the bread that she made (i'm giving her the benefit of the doubt here!) especially for us!.. very nice leh!!..... recipe?!!..... oh!.. and also the deliciously marinated chicken done by *guess who?!!!*............. NTUC!!!.. ahhahahhaa..... i tot it was HER work!!!..... should've known better, eh??.... hahahhaa...
but niways, we went there to watch HER wedding video as well.. and girl, i didn't say it then, but thinking back eh, i'd cry sey if i get that video!!... coz it's really TOO male bonding!!!... i'd be like "Where's MOI in the video?!!!...." kurang asam punya videoman!!... hahahhaa.. but definitely well done lah!!.... hmmm... it's motivating me to do one of my own!!... but dun have the heart yet to do it!!.... my heart's still in baking!!!... for now..
btw, peeps, i've been having the same kind of dreams - my teeth would fall out one by one in the dream... does it mean ANYTHING at all?!!!.... i wanna know!!.... i dun think it's coz of my coming wisdom teeth surgery.. coz i've had this kind of dream way, way before too... but not as often as now lah.... if anyone out there knows, pls drop ur comments!! ;) thanks!!!....
hey peeps!... finally!!.. i put up my wedding MTV highlights on Multiply!!... ;) only for my contacts in Multiply to view!! hehehhe....
anyways, i dunno y i'm soooo selenge tau!... we had a gathering session at Ms Insurance Agent's place on Sat and I forgot to bring my camera!!!!..... baciiiiin!!!..... could have taken a picture of the bread that she made (i'm giving her the benefit of the doubt here!) especially for us!.. very nice leh!!..... recipe?!!..... oh!.. and also the deliciously marinated chicken done by *guess who?!!!*............. NTUC!!!.. ahhahahhaa..... i tot it was HER work!!!..... should've known better, eh??.... hahahhaa...
but niways, we went there to watch HER wedding video as well.. and girl, i didn't say it then, but thinking back eh, i'd cry sey if i get that video!!... coz it's really TOO male bonding!!!... i'd be like "Where's MOI in the video?!!!...." kurang asam punya videoman!!... hahahhaa.. but definitely well done lah!!.... hmmm... it's motivating me to do one of my own!!... but dun have the heart yet to do it!!.... my heart's still in baking!!!... for now..
btw, peeps, i've been having the same kind of dreams - my teeth would fall out one by one in the dream... does it mean ANYTHING at all?!!!.... i wanna know!!.... i dun think it's coz of my coming wisdom teeth surgery.. coz i've had this kind of dream way, way before too... but not as often as now lah.... if anyone out there knows, pls drop ur comments!! ;) thanks!!!....
Friday, August 11, 2006
WAAAT??!!!..... Joakim is still IN?!!!.... without soooo much of a threat?!..... not even the bottom 2?!!!... for heaven's sake!!!!... he's a complete monkey without a good singing voice!!!..... i'm juz waiting for the day when all these young, screaming girls ran out of pocket money to keep him alive in the competition!!!......
i think their screaming may have drowned his voice and that's y they can't hear him properly?!... oh my goodness gracious me!!!!..... it should have been Joakim together with Rahimah, at least!. though i dun think that Rahimah should've been out first!!!..... oh!.. i think Joakim may be our next Jerry Ong!!!...... the next Jerry Ong is between him and Jasmine lah!... urrrrgh!!!....... BOOOOO to the both of you!!!!...... btw, have u guys notice that Joakim's not been in the bottom 3 since Day 1?!....uurrrgghh!!!... annddd.... i think NO MORE Idols wannabe named with the letter J plsssss..... look wat we have??!!!....
Anyways, YEAY!!... i'm soooooo blardy happy with the results of the Project Runway!!!... YEAY!.. YEAY!!!...... totally unexpected since i seriously tot that someone else (ewwww!!) would win it!!... i shall not spoil the suspense for those who's been watching TCS5 .. but truly, CONGRATS to "my favourite" winner!!!..... ;) totally deserving, you!!...
WAAAT??!!!..... Joakim is still IN?!!!.... without soooo much of a threat?!..... not even the bottom 2?!!!... for heaven's sake!!!!... he's a complete monkey without a good singing voice!!!..... i'm juz waiting for the day when all these young, screaming girls ran out of pocket money to keep him alive in the competition!!!......
i think their screaming may have drowned his voice and that's y they can't hear him properly?!... oh my goodness gracious me!!!!..... it should have been Joakim together with Rahimah, at least!. though i dun think that Rahimah should've been out first!!!..... oh!.. i think Joakim may be our next Jerry Ong!!!...... the next Jerry Ong is between him and Jasmine lah!... urrrrgh!!!....... BOOOOO to the both of you!!!!...... btw, have u guys notice that Joakim's not been in the bottom 3 since Day 1?!....uurrrgghh!!!... annddd.... i think NO MORE Idols wannabe named with the letter J plsssss..... look wat we have??!!!....
Anyways, YEAY!!... i'm soooooo blardy happy with the results of the Project Runway!!!... YEAY!.. YEAY!!!...... totally unexpected since i seriously tot that someone else (ewwww!!) would win it!!... i shall not spoil the suspense for those who's been watching TCS5 .. but truly, CONGRATS to "my favourite" winner!!!..... ;) totally deserving, you!!...
Thursday, August 10, 2006
eeeeks!!... someone's trying to steal my source code!!.... i dun mind if u wanna steal/use/snatch - or wateva u call it - my source code, but plssssss change the pictures and wateva irrelevant stuff that i have, first!!.....
coz u're definitely NOT emiliAduka.. u definitely DO NOT have my set of frenz.. eeeekss!!... freaky!.. freaky!...
eeeeks!!... someone's trying to steal my source code!!.... i dun mind if u wanna steal/use/snatch - or wateva u call it - my source code, but plssssss change the pictures and wateva irrelevant stuff that i have, first!!.....
coz u're definitely NOT emiliAduka.. u definitely DO NOT have my set of frenz.. eeeekss!!... freaky!.. freaky!...

Since we cancelled our movie date last weekend, we decided to go for that movie date yesterday!... u guys have to watch this show!!... hilarious with a very touching ending which will leave u with a "kena cheated" feeling!... hahahaa....
but seriously.. a should-watch film by Adam Sandler... be entertained with Adam Sandler's humour and be mersmerised with Kate Beckinsale's beauty! The 2 kids in the show were cute too!!...
It is all about a remote control that was given to Newman (Adam Sandler) one night - when he decides that he need a Universal remote control to control every electrical thing in the house!.. It is up to him how he wants to use the control that practically took over his life!...
A pretty sappy story of how if u put work in front of family, u'd miss all the good times - loving ur spouse, watching ur kids growing up, not loving ur parents the way you should, not living life the way you should for the sake of your work!... and yes.. i did cry watching those sappy scenes!!... i dun think i was alone though.. i am pretty sure the girl next to me cried too!!... so were those at the back!!.. ahhahaa..... ;)
Monday, August 07, 2006
waaah!.. the weekend started off with me baking my Double Kisses Chocolate Cupcake successfully!... i'm in the moood for baking!... i dunno y!!!.. hahhahaa.... anyways, they were sooooo successful, the 2 households that i shared it with, finish it in a flash!!.....

and then, we also had that promised family gathering picnic!!... it looked like we're gonna be stuck in a pondok full of people!!... luckily, the rain cleared and we made our way to one of the stone benches by the beach to have our fill!!!....

we even had a police girl to make sure she gets everything her way!!

we played Taboo - a very fun game, i must, must say!!!... that game invited this very semangat girl who will do anything in her power to make sure we guess the word she's describing!!!... only, no matter how semangat u are, we simply cannot guess it!!... hahahhaa.... :)

and so, she had to drink this "lethal" potion concocted by one of the hubby, Aman which she successfully drank!

at the end of the day, it was a good outing.. but a very shag one indeed!!.... went to bed pretty early coz my whole body screamed "MASSAGE ME, PLSSSSSS..." i heard the police girl slept rite through!!.. must have been pretty shag with the all-day monitoring us adults!!... hah!!..
waaah!.. the weekend started off with me baking my Double Kisses Chocolate Cupcake successfully!... i'm in the moood for baking!... i dunno y!!!.. hahhahaa.... anyways, they were sooooo successful, the 2 households that i shared it with, finish it in a flash!!.....
i've stored the recipe here! ;)
and then, we also had that promised family gathering picnic!!... it looked like we're gonna be stuck in a pondok full of people!!... luckily, the rain cleared and we made our way to one of the stone benches by the beach to have our fill!!!....
we even had a police girl to make sure she gets everything her way!!
we played Taboo - a very fun game, i must, must say!!!... that game invited this very semangat girl who will do anything in her power to make sure we guess the word she's describing!!!... only, no matter how semangat u are, we simply cannot guess it!!... hahahhaa.... :)
and so, she had to drink this "lethal" potion concocted by one of the hubby, Aman which she successfully drank!
at the end of the day, it was a good outing.. but a very shag one indeed!!.... went to bed pretty early coz my whole body screamed "MASSAGE ME, PLSSSSSS..." i heard the police girl slept rite through!!.. must have been pretty shag with the all-day monitoring us adults!!... hah!!..
Friday, August 04, 2006
how can my favourite be at the bottom 3?!!... oh my gawd!!!.... i juz can't believe that the lousy ones get to stay while the better ones were unsafe!!!!..... eh?!.. halllooo??!!.... open ears big big can??..... if u're plain tone deaf, dun appreciate good singers, dun VOTE!... if u insist on voting - juz to vote for your favourite plain jane or that cute boy next door - vote ONCE!!... and since u can't "hear" them properly - coz apparently, u're tone deaf! - let me have the privilege to spell it out for you!
to all the other fans of the unsafe group, do we need to be reminded that our VOTE MAKES A DIFFERENCE?!... never be complacent! without your votes, they wouldn't stay!.. and we dun want a lousy, wailing, croaking singer as our Singapore Idol rite?!.. remember that, plssssss!... i dun wish to have another episode of a heart attack!!!....
anyways, i've got 2 heart attacks in a day!.. mind u, an earlier one was a recommended GA for my wisdom teeth!.. apparently, they're all complicated and the only painless way to get them out is through GA!... booooo hoooo hooo!... will be admitted for one day leh!.... and now, i have to decide between a 4-bedder or a 6-bedder!.... if i take the 4-bedder, i'd have to pay abt $1,000 cash!... like soooo much rite for 1 nite?!.... gah!..... how ah??.... any experienced ones willing to tell me wat's the better option??....
how can my favourite be at the bottom 3?!!... oh my gawd!!!.... i juz can't believe that the lousy ones get to stay while the better ones were unsafe!!!!..... eh?!.. halllooo??!!.... open ears big big can??..... if u're plain tone deaf, dun appreciate good singers, dun VOTE!... if u insist on voting - juz to vote for your favourite plain jane or that cute boy next door - vote ONCE!!... and since u can't "hear" them properly - coz apparently, u're tone deaf! - let me have the privilege to spell it out for you!
JASMINE and JOAKIM are LOUSY singers in the competition!!!
they're NOT worth the Idol title and they're certainly NOT worth the gazilions 60cents u spend on them!
to all the other fans of the unsafe group, do we need to be reminded that our VOTE MAKES A DIFFERENCE?!... never be complacent! without your votes, they wouldn't stay!.. and we dun want a lousy, wailing, croaking singer as our Singapore Idol rite?!.. remember that, plssssss!... i dun wish to have another episode of a heart attack!!!....
anyways, i've got 2 heart attacks in a day!.. mind u, an earlier one was a recommended GA for my wisdom teeth!.. apparently, they're all complicated and the only painless way to get them out is through GA!... booooo hoooo hooo!... will be admitted for one day leh!.... and now, i have to decide between a 4-bedder or a 6-bedder!.... if i take the 4-bedder, i'd have to pay abt $1,000 cash!... like soooo much rite for 1 nite?!.... gah!..... how ah??.... any experienced ones willing to tell me wat's the better option??....
Thursday, August 03, 2006
the weekend!!!.... i can't wait!!.... a movie date with the hubby - been a long while since we last go to a cinema to watch a movie!!... i think the last one was the show - the Maid?!... wow!.. tat's abt a year ago siah!!....
There's also another date - a picnic date - with a few of the girls.. the 2 mak buyongs have family affair to attend to while the only anak dara in the group is currently MIA-ing!!.. wonder wat she's up to lately!!... we all MISS her!!!..... so anyways, can't wait for the impromptu "family gathering" by the beach!!!..... waaahhahaha.....
another event to look forward to is tonite!...who's in the bottom 3?.. and who's out?!.. i totally disagree with Ken abt Jonathan being one of the deserving winners of the competition!... i think it should definitely be Mathilda and Hady!... wahlau!.. Jonathan?!.... irritating!!!..... plssss lah... no way is he my idol material!.... bleagh!!..... and i lurrrrve Glenn's impersonation of him this morning!. hahahhaa.... farny!!!...... anyways, bottom 3 today MUST be Paul, Jasmine and i can't decide between Joakim, Jay and Nurul...
Joakim will probably stay for his good looks. Jay will probably stay coz he's not been in bottom 3 so far - tat showed he's got a pretty respectable pool of fans. Nurul had been in bottom 3 twice (?) and her singing yesterday was only so-so.... but if either one of these are bottom 3, i wouldn't be surprised! :)
hmmm... time to vote for my favourite now....
the weekend!!!.... i can't wait!!.... a movie date with the hubby - been a long while since we last go to a cinema to watch a movie!!... i think the last one was the show - the Maid?!... wow!.. tat's abt a year ago siah!!....
There's also another date - a picnic date - with a few of the girls.. the 2 mak buyongs have family affair to attend to while the only anak dara in the group is currently MIA-ing!!.. wonder wat she's up to lately!!... we all MISS her!!!..... so anyways, can't wait for the impromptu "family gathering" by the beach!!!..... waaahhahaha.....
another event to look forward to is tonite!...who's in the bottom 3?.. and who's out?!.. i totally disagree with Ken abt Jonathan being one of the deserving winners of the competition!... i think it should definitely be Mathilda and Hady!... wahlau!.. Jonathan?!.... irritating!!!..... plssss lah... no way is he my idol material!.... bleagh!!..... and i lurrrrve Glenn's impersonation of him this morning!. hahahhaa.... farny!!!...... anyways, bottom 3 today MUST be Paul, Jasmine and i can't decide between Joakim, Jay and Nurul...
Joakim will probably stay for his good looks. Jay will probably stay coz he's not been in bottom 3 so far - tat showed he's got a pretty respectable pool of fans. Nurul had been in bottom 3 twice (?) and her singing yesterday was only so-so.... but if either one of these are bottom 3, i wouldn't be surprised! :)
hmmm... time to vote for my favourite now....
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
ooooh... soooo exciting! i'm doing something for my god-daughter's bday!.. hehehe.. glad that the mother agreed and allowed me to do up the favours for the kids!... hehehhe... hmmm... let me have a hand in some "business" activity...
can't wait!.. can't wait!...
like wat the mother said - "baru bday party, blum kawen lagi!".. hehehhee.... yalor... kalau budak tu kawen, camne agaknye?!!!..... hahahaa...
ooooh... soooo exciting! i'm doing something for my god-daughter's bday!.. hehehe.. glad that the mother agreed and allowed me to do up the favours for the kids!... hehehhe... hmmm... let me have a hand in some "business" activity...
can't wait!.. can't wait!...
like wat the mother said - "baru bday party, blum kawen lagi!".. hehehhee.... yalor... kalau budak tu kawen, camne agaknye?!!!..... hahahaa...
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