Friday, August 11, 2006

WAAAT??!!!..... Joakim is still IN?!!!.... without soooo much of a threat?!..... not even the bottom 2?!!!... for heaven's sake!!!!... he's a complete monkey without a good singing voice!!!..... i'm juz waiting for the day when all these young, screaming girls ran out of pocket money to keep him alive in the competition!!!......

i think their screaming may have drowned his voice and that's y they can't hear him properly?!... oh my goodness gracious me!!!!..... it should have been Joakim together with Rahimah, at least!. though i dun think that Rahimah should've been out first!!!..... oh!.. i think Joakim may be our next Jerry Ong!!!...... the next Jerry Ong is between him and Jasmine lah!... urrrrgh!!!....... BOOOOO to the both of you!!!!...... btw, have u guys notice that Joakim's not been in the bottom 3 since Day 1?!....uurrrgghh!!!... annddd.... i think NO MORE Idols wannabe named with the letter J plsssss..... look wat we have??!!!....




Anyways, YEAY!!... i'm soooooo blardy happy with the results of the Project Runway!!!... YEAY!.. YEAY!!!...... totally unexpected since i seriously tot that someone else (ewwww!!) would win it!!... i shall not spoil the suspense for those who's been watching TCS5 .. but truly, CONGRATS to "my favourite" winner!!!..... ;) totally deserving, you!!...

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