My throat is already oh-so-soar from screaming the past 2 days!.. wat with the lack of water.. it's throbbing now!... *bleagh!*.. niways, my heart-felt congratulations to HADY MIRZA!!!.....
Wooohooo!!!..... he won! he won!...
it wasn't juz a small margin but a whopping 70% of the votes on his side!! (as reported by TODAY...) WOW!!.. never had i imagined!... his fans were overwhelming.. but apparently, no action leh!!...... kwang.. kwang.. kwang...
yesterday's opening of the show was GRRRRREAT!!... ;) Taufik came out looking all smart and suave with his song, I Dream, also accompanied by the 2 finalists... hmmm.... but Taufik really did outshine them lah... totally lurving his performances.. only disappointment, he only came out twice!.. urrrrghh!!.... i waaaannntt MOOORREE!!!...
anyways, nevermind.. important thing was, we had fun... Rahimah Rahim's rendition of that "I Love you, Baby" song was fantastic!!..... made me groove baybeh!!... ;) her voice is still deliciously nice considering her age... if only we were all standing, i think i'd be in a sweat, breaking out in a dance!!... it was that damn HOTTT!.. HOTT!!.. HOTTE.. performance!!... :D
oooooh!... i soooo enjoyed myself... now, i can't wait for that Robbie Williams concert!!!!..... hehehhe.... Ms Quirky, remember our date, hor!!... keep the tix for us!!.... :D
*picture courtesy of the SI's website
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