Most of us are already brides once.. but we'd lurrrve to be a bride again!! thank you very much! ;)

It was very fun indeed pretending to be a mak andam.. only matter is, the colour couldn't turn out the way we'd like it to be!... baaaah!... how do mak andams have that bright, thick eye colour thingie on us eh??... hmmm.... but overall, i think i did a good job, if i may say so myself!.. hahaha... 

the teacher said that my application was flawless.. but of course, there's room for improvements like her eye-brows, the colour, blah.. blah.. oh!.. dun u lurve her nose now?!... can see got mancung (read: pointed & more defined) a bit more now??... hehehee....
For brides, highlight the nose bridge, chin, forehead and under the eyes. Shade the sides of nose from the eye-brow to the end of the nose..
When crimping the lashes, get bride to look down, lift up her eyes a bit with your thumb and start crimping gently, count to 3, lift, crimp again and repeat a few times at the same spot. For a more natural looking curl, start crimping at the base of the lashes, lift, crimp the mid section, lift and lastly to the end of the lash..
Yesterday was my first ever crimp on someone and boy!.. it was such a marvelous feeling lah!! ;) al-maklum, the whole family has natural curls oredi mah.. hehhehe...
Before i end of this entry, these were the brides wannabes of the nite last nite! ... :D
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