aaahhh... yes!.. it's confirmed... it's a boy lah!!..... we went for a detailed scanning which only took 20mins but got us HOURS of wait!!.... *boo!* and the lady who did the scanning didn't even ask if we wanted to find out the gender of the babe... juz blah and said "u know that it's a baby boy, don't you?" like "damn you!".. we dun really know that!.. and we dun really wanna know!... but since it's pretty obvious from the scan, wat the heck!... the impt thing is, e babe is healthy, weighing 383g at 21wks..
sooooo yeay!!... we're excited!..... :) soooo many boys this year!!..... the 3 mak yongs of the gang are expecting boys next year... can't believe it!!... hahahhaa... The Sury family have another boy (totalling 3 nephews) to it's 4th generation.. and my SP gang have another boy addition too!!.... - lil' Fauzi and lil' Adam have fwen to play with oredi! ;)
waiting for Thurs to see our babe's features... yeayness!!!....
oooooh..... speaking of yeayness, i finally cut 3-4 inchess off my long, tangled, curly, disorientated mane on Fri... happy sakan!.... after the cut, i have less tangled hair, feel free-er!.... annnnndddd, i also receive a surprise early bday present from my bro!....
this package awaited my return from the salon on Friday...
there was supposed to be a ribbon but i ripped it off as soon as i heard it was mine! kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
and wat was inside??.....
I'm all smiles!... ;) thanks Rizaaaaann!!!!!........
my first and prolly ONLY Coach bag i'll own!... unless of course, he's gonna give me a different Coach bag every bday!.. hahahaa... *yeah! rite!* brought it out the very next day to meet Ms Quirky (totally forgot to take pictures of and with her!.. too busy eating and gossiping!!) and also a nite out with the in-laws...
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