this morning, Dearest gave me a pleasant surprise by waking up as early as 6.40am - half an hour before he normally wakes up - and does breakfast for the both of us!... *muaccckss!!* thanks Darl!....
and because we were earlier than usual, i took a quick picture of that silver package with that gold ribbon to reveal it on the blog today!.... kekekkee....
uh'huh.... we got our car juz slightly over a month after we purchased it!.... ;) love the smoothness of the ride and juz luuuurve the bau kedai (direct translation: smell of the shop) the car exude interiorly.. hehehee...
anyways, yes... we know it's abt time that we get a car - not only for ourselves but the babe as well!... and so we did... but we're not some rich kids and we stood our ground and bought one that we like and can afford - an OPC Chevrolet.. the parents (read: mine) wanted us to get the normal car... but errrrmmm..... nolor... we dun really need it after i deliver.. we can still take the bike to work and we've worked out a system on how to ferry the babe once we move out to our own love nest later.. so, really. we dun see the need to get the normal car... worse comes to worst, i'd juz have to suffer a bit at my very last mth before delivery ie go to work before 7am and go home after 7pm!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang... coz i believe i can still ride on the bike as long as the tummy dun bloat suddenly within the next 3mths!...
speaking of which, i'm surprised that i'm now at the start of the last trimester!.... how freakin fast is that?!.... but al-hamdulillah, i manage to reach to this stage with not much mood swings and weird cravings.. i hope the next few months will be as smooth sailing as the last few months!... oh!.. except for the water retention plssssss...... hmmm.. anyone knows any masseur who can massage away my water retention???.......
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