went to the polyclinic earlier and boy!... was that an eye-opener for me... i shall not elaborate on the experience.. i juz thank god i went there for the babe and not for myself!...
niways, the jaundice level went higher!... urrrggh!.. and the doc said that i may have to balanced out my breastfeeding and formula milk or give more of the latter coz it may be due to my breast milk!!... sheeeesh!..
after what he went thru the past few days like this...
the level doubled instead of reduced!... :( and in this picture, he really look like one Somalia kid siah!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang... niways, will stop breastfeeding him for awhile till his jaundice clears..
oh!.. have i told u how much i lurrrve to see him sleep??..
he'll make these funny faces while asleep... there's a lot more expressions but being the unprofessional camerawoman-me, i dun have my camera with me all the time lah...
and this picture was taken juz today after the doctor's visit..
oh!.. can i juz pinch and gigit his cheeks?!!!!.... i sure didn't know my baby have such chubby cheeks!.... must be the camera angle lah!....
btw, wanna say a special thanks to makcik Zanna & soon-to-be hubby Maric for dropping by to visit... very touched siak!... all the way from Jurong Ext!!.... ;)
very nice to see you and catch up with you... cannot wait to attend ur grandeur wedding Zanna!... hhehehehe... eh!.. but before u have that grand wedding, need to do allt he prep work NOW leh!... hehehehe... :p
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