The dreaded day had come... we really didn't want our lil' Eshan to use it... but after numerous advice from sooooo many ppl, we gave in and gave it to him.. wat is it??.... the PUTING or aka the PACIFIER!.... :(
We started giving it to him on Saturday... he was asking for too much milk!.... seriously!... one bottle after another... crazy isn't it?!... and when we didn't give him, he cry!... grrrrr..... so, tat nite, we went home with a heavy heart, knowing tat we'd have to stick it in him!... and haaaizzz... it worked!... he kept quiet and he slept rite thru the nite waking up 4hrs later for his feed!... (double the time he normally take, mind u!)...
sungguh dah tak handsome with that thing on him!... and it actually left marks on his chubby cheeks!!.... haaaiizzz...... the one gd thing that came out of this puting experience, i get to sleep 4-5hrs straight at nite instead of the usual every 2-3hrs. :)
Over the weekend, we aspiring make-up artists had a make-up assignment thanks to Ira.. and boy! was our table a mess!!... hahahhaa.... it was really an experience.. we had to do 2-3 "models" - make-up and hair - within 2 hrs? i sure hope my FDW dun turn into one of them one day!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang.. a bit scary lah..
oh!.. another newsflash!!.... i've mustered up enough courage yesterday to do my hair... think oprah or jordin.. ;) i can't stand my hair oredi lah... and i didn't want to rebond it coz 3mths down the road, it's back to square one... gaaaah!! initially, i do love it coz it's messy as hell!... and it sure has the same curls as my original hair.. ahhahaha.. but now, i'm not too sure... ur honest opinions plssssss....
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