One of my colleague juz saw me today and he said "Wah!.. u lose a lot of weight oredi hor? U also dun seem to be like the old Emilia." When i asked him wat he meant by the "old Emilia".. he said i really look like a mum now... first reaction - offended!.. like "Halo! i look like aunty meh??"... but luckily he said it's got something to do with my aura - seems like i've matured.. no more siow2 or cutesy..
hmmm..... have i??.... must be lah coz a number of ppl have said i've got that "mother" look... howell!.... hopefully, this is for the better.. my bosses always tot that i giggled too much for my own good!... so with this new-found "maturity", i won't giggle as much.. kwang.. kwang..kwang..
I juz found out that we have been "sleeping with an enemy" all these while... 2 frenz shared with me their experiences with this friend of ours.. i've had my reservations abt her before but i kept it to myself coz i dun see why i should share it with others since we all juz got to know each other and it's juz not rite to be passing my judgement to the rest at that time..
well anyways, to this friend of ours..
is it a nice feeling to spread stories abt someone who has been nothing but a good friend to you?
are u that insecure abt ur own sense of belonging that u juz have to be more superior than the others?
why is our relationship with our husbands a concern to you when i think u should be more concern with ur own relationship with him?
Lesson learnt - never ever disclose your personal problems to someone new. A pretty, friendly face may actually be hiding an ugly, bitchy person inside.. luckily, i'm not one to share my personal problem with someone i juz met... unluckily for my gf though, she made that mistake and trust someone whom she knows for barely 2mths!...
Dearest told me the other day that he's worried tat Eshan will be too close to the maid.. i had tat worry juz before i get back to work but i didn't wanna tell him... and yest, we shared our feelings abt the maid which got
not that she's up to no good or anything like that lah.. but there's some things tat we're pretty uncomfortable with... maybe we're paranoid first-time parents but i think better be paranoid now than regret later!...

Dearest have also taught him to "carry weights"... ;) hmmm... teaching him to be juz like the father at such a young age!....hehehhee.... but he was sooooo cute seeing him play with the noisy dumbbell!....
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