i'm sooooooo freakin irritated!.. i should've followed my gut instinct and not gone ahead with it... with wat u might ask?.... get this - perming my eyelashes!!!... urrgghh!!!.....
they're now sooooo short!!!..... i freakin hate it!!!...... sooo difficult to put on the mascara!... :( when i showed Dearest, he tot i had cut it!.. duuuh!!!..... i want my normal eyelashes back!!!...
in case u guys are wondering.. i didn't do it at a salon for $50... i did it in class for a mere $4.. so, i shouldn't complain lah hor??.... baaaaah!!!...... for those of u who intend to do it, my opinion - it only suits ppl with really short eyelashes.. long ones dun qualify... or then again, maybe, the technique done at salons are really much more advanced than what we did in class.... hmmmm.... whoever's done it, can give me your take on it! ;)
for now, i shall juz lament on my short eyelashes for the next 2mths!!.. hopefully, it'll be back to normal in half that time!!....
btw, another boy wonder is joining the clan!.... congrats Ani!..... i still cannot believe it's a boy!... but still excited nonetheless!!... yeay!!... yeay!!.... Eshan's got a buddy!... a very interesting observation - my whole SP gang conceives a boy for their first-born... having a boy equates to having less romps... hmmmm.... are we, girls???.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang....
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
i'm having difficulty keeping my eyes wide open!... it's screaming "Shut me! Shut me!" i'm seriously in need of sleep, sleep and more sleep!!!... :( i cannot concentrate on doing my minutes writing... been writing minutes after minutes and it's no joke k! - writing minutes is a BORE!!....
anyways, i think i need to eat chicken essence or that yomeishu thingie... whichever.. juz to give me the extra energy boost that i badly need... been feeling sooooo lethargic the past few days.. i do wonder if it's coz of me fasting??.. but niways, does it work??... and is it nice???.....
oh!... the picture of those portuguese tarts on my blog is also making me droooollll big time!... if anyone knows of any halal portuguese tart that i can find easily, let me know, k?... so tat i dun have to wait for a weekend to do it!....
aaaarrggh!!.. it's only 3pm!... 2.5hrs to go...... ;(
i'm having difficulty keeping my eyes wide open!... it's screaming "Shut me! Shut me!" i'm seriously in need of sleep, sleep and more sleep!!!... :( i cannot concentrate on doing my minutes writing... been writing minutes after minutes and it's no joke k! - writing minutes is a BORE!!....
anyways, i think i need to eat chicken essence or that yomeishu thingie... whichever.. juz to give me the extra energy boost that i badly need... been feeling sooooo lethargic the past few days.. i do wonder if it's coz of me fasting??.. but niways, does it work??... and is it nice???.....
oh!... the picture of those portuguese tarts on my blog is also making me droooollll big time!... if anyone knows of any halal portuguese tart that i can find easily, let me know, k?... so tat i dun have to wait for a weekend to do it!....
aaaarrggh!!.. it's only 3pm!... 2.5hrs to go...... ;(
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
it was a failure the first time round.. and then, i mustered up the courage to do it again last Friday and it was such a huge success tat by the time i came round to taking a picture of these, there were only 6 left and my parents haven't even tasted them yet!.....
and now, i AM craving for these badly!!... my mouth is itching to bake and eat them all to myself!!... tamak-on!... isssh!... cannot wait for this weekend!... i think i better get more of those ready-made pastry puffs so tat i can do more!!!.... hehehhee...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I received a msg from a dear fren yest morning informing me of the departure of her mother.. i was at a total loss of words.. coz i couldn't believe it at all.. i knew the mother as a sweet, cheerful, bubbly character.. and not tat i know she's suffering from any disease..
anyways, i was in a whole day freakin mtg and got a bit stunned at the news... but it only finally sank in a good 10mins after receiving it... it suddenly dawned on me tat my mummy can also go anytime too.. i think i'm still too young to lose my mummy!!!.... still need to learn somethings from her and i still need to do somethings for her as well....
i juz cannot imagine if she were to die suddenly without "advance notice"..
to tat dear fren, be strong girl.. i can only imagine how distraught and sorrowful u must be feeling now.. but rest assured, your mom is in a better place with Him.. you're carrying your no. 2 so plssss take care of yourself, k?... i'm sure she only want your prayers and not see your tears... and being sad will only affect the baby.. so cheer up, chin up yah.... our prayers are for her tonite...
I received a msg from a dear fren yest morning informing me of the departure of her mother.. i was at a total loss of words.. coz i couldn't believe it at all.. i knew the mother as a sweet, cheerful, bubbly character.. and not tat i know she's suffering from any disease..
anyways, i was in a whole day freakin mtg and got a bit stunned at the news... but it only finally sank in a good 10mins after receiving it... it suddenly dawned on me tat my mummy can also go anytime too.. i think i'm still too young to lose my mummy!!!.... still need to learn somethings from her and i still need to do somethings for her as well....
i juz cannot imagine if she were to die suddenly without "advance notice"..
to tat dear fren, be strong girl.. i can only imagine how distraught and sorrowful u must be feeling now.. but rest assured, your mom is in a better place with Him.. you're carrying your no. 2 so plssss take care of yourself, k?... i'm sure she only want your prayers and not see your tears... and being sad will only affect the baby.. so cheer up, chin up yah.... our prayers are for her tonite...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
they've done it again!... selling recycled disposable bamboo chopsticks without disinfecting it!... eeuuwwww!!..... how do i use those disposable bamboo chopsticks without a nagging voice at the back of my head asking me if this is one of those damn undisinfected chopsticks!... gaaaahh!!
fyi, if u hadn't already known - toys were found containing high amounts of lead. blankets and pyjamas were found containing high contents of something tat can cause fire easily and now, this!?! Food for dog were contaminated coz the dogs were violently ill after consuming them.. sheesh!....
now, i must make a habit to check out the Made in ??? esp stuffs for my boy.. but i think it's gonna be a bit difficult to be choosy coz a lot of the stuff are Made from there!.... gaaaah!!... how eh??....
btw, we went to Amirah's Grill last nite and the food is absolutely delicious lah dey!... yummy! yummy! yum! yum! i ate till i'm freakin full.. i intend to fast today but i couldn't wake up for sahur.. but i'm still feeling full so, let's see if i can fast the whole day today!... hehehee.... ;)
they've done it again!... selling recycled disposable bamboo chopsticks without disinfecting it!... eeuuwwww!!..... how do i use those disposable bamboo chopsticks without a nagging voice at the back of my head asking me if this is one of those damn undisinfected chopsticks!... gaaaahh!!
fyi, if u hadn't already known - toys were found containing high amounts of lead. blankets and pyjamas were found containing high contents of something tat can cause fire easily and now, this!?! Food for dog were contaminated coz the dogs were violently ill after consuming them.. sheesh!....
now, i must make a habit to check out the Made in ??? esp stuffs for my boy.. but i think it's gonna be a bit difficult to be choosy coz a lot of the stuff are Made from there!.... gaaaah!!... how eh??....
btw, we went to Amirah's Grill last nite and the food is absolutely delicious lah dey!... yummy! yummy! yum! yum! i ate till i'm freakin full.. i intend to fast today but i couldn't wake up for sahur.. but i'm still feeling full so, let's see if i can fast the whole day today!... hehehee.... ;)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
i've been feeling soooo sleepy the past 2 days!... :( Eshan's been waking up in the middle of the nite and only got back to sleep an hour later!.... yesterday lagi best!... he woke up for his feed.. but he only took in half of his milk and then started playing around with the bottle...
so, as a practice, i'd normally change his diapers coz his lousy P/U/R/E/E/N pampers cannot take the weight till morning!... i was cleaning him up and juz when i wanted to take the pampers off his butt, he pooed!.... i tot!.. wah!.. luckily not new pampers... but bcoz he was pooing in the open, his legs fell off my grasp and hit his poo and he kick me in the legs with that gooey poo!... grrrr....
and when i tot it was all over, i took away his gooey, smelly pampers off him and out came another load of stinky, watery poo!... aaaaahh!!.... luckily, he was on the rubber mat!!.... haizzzz... dah lagi satu kerja!... the things mothers do for their kids... not that i'm complaining, hor! (in case my msg gets misinterpreted again!)
we visited a colleague whose wife juz delivered.. and seein the new-born brought back memories of my lil' Eshan when he first came into this world.. the joy he brought to our lives beats everything else and seeing him smile makes my day!... mama love you, baby!!!..... *muacksss!!!* and this mama is missing his other baby!!!..... papa, i misss U!!!!!....... i'm sure baby Eshan misses you too!!!.... *muaccckssss!!*... cepat2 balik eh....
i've been feeling soooo sleepy the past 2 days!... :( Eshan's been waking up in the middle of the nite and only got back to sleep an hour later!.... yesterday lagi best!... he woke up for his feed.. but he only took in half of his milk and then started playing around with the bottle...
so, as a practice, i'd normally change his diapers coz his lousy P/U/R/E/E/N pampers cannot take the weight till morning!... i was cleaning him up and juz when i wanted to take the pampers off his butt, he pooed!.... i tot!.. wah!.. luckily not new pampers... but bcoz he was pooing in the open, his legs fell off my grasp and hit his poo and he kick me in the legs with that gooey poo!... grrrr....
and when i tot it was all over, i took away his gooey, smelly pampers off him and out came another load of stinky, watery poo!... aaaaahh!!.... luckily, he was on the rubber mat!!.... haizzzz... dah lagi satu kerja!... the things mothers do for their kids... not that i'm complaining, hor! (in case my msg gets misinterpreted again!)
we visited a colleague whose wife juz delivered.. and seein the new-born brought back memories of my lil' Eshan when he first came into this world.. the joy he brought to our lives beats everything else and seeing him smile makes my day!... mama love you, baby!!!..... *muacksss!!!* and this mama is missing his other baby!!!..... papa, i misss U!!!!!....... i'm sure baby Eshan misses you too!!!.... *muaccckssss!!*... cepat2 balik eh....
Monday, August 20, 2007
Before i begin, i thank all who's given me their 2cents worth and a very insightful knowledge of donning the tudung and the hukum2 of this and that... btw, i do know my hukum2 (thank you very much!) but it all boils down to nawaitu... (again, this is my opinion).. i seriously dun see how you can don the tudung, and still do this and that (tat is against our religion's teaching)..
Once you don the tudung, there's no 2 ways abt it... i know this can go on forever... but wateva it is, you have your views (and i respect that) and i have mine.. i'll answer to Him myself when the time comes..
so anyways, on Friday, i had 2hrs to kill before i can move the car!... so, i made up my mind to que for those damn donuts that i heard so much before!... and que i did!.... a whole hour before i get to those damn, nice donuts!!..... every single piece of donut (all 24 of them) were worth queing up for!.. ahhahahhaa..... thank god!!!
and because Dearest was away, i finally took out the Tigger that we bought for Eshan like eons ago!... hahahhaa.... it's his new best fren now... he's made it his new companion for sleep... :)

he was also mostly on his belly over the weekend.. my boy is stronger now and when he's tired, he'll give me a very cute face before he gets exasperated coz he can't turn himself over... hahahhaa...

Before i begin, i thank all who's given me their 2cents worth and a very insightful knowledge of donning the tudung and the hukum2 of this and that... btw, i do know my hukum2 (thank you very much!) but it all boils down to nawaitu... (again, this is my opinion).. i seriously dun see how you can don the tudung, and still do this and that (tat is against our religion's teaching)..
Once you don the tudung, there's no 2 ways abt it... i know this can go on forever... but wateva it is, you have your views (and i respect that) and i have mine.. i'll answer to Him myself when the time comes..
so anyways, on Friday, i had 2hrs to kill before i can move the car!... so, i made up my mind to que for those damn donuts that i heard so much before!... and que i did!.... a whole hour before i get to those damn, nice donuts!!..... every single piece of donut (all 24 of them) were worth queing up for!.. ahhahahhaa..... thank god!!!
and because Dearest was away, i finally took out the Tigger that we bought for Eshan like eons ago!... hahahhaa.... it's his new best fren now... he's made it his new companion for sleep... :)
he was also mostly on his belly over the weekend.. my boy is stronger now and when he's tired, he'll give me a very cute face before he gets exasperated coz he can't turn himself over... hahahhaa...
I'm tired lah, mama..
Friday, August 17, 2007
We were talking cock after class yesterday and a fren said everytime she told her husband that she wants to curl her hair or colour it or wat nots, her husband's reply is always the same "haiz.. ingatkan u nak cakap u nak pakai tudung ke, nak cover up ke.."
isn't tat every Muslim husband's dream?
i know for sure my husband would be one happy man if i decide to don the tudung one day... but dearest, i'm sorry to burst ur bubble!... i don't think i'll be in one anytime soon hor...
the day i don the tudung,
i will no longer be swearing and using vulgarities at all
i will not miss one prayer in a day
i will not be visiting any non-halal certified eateries
i have to overhaul my wardrobe
i will be more demure and very sopan-santun
i promise to wear it forever and be a proper Muslimah that my husband and children can be proud of..
i see too many kids nowadays don the tudung but behaving intimately with their boyfriends or acting pretty crudely in public.. seriously, i do wonder if they're wearing it out of their own free will or their parents force it upon them to wear it??.. i've also seen others who use it as and when they like it as if the tudung is a piece of hair accessory to hide a bad hair day... and then there are others who wear it and for some reason, no longer want to wear it..
now, these are really the black sheeps of the society.. i have non-Muslim friends who, upon encountering any of the scenarios above, asked me the "Y?" questions and the "can meh?" questions.. how to answer to that??....
i know i'm in no position to do any lecturing on this topic here but juz a pce of advise - before deciding on whether u should wear it or not, think over it carefully coz there's no turning back once you've decided on wearing it.. there's no excuse not to wear it and the only place where u don't wear it is at home in the presence of your family. And donning the tudung is an identity associated with being a Muslim. So, wear it with pride and behave like how a true Muslimah should behave. And the parents shouldn't force it on the children either coz i believe, the more you force, the more they will rebel. they may leave the house wearing it but take it out once they're out of sight!...
We were talking cock after class yesterday and a fren said everytime she told her husband that she wants to curl her hair or colour it or wat nots, her husband's reply is always the same "haiz.. ingatkan u nak cakap u nak pakai tudung ke, nak cover up ke.."
isn't tat every Muslim husband's dream?
i know for sure my husband would be one happy man if i decide to don the tudung one day... but dearest, i'm sorry to burst ur bubble!... i don't think i'll be in one anytime soon hor...
the day i don the tudung,
i will no longer be swearing and using vulgarities at all
i will not miss one prayer in a day
i will not be visiting any non-halal certified eateries
i have to overhaul my wardrobe
i will be more demure and very sopan-santun
i promise to wear it forever and be a proper Muslimah that my husband and children can be proud of..
i see too many kids nowadays don the tudung but behaving intimately with their boyfriends or acting pretty crudely in public.. seriously, i do wonder if they're wearing it out of their own free will or their parents force it upon them to wear it??.. i've also seen others who use it as and when they like it as if the tudung is a piece of hair accessory to hide a bad hair day... and then there are others who wear it and for some reason, no longer want to wear it..
now, these are really the black sheeps of the society.. i have non-Muslim friends who, upon encountering any of the scenarios above, asked me the "Y?" questions and the "can meh?" questions.. how to answer to that??....
i know i'm in no position to do any lecturing on this topic here but juz a pce of advise - before deciding on whether u should wear it or not, think over it carefully coz there's no turning back once you've decided on wearing it.. there's no excuse not to wear it and the only place where u don't wear it is at home in the presence of your family. And donning the tudung is an identity associated with being a Muslim. So, wear it with pride and behave like how a true Muslimah should behave. And the parents shouldn't force it on the children either coz i believe, the more you force, the more they will rebel. they may leave the house wearing it but take it out once they're out of sight!...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I rushed home half day after the maid told me that he had been crying and didn't wanna be left alone! i was worried more at the tot of the maid carrying my son the whole day than the actual sick baby!.. hahahhaa.... but yeah!.... when i was telling Ms ADT abt him, i actually cried!... gosh!.. soooo emabarrasing!...
when his temp finally settled down at a good temp of 36.4deg, he slept but he ngigau (nitemare) and was whimpering in his sleep. I woke him up to jolt him from his nitemare and got myself a fright when he suddenly wailed out loud upon waking up!... apparently, this continued in the evening as well while i was out to class...
but at nite, it's not the asking-for-milk-wail.. it was a sad, sad cry.... tersedu sedan budak tu... very heart-wrenching siah.... i think he was too tired that he only woke up at 5am for his feed!... and when i brought him down in the morning, he didn't even stir in his sleep!!... kecian anak mama....

all this drama coz of his 4th mth jab!... didn't think that it would affect him this much..coz he was alrite when he went for his 3rd mth jab!.... baaaagh!!.... anyways, he's also probably missing his papa very much!... while i was busy caring for our son, he was also busy caring for the country!... :( he'll be back today till tml and then off again on Fri!... *wail out loud* i hate it when he's gone!!!.... been too dependent on him doing this and that around the house!... i wouldn't mind it if i dun need to climb up and down the stairs. really!...
anyways, after the jab, me and the babe went out with Mama Rosma and Ms Gems!... i left the babe with them while i enjoy my mani-pedi session!.. thanks girls!!!... u're the BEST!... ;) muaccckss!!!!
I rushed home half day after the maid told me that he had been crying and didn't wanna be left alone! i was worried more at the tot of the maid carrying my son the whole day than the actual sick baby!.. hahahhaa.... but yeah!.... when i was telling Ms ADT abt him, i actually cried!... gosh!.. soooo emabarrasing!...
when his temp finally settled down at a good temp of 36.4deg, he slept but he ngigau (nitemare) and was whimpering in his sleep. I woke him up to jolt him from his nitemare and got myself a fright when he suddenly wailed out loud upon waking up!... apparently, this continued in the evening as well while i was out to class...
but at nite, it's not the asking-for-milk-wail.. it was a sad, sad cry.... tersedu sedan budak tu... very heart-wrenching siah.... i think he was too tired that he only woke up at 5am for his feed!... and when i brought him down in the morning, he didn't even stir in his sleep!!... kecian anak mama....
all this drama coz of his 4th mth jab!... didn't think that it would affect him this much..coz he was alrite when he went for his 3rd mth jab!.... baaaagh!!.... anyways, he's also probably missing his papa very much!... while i was busy caring for our son, he was also busy caring for the country!... :( he'll be back today till tml and then off again on Fri!... *wail out loud* i hate it when he's gone!!!.... been too dependent on him doing this and that around the house!... i wouldn't mind it if i dun need to climb up and down the stairs. really!...
anyways, after the jab, me and the babe went out with Mama Rosma and Ms Gems!... i left the babe with them while i enjoy my mani-pedi session!.. thanks girls!!!... u're the BEST!... ;) muaccckss!!!!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
My Aunty is official here!!.... and of ALL days to visit, it visited today!!.... when i'm not really wearing anything quite appropriate for the occassion!... grrrrr!!!..... i've to remember to walk with my legs "tucked in"... hmmm... luckily she visited half an hour before knocking off!
BUUTTT!!..... one thing's for sure... child birth is amazing!!!..... no signs, no cramps... yaaahoooo!!!... i hope every mth visits will be like this!!!.... :)
sooooo to all u ladies out there... produce. produce. produce!... ;)
have a nice holiday u peeps!!.... will be back on Tues! woooohoooo!!!.......
My Aunty is official here!!.... and of ALL days to visit, it visited today!!.... when i'm not really wearing anything quite appropriate for the occassion!... grrrrr!!!..... i've to remember to walk with my legs "tucked in"... hmmm... luckily she visited half an hour before knocking off!
BUUTTT!!..... one thing's for sure... child birth is amazing!!!..... no signs, no cramps... yaaahoooo!!!... i hope every mth visits will be like this!!!.... :)
sooooo to all u ladies out there... produce. produce. produce!... ;)
have a nice holiday u peeps!!.... will be back on Tues! woooohoooo!!!.......
i actually wanna air my grievances abt a certain something. someone. buutttttt after a good whole nite of bitching and blasphemous complain session with some frenz and later, Dearest, i felt better and i dun think i need to air it on my blog... let it be a thing of the past.. i'll juz blame it on hormonal changes!... :p
there was a power trip and the men in the house couldn't figure out where the problem was!... but it's definitely from some power points in the hse!!... luckily, the water in the thermos is still hot so Eshan can still get his hot milk.. buutttt, we were all slightly roasted with no air-con to cool down the temp!... :( i hope our handyman comes in early in the morning. i cannot stand the tot of the bottles not being sterilised!!....
i had a weird dream last nite.. i dreamt that one of my cuzzins is going to get a divorce.. y eh?.. hahahaa... i dun think they're gg thru a rough patch... i guess it's juz one of those weird dreams u get!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang...
Dearest pissed me off early in the morning... the baby woke up at 5am. i was too sleepy to feed him.. so i woke Dearest up.. oredi, it took him a while to realise that i woke him up to feed the babe... then, he took the used bottle and nearly use it to feed the baby (he only realise it when i told him that it's oredi used!)... then, after feeding, he woke me up to burp the baby!... alamak!!!..... like tat, might as well i feed him rite?!!!.... grrrrrr....... when we were getting ready for work, i asked him y he woke me up to burp Eshan. And he said, "I did??" and laffed!.... double grrrrr...... he dunno y he did tat!!!.....
i actually wanna air my grievances abt a certain something. someone. buutttttt after a good whole nite of bitching and blasphemous complain session with some frenz and later, Dearest, i felt better and i dun think i need to air it on my blog... let it be a thing of the past.. i'll juz blame it on hormonal changes!... :p
there was a power trip and the men in the house couldn't figure out where the problem was!... but it's definitely from some power points in the hse!!... luckily, the water in the thermos is still hot so Eshan can still get his hot milk.. buutttt, we were all slightly roasted with no air-con to cool down the temp!... :( i hope our handyman comes in early in the morning. i cannot stand the tot of the bottles not being sterilised!!....
i had a weird dream last nite.. i dreamt that one of my cuzzins is going to get a divorce.. y eh?.. hahahaa... i dun think they're gg thru a rough patch... i guess it's juz one of those weird dreams u get!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang...
Dearest pissed me off early in the morning... the baby woke up at 5am. i was too sleepy to feed him.. so i woke Dearest up.. oredi, it took him a while to realise that i woke him up to feed the babe... then, he took the used bottle and nearly use it to feed the baby (he only realise it when i told him that it's oredi used!)... then, after feeding, he woke me up to burp the baby!... alamak!!!..... like tat, might as well i feed him rite?!!!.... grrrrrr....... when we were getting ready for work, i asked him y he woke me up to burp Eshan. And he said, "I did??" and laffed!.... double grrrrr...... he dunno y he did tat!!!.....
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
i'm irritated with a certain someone!!!...urrrrgghh!!!..... though i know this someone's like that, and that i can get along extremely well with this someone but that doesn't mean that this someone can't irritate the hell out of me!... when this someone start to be irritating, it really pisses me off!!!..... grrrrrrr.....
anyways.. on to more happy thoughts.. my dearest, dearest babe was chuckling while his Papa played with "Baaah" with him last nite... it was really a loud chuckle he lets out... soooooo blardy cute!... but of coz, my cam was too far away from me... and i had to make do with my N73... buuuttttt my N73 as usual was a tad slow to start up... so, wat u see is a non-rotatable video and a tad less enthusiastic Eshan.. (click on the pic on the left to view the video.)
and then this morning, when Dearest brought him down in the morning to lay him on his cot downstairs, he cried... prolly coz he needed his feed... so, while the maid prepared his feed, i carried him out to appease him and also got him to meet his neighbour friend who's 2wks younger than him!... the friend was friendly.. smiling and all at us while our Eshan was yawning away!... sheeesh!....
i'm irritated with a certain someone!!!...urrrrgghh!!!..... though i know this someone's like that, and that i can get along extremely well with this someone but that doesn't mean that this someone can't irritate the hell out of me!... when this someone start to be irritating, it really pisses me off!!!..... grrrrrrr.....

and then this morning, when Dearest brought him down in the morning to lay him on his cot downstairs, he cried... prolly coz he needed his feed... so, while the maid prepared his feed, i carried him out to appease him and also got him to meet his neighbour friend who's 2wks younger than him!... the friend was friendly.. smiling and all at us while our Eshan was yawning away!... sheeesh!....
but that's not the story.. after the few minutes outside, i brought him in to give to the maid for his feed... when the maid wanted to carry him, he actually turned away and hung on to me!.... waaaaah!!... i was definitely secretly pleased but at the same time i hear alarm bells ringing off on top of my head!.... juz worried that when he's grown up and learnt to understand that his parents are off to work, he may juz cry and cry for dear life!.... oh dear!!.... i dun think i need to be alarmed juz yet.. coz this may juz be a one-off incident... hmmmm....
Monday, August 06, 2007
Before i knew it, my boy is already 4mths old!... my god!!... really. good times roll by without u realising it!... and come 4mths, my baby reached yet another milestone!...
we left him to sleep on his own while we had our lunch... when we finished, this was his position..

we got such a shock!!... this was the first time he manage to fully lie flat on his stomach without crying for help!... ahahahhaa.... Mak said that it's too fast!... is it??.... i tot it's time oredi??... hmmmm... he's also drooling buckets!!!.... we put on his bib the whole day juz so his clothes won't get wet!... i tell u.. if we perah the bib, i'm sure, we can collect a full tea cup (for children)!..
niways, we met up with the girls over the weekend.. and my gosh!!.... how rayyan have grown!... didn't manage to snap pic coz (dumb me!) i left my cam in the car!... grrrr.... and he's such a quiet, lil one!!!.... my lil one was a bit cranky that day... but once carried around, he's ok... but when we try to meet the 2, my boy kept looking at the girls instead of his bigger buddy!.. mentel betul anak aku nie!...
and at the end of the day, we're left guessing what rosma's baby's gender is... i say it's another girl!... noorlin say it's a boy juz to "sedapkan hati dia"... and rosma herself said that it's a boy.. ahhahaha... howell... we'll find out soon enuff!.... ;)
Before i knew it, my boy is already 4mths old!... my god!!... really. good times roll by without u realising it!... and come 4mths, my baby reached yet another milestone!...
we left him to sleep on his own while we had our lunch... when we finished, this was his position..
we got such a shock!!... this was the first time he manage to fully lie flat on his stomach without crying for help!... ahahahhaa.... Mak said that it's too fast!... is it??.... i tot it's time oredi??... hmmmm... he's also drooling buckets!!!.... we put on his bib the whole day juz so his clothes won't get wet!... i tell u.. if we perah the bib, i'm sure, we can collect a full tea cup (for children)!..
niways, we met up with the girls over the weekend.. and my gosh!!.... how rayyan have grown!... didn't manage to snap pic coz (dumb me!) i left my cam in the car!... grrrr.... and he's such a quiet, lil one!!!.... my lil one was a bit cranky that day... but once carried around, he's ok... but when we try to meet the 2, my boy kept looking at the girls instead of his bigger buddy!.. mentel betul anak aku nie!...
and at the end of the day, we're left guessing what rosma's baby's gender is... i say it's another girl!... noorlin say it's a boy juz to "sedapkan hati dia"... and rosma herself said that it's a boy.. ahhahaha... howell... we'll find out soon enuff!.... ;)
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