We were talking cock after class yesterday and a fren said everytime she told her husband that she wants to curl her hair or colour it or wat nots, her husband's reply is always the same "haiz.. ingatkan u nak cakap u nak pakai tudung ke, nak cover up ke.."
isn't tat every Muslim husband's dream?
i know for sure my husband would be one happy man if i decide to don the tudung one day... but dearest, i'm sorry to burst ur bubble!... i don't think i'll be in one anytime soon hor...
the day i don the tudung,
i will no longer be swearing and using vulgarities at all
i will not miss one prayer in a day
i will not be visiting any non-halal certified eateries
i have to overhaul my wardrobe
i will be more demure and very sopan-santun
i promise to wear it forever and be a proper Muslimah that my husband and children can be proud of..
i see too many kids nowadays don the tudung but behaving intimately with their boyfriends or acting pretty crudely in public.. seriously, i do wonder if they're wearing it out of their own free will or their parents force it upon them to wear it??.. i've also seen others who use it as and when they like it as if the tudung is a piece of hair accessory to hide a bad hair day... and then there are others who wear it and for some reason, no longer want to wear it..
now, these are really the black sheeps of the society.. i have non-Muslim friends who, upon encountering any of the scenarios above, asked me the "Y?" questions and the "can meh?" questions.. how to answer to that??....
i know i'm in no position to do any lecturing on this topic here but juz a pce of advise - before deciding on whether u should wear it or not, think over it carefully coz there's no turning back once you've decided on wearing it.. there's no excuse not to wear it and the only place where u don't wear it is at home in the presence of your family. And donning the tudung is an identity associated with being a Muslim. So, wear it with pride and behave like how a true Muslimah should behave. And the parents shouldn't force it on the children either coz i believe, the more you force, the more they will rebel. they may leave the house wearing it but take it out once they're out of sight!...
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