I still have not gotten my baju for raya yet.. have to call the lady up.. hopefully, it's ready or at least would be ready to be collected on Wednesday!... sheesh!.... the intent to search for another baju is put on hold after MIL told us abt her episode with a pick-pocket while she was at First Lady..
not that she caught the guy doing it but she was a victim in this episode. they (the pick-pockets) are a skillful bunch aren't they?... i wonder how long they take to master the "art" of pick-pocketing?... the amazing thing is, the guy manage to open my MIL's bag and take out juz the wallet and zip it back up without her realising it!
tat's y, i never carry a lot of cash with me... i think at most, i have only $20 in my wallet... coz NETS is avail everywhere that it's soooo much more convenient than carrying loads of cash around!.. so to all ladies and gents out there, pls be careful this festive season. Esp the ladies - if it's not necessary to carry a handbag, don't!...or practice "separating" ur money.. don't put all ur cash in the wallet. scatter it around in all ur available pockets..
okies.. more on Hari Raya... in juz one sunday, my house have turned into a mini cookies-for-sale-warehouse!... my gosh!.. the amt of cookies, tarts, biscuits, makmur, we did this year!... amazing!.... well, this yr got nyai in the house.. so can expect more peeps to come!... it's been a while since we actually have truck-loads of ppl coming to the hse...
since we were all in a baking mood and there were more ppl in the hse, urs truly whipped up egg tarts for the family. this time, with the combination of my 2 favourite recipes... it was a hit!.. and i juz can't stop taking in more!!... gosh!....
anyways, we have started giving Eshan rice cereals since he turned 6mths last week!... and al-hamdulillah, he's taking it quite well... he wants more and more which is good.. :) we have also been giving him plain water in a spoon. tat's the only way for him to drink plain water!... he perspires buckets whenever it gets too hot. and he cannot sleep without the air-conditioning!... aiyoh!.... soooo worried he'll get dehydrated one fine day if he doesn't get enough water per day!... but now, the only thing left to train him is to sit in that walker or bumboo chair of his!... he simply refused to sit for more than 5mins!... and when he do, he'll give me this kesian face...
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