out of sheer coincidence and for the first time in our entire 9yrs of friendship, we don our baju kurung in shades of pink!...
it was freakily hilarious when we all gathered at Bai's house and found that all of us decided to be pinkies this raya!... so off we went zipping around the island - literally from one end to the other - like one big happy family!.. hahahhaa.... the first and probably not the last coz Naz was like sooooo enthu abt doing this again next raya... errrrrrr........
we visited Umi Ayu and the new-born babe... the babe is sooooo cute and small... it feels like yest i carried my 2.75kg Eshan!... now that he's almost or already 8kg, 3kg Siti Nur Alawiyah felt so fragile and light as a feather!...
ayu warned not to put Eshan and lil Fauzi together for fear lil Fauzi may hit him... but in the end, my Eshan hit him instead... *sorry ye abg Fauzi!*
my raya is almost complete... a few more houses to go and i'm done!... YEAY!....
on to non raya updates, i pass my make-up exam!.. yeay!!..... i got a B.. one would think a B is very good oredi lor.. but their B is only an average mark!.. pantat!!..... so, it's not that good afterall... bleagh!... the girl told us only 1 got Distinction.. and the teacher told us majority get Bs coz they won't give away As easily!.. chet!!...
Eshan can now "walk" albeit backwards in his walker!.. yeay!!... so, he won't be as bored as before in that walker of his!... he is also able to sit more steadily now though not for too long... and on Sat, he had his first fall!... my god!... my heart was at my throat when i saw him on the floor wailing!.... he fell off our bed!... but thank god, he fell not coz he was rolling rolling round the bed... he was gostan-ing and somehow landed a soft fall... i didn't hear a thud or anything like that so i'm presuming he fell that way.. i felt soooo guilty falling back to sleep!!....
checked his whole head to find a bruise or wateva - nothing!... he also cried a bit only... after i carried him around, he stopped crying... my boy's a strong boy.. thank god!!... hehehee... mama's boy is a big boy oredi!... ;)
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