my god!.. i've been on hiatus for far too long!.... been terribly bz like a buzzing bee!.... oh gosh... i hope this week will pass in a flash!...
so wat's been up?... Eshan's trying to crawl... YEAY!.. the moment we've been waiting for.. yah.. as parents, we cannot wait for him to start crawling.. dun care how many people have told us that we dun want that to happen yet.. but noooo.... being the stubborn and excited parents we are, we juz want him to quickly crawl and quickly walk.. hehehhee... ;)
i also saw a hint of whitish line on his lower gums last fri... no wonder he's been suckling and pouting his mouth like a fish the past few weeks!... itchy lah... :D
other than that, i received orders for my egg tarts for Sat from Zetajones... al-hamdulillah, everything went well.. except, i couldn't make any extras coz that last batch of tarts fell and shattered!... urrrgghh... The comments from her was that all 100 pcs was swiped up within the day... (good!... coz it will not be nice if u keep it till the next day anyways!...) and that next time she can order from me again... insya-allah.... i'll take.. ;) but boy, was it hard work!....
aaaah!... back to work lah now.... :( something came up.. i hope i won't be asked to do something that i know for sure will be against my integrity... :((
Monday, November 26, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
It's the big move today... abt 80% of the staff has gone to the new building. it's juz us now.. we have the toilet all to ourself.. i can sh!t all i want without fear of anyone coming in smelling my nasty sh!t!... hehehhe...
I'm sure gonna miss the teh-lite.. all thanks to Rosma who introduced this tea to me!... Ah-Eng Cafe closed it's doors yesterday after 32yrs in operation... *bummer*..
It's the big move today... abt 80% of the staff has gone to the new building. it's juz us now.. we have the toilet all to ourself.. i can sh!t all i want without fear of anyone coming in smelling my nasty sh!t!... hehehhe...
I'm sure gonna miss the teh-lite.. all thanks to Rosma who introduced this tea to me!... Ah-Eng Cafe closed it's doors yesterday after 32yrs in operation... *bummer*..
Thursday, November 15, 2007
i have a long overdue post waiting to be published... but i cannot afford to edit those pictures... whilst in the midst of all these madness in preparation for the upcoming "National Service", i managed to do this "Quiz" to test my almost-dying-brain-cells...

now do u think u know the answers??.... ;)
p/s: let me know wat u think the missing 2 phrases are and i'll let u know if it's right or not! I'm DYING to know wat the 2 missing answers are!!!.....
i have a long overdue post waiting to be published... but i cannot afford to edit those pictures... whilst in the midst of all these madness in preparation for the upcoming "National Service", i managed to do this "Quiz" to test my almost-dying-brain-cells...
My Score: 28 out of 30
now do u think u know the answers??.... ;)
p/s: let me know wat u think the missing 2 phrases are and i'll let u know if it's right or not! I'm DYING to know wat the 2 missing answers are!!!.....
Friday, November 09, 2007
I'm back in a still-not-so-fresh-self... still having a running nose though the leak is under control. but my voice has turned coarse though i dun think it sounds like one mak nyah like kak yani.. hehehe... ;)
i can't remember when i had a record high fever of 38.9 deg!... no wonder i was all cold and feverish on tues!.. i shouldn't have come to work.. or at least shld've taken half the day off!.. baaaah!!... very regretted.. but heck!.. cannot afford to lah..
oh!.. in the end i need not go to the mtg!.. baaaah!!... pasal tu mtg, i went to work!... thank god, we escaped from doing that project... though i must say that a part of me do want us to be in it!.. hehehe.. juz for the fun of it all! :D but anyways, good thing also lah.. i dun think the dept needs anymore distractions than it already has!...
last nite at abt 11.30pm, Eshan suddenly woke up and cried as if we've beaten him... my god!.. wat a shock i had!!... everything we did couldn't make him stop crying untill Daddy jampi him, then he quiet down... mummy tot that we must've been to "somewhere" (read: X-files) but in fact, we only went to kaki bukit followed by parkway parade and back home by 9pm!... i think he must've had ngigau (nitemare).. kesian tau!... the whole nite i heard him crying cum whimpering every few hours... but he seemed alrite this morning.. so hopefully, no similar episodes tonite!...
I'm back in a still-not-so-fresh-self... still having a running nose though the leak is under control. but my voice has turned coarse though i dun think it sounds like one mak nyah like kak yani.. hehehe... ;)
i can't remember when i had a record high fever of 38.9 deg!... no wonder i was all cold and feverish on tues!.. i shouldn't have come to work.. or at least shld've taken half the day off!.. baaaah!!... very regretted.. but heck!.. cannot afford to lah..
oh!.. in the end i need not go to the mtg!.. baaaah!!... pasal tu mtg, i went to work!... thank god, we escaped from doing that project... though i must say that a part of me do want us to be in it!.. hehehe.. juz for the fun of it all! :D but anyways, good thing also lah.. i dun think the dept needs anymore distractions than it already has!...
last nite at abt 11.30pm, Eshan suddenly woke up and cried as if we've beaten him... my god!.. wat a shock i had!!... everything we did couldn't make him stop crying untill Daddy jampi him, then he quiet down... mummy tot that we must've been to "somewhere" (read: X-files) but in fact, we only went to kaki bukit followed by parkway parade and back home by 9pm!... i think he must've had ngigau (nitemare).. kesian tau!... the whole nite i heard him crying cum whimpering every few hours... but he seemed alrite this morning.. so hopefully, no similar episodes tonite!...
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
i've suddenly caught a cold.. bleagh... i wanted to take MC today but thinking of that meeting to attend and waiting for my T-shirt to come, i decided to juz come in to work!... :(
on top of this, we were caught in the rain this morning!... we were soooo drenched!!... definitely not a good start to the day... perhaps i should take half day?... hmmm....
anyways, i'm crossing my fingers that my boss will not need to do this major project.. else, i'll be the first target to help in this major project the orgn is undertaking... but i'm still gg for the mtg anyways, juz in case... so from now till 12 later, i'll juz pray that i won't be caught in between... *gulp*.. but i must say, it will be an exciting event... hmmm... we'll see lah... for now, i'm juz not in the mood for any kind of work!
i've suddenly caught a cold.. bleagh... i wanted to take MC today but thinking of that meeting to attend and waiting for my T-shirt to come, i decided to juz come in to work!... :(
on top of this, we were caught in the rain this morning!... we were soooo drenched!!... definitely not a good start to the day... perhaps i should take half day?... hmmm....
anyways, i'm crossing my fingers that my boss will not need to do this major project.. else, i'll be the first target to help in this major project the orgn is undertaking... but i'm still gg for the mtg anyways, juz in case... so from now till 12 later, i'll juz pray that i won't be caught in between... *gulp*.. but i must say, it will be an exciting event... hmmm... we'll see lah... for now, i'm juz not in the mood for any kind of work!
Monday, November 05, 2007

now, now boys and girls.. there's no such things as halal pork hor!... whoever did such a thing has absolutely no respect to the religion and have just landed him/herself in trouble!... bodoh!!...
For all u ignorant ppl out there, we Muslims are not allowed to consume pig-related pdts ie pork, lard, bacon, ham etc.. etc.. the religion find them dirty because of the germ or bacteria that grows within them.. so, plssss dun come and tell me that they're the most cleanest creature on earth... anyways, even if they are, i will still not consume them!..
Based on CNA's report, a police report have been filedso i'm pretty sure the culprit will be caught pretty soon!.. memang padan muka sesiapa yg start benda bodoh nie!..
did any of u catch this show on 5 last nite?.. it was hilariously stupid (read: kelakar bodoh!) hehehhe... it is a light-hearted, semi-sarcastic show touching on real issues.. aptly aired on a Sunday - to mark the end of a hoorah-hoorah weekend..
the casts were amazing with their "tongue" - they can change from having a typical Singaporean slang to a European(?) newscaster slang... they made me laff lah with the switches... hahahaa....
btw, in case some of u may not know it yet, the Amazing Race is back on Wed, 14 Nov at AXN... i saw the trailer once only and i think it's the US one and not Asia... but pls correct me if i'm wrong!... thanks!!... :)
wat is this i hear that Bumbo chair is not safe? was warned by the whole family to not let Eshan sit on it unattended.. like Duuh!!... of course there's always somebody with him whenever he's on the chair lah!.... but of course, there's the maid.. hmmm....
anyways, based on Bumbo's claim, their product is safe but not it's labels. They'll be changing the labels... but parents be warned - not to put child in seat on elevated places, unattended!...
Thursday, November 01, 2007

we had that much anticipated mini gathering with the girl from Luxemborg - Mizzie.. Makcik Zanna was shooting questions at her from life in Europe questions to "Can i be your maid there?"... hahhaha.... Ms Sinus was supposed to be there but both she and Adam were under the weather...both u & Adam got a present each from her!... i'll see how i can arrange to give u the presents.
we had fun catching up.. life overseas is definitely tough with no support system (family to depend on).. we were thinking of how if one day she impregnates and deliver there.. mana nak dapat jamu and tukang urut? but if she were to deliver here, then she would still need to bring back the babe home and i dun think it's tat good to travel so far with a 1mth old babe in hand.. sheesh... very susah lor... kesian Mizzie...

Anyways, the 2 girls were gushing over how cute and hemsem my boy is... *blush!* well, hopefully he'll still have this baby face till he grows up.. ;)
and with this, i leave you with a compilation of his 3-6mths of life..
so Makcik Zanna, when u're impregnated (hopefully by end of next year heheheh..), juz know that i allow u to browse thru his albums so that ur son/daughter can have nice features like him.. hehhehee... bleh gitu?...
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