we had that much anticipated mini gathering with the girl from Luxemborg - Mizzie.. Makcik Zanna was shooting questions at her from life in Europe questions to "Can i be your maid there?"... hahhaha.... Ms Sinus was supposed to be there but both she and Adam were under the weather...both u & Adam got a present each from her!... i'll see how i can arrange to give u the presents.
we had fun catching up.. life overseas is definitely tough with no support system (family to depend on).. we were thinking of how if one day she impregnates and deliver there.. mana nak dapat jamu and tukang urut? but if she were to deliver here, then she would still need to bring back the babe home and i dun think it's tat good to travel so far with a 1mth old babe in hand.. sheesh... very susah lor... kesian Mizzie...

Anyways, the 2 girls were gushing over how cute and hemsem my boy is... *blush!* well, hopefully he'll still have this baby face till he grows up.. ;)
and with this, i leave you with a compilation of his 3-6mths of life..
so Makcik Zanna, when u're impregnated (hopefully by end of next year heheheh..), juz know that i allow u to browse thru his albums so that ur son/daughter can have nice features like him.. hehhehee... bleh gitu?...
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