u see, there's this being in this organisation who thinks too highly of itself. Juz coz it is one of the higher paid with a "higher" post in the organisation, it thinks it is a know-it-all!... bleagh!...
c'mon lah.. u're soooo highly paid for doing N.O.T.H.I.N.G coz all u ever do is delegate, delegate, delegate! it was supposed to be UR job to send out the blardy email but u delegated it to us instead. After sending out the email in reply, no word of thanks! Instead COMPLAINTS, COMPLAINTS and COMPLAINTS!.... gaaaaah!!!...
if u're sooooo damn good, y don't u do it urself, damn it?!.. i've heard stuffs abt u.. i know what u're "capable" of - Z.I.L.C.H!... u can't even do a single job - which is actually ur main blardy job scope - properly!... bodoh!... so y are we paying it sooooo much??!!!.....
i really dunch know!... but for sure it will be here for long and enjoying the "privileges" of being on a pedestal.. i'll be praying for the day tat pedestal breaks so that it will come back down to earth and realise that being humble is not such a bad thing afterall!..
*It is used to conceal the identity/gender of the said person.
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